多謝 @zuc.cch.ero 的邀請, 讓我品嚐了它們自開業以來第5次的私人晚餐🙏
位於 #銅鑼灣 的ZUC.CCH.ERO一直以甜品聞名。 想當年, 此店的淚水形甜品成為了社交平台熱話🔥 較鮮為人知的, 就是它會不定時舉行私人晚宴🤫
不失這店的一貫作風, 專業的廚師創作了6道獨特的菜式。 當中選料配搭奇特: 白松露, 伯爵茶味帶子, 百合栗子清湯... 全用上了非主流的烹調法, 而且極具創意😲
甜品🍨: 碟子上的所有元素都是焦糖爆谷味的!🍿😍 液態氮雪糕也不例外!
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Thank you @zuc.cch.ero for the invite🙏 it was an amazing evening🍴
#CausewayBay ZUC.CCH.ERO is well known for their innovative and eye-catching desserts🍰 The famous Teardrop took social media by storm years ago. But actually, the shop holds private dinners in secret: I was lucky enough to attend the 5th ever private 6-course dinner😎
The dishes were as exotic as their desserts. White truffle, earl grey paired with scallops, lily bulbs in chestnut soup, just to name a few... These were cooked with personality and unorthodox techniques. Wow.
🍨And of course, dessert -Different portrayals of popcorn🍿- All these different textures and elements on the plate are caramel popcorn flavoured. Extraordinary. @ ZUC.CCH.ERO