Take it out on Hong Kong! |Lee Yee
The rash chap was wronged out there, and went home to beat up his wife and son. Ah Q muttered an insult to the fake foreigner, who beat him up with a mourning stick. Ah Q dared not argue, turned around and provoked Whiskers Wang, whom he despises, and the weak and lowly Young D. Except Whiskers Wang and Young D beat Ah Q, what a slap in the face! Therefore he pinched the young nun in the cheeks to vent.
The US has launched a series of blows against China in the ultra-cold war, with the latest development being the announcement that US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar will visit Taiwan. Although there are precedents for the US cabinet members to visit Taiwan, it is now during a pandemic, with the particular highlights of this sensitive period being: that Taiwan has been rejected by the World Health Organization (WHO), that the WHO has joined forces with China, and that the US has withdrawn from the WHO and is preparing to form a new health alliance. In addition, it is rumored that Sun Lijun, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, who was investigated in April this year, was dismissed for leaking information about the Wuhan epidemic from laboratories. The relevant information has fallen into the hands of Australia and the US, which may trigger a global accountability operation.
As the US and Taiwan get closer, they repeated inch towards the bottom line of China’s tolerance. The next step could be the stationing of US troops in Taiwan, which could even lead to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan that might not be that surprising.
On the other hand, the US gave up unilateral diplomacy, and Pompeo called on the free world to unite to resist China, a declaration that was welcomed by many countries thanks to the Hong Kong national security law. Britain proposed to form the D-10, a group that is consisted of the Five Eyes, plus Japan, India, South Korea, France, and Germany, with the possibility of ASEAN countries to follow. The latest development is that in Switzerland, which has always maintained a neutral attitude in international affairs and has never been involved in international wars since 1815, Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis told the media on Aug 2 that Hong Kong’s national security law endangers Hong Kong Swiss enterprises, and if the CCP insists on pursuing it, Western countries will respond more resolutely.
As everyone knows, Swiss banks are famous for their measures against leaking depositors’ information, and therefore money from laundering is often stored in Swiss banks. Last year, Jia Kang, an economist and former director of the Finance Department of the Chinese Ministry of Finance, forwarded the news published by Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) that about 100 Chinese people had deposits of 7.8 trillion yuan, which equals to 1 trillion USD in UBS. The average deposit per person is more than 10 billion USD.
The Swiss Foreign Minister said that Hong Kong’s national security law “endangers Swiss enterprises in Hong Kong”, alluding to the next steps which could well be divestitures. Minus Hong Kong, corrupt Chinese officials have one fewer, and the most convenient, place to hide their money.
Faced with the increasing pressure from the US and Western countries, China’s response has been relatively mild. Except for the babbling from the Ministry of Foreign Arguments, none from the top tier spoke out, and the media reiterated that they would remain “open to the outside world”.
A month ago, Global Times editor-in-chief Hu Xijin posted that China needed to increase the number of nuclear warheads to more than a thousand; a week ago, Old Hu once again proclaimed, “Hurry up and build more nuclear missiles to deter the American lunatics, turn on the steam”. These Weibo posts have hundreds of thousands of likes. However, on Jul 31, Yang Chengjun, high-level military, and nuclear arms control expert, issued a document that slammed, without naming names, Hu’s remarks as “having the foremost purpose of inciting dissatisfaction with the Central government, the Military Commission, and the military”, that it was heinous and “a lie that is extremely detrimental to national security”.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that, “We can restart dialogues with all levels and fields with the US any moment. Any issue can be brought to the table for discussion”, “refuse to decouple, maintain cooperation; resist zero-sum, share responsibility”.
Not daring to play hardball with the US? Take it out on Hong Kong. Therefore, the policy towards Hong Kong is only going to become increasingly outrageous. Hongkongers must prepare for the worst.
Lu Xun said, “An angry hero brandishes his sword to challenge the mighty; an angry coward turns his sword to bully the vulnerable”. The next two lines that follow are, “In a hopeless nation, there will be many heroes glaring only at the children. Those wussies!” Wussy [pinyin: can tou]," means a bully who preys on the weak in the Chinese northern dialect.
If the wussies think that little Hong Kong is good to bully, then what has last year’s anti-ELAB movement do to the political, economic, internal, and external environment in the CCP? Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
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📜 [專欄新文章] The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI)…
✍️ 洪偉捷
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The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI) / 用買杯咖啡的價格與時間,成立間美國公司! — Han Verstraete
Crosslink Taipei 在10/19、10/20 台北矽谷會議中心舉辦的 區塊鏈conf。 這是Crosslink Taipei 下午的演講,主講者是Otonomos.com的CEO — Han Verstraete先生。
近年來,由於 區塊鏈的技術與社群發展蓬勃,所以也越來越多人以這個技術來設立新創公司,但是想利用這個技術賺錢,就必須要與真實世界接軌,而創業者勢必要在法規的限制下,一步步完成創立公司的手續。而即便再這個E化的世代,這些創建公司的文件很多仍以紙本形式呈現,而不是電子檔,所以講者就想到用立用 區塊鏈存放這些文件,不僅讓創立公司的門檻、成本降低,也可以讓這些繁雜的文件存放到安全的 區塊鏈上。http://xn--otonomous-ut5sr3b.com/ 這家公司就因應而生。
圖(一) Blockers
惰性: 以前用紙本存放的方式就很好了,為何要用新科技呢? 當所有東西當存放到 區塊鏈時,他們還合法、會被承認嗎?
政府機關: 在申請這些文件時,我們一切的手續都被政府機關所壟斷,而政府機關的效率又很差,我們有沒有別的管道可以完成這些手續呢?
圖(二) Solution
首先將1 DIA傳給auto corp所產生的智能合約,之後這個智能合約會再產生另外一個包含有限股份公司的經營協議的智能合約。而這部分所做的事就是依照現實世界的法規、程序去產生一些必要的文件,並且存到 區塊鏈上,如此一來就可以減少時間成本,也不用耗費心力去保護這些文件。
這是demo網址 → https://upbeat-shaw-75fa27.netlify.com/ 由於當天網路不給力的原因,所以講者止步於第二步,而我自己也因為錢包沒$$,所以止於第三步。
1. 選擇公司名稱
2. 確認公司名字可以用
3. 連結你的錢包
4. 同意支付1 DIA 的手續費
5. 成功創立公司(等待好心人的實驗)
Q: for example if you ridges LLC(Limited Liability Company) in the other way you should get the tax ID right?
Ans: No, at least you don’t get birth certificate for your company to get your company incorporated, you don’t need a tax id, and this is why we actually do love United State because there is no KYC involved whatsoever when you set up a company in contrast with a lot of countries. For instance in Europe you need to have a notary involved which is a total pain right? But the notary is effectively that sort of person who need to check who you are. In Singapore , Hong Kong you need to basically disclose who you are with attested document that you are who you are before you can incorporate. The United States because of tradition what have you, you basically have to declare who you are , you could actually incorporate a company United States saying that you’re Mickey Mouse. There’s no check whatsoever on your identity which is why this works in the United States and we believe it’s going to work in some other places outside as well. Only at the point that you start doing real-world stuff for instance opening a bank account will you be asked by the system to attest to your real world personality, so we are perfectly fine to have you spin up a company where the owner is effectively a wallet address, the public address of your wallet. ( 大意: 在剛剛的demo裡面因為公司是創立在美國,所以不需要稅號。但這依各國法規都有不同的要求,例如: 歐洲、香港,在創立公司的時候都需要有個人去做類似擔保、證明這間公司的存在的事情,而這也是創立公司麻煩的地方;在美國則不用,你甚至可以以米老鼠的名義去創立一間公司,因為他們並不會去檢查你的身分,他們只會依錢包位置去認公司。只有在當你需要做一些現實世界的活動時(例如: 開設銀行帳戶、雇傭員工…..)才會被要求確認你的身分,所以現階段並不會需要繳號)
The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI)… was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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《AXA 安盛呈獻 My Love Andy Lau World Tour - Hong Kong 2018》
《 演唱會退票退款辦理方案---特別通告》
《AXA 安盛呈獻 My Love Andy Lau World Tour - Hong Kong 2018》
《 演唱會退票退款辦理方案---特別通告》
📌1. 第一階段《郵寄辦理》
持票人士即日起可於演唱會官方網站 http://concert.andylau.com/form 下載「演唱會退票退款-郵寄辦理表格」及瀏覽相關之條款,然後將 (i) 已填妥及簽名之郵寄辦理表格及 (ii) 完整有效之門票正本 (註1)寄回主辦機構處理。
由2019年2月1日起至2019年4月15日止 (以郵戳日期為準),逾期郵件恕不受理。
📌2. 第二階段《現場辦理》
現場辦理日期 : 2019年5月17-19日 及2019年5月24 - 26日(星期五、六、日)
現場辦理時間 : 早上10時 – 下午6時
現場辦理地點 : 香港紅磡暢運道九號,香港體育館「租用人售票處」
持票人士請攜同 (i) 已填妥之現場辦理表格(或可於現場即時填寫) 、 (ii) 完整有效之門票正本 (註1) 及 (iii) 填報於辦理表格第一部分所用的身份證明文件正本,前往現場地點辦理退票退款手續。
有關「演唱會退票退款-現場辦理表格」下載及相關條款,請瀏覽演唱會官方網站 http://concert.andylau.com/form
※ [請注意] ※
1. 依照城市售票網(Urbtix)的購票條款及細則,票款只會退回予持有已取消演唱會門票的持票人士。
2. 退款按門票票面值金額以港幣計算 (所以不包括門票票面值為HK$ 0.0的公關門票),所有在購票時繳付之手續費/行政費/郵費皆不設退款 。
3. 主辦機構將對所有退回之門票進行驗票,每張門票會由專門指派的驗票員辨別真假;若發現假票,將即時報警處理。倘門票上的資料被刪去或經過塗改,又或門票遭損毀、污損或變得殘缺不全,主辦機構有拒絕辦理退款之決定權。
4. 經「華仔天地」購票之持票人士,將由「華仔天地」辦理退票退款,請登入 www.awc618.com 瀏覽詳情。
5. 經「亞洲萬里通」兌換門票之持票人士,如選擇退票退回里數,請登入 https://www.asiamiles.com/…/20181231_andy-lau-concert-ticke… 瀏覽詳情。
6. 建議退票退款持票人士保存已填妥及簽署之辦理表格和退回之門票 (正反面)拍照檔及郵寄存根 (如選擇郵寄)以作日後查詢之用。
7. 如有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。
註1 : 2018年12月28日門票[無需票根] ; 2018年12月29日至2019年1月3日必須為完整門票[連票根],影印本、列印版或照片恕不接受。
如有查詢,請於2019年2月1日起於辦公時間( 星期一至五,早上10時至下午6時,公眾假期除外),致電以下熱線或 電郵至 refund@focusentertainment.cc 。
852-2361 6929
852-2361 6708
852-2751 9118
My Love演唱會社交平台
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myloveandylauworldtour
AXA presents My Love Andy Lau World Tour- Hong Kong 2018
The Concert Organizer, Focus Entertainment Limited, would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. Earlier, we had received written notification from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department that our booking application for the Hong Kong Coliseum for December 2019 had not been accepted, and therefore will not be able to reschedule the cancelled shows. For this, we would again like to express our deepest apologies to the affected audiences and will now announce the refund arrangements.
A total of seven shows (from 28th December 2018 to 3rd January 2019) of the “Andy Lau Hong Kong Concert 2018” were cancelled. As many people have been affected, in order to facilitate the refunds process for the affected ticket holders and to minimise the need to line up, we have arranged for two options to obtain refunds, the details of which are as follows:
📌1. Phase One: Refunds Processed by Post
From now on, ticket holders who wish to process their refunds by post can download the “Concert Refund Request Form – by Post” and view the terms and conditions at the official concert website http://concert.andylau.com/form. Ticket holders should send (i) their completed and signed Refund Request Form and (ii) their complete original valid ticket(s) (Note 1) to the Concert Organizer for processing.
Period for refund by post:
1st February 2019 to 15th April 2019. Requests received after the postmark deadline of 15th April 2019 will not be accepted.
Refund arrangement:
All successful refunds will be credited directly to the ticket holders’ designated valid original payment credit card or Hong Kong dollar savings or current bank account registered with a Hong Kong licensed bank on or before 31st May 2019.
Postage subsidy:
The Concert Organizer will subsidize postage for each ticket holder’s successful refund request at a standard rate of HK$35 (on a one off basis, regardless of territory and number of tickets per request form). Regardless of the purchase platform, the subsidized postage will be credited to a valid Hong Kong dollar savings or current bank account registered with a Hong Kong licensed bank.
📌2. Phase Two: On-site Cash Refund
Dates: 17th - 19th May 2019 and 24th - 26th May 2019 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Time: From 10:00am to 6:00pm
Location: “Hirer’s Box Office” at the Hong Kong Coliseum (9 Cheong Wan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
Ticket holders should bring (i) their completed and signed “Concert Refund Request Form – On-site” (or fill in and sign the form available on-site); (ii) their complete original valid ticket(s) (Note 1), and (iii) their original identity document used to fill in Part 1: Personal Details of the form, to the location specified above to process their refund.
To download the “Concert Refund Request Form – On-site” and to view the terms and conditions of on-site cash refunds, please visit the official concert website at http://concert.andylau.com/form.
※ Please Note ※
1. In accordance with the terms and conditions of sale of URBTIX, a refund will only be made to those ticket holders of the cancelled concerts.
2. Only the face value of the ticket(s) in Hong Kong Dollars will be refunded (hence complimentary tickets, i.e. tickets with a face value of HK$0.0 printed on the ticket, will not receive a refund). Administrative, handling and postage fees paid during purchase will not be refunded.
3. The Concert Organizer will examine the authenticity of all returned tickets. Any counterfeit tickets will be reported to the police immediately. The Concert Organizer reserves the right to refuse any refund request if the information on the ticket has been erased or altered, or if the ticket is damaged, defaced or incomplete.
4. Refund for tickets purchased through Andy World Club will be processed by Andy World Club. Please go to www.awc618.com for relevant details.
5. For ticket holders who redeemed ticket(s) through Asia Miles and wish to be refunded their mileage points, please go to https://www.asiamiles.com/…/20181231_andy-lau-concert-ticke… for details.
6. Ticket holders who have submitted refund requests are advised to take and retain a photo of their completed and signed Refund Request Form(s), their original valid ticket(s) (both front and back) and mailing receipt (if by post) for record and future reference.
7. In case of any dispute, the Concert Organizer reserves the right of final decision.
Note 1: 28th December 2018 tickets - without stubs; 29th December 2018 to 3rd January 2019 tickets - with stubs intact. Photocopies, prints or photographs of the tickets will not be accepted.
For any inquiries, please call the following enquiry hotlines during office hours from 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) or email refund@focusentertainment.cc.
Enquiry Hotlines:
852-2361 6929
852-2361 6708
852-2751 9118
Further updates will be posted on the following official social media platforms:
Focus Entertainment Limited:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/focusentertainmentltd
My Love Andy Lau World Tour relevant social media:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MyLoveAndyLauWorldTour
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/myloveandylauworldtour
Weibo : https://www.weibo.com/6598879485
Focus Entertainment Limited
31 January 2019
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