明天模A孩子率先上英模的class 8,
反應題本上的drill, mint, ransom, sleep deprivation, natural disaster.....俐媽大餐都有教到,
而這一回裡,介紹到Winston Churchill這位歷史大人物,
他的功績(feat)、他的anecdote (軼事)、還有他的機智(wit)與幽默(humor)。
今天來學幾句Winston Churchill的名言~
📍 俐媽英文教室—邱吉爾篇:
👍🏼 Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
👍🏼 All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope.
👍🏼 It is certainly more agreeable to have power to give than to receive.
👍🏼 Young gentlemen, Never give up! Never give up! Never! Never! Never! Never!
👍🏼 A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
👍🏼 This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
👍🏼 Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
👍🏼 The first quality that needed is audacity.
👍🏼 Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
👍🏼 Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.
👍🏼 The price of greatness is responsibility.
✌🏼 stands for “Victory”!
#winstonchurchill #winstonchurchillquote
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《特殊關係 The Special Relationship》(2010)的片名看似隱晦,但政界明眼人都知道,那是美國總統與英國首相之間關係的代稱。美國是由英國移民打造的國度,雙方也曾兵戎相見,但經過百年歷史變遷,成了兄弟之邦。
在二戰期間初期,邱吉爾(Winston Churchill)數度派密使說服羅斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt),也曾親赴國會演說,對美國充滿溢美之詞。這看在當時英國朝野,可不是滋味,認為邱吉爾太親美,有損國格。但邱吉爾很清楚單靠自身力量,難以與納粹一搏。但到了美國參戰之後,邱吉爾也曾感慨日不落帝國已然消逝,「英美」關係未來從此將是「美英」關係。
在這部由金獎編劇彼得.摩根(Pete Morgan)(他在台灣最受歡迎的無疑是《王冠 The Crown》(2016-)系列)操刀的《特殊關係》當中,「關係」的主角換成比爾.柯林頓(Bill Clinton)與東尼.布萊爾(Tony Blair)。故事之初,布萊爾尚未官拜首相,卻獲柯林頓邀見。與其說是泱泱大國之間的交流,不如說是地頭蛇去拜碼頭。白宮助理見到他後笑說:「還不錯,他(總統)只遲到15分鐘,他肯定很看重你。」這是何其犀利的對白!
布萊爾由麥可.辛(Michael Sheen)詮釋,柯林頓則是丹尼斯.奎德(Dennis Quaid)飾演;一邊是唯唯諾諾的英國紳士,一邊則像荷爾蒙四溢的美國老粗。關係之所以特殊,或許正是因為明明雙方關係不對等,卻又因為歷史、文化淵源同歸一宗而必得以禮相待。布萊爾很清楚自己扮演的角色,不僅是因為他是英國首相,也因為他在初登大位,而柯林頓已有了豐富經驗。
故事當然迴避不了著名的醜聞,即柯林頓與實習生陸文斯基(Monica Lewinsky)偷情案。當柯林頓初次被媒體揭發時,布萊爾正好親赴白宮訪問,被媒體問及對此事的看法時,看似是基於「特殊關係」,布萊爾出聲捍衛柯林頓。然而,彼得.摩根顯然不認為布萊爾是迫於壓力才表示聲援,在他看來布萊爾是真心相信他、也將柯林頓視為摯友。
突然,兩人的關係像是產生昇華,男人與男人在危機之下的惺惺相惜,其實就本質上,就像是《花漾女子 Promising Young Woman》(2020)裡集體性侵女同學的男人們之間的那種扭曲情感,不免令人作噁。直到事實證明柯林頓確實做了偽證,布萊爾雖然無言以對,但礙於身份地位卻也不可能貿然承認自己護錯航。
一項證據可證彼得.摩根並沒有純心否定布萊爾,即片中針對巴爾幹半島局勢的激辯。布萊爾眼見米洛塞維奇(Slobodan Milošević)在科索沃發動殘酷屠殺,基於人道考量,一心想要出面化解,於是想要拉攏柯林頓動用北約資源。布萊爾的念頭很單純,他希望自己任內能為推動和平留下遺產(而這正是柯林頓點醒他的)。當他真的如願推動之後,卻又放低身段,向柯林頓致歉,認為自己搶去他的風頭。
換言之,布萊爾真的是個好人。但好人從政對民可能是福,卻也可能造成禍害。柯林頓在卸任後,向布萊爾娓娓勸諫,因為他知道上任的將是共和黨的布希(George W. Bush)。他強調,共和黨人可跟我們民主黨人大有不同。柯林頓看出了布萊爾的問題,建議他對人仍應保有自主判斷能力。布萊爾卻傻傻說,布希新官上任,自己肯定能分享給他一些自己的經驗。
這部作品沒說之後發生了什麼事,但我們都記得布萊爾後來的選擇,繼相信柯林頓與陸文斯基什麼也沒有之後,他再次相信布希說的──伊拉克國內擁有大規模毀滅性武器。在本片問世後六年,布萊爾公開道歉,為投入伊戰的決定負起全責。事實上,依照調查伊戰的齊爾考特報告(Chilcot Inquiry)顯示,開戰絕非當時英國的最後選擇,根本沒有證據顯示伊拉克擁有所謂「大規模毀滅性武器」。
美國前總統卡特(Jimmy Carter)最狠,他在伊戰後重批布萊爾「令人厭惡、忠誠、盲目,明顯地奉承」。不過,即便要批評他「盲目」,卻也不得不提他的「忠誠」。現在大家回首布萊爾,或許想到的就是一條哈巴狗。但彼得.摩根卻也無意將他描繪成惡人或懦夫,看完之後,每個觀眾或許都會覺得這樣的人,肯定會是一個完美的好朋友,可不是?但治國嗎?彼得.摩根讓故事戛然而止,但我們卻都不難猜測讓這樣的人訂定國策,國家會往何處行。
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Take it out on Hong Kong! |Lee Yee
The rash chap was wronged out there, and went home to beat up his wife and son. Ah Q muttered an insult to the fake foreigner, who beat him up with a mourning stick. Ah Q dared not argue, turned around and provoked Whiskers Wang, whom he despises, and the weak and lowly Young D. Except Whiskers Wang and Young D beat Ah Q, what a slap in the face! Therefore he pinched the young nun in the cheeks to vent.
The US has launched a series of blows against China in the ultra-cold war, with the latest development being the announcement that US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar will visit Taiwan. Although there are precedents for the US cabinet members to visit Taiwan, it is now during a pandemic, with the particular highlights of this sensitive period being: that Taiwan has been rejected by the World Health Organization (WHO), that the WHO has joined forces with China, and that the US has withdrawn from the WHO and is preparing to form a new health alliance. In addition, it is rumored that Sun Lijun, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, who was investigated in April this year, was dismissed for leaking information about the Wuhan epidemic from laboratories. The relevant information has fallen into the hands of Australia and the US, which may trigger a global accountability operation.
As the US and Taiwan get closer, they repeated inch towards the bottom line of China’s tolerance. The next step could be the stationing of US troops in Taiwan, which could even lead to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan that might not be that surprising.
On the other hand, the US gave up unilateral diplomacy, and Pompeo called on the free world to unite to resist China, a declaration that was welcomed by many countries thanks to the Hong Kong national security law. Britain proposed to form the D-10, a group that is consisted of the Five Eyes, plus Japan, India, South Korea, France, and Germany, with the possibility of ASEAN countries to follow. The latest development is that in Switzerland, which has always maintained a neutral attitude in international affairs and has never been involved in international wars since 1815, Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis told the media on Aug 2 that Hong Kong’s national security law endangers Hong Kong Swiss enterprises, and if the CCP insists on pursuing it, Western countries will respond more resolutely.
As everyone knows, Swiss banks are famous for their measures against leaking depositors’ information, and therefore money from laundering is often stored in Swiss banks. Last year, Jia Kang, an economist and former director of the Finance Department of the Chinese Ministry of Finance, forwarded the news published by Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) that about 100 Chinese people had deposits of 7.8 trillion yuan, which equals to 1 trillion USD in UBS. The average deposit per person is more than 10 billion USD.
The Swiss Foreign Minister said that Hong Kong’s national security law “endangers Swiss enterprises in Hong Kong”, alluding to the next steps which could well be divestitures. Minus Hong Kong, corrupt Chinese officials have one fewer, and the most convenient, place to hide their money.
Faced with the increasing pressure from the US and Western countries, China’s response has been relatively mild. Except for the babbling from the Ministry of Foreign Arguments, none from the top tier spoke out, and the media reiterated that they would remain “open to the outside world”.
A month ago, Global Times editor-in-chief Hu Xijin posted that China needed to increase the number of nuclear warheads to more than a thousand; a week ago, Old Hu once again proclaimed, “Hurry up and build more nuclear missiles to deter the American lunatics, turn on the steam”. These Weibo posts have hundreds of thousands of likes. However, on Jul 31, Yang Chengjun, high-level military, and nuclear arms control expert, issued a document that slammed, without naming names, Hu’s remarks as “having the foremost purpose of inciting dissatisfaction with the Central government, the Military Commission, and the military”, that it was heinous and “a lie that is extremely detrimental to national security”.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that, “We can restart dialogues with all levels and fields with the US any moment. Any issue can be brought to the table for discussion”, “refuse to decouple, maintain cooperation; resist zero-sum, share responsibility”.
Not daring to play hardball with the US? Take it out on Hong Kong. Therefore, the policy towards Hong Kong is only going to become increasingly outrageous. Hongkongers must prepare for the worst.
Lu Xun said, “An angry hero brandishes his sword to challenge the mighty; an angry coward turns his sword to bully the vulnerable”. The next two lines that follow are, “In a hopeless nation, there will be many heroes glaring only at the children. Those wussies!” Wussy [pinyin: can tou]," means a bully who preys on the weak in the Chinese northern dialect.
If the wussies think that little Hong Kong is good to bully, then what has last year’s anti-ELAB movement do to the political, economic, internal, and external environment in the CCP? Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”