台灣疫情嚴重了起來, 讓我想起了去年那段不堪回首的日子.....
祝大家&家人平安健康. 這些都會過去的. 大家也一定可以挺過去的!
一位股友分享給我的YouTuber影片, 看了挺舒心. 與大家分享, 希望可以紓解疫情所帶來的壓力:
🌻WSJ專欄作者根據"快思曼想"作者的新書, 從投資的角度切入, 寫了一篇文章. 挺值得一看:
(網路版的標題下的不好.......紙版的標題是"A Psychologist's Prescription For Disciplined Investing)
"When I ask Prof. Kahneman if the opposite of noise is quiet, he says no: “The opposite of noise is discipline(紀律). It’s just doing things in a reasoned (合理的) way, organizing your thinking so it is as intentional (故意的, 帶有意圖的) as possible.”
🌻Goods vs. service?
Reopening後, 服務的業績會比實體商品(goods)好嗎? 華爾街日報的專欄作者說, 這一直是個debate:
“根據佛羅里達金融學教授加恩(Minmo Gahng)和里特(Jay Ritter)編制的數據,截至今年5月17日收盤,2020年初到今年4月期間完成SPAC交易的44家科技初創企業上市後股價平均下跌了12.6%,其中超過半數的科技股跌幅更超過20%。”
“矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)的一份報告顯示,在2020年通過SPAC合併完成上市的企業中,約 50%尚未達到營收預期,42%在上市的第一年還出現了營收下滑。”
🌻美國reopening, 哪些產品賣得好? 體香劑, 牙齒潔白劑, and保險套!
🌻拜登追查新冠起源 臉書:不再刪新冠病毒人造相關訊息
Picture: Lily of the valley (山谷鈴蘭)
why spac 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
跌了幾十趴的個股還要繼續抱下去嗎? 去年飆漲的SPAC, 今年還漲的回來嗎?(可以跟下篇一起看).
開始玩成長股後, 我學到最難的一堂課是風險控制. 每個人對風險控制的觀念不一樣, 這跟每個人的心理素質也有關係.
風險管理, 也就是"留得青山在, 不怕沒柴燒".
🌻There Are Too Many Defenseless(無防禦性的) Stocks
(可以的話, 我希望您可以好好讀一下這篇文章. 我希望能夠幫您守住些財富, 減少些損失, 甚至創造些獲利. "Too many", 也就代表了股票沒有稀有性)
The underwriters just created too many stocks. There's too many new companies, too many companies that help you with analytics(分析), too many that offer video, too many data collectors and too many real-time analysis, and too many cybersecurity companies. There's been too many new electric vehicle derivatives, too many cannabis (大麻) plays and way too many new fintechs(金融科技).
The effect? We are now facing a bewildering number of companies that simply do the same things and can't be differentiated (無差異性的) and, frankly, are too hard to understand unless you are deeply involved in the transfer of data from on your premises to the cloud(雲端).
Why does this matter?
Because these stocks are defenseless. They are defenseless against inflation (通膨) because so many of them sell at a multiple to sales and any company that trades as a multiple to sales (指的是以P/S為估值方式, 非傳統的P/E. 軟體公司主要是用P/S) will see its value erode more quickly than any other in this stock market because the company has to graduate from a multiple to sales to a multiple of earnings, or just keep losing money. So many new investors have not experienced real inflation where these kinds of stocks can't be given away.
They are defenseless against an economic boom. I have been reading through countless software as a whatever with a go to market strategy and a huge TAM (total addressable market, 指的是市場大小) to land and expand(指的是雲端公司的商業模式), and my eyes glaze over. Who needs a company with all of those buzzwords that's growing at 27% and losing money when I have plenty of high quality industrials that are growing at 27% and spewing cash to the point the biggest issue is how much should be put to growth versus rewarding shareholders.
They are defenseless against older companies with a balanced policy toward dividends and buybacks, so that supply is mopped up while demand is bolstered by a yield. The land and expanders don't have anything backing them up which makes them vulnerable to sudden shocks down as we have seen.
They are defenseless against insider selling. If capital gains rates are going up, these are the companies with the most vulnerable stocks because so many of the people in these new companies have stocks that are still up substantially from when they got stock so a company with a stock down 30%-40% is vulnerable from scads of insider selling, including secondaries I am now expecting with increasing frequency.
They are defenseless against SPACs. While there are many good SPACs there are too many SPACs with too much stock sloshing around. I keep thinking about that MP Materials (MP) secondary offering in late March, where entities controlled by CEO James Litinsky sold 4.6 million shares of his company in a deal priced at $35. Now it is a small percentage of his holdings and many others involved with the company sold small amounts, too. That's not the point. It's more of a statement: this stock traded at $50. You might have been inclined to buy on the pullback but you would have been massacred as the stock is now at $27. If you have a so-called successful SPAC its success might be measured by how much money you took out of it before its stock fell by 50%. There are hundreds of things and when you consider all of the warrants out there, you know this market is going to be overwhelmed with this stuff.
You aren't going to see these kinds of secondaries at Deere (DE) or Caterpillar (CAT) , that's for certain.
Now there are people out there willing to buy the incredibly almost stupidly risky stocks, people like Cathie Wood, who demonstrated her unflappable conviction to her method of buying stocks that worked when there's scarcity value but there's anything but that now.
Maybe she can take down tens of billions of dollars worth and save the day. I wouldn't count on it. I am sorry to question her stock picking, lord knows she's been amazing. But unless others copy her, we know the stocks she is buying resemble what's not working at all. Maybe someday, but not now.
I try to figure out what the end game for these stocks might be if the economy keeps heating up and inflation accelerates. There's simply not enough money from young people or ETFs based on high growth or Cathie Wood to keep these stocks higher, and there's too much opportunity for the insiders to do what MP did, something that crunched the stock even as it reported a quarter ahead of expectations, which meant something at one point but means absolutely nothing now. Nothing at all.
why spac 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 花花公子,情人多多多!然而開不開心他都不是太清楚!識唱一齊唱(*)!
2. 其實冇原文,但想睇個故事,睇明報:路透:《花花公子》擬借殼上市(
3. TLDR:花花公子係非一般嘅鹹書,甚至有人話係文學雜誌。但講緊,四十年前已經走下坡。而家居然仲唔死得,仲話搞返上市,真係多得聯儲局錢多人傻
4. 唔使放大睇了,搵咗唔少封面,當然都搵到鍾楚紅 同 張曼玉做封面,但,特登揀呢張圖,梗係有原因。「識睇梗係睇惠英紅」。惠英紅嘅戲,我睇過有冇五十套?我連Mrs K都睇埋呀!
5. 講返,Playboy嘛,新一代,或者女仔,好可能唔太清楚。當然Playboy咁出名,佢地知係乜,「鹹書咯!」。Nonono,Playboy其實係成人刊物!唔係鹹書!因為真係唔夠鹹!惠英紅可以有幾鹹呢又?
6. 唔止,都話,張曼玉鍾楚紅都拍封面,可以有幾鹹?定你以為鍾楚紅露三點?仲得了?
7. 而對我嚟講,最震憾嘅封面,並唔係好多人會講嘅鄭文雅,亦唔係當年引起不少哄動嘅呢個惠英紅封面(有露點寫真集添呀)。而係……
8. 杜麗莎!
9. 係!嗰個杜麗莎。你可以Google.當然可能對某啲人嚟講惠英紅震憾啲,但惠英紅嗰期實在好出名!老嘢實知,所以反而冇咁震憾。杜麗莎呢期,就真係「識睇睇呢啲」啦!
10. 我其實原本仲想講 李默!不過我冇任何四十歲以下嘅人知道邊個李默!拿,文青呀!你唔撚見而家啲文青女神去露點拍Playboy?到底世界係開放咗定保守咗?(答案:視乎對邊個,對冇錢嘅你咪保守咗,人地閂埋門肯定好多嘢玩)
11. 講返正經,係,好正經。呢本嘢係神神地的。呢張相我鍾意,首先,除咗惠英紅,仲有漢堡包女郎!嘩,嗰件制服,啲回憶真係返晒嚟(但,我冇呢種制服癖,你有嘅,去睇《麥路人》啦)。冇深究,但好似係素人嚟的?另外,仲有百貨公司櫃姐寫真,真係早早滿足大家唔同嘅制服癖。但好似反而係冇空姐護士呢啲最多人睇嘅,可能係法律問題定驚得罪人?唔知。
12. 仲有,真係唔好只係講女。我幫你圈咗嘅,睇下Playboy人物訪問係乜人?係倪匡,係阿拉法(!!!),係白先勇!講真,邊係而家啲雜誌(仲有冇?)訪問Juno可比?Juno拎諾貝爾獎未?我估佢套《風林火山》就快可以拎搞笑諾貝爾獎,或者經濟學獎。
13. 實情,我係冇買過Playboy嘅,原因下述。但當年倒係某啲比較出位嘅老師會講(!),甚在話有人拎英文版嚟教英文。但都合理,華文版訪問白先勇倪匡(阿拉法當然係譯文,定你以為佢有聽《光輝歲月》識廣東話?嗰個係摩根費曼,好似係),英文版呢?訪問霍金,馬丁路德金,勁唔勁?
14. 寫文嘅?係海明威(唔係唱歌嗰個),約翰連儂,Andy Warhol,Jorge Luis Borges.幾咁勁,呢啲先係文青讀物,但亦見到嗰個年代,你低下階層連睇裸女嘅權利都冇—除咗返去搞自己老婆。睇鹹書都係中高級知識份子專利。
15. 所以有人話,Playboy根本唔係鹹書,而係有裸女嘅文學雜誌!你地真係搞錯晒!正如埃汾個Page係有金融嘢睇嘅文化Page!
16. 睇到呢度你明了,哦,高檔版成人雜誌,「即係HIM或者男人幫咁」……er……你當係啦
17. 然後你就明白,本嘢真係冇人買了。亦唔使講咩互聯網乜乜。再早啲,其實由Penthouse之類出現,Playboy銷量就大受打擊。即係,我細細個睇老豆衣櫃嘅藏書(簡直係寶藏!所以老豆老母去星馬泰七天團我都唔去,我嗰時真係好撚鍾意香港!),都只係得 Penthouse。有話老豆就影響個仔,到大個啲,我自己有錢又有膽(係,唔使夠秤,你只需要有錢又有膽)(**)買鹹書,都係買
18. Penthouse
19. Penthouse同Playboy有乜唔同?拿,後生仔同女仔以前差不多,但老司機就知,分別就大了。可以寫多幾篇文,但主要分別,就係Playboy係Softporn,Penthouse係hardporn
20. Softcore 同hardcore,in this context,未必係重唔重口味。條界在邊,亦隨時代地域有啲不同,正所謂而家啲小朋友5歳都睇3P.但,粗略嚟講,Softporn當然都會露點,甚至露三點,但唔會有性器官大特寫。例如當年買宮澤理惠嘅Sante Fe(回憶返晒嚟),或者徐若瑄嘅 天使心(回憶返晒嚟X2,又,證明我中學年代都幾富貴),露三點,但唔會有性器官大特寫,更加唔會有條佬露賓。相反,去到性器官大特寫,性行為,打真軍,有男性性器官出現,就應該係hardporn。大約咁分
21. 咁就我理解,Penthouse都唔 depict intercourse (用英文講就好似型啲,真係hypocrite到呢),但尺度當然比Playboy勁得多。實情在70年代,我都未出世,在美國Playboy已經畀Penthouse打到體毛完膚。但當然香港就遲好多,社會保守啲,同埋,當年冇網上。
22. 後來,就更不用講了,Penthouse都唔過癮,就睇日本啲Beppin(後來仲有分拆上市嘅Beppin School,啲日本仔真係好撚變態,一定要買嚟警惕下自己),然後係VCD,三仔四仔,好景一百蚊三隻,變到一百蚊十二隻。之後係BT,甚至BT都懶,上ThisAv,甚至去到而家,你日日Whatsapp都好多人send你,乜都有。
23. 而呢個呢,至少暫時嚟講,都係一個不可逆轉嘅過程。就係我頭先講句,「而家啲小朋友5歳都睇3P」「搵處女去Playgroup搵」,社會係越嚟越開放嘅,禁忌係不停被打破,口味越嚟越重。呢個暫時都係不能逆轉。即係好似,你張枱只會越嚟越亂,唔會忽然間由亂變整齊的—拿,熵呀,Entropy呀!你睇路蘭都係講呢啲!
24. 不過,逆熵我唔知啦,但色情嘅嘢,總會有個限度?你去到某啲位就玩無可玩啦?變咗生態紀錄片咁?又會回歸返soft啲,「聽聞日本都係咁」,睇得多啲大胸美少女水著,又要迴歸玩校園純愛了。
25. 所以,其實早幾年Playboy開始唔再登裸照,都引起一陣哄龍,甚至有人覺得好似燒味舖唔賣肉咁。但諗真啲都合理,鬥裸照根本冇法同網上競爭,你亦冇可能再搵到惠英紅whoever 嚟拍封面。所以索性轉型做文佬雜誌算—雖然,最後又係失敗,好快又登返。證明做文佬更加冇人買!銷量只係靠啲長情老讀者—佢地可能都識上網,但覺得「都係實體先有質感」—好似埃汾睇實體報紙咁,係呀,我甚至有訂網上版添,但都係買實體版。娋網上版用嚟做乜?用嚟FB貼,同埋支持下傳媒
26. 唔好意思,寫咗兩千幾字都係文化評論,雖然本專頁係文化專頁(你以為係炒股貼士?)。但呢單真係財經新聞。
27. 實情,Playboy真係窮途末路,我未出世前已經下滑,滑咗四十幾年。卒之最後連印刷版都死埋。但而家反而話搞上市!實在令我諗起崩牙駒出嚟搞cryptocurrency ,或者黃玉郎每隔一排就出嚟講有咩大計咁(又,知唔知黃玉郎同馬榮成有乜分別?就係有買樓同冇買樓嘅分別)
28. 莫非係有咩大計?鹹魚返生?我覺得係冇的。純粹係錢多人傻,「品牌」有價(有人以為)。再白啲講,屌,而家啲濕鳩電動貨車公司,車都未撚有一架,零收入,上市都大把人追捧。Why not搏大霧?多謝聯儲局啦
29. 事實亦係咁,一年前已經話想寫Blank Cheque Company(唔止荷蘭先有),又名SPAC(special purpose acquisition company),美國式嘅借殼上市。之前寫 Virgin Galactic上市都寫過(,亦係SPAC上市。香港呢,行家以外都仲唔係太多人講,但埃汾一年前已話你知!識做啦!去訂Patreon!(
30. Playboy IPO值唔值得抽?咁你上次睇Playboy係幾時呢?很懷念吧。
(*)應該遲下有篇文會講略講下呢個時期嘅張學友,Personal account講過好多次嘅,我在柏斯的日子
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一星期至少三篇港美市場評點,一個月一舊水唔使,開張一個月已500人訂!仲有兩篇免費試睇:
本星期內特惠售價: $80
客服whatsapp: 63832145