[🎄🎁成個禮拜拆禮物💄💋]NYX 攞咗PETA的Beauty Without Bunnies 認證👏🏼MFL呢班幕後女人特別鍾意左上角幾支Lip Butter,色多,齋搽唔怕嘴乾。想再滋潤啲就第一次搽前加層潤唇,然後整日keep住齋搽都Okay!
[🎁🎄Boxing Week💄🐰] Never get bored with our fair teammates. Highly Recommand Butter Lipstick to fair ladies with dry lips! Certified Beauty without Bunnies (PETA). Ready for flying colours in 2017! .
❤️關於My Fair Lady:
2014 年創辦,My Fair Lady 致力推動 #意識消費 的策展平台,以Mind ‧ Your Beauty 為口號,透過網上及實質行動,把女性購物狂力量導向可持續的消費習慣,也是本港首個推動 #無動物測試、#純素 及 #公平貿易 潮流與彩妝的平台。
❤️About My Fair Lady:
My Fair Lady(MFL) has devoted to conscious consumption since 2014. With its slogan Mind • Your Beauty, the volunteer-based curator platform is eager to divert women’s shopaholic power to #sustainable #consumption habit especially in fashion & beauty. MFL is also the first platform which actively promotes #crueltyfree, #vegan and #fairtrade fashion & beauty in Hong Kong.
#nyx #nyxhk #lipbutter
#無動物測試 #拒絕動物測試
#Natural #天然
#Organic #有機
#Vegan #純素
#FairTrade #公平貿易
#EthicalConsumption #良心消費 #consciousconsumption
volunteer slogan 在 祖嘉大娘 Joker Rita Facebook 的最佳貼文
🎄叻靚醒的Fair Ladies:
🤔👛越活越自在 還是 越買越自大💄🐰🌏?
🎄Dear Fair Ladies,
🤔👛ECO or EGO Shopping💄🐰🌏?
My Fair Lady wishes you a Merry Chritmas & Happy New Year! If we really needa spend some happy money for the festival, considering the life of animals🐏🐘🐰🐶💕 and underprivileged👳🏾👩🏽👶🏼will be he best gift to the world🙏🏼🍀🍂!
My Fair Lady
X'mas 2016
🌈🌇Impressive Photo by a very supportive fair lady Miss Alice Tsang & her adorable rabbit 🐰💕
- ❤️關於My Fair Lady:
2014 年創辦,My Fair Lady 致力推動 #意識消費 的策展平台,以Mind ‧ Your Beauty 為口號,透過網上及實質行動,把女性購物狂力量導向可持續的消費習慣,也是本港首個推動 #無動物測試、#純素 及 #公平貿易 潮流與彩妝的平台。
. ❤️About My Fair Lady:
My Fair Lady(MFL) has devoted to conscious consumption since 2014. With its slogan Mind • Your Beauty, the volunteer-based curator platform is eager to divert women’s shopaholic power to #sustainable #consumption habit especially in fashion & beauty. MFL is also the first platform which actively promotes #crueltyfree, #vegan and #fairtrade fashion & beauty in Hong Kong.
#無動物測試 #拒絕動物測試
#Natural #天然
#Organic #有機
#Vegan #純素
#FairTrade #公平貿易
#EthicalConsumption #良心消費
volunteer slogan 在 祖嘉大娘 Joker Rita Facebook 的精選貼文
無動物測試 急救疲累肌膚推介 ~
[ My Fair Lady 編輯精選: 狂歡急救隊🐼🙊🙋🏻不同商戶有售🎊🎉]
💟淡紋防乾:Biozkin 大馬士革有機玫瑰角鯊烯精華 @MFL
💟活膚去暗:Fable Naturals 公平貿易有機綠茶冰河泥面膜 @MFL
💟修護眼紋:#Natyr 公平貿易有機堅果緊緻眼霜 @MFL / 公平點 ( FAIR CIRCLE )
💟修復疲膚:Simplicité 大馬士革玫瑰日霜 @ #Simplicitehk
💟溫和卸潔:the herb farm 柔膚玫瑰潔面霜 @Pimary
💟極乾補水:Sukin 有機補濕噴霧 @ 屈臣氏個人護理店 (Watsons HK)
插圖:貓麵男 Cat face gor
❤️關於My Fair Lady:
2014 年創辦,My Fair Lady 致力推動 #意識消費 的策展平台,以Mind ‧ Your Beauty 為口號,透過網上及實質行動,把女性購物狂力量導向可持續的消費習慣,也是本港首個推動 #無動物測試、#純素 及 #公平貿易 潮流與彩妝的平台。
❤️About My Fair Lady
My Fair Lady(MFL) has devoted to conscious consumption since 2014. With its slogan Mind • Your Beauty, the volunteer-based curator platform is eager to divert women’s shopaholic power to #sustainable #consumption habit especially in fashion & beauty. MFL is also the first platform which actively promotes #crueltyfree, #vegan and #fairtrade fashion & beauty in Hong Kong.
#無動物測試 #拒絕動物測試
#Natural #天然
#Organic #有機
#Vegan #純素
#FairTrade #公平貿易
#EthicalConsumption #良心消費