#1. VanMoof V
The VanMoof V will be everything you love about riding, and then some. Featuring two-wheel drive, a full suspension frame, advanced acceleration, ...
#2. VanMoof's new V e-bike is its fastest ever - The Verge
The VanMoof V is the first Class 3 speed pedelec from VanMoof. It's capable of a top speed of 60km/h (37mph), which is above what local laws ...
#3. VanMoof teases new high-speed electric bike - TechCrunch
The VanMoof V will have integrated speed settings to match your country's regulations. However, this bike has the technology and capacity to hit ...
#4. VanMoof推出hyperbike掀起一陣討論 - Bike Europe
荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹(AMSTERDAM)-荷蘭電動自行車品牌VanMoof推出一款時速可達60公里的高速電動自行車。VanMoof V是該品牌首款高速電動自行車, ...
#5. The VanMoof V pedal-assist bicycle has car features | VISOR PH
It's called the VanMoof V, and on the face of it, this looks unlike any bicycle you've seen before. There are no exposed wires, ...
#6. VanMoof's V is a next-generation high-speed e-bike for the city
VanMoof is bringing high performance to the world of e-bikes with a new model designed for long-distance riding. The Dutch company hopes the ...
#7. Ebike Maker VanMoof Rides Into The Future With Powerful ...
The $3598 VanMoof V is a Class III “high-speed” (their words) ebike with some unexpected features and plenty of VanMoof's cool signature style.
#8. VanMoof presents e-bike capable of 50 km/h -
The Dutch e-bike manufacturer VanMoof has presented a new model, the VanMoof V, which is said to be able to reach speeds of up to 50 km/h ...
#9. New VanMoof V e-bike can hit 30 mph and is the company's ...
VanMoof is a Dutch-based maker of high-end e-bikes that use state-of-the-art technology and the company has just revealed its latest design, the ...
#10. VanMoof V is a new electric bike that's so fast – it breaks the law
VanMoof has revealed its next-generation electric bike, which the company has branded its "first hyperbike". What does that mean? Well, in a ...
#11. VanMoof V is a new hyperbike that reaches a speed of 45 km/h
The Dutch brand announced a new model, the VanMoof V, marking its debut in the high-speed segment of the growing e-bike market.
#12. vanmoof envisions car-free city of the future as it unveils its ...
the vanmoof V ... advancing urban mobility to shape a new city of the future, amsterdam-based bicycle maker vanmoof has unveiled its very first ...
#13. The VanMoof V E-Bike - Gessato
VanMoof V is a high-speed e-bike that reaches a top speed of 31 mph and comes with a full suspension frame and next-gen tech >
#14. VanMoof Launches Series V High-Speed E-Bike | HYPEBEAST
“The VanMoof V is dedicated to higher speed and longer distance. We're not making this bike because of what the category is today, we're doing ...
#15. New VanMoof V set to disrupt high-speed bike category - Gear
VanMoof has announced a new, faster e-bike that will 'redefine city mobility for good'. The VanMoof V is the brand's first high-speed e-bike.
#16. E-bike maker VanMoof's new 'hyperbike' is designed for long ...
Dutch e-bike maker VanMoof has today announced the VanMoof V, a bike that goes faster and further than its predecessors, has motors in both ...
#17. 【科技生活】VanMoof V電動單車時速最高50公里
[星島綜合報道]荷蘭品牌VanMoof剛剛發布了一款名爲VanMoof V的新型高速電動單車,聲稱其速度可達每小時31英里(50公里/小時),比美國或歐洲的任何.
#18. The VanMoof V E-Bike Can Go 31 MPH. It Shouldn't.
Carlier thinks the current regulations are causing people to drive instead of bike. In their VanMoof V introduction, they write about e-bikes ...
#19. VanMoof V E-Bike | Uncrate
VanMoof is adding more velocity to its iconic e-bike aesthetic with the V, capable of up to 37 MPH. VanMoof's current S3 and X3 models...
#20. VanMoof - 首頁 | Facebook
Rider Stories: Shevelle – Perspectives on a city - VanMoof Blog - English ... Last week we introduced our very first high-speed bike, the VanMoof V: a new, ...
#21. VanMoof V E-Bike | Cool Material
The VanMoof V might sound a little goofy, but it might just be the e-bike to rule over all the others. First of all, its unique frame geometry with the ...
#22. VanMoof V, uma e-bike super-rápida que vai a 50 km/h
A empresa de bicicletas elétricas holandesa VanMoof anunciou hoje a VanMoof V, uma e-bike que promete alcançar uma velocidade máxima de até ...
#23. You Need To Know About VanMoof V, Brand's Fastest E-Bike ...
VanMoof has announced the launch of the brand's first high-speed electric bicycle- VanMoof V that has the potential to reach speeds of up to ...
#24. New VanMoof V hyperbike is the 30mph ebike I've been ... - T3
VanMoof of the Netherlands just announced a new 30mph (50kph) electric bike: the VanMoof V. It's a new ebike that pushes the boundaries of ...
#25. Hyperbike: Why the VanMoof V is the future of e-bikes - OPUMO
Is this the next generation of e-bikes? The VanMoof V is a two-wheel drive "hyperbike", designed for long distances and high speeds.
#26. VanMoof's fastest e-bike yet tops out at 31 MPH | Engadget
E-bike maker VanMoof is looking to help riders get from A to B more swiftly with its first high-speed model. The VanMoof V is the company's ...
#27. VanMoof V dual-motor ebike will have a top speed of over 30 ...
While some ebikes are simply designed to make cycling easier, others are intended to outright replace cars. VanMoof's just-announced V ebike ...
#28. VanMoof's futuristic new 'V' is the company's fastest e-bike
The VanMoof V is still light on confirmed details; however, we do know it'll come with a 700Wh battery and dual front and rear wheel motors ...
#29. The All-New VanMoof V Is Much More Than a Hyperbike
The VanMoof V is currently in its engineering stage and is set to be the world's first hyperbike. Find out everything you need to know about ...
#30. Vanmoof V: Neues High-Speed-Bike soll bis zu 50 km/h fahren
Der niederländische E-Bike-Hersteller Vanmoof hat sein erstes High-Speed-Bike angekündigt: Das Vanmoof V soll bis zu 50 Stundenkilometer ...
#31. VanMoof unveils 31 mph 'hyperbike' electric bicycle with two ...
VanMoof has just announced a new high-speed electric bicycle model known as the VanMoof V, which will reach speeds of up to 31 mph (50 km/h) ...
#32. The 31-mph VanMoof V Is the Brand's Fastest eBike Ever
First, the VanMoof V: this new 31-mph, dual-motor electric bicycle is the brand's fastest eBike ever. How usable is a very fast electric bike, ...
#33. Vanmoof V - Electric just got more electric | Product Hunt
The VanMoof V will be everything you love about riding, and then some. Featuring two-wheel drive, a full suspension frame, ...
#34. VanMoof預告極速可達60公里/小時的電動自行車 - T客邦
電動自行車製造商VanMoof,在一段YouTube 影片中介紹了一款名為VanMoof V 的高速自行車,該車的最高時速可達每小時60公里。
#35. This super-fast e-bike can hit up to 31mph – at least in theory
The VanMoof V looks enticing, but you might not be able to unlock its full speed.
#36. VanMoof V 電動自行車的最高時速為31 英里/小時
VanMoof 說,提供一種新的、速度更快的電動自行車,它將「重新定義城市交通」,並且能夠達到31 英里/小時或50 公里/小時的速度。 VanMoof V 電動 ...
#37. vanmoofer. VanMoof S4 & X4, S5 & X5, V: Everything we ...
Rumors VanMoof S4 & X4, S5 & X5, V, e-bikes will feature a new matrix display, e-shifter, belt drive, new app and more.
#38. VanMoof (@vanmoof) • Instagram photos and videos
VanMoof. Time to go beyond. Reserve The VanMoof V today. #RideTheFuture Together. ... V. Bike Hunters's profile picture. Bike Hunters.
#39. VanMoof V E-Bike - HiConsumption
VanMoof's Dual-Motor, Pedal-Assisted 'Hyperbike' Can Reach 31MPH Speeds ... The VanMoof V plans to achieve those loft goals by featuring a ...
#40. VanMoof's V is its fastest ever e-bike with a top speed of 50 km/h
VanMoof has announced its very first high-speed electric bike, named the V, capable of hitting a top speed of 50 km/h (31 mph).
#41. VanMoof - Twitter
On the road to a high-speed revolution: answering your questions about the VanMoof V. - VanMoof... Last week we introduced our very first high-speed bike, the ...
#42. VanMoof V Hyperbike - Bless This Stuff
Dutch minimalist urban bicycle manufacturer Vanmoof has has just announced a new high-speed electric bicycle model known as the VanMoof V, an electric bike ...
#43. Amsterdam-based e-bike startup VanMoof unveils its first ...
Amsterdam-based e-bike manufacturer VanMoof on Tuesday announced its first high-speed e-bike dubbed VanMoof V.
#44. VanMoof 发布VanMoof V电动自行车,兼具设计和性能
VanMoof 刚刚发布了VanMoof V,这是该公司首款能够达到60 公里/小时(37 英里/小时)最高时速的高速电动自行车。这比VanMoof 目前的电动自行车快得 ...
#45. VanMoof unveils the VanMoof V, a full suspension two-wheel ...
VanMoof unveils the VanMoof V, a full suspension two-wheel drive speedbike ... Dutch e-bike manufacturer VanMoof just announced its very first high speed electric ...
#46. VanMoof V Review | langverwachte speed pedelec
De eerste VanMoof speed pedelec. Waar doet de VanMoof V jou als eerste aan denken? Bij ons zijn dat de speed pedelecs van Stromer. Het uiterlijk ...
#47. VanMoof Plans to Sell a High-Speed e-Bike Whether Cities
Dutch e-bike maker VanMoof will begin selling a high-speed model, called the V, by the end of next year, the company said Tuesday.
#48. VanMoof V: Start-up überrascht mit erstem Speedbike
Mit gemeinsamen Kräften beschleunigen sie das VanMoof V auf bis zu 50 Stundenkilometer – jedoch nicht ohne die Trittkraft des Fahrers oder der ...
#49. VanMoof is launching a 50km/h e-bike and it wants new ...
They're calling it a 'hyper bike' – an e-bike dedicated to higher speeds and longer distances. The VanMoof V will have a 50km/h (31mph) top ...
#50. the Dutch startup unveils a two-motor speedbike electric bike
The VanMoof V will carry two engines to go up to 50 km / h – where the legislation allows it. An interesting project, the success of which will ...
#51. Vanmoof: Das neue Modell soll Pendler-Autos überflüssig ...
Vanmoof V Highspeed-E-Bike: Dieses neue Modell soll das Pendler-Auto überflüssig machen. Das E-Bike-Start-up Vanmoof will mit einem neuen ...
#52. VanMoof V: Power-E-Bike mit Allrad-Antrieb -
Das VanMoof V wurde entwickelt um selbst die größte Stadt zu verkleinern. Dieses Super-S-Pedelec fährt bis zu 50 km/h (je nachdem wie es die ...
#53. VanMoof V e-bike 'hyperbike' goes up to 31mph - SlashGear
The VanMoof V was revealed today with an eye on replacing traditional automobiles with electric bicycle tech. This "hyperbike" has what ...
#54. VanMoof V, le speedbike 2 roues motrices débarque (pas ...
Le VanMoof V est un speedbike, autrement dit un vélo électrique rapide ou encore un speedelec (ou pedelec). Cela signifie que c'est un vélo ...
#55. What is a high-speed electric bike? Is the VanMoof V legal?
Today, VanMoof unveiled its latest electric bike. Simply called V, it looks like an S3 on steroids. It has a fatter frame, fatter wheels and ...
#56. VanMoof V: Neues E-Bike schafft bis zu 50 km/h | heise online
VanMoof hat sein bisher schnellstes E-Bike vorgestellt: Das VanMoof V schafft es laut dem niederländischen Hersteller auf bis zu 50 km/h. Im ...
#57. VanMoof V – neues High-Speed E-Bike soll die Metropolen ...
Mit dem VanMoof V hat der niederländische Fahrradhersteller ein brandneues S-Pedelec vorgestellt, welches nichts weniger als einen neuen ...
#58. VanMoof V, un speedbike tout suspendu à deux moteurs et ...
Le fabricant néerlandais VanMoof travaille sur un nouveau vélo à assistance électrique. Point de S4 et X4 à l'horizon cependant, ...
#59. 127: Talking about the Vanmoof V and proprietary supply ...
In today's episode, Oliver interviews Ties Carlier, the co-CEO and cofounder of Vanmoof to talk about the new Vanmoof V, which is one of the ...
#60. VanMoof V Hyperbike | The Coolector
VanMoof V Hyperbike. Electric bikes are definitely becoming the go-to form of transportation for many urban dwellers but their design seems ...
#61. Hyper, Hyper! VanMoof plant S-Pedelec mit zwei Antrieben
VanMoof stellt sein Modell "V" vor. Erfahre hier, was das S-Pedelec, welches Ende 2022 über die Straßen rollen soll, so einzigartig macht.
#62. VanMoof - Reddit
VanMoof. r/vanmoofbicycle. Ride the future. Incredibly powerful e-bikes, with top notch anti-theft ... Are Vanmoof break pads required? ...
#63. Nieuwe, Nederlandse fiets moet hét alternatief voor de auto ...
De VanMoof V (de V verwijst naar velocity oftewel snelheid) is volgens de makers een 'hyperbike' die met gemak vijftig kilometer per uur kan ...
#64. VANMOOF B3 Urban Bike - No more production! - Velo Lifestyle
Creme Cycles Canada. Vanmoof Canada. Larry vs Harry Bullitt Canada.
#65. VanMoof V Electric Bicycle -
VanMoof V Pairs The Outfit's Advanced E-Bike Tech With Dual Hub Motors For Higher Top Speed. October 13, 2021. VanMoof already makes one of the most popular ...
#66. VanMoof's fast new e-bike limits its top speed depending on ...
Brand cofounder Ties Carlier calls the VanMoof V "our first hyperbike, an e-bike dedicated to higher speed and longer distance.".
#67. VanMoof V : la startup hollandaise dévoile un vélo électrique
Fin 2022, VanMoof ajoutera un speedbike à sa gamme de vélos électriques. Le VanMoof V embarquera deux moteurs pour aller jusqu'à 50 km/h ...
#68. Vanmoof the latest to challenge electric bike speed regulations
Vanmoof yesterday launched its 'V' speed pedelec, simultaneously joining the fight for updated electric bike speed regulations.
#69. Could the new high-speed VanMoof e-bike replace cars?
“The VanMoof V will have integrated speed settings to match your country's regulations. However, this bike has the technology and capacity ...
#70. VanMoof V, 45 km/h per la "hyperbike". Info, foto e prezzo - La ...
van moof v speed pedelec. ... La VanMoof V dispone di: pulsante del Turbo Boost, Kick Lock (che consente ai ciclisti di bloccarla senza ...
#71. VanMoof V - elektrický bicykel s maximálnou rýchlosťou 50 km ...
VanMoof V ponúka nádherný dizajn a predné aj zadné odpruženie. Maximálna rýchlosť je 50 kilometrov za hodinu, čo je rýchlosť, ktorá je v ...
#72. VanMoof V, la nuova e-bike a trazione integrale - Tom's ...
La società olandese VanMoof ha presentato VanMoof V, una e-bike a trazione integrale in grado di raggiungere i 50km/h di velocità massima.
#73. VanMoof V - Auto Futures
It is an editorially independent one-stop hub for industry insights, original editorial features, interviews, in-depth coverage of auto and tech ...
#74. VanMoof's new ebike has a need for speed and I LOVE it
The VanMoof V enters the brand's line up as the first high-speed ebike, which is said to take you as fast as 50km/h. That's double the speed ...
#75. Introducing, the VanMoof V - Are You Ready? |
VanMoof (Netherlands) - Press Release: Electric just got more electric - Introducing, the VanMoof V. Our very first high-speed bike is set ...
#76. VanMoof首款高速電動腳踏車官宣旨在取代城市汽車 - 每日必讀
VanMoof 已經存在了十多年,併成功地從一家精品企業發展成為全球知名的電動腳踏車品牌。該公司最新的傑作是VanMoof V電動腳踏車。
#77. Vanmoof will E-Bikes mit Modell V revolutionieren
Das Vanmoof V soll jedoch kein gewöhnliches S-Pedelec sein, sondern ein „Hyper Bike“. In einer Mitteilung spricht das Unternehmen von einer ...
#78. VanMoof V: Vanmoof kündigt S-Pedelec an -
Unter dem Namen Vanmoof V will der niederländische Pedelec-Hersteller ein sogenanntes High-Speed E-Bike auf den Markt bringen.
#79. The VanMoof V Is An E-Bike With A Powerful Dual-Motor ...
VanMoof wants to redefine the e-bike scene and states the V's two-wheel-drive configuration will outpace others and deliver a top speed of 31 mph.
#80. Ecco la VanMoof V, "hyperbike" elettrica a due ruote motrici
Si chiama VanMoof V ed è stata progettata dal marchio olandese Van Moof, che promette di averla pronta e cominciare le consegne alla fine ...
#81. VanMoof V : le vélo électrique qui veut remplacer la voiture
Le VanMoof V est le premier vélo électrique à grande vitesse de la marque néerlandaise. Prévu pour fin 2022, il est déjà disponible en ...
#82. 25km/hは遅すぎる。最大50km/hで走れる最速仕様E-バイク ...
時速50km/hで走れたらホント気持ちいいいだろうなぁ。オランダのVanMoofが新型E-バイク(電動自転車)「VanMoof V」を2022年にグローバルで発売/日本へ ...
#83. VanMoof V electric bike offers a top speed of 31mph - Geeky ...
“The VanMoof V is the brand's first high-speed e-bike and will offer riders a true car replacement for everyday life in cities and beyond.
#84. VanMoof V reviews, news and features | Stuff
The latest VanMoof V reviews, news, buying guides and in-depth features from Stuff. Read on for the smartest, wittiest tech writing on the ...
#85. VanMoof stellt neues E-Bike vor: So stark, dass es illegal ist?
Bis dahin steht VanMoof mit seinem V-Modell vor einer ziemlichen Hürde: Bei einer technisch möglichen Geschwindigkeit bis 60 km/h sprengt man ...
#86. Latest VanMoof bike is a hyperbike: top speed 50 kilometers ...
According to the makers, the VanMoof V (the V refers to velocity) is a 'hyperbike' that can easily go fifty kilometers per hour.
#87. VanMoof S3 and X3 Review: Ready for Any Commute | WIRED
The new VanMoof is a very good looking bike, but I was still surprised how much of a conversation piece it became as I rode it around New ...
#88. VanMoof onthult speed-pedelec: 'hyperbike' moet strijd aan ...
Speed-pedelecs zijn elektrische fietsen met een trapondersteuning tot maximaal 45 km/u. De VanMoof V kan technisch zelfs tot 50 km/u, maar de ...
#89. VanMoof V: Neues Hyperbike fährt bis zu 50 km/h schnell
Das neue VanMoof V kann Höchstgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 50 km/h erreichen. Die maximal mögliche Geschwindigkeit lässt sich abhängig von den ...
#90. La nueva "hiperbicicleta" eléctrica de VanMoof alcanza los 50 ...
Mientras el límite para las bicicletas eléctricas es de 25 km/h, la nueva VanMoof V es capaz de superar los 50 km/h gracias a sus dos motores ...
#91. VanMoof V gevaarlijker dan een speed pedelec - NieuwsFiets
De Fietsersbond is niet gelukkig met de introductie van de VanMoof V, een speed pedelec die in staat is snelheden tot 60 km/u te halen.
#92. VanMoof V hyperbike moet alternatief voor auto worden
Deze week was de lancering van de VanMoof V, een 'hyperbike' zoals ze het zelf noemen. Met dit nieuwe type highspeed e-bike kunnen wel ...
#93. VanMoof bringt High-Speed-E-Bike: Zu schnell für deutsche ...
Branchen-Innovator VanMoof setzt ein Zeichen und schlägt in die High-Speed-Kerbe. Mit dem neuen VanMoof V will man bis 50 km/h fahren.
#94. Speed-Focused Electric Bikes : VanMoof V Hyperbike - Trend ...
VanMoof V Hyperbike - The VanMoof V Hyperbike is a speed-focused electric bike that will provide riders with a powerful experience when ...
#95. VanMoof presenteert snelste fiets uit collectie met nieuwe ...
VanMoof heeft het doek van de VanMoof V getrokken. De nieuwe fiets is het snelste exemplaar van het merk tot nu toe en haalt, ...
vanmoof v 在 VanMoof - 首頁 | Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Rider Stories: Shevelle – Perspectives on a city - VanMoof Blog - English ... Last week we introduced our very first high-speed bike, the VanMoof V: a new, ... ... <看更多>