I miss Taiwan food, Boba tea etc since my last visit to Taiwan in February 2021. If you have the same situation like me, let's check out Taiwan Expo Online 2021 whereby more Taiwan products, services, healthcare, smart devices will be showcasing at here. Taiwan Expo Online will happen from 4th to 6th August 2021 and 160 Taiwan businesses will showcasing their services, technology and products to Malaysia businesses. This is a good business opportunity during this pandemic situation.
Total of 10 themed pavilions centred around six major pillars: Electronic Mobility, Post-Pandemic Era, Industry 4.0, Taiwan Lifestyle Products, Tourism & Culture and Halal Taiwan. Audience can check out at https://mys.taiwanexpoasean.com/ For buyers don't forget to register with a TAITRA member to gain early access to the virtual exhibition.
Visit Taiwan Healthcare Pavilion whereby you can found more information regarding infection prevention solutions, antipathogen products, telemedicine systems, as well as a showcase of medical services from the famous Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Taiwan’s world-renowned universal healthcare system.
This time expo, Taiwan Expo specially collaborated with 10 local Malaysian companies that sell Taiwanese products to provide “My Amazing Taiwan Deals” promotion campaign at Taiwan Expo’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TaiwanExpo.mys) .Check out for the promotion either online or offline channels starting from July 28 to August 6. Grab your favourite Taiwan items during this amazing promotion. Taiwan Expo in Malaysia 2021 will be held from August 4th to 6th on the official website https://mys.taiwanexpoasean.com/en/index.html. Experience yourself the best comeback of Taiwan expo online.
For more information about the event, please contact the Taiwan Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, at: +60(3)20312388 / +6018-9589168 or email to kl@taitra.org.tw
#Taiwanexpo #TaiwanExcellence
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,520的網紅Josh the Intern,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The world is full of bad but also a whole lot of good. In this new News Show I want to focus on the bright side of life and share some real life News ...
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#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀1加2條
• Universal Pictures 在兩天前正式曝光的4億美元大手筆投資中,將和同屬 NBCUniversal 的串流平台 Peacock 一起買下著名的恐怖電影製片 Jason Blum 策劃多時的《The Exorcist 大法師》新三部曲電影的發行權。由於在1973年原版《大法師》電影中飾演媽媽的 Ellen Burstyn 確定將繼續演出,因此我們也終於確定新版的三部曲電影將不會是重啟,而比較像是在同一個宇宙中的續集。這個計畫預計將在2023年由 Universal Pictures 在電影院發行第一集,然後接下來兩集則會在串流平台 Peacock 上獨家上架。
• Jason Blum 和他的製片公司 Blumhouse Productions 是過去十年恐怖電影類型最重要的原創力來源。《Get Out 逃出絕命鎮》、《The Purge 國定殺戮日》和《Insidious 陰兒房》等系列電影都出自他之手。如果以他去年初大獲好評的《The Invisible Man 隱形人》的700萬製作預算相比,這3部電影共4億美元的合約可謂是 Jason Blum 空前的事業巔峰。如果這筆交易看起來有點眼熟,它確實很像是不久前 Netflix 以4.65億美元天價買下 Rian Johnson 的兩部《Knives Out 鋒迴路轉》續集的翻版。不意外的是這兩個今年注定要撼動好萊塢的交易背後推手是同一個人:超級經紀公司 CAA 的合夥人兼董事總經理 Bryan Lourd 同時是 Jason Blum 和 Rian Johnson 的經紀人,也同時是這兩樁交易的主談人。又一次地,在好萊塢片廠失能的動盪年代,經紀公司再度掌握權力扮演起推動整個產業往前進的發動機角色。
• 《鋒迴路轉》和《大法師》這兩個製作案同時創下驚人天價的理由是他們採用了新的酬勞分配方式。不像 Netflix 偏好用一口價向所有創作參與者(包含明星)買斷所有權利,好萊塢片廠向來支付的是一個比較中庸的價格,並在合約中承諾未來電影下檔之後如果在家庭娛樂、電視、串流等等其他平台得到新的收入,會再以「重播費」的名義分配一定金額給所有創作參與者。這種傳統合約的好處是片廠一開始的財務壓力比較小,也等於將電影院以外通路的風險分攤給創作參與者(如果 DVD 沒有大賣,每個人都不會賺到錢)。然而這種合約的缺點就是萬一在其他通路大賣,也必須分配給所有參與者,而且還必須忍受可能持續數十年每天拿著算盤計算要分多少錢給誰的繁瑣行政流程。Netflix 的《鋒迴路轉》採用了一口價,所以男主角 Daniel Craig 只會得到一筆(非常大一筆)酬勞。而這次 Universal Pictures 的《大法師》合約則很可能是這家傳統好萊塢發行商第一次採用一口價的電影發行合約(只有第一部採取電影院發行,後兩部原本就是沒有票房收入的串流電影)。
• 《大法師》製作案的另一個罕見特徵是一口氣下訂整整三部電影。Forbes 將這種大膽作法比作被 Disney 併購之前的 Fox 一口氣下訂多部《Avatar 阿凡達》的瘋狂作法。不同的是 Fox 下訂時《阿凡達》才剛剛成為有史以來最賣座電影。在此同時,雖然《大法師》的第一集曾被紐約時報譽為「繼女星 Mary Pickford、爆米花、色情片和《The Godfather 教父》之後降臨到好萊塢的最重要事物」,但這已經是近半世紀之前發生的風光,而且這半世紀之間該片還產出了多部不痛不癢的續集和前傳。風險在於萬一下訂的第一部或是第二部垮掉了怎麼辦。不同於 Fox 當時的時空環境,Universal 現在面對的是串流大戰的迫切性,因此甘冒風險也要取得可以發展成一個宇宙的 IP。 一口氣承諾3集的大手筆,打的算盤比較接近 Warner 對於《Dune 沙丘》的策略,以「先電影院後串流」的方式,先用第一部電影在自己熟悉的電影院裡頭攬客,接著再用同一個IP的延伸產品將客人帶去串流的新世界裡頭消費。
• Forbes 今天的文章則借用最新一集厲陰宅電影的標題,說對這些花錢花到失心瘋的片廠來說無非就「是惡魔逼我的(the devil made me do it)」。惡魔就是 Netflix 。Netflix 藉由鉅額的內容投資建立起片庫的高牆,企圖讓所有口袋不夠深、片子不夠多的玩家通通被擠出串流賽局。Netflix 早在串流大戰白熱化之前的2017年就重金挖來電視業呼風喚雨的兩位創作者 Shonda Rhimes(《Grey's Anatomy 實習醫生》和《Briderton 柏捷頓家族:名門韻事》)以及 Ryan Murphy(《American Horror Story 美國恐怖故事》和《Hollywood 好萊塢》)。軍備競賽一開打,如今其他串流大戰玩家也只能被迫到處收購內容甚至收購製片公司/片廠來累積自己的軍火。這就是為什麼傳奇影業、 A24、Reese Witherspoon 的 Hello Sunshine 、 Ron Howard 的 Imagine Entertainment 甚至連 LeBron James 成立才一年的 SpringHill 都能被拿出來叫賣。軍備競賽中不怕買不起,只怕買不到。
◇ 新聞來源:
Universal Pictures Spends Big for New 'Exorcist' Trilogy(https://flip.it/l9-Y_b)
Universal Pictures Bets $400 Million On ‘The Exorcist’ Reboot; Hollywood Braces For Remake Fever(https://flip.it/ZdZFC6)
The Devil Made Me Do It -- The Streaming Edition(https://flip.it/T_EfOh)
│ViacomCBS 和 Comcast 的合作/合併洽談暫時中止,要等 Biden 政府對於 WarnerMedia-Discovery 表態之後再說│
◇ 新聞來源:ViacomCBS-Comcast talks on ice as companies await WarnerMedia-Discovery verdict(https://flip.it/.MC8YV)
│Netflix 成為美國第一個要求演員和其他劇組成員必須要接種過疫苗的片廠│
◇ 新聞來源:Netflix Will Require Actors and Other ‘Zone A’ Crew in the U.S. to Be Vaccinated(https://flip.it/AKg9p7)
universal companies 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
繼上次的年報導讀會議後, 讓我們再做另一個會議! 這次很榮幸邀請到一位對估值很有見解的股友前輩來帶大家了解估值(恩, 這次我會是主持人, 不是主講人).
主題: 估值(valuation)分享會(Cat: 這不算基礎的估值會議)
主講人: 小揚(from安泰價值投資)
https://www.facebook.com/antaiinvestment (此為小揚的粉絲頁)
參與者: 具基本估值能力. 若打算參加者, 請事先跟我(請私訊)提出一個關於估值的case study, 到時候可在會議中分享(最好是以投影片形式呈現, 這樣到時候好跟大家分享). 若有估值的問題, 也可以提出.
Case study可以是美股, 也可以是台股.
時間: 台灣時間07/10 (周六)晚間9點.
預計一個小時(不會像上次那樣冗長了😅): 前30分鐘由小揚做分享, 後30分鐘大家分享估值案例&提問
進行方式: 以Zoom進行(之後會私訊會議資訊給參與者)
🌻Morgan Stanley Mid-year Investor Outlook: A tricky transition
🌻在您投資生涯中, 有沒有一些觀念讓您受用很多?
下面這位投資名人的好觀念影響我很深. 他的意思是, 一般投資人, 只要能説出三個買一家公司的理由, 就很夠了. 這也迫使我, 每次在買股票時, 問自己對這家公司的了解有多少. 也會去衡量公司的優點與缺點在哪裡.
"It is vital (重要的) that you know what you own, that if I asked you on the street why you like a certain stock, you can give me three reasons. If you don't know how they make their money, who their key clients are and what they make if, then I will tell you that you are over your head and should not own individual stocks."
Jim Cramer: In Times Like This, Go for the Easy Money
Look at the stocks you own. Can you tell me why you've got them? If you can't answer the following three questions, then have a look at several I like right now.
We've endured the meme stock craziness, with all of its love for heavily shorted stocks. We have watched the collapse of bitcoin to levels viewed as shocking, even if they are still more than double where they were not that long ago. We've dealt with Fed officials making it clear that they are no longer on the side of the bulls or the bears. They are on the side of job growth, but are wary of inflation. We've seen the end of the rush to get vaccines, which means that millions of people are going to get the new COVID variant, because there is no natural immunity to it. We've watched as the hopes for an infrastructure bill have collapsed. We've endured shortages of everything from chips to plastic to imported goods and labor.
And we're still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yep, we are in one of those halcyon moments, where the masks are off -- even if they shouldn't be -- and Americans are back doing what they do best: consume, spend, go out to eat and then consume and spend some more.
There are times in the stock market where the collective mindset is revealed. This is one of those times: Things are cool, it's not a big moment, there's no real news for a bit, it's the historically strong period and we can reach some conclusions about where we are.
When things are like this, it is important to remember that buyers like to revert to tried-and-true companies that thrive no matter what. These are companies that have an edge and are better at what they do than other companies.
You know that I am a great believer in index funds, that the average person doesn't have the time or the inclination to research individual stocks. It's a difficult barrier. I think you need to make time to read the quarterly report and listen to the conference call, to Google articles and, if possible, get some research about the companies you own. It is vital that you know what you own, that if I asked you on the street why you like a certain stock, you can give me three reasons. If you don't know how they make their money, who their key clients are and what they make if, then I will tell you that you are over your head and should not own individual stocks. I am reminded by this, because, once again, without a mask, I can be recognized and if I am not holding "Nvidia the Second," I can carry on a conversation.
I have had many in the last two weeks and when I have asked this litany of questions, I find myself at a loss as to why almost no one knew what they owned. But they thirsted for individual stocks, because they, like me, think things are better post pandemic. No, that's not a facetious comment. Many, many stocks did better with a stay-at-home economy. A huge number.
So what do I do? I revert to what others do when you are stumped about how to stay in touch with stocks, but want to do less homework. That means buying stocks that are accessible, not stocks like Unity (U) or Snowflake (SNOW) or Twilio (TWLO) or Okta (OKTA) .
I revert to normal businesses people know and I suggest they Google some articles, peruse the conference call, but, above all, like the company's products so you can buy more if it goes down.
Here's some that I have been telling people I like:
First is Ford (F) . I think the Ford lineup is amazing. The electric F-150 series will be incredible. I am eager to get a Maverick for my family, because it is a smaller pickup that will get the job done for the myriad little things I need to do with this farm I bought from that crazy bitcoin foray. I like the competitive edge of the CEO, who says he is going to bury Elon Musk when the Lightning comes out. I even think the Bronco is cool as all get out. Most important, though? I think the chip shortage is ending. My semiconductor friends are telling me the foundries are producing more feature-rich chips and that means Ford can pump out the trucks small business people love and need. Plus, the used car prices at last have plateaued, according to their most important pricing index. Halcyon times.
Second, Costco (COST) : The samples are coming back. Tell me you don't love the samples. You need things in bulk. You want low prices. You want to get all of the things that people don't think of with Costco, like insurance, hearing-aids -- hey, they are a fortune -- jewelry, things around the house. You go and you will buy far more than you first came for. My kind of store.
The kids love this American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) , which we just bought for my charitable trust, which you can follow along by joining the Action Alerts PLUS club. Jay Schottenstein, the CEO, came on "Mad Money" recently and it's clear that his Aerie model has real staying power: 26 consecutive quarters of double digit growth. No flash in the pan, that one. Number one brand in jeans for the 15 to 25 year old group. The best in the mall. How did I know this? I see the credit card bills.
I got up this morning to do my physical therapy. I have been doing it ever since I hurt my back in February. I have this really cool pair of sneakers that fit me perfectly and I love them, but I am fortunate enough to have a vacation house and I am always taking those shoes with me.
So I went on Amazon (AMZN) this morning and lo and behold I saw them for half price. I bought two pairs. Then I went over everything I have bought in the last year and got a bunch of those things. Then I bought a pair of binoculars, because mine were stolen. I paid half price.
Yep, Amazon's universal. I was talking to Alexa, while I was ordering, getting some new music on, asking questions. I saw that despite all of the Sturm und Drang of Amazon being late with things, all the delivery dates were within range. I didn't click on any ads, and I didn't need the speed of Web Services, but the whole thing reminded me about how special the darned company is. I don't care if it's ahead or behind plan for the moment. I would just buy some more when it goes down.
Finally, Apple (AAPL) . I think people who don't own Apple should look what they are holding at this very moment. Yes, right now. Or look at what's in your lap or on the table besides your fork. And then think about the bill you paid last night without knowing it. Think about what you bought in the App store yesterday. Think about what would happen if it would break or get stolen or, left in the Uber (UBER) , or heaven forbid, be dropped into the pool or in the, yes, toilet.
There, that's what you buy in halcyon times. Stocks of companies you know that if they go lower, because things get less halcyon, you are fine with it and buy more. If things go up, believe me, you will participate.
So accept the moment. Don't try for the hard money. Go for the easy kind. That's the best kind.
Picture: 牡丹(peony)花開. 恨不得院子裡有一塊地是牡丹園.
universal companies 在 Josh the Intern Youtube 的最佳解答
The world is full of bad but also a whole lot of good. In this new News Show I want to focus on the bright side of life and share some real life News stories that will make you feel more positive about the world.
This is a new series that I am trying and I would love to know what you think about this funny positive news series!
In this News Show I talk about the following stories:
"Anti-Viral Drug Combo Cured Woman of Coronavirus Just 48 Hours After Treatment"
"Peanut Allergy Treatment Just Approved as First-of-its-Kind Therapy in the United States"
"Woman finds dog lost for 3 years after seeing its picture on beer can"
"One Man Is Hosting 15 Super Bowl Parties For The Homeless"
"Stray Dog Named 'Sausage' Gets Appreciation Star For Helping Kindergartners Cross The Road"
"The indigenous Waorani community of Ecuador won a landmark case against oil companies this year, protecting 180,000 hectares of their land against exploitation"
"The Philippines passed a Universal Health Care Act, entitling all of its 107 million citizens to health insurance and medical treatment"
"New research showed that the proportion of people in extreme poverty around the world fell from 36% in 1990 to 8.6% in 2018. Absolute numbers were down from 1.9 billion in 1990 to 610 million in 2018"
My Sources:
- Good News Network
- Sunny Skyz
- Future Crunch
Thanks for watching and hope it helps you feel a bit more positive about the world!
#news #positive #funny
My other videos:

universal companies 在 七王 Youtube 的最佳解答
Donkey Kong is an arcade game released by Nintendo in 1981. An early example of the platform game genre, the gameplay focuses on maneuvering the main character across a series of platforms while dodging and jumping over obstacles. In the game, Mario (originally named Mr. Video and then Jumpman) must rescue a damsel in distress named Pauline (originally named Lady), from a giant ape named Donkey Kong. The hero and ape later became two of Nintendo's most popular and recognizable characters. Donkey Kong is one of the most important games from the golden age of arcade video games as well as one of the most popular arcade games of all time.
The game was the latest in a series of efforts by Nintendo to break into the North American market. Hiroshi Yamauchi, Nintendo's president at the time, assigned the project to a first-time video game designer named Shigeru Miyamoto. Drawing from a wide range of inspirations, including Popeye, Beauty and the Beast, and King Kong, Miyamoto developed the scenario and designed the game alongside Nintendo's chief engineer, Gunpei Yokoi. The two men broke new ground by using graphics as a means of characterization, including cutscenes to advance the game's plot, and integrating multiple stages into the gameplay.
Although Nintendo's American staff was initially apprehensive, Donkey Kong succeeded commercially and critically in North America and Japan. Nintendo licensed the game to Coleco, who developed home console versions for numerous platforms. Other companies cloned Nintendo's hit and avoided royalties altogether. Miyamoto's characters appeared on cereal boxes, television cartoons, and dozens of other places. A lawsuit brought on by Universal City Studios (later Universal Studios), alleging Donkey Kong violated its trademark of King Kong, ultimately failed. The success of Donkey Kong and Nintendo's victory in the courtroom helped to position the company for video game market dominance from its release in 1981 until the late 1990s.

universal companies 在 Faa Firds Youtube 的最佳解答
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This video is not sponsored. All opinions are my own. There may be affiliate links used above. Most of the items I have purchased myself but some may have been gifted to me by companies.

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For 40 years, Universal Companies has been the leading single-source supplier to 84,000+ active customers worldwide. We serve massage therapists, ... ... <看更多>