外交部將於7/26 - 7/30線上舉辦 #2021氣候變遷與永續發展論壇,討論 #氣候外交 #永續發展目標(SDGs) #溫室氣體淨零排放 等等主題。
“2021 is a make-or-break year for collective action against climate change!” according to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the #UK, host to the 26th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (#UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (#COP26), is urging all countries to raise their ambitions on tackling the issue.
As a responsible stakeholder in the international community, #Taiwan won’t shirk its duty in the fight against #GlobalWarming!
If you’re interested in becoming #PartOfTheSolution, why not join MOFA and the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (#TAISE) for an online forum on climate change and #SustainableDevelopment from July 26-30, to discuss the #NetZero2050Roadmap, domestic climate policy and the importance of the #US return to the #ParisAgreement.