The four sections are Aesthetic World, NPM Voyage, River of Time and The Louvre Station. AM showcases world-famous artworks via new media devices; NPMV, calligraphies and traditional ink-wash paintings at virtual reality installations; RT, projections of all exhibition pieces; and TLS, Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” using a VR gallery.
「故宮南院奇幻嘉年華:21 世紀博物館特展」展覽中以「奇幻」為字眼,以「奇」字象徵美術館物質文明的珍奇,「幻」字則意指科技世界下的虛擬幻境,本展以故宮既有之新媒體藝術展件策劃的純虛擬藝術展,並首度邀集羅浮宮、橘園美術館、泰特現代藝術館、德國舊國家美術館、慕夏基金會等近年製作的虛擬實境展件,開啟一場遊走虛實奇境的冒險。
A Carnival of Fantasies: A Special Exhibition of 21st Century Museums at the NPM Southern Branch is a virtual art exhibition that seeks to give visitors a fantastical experience. In addition to the NPM’s existing new media art exhibits, this exhibition brings together VR experiences created in recent years by the Louvre and the Musée de l’Orangerie in France, Tate Modern in the UK, the Old National Gallery in Germany, and the Mucha Foundation in the Czech Republic to Taiwan for the first time. Visitors are invited to embark on an adventure that blends the virtual and the real.
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📣故宮南院奇幻嘉年華:21世紀博物館特展(2019/12/17 ~ 2020/05/26)
A Carnival of Fantasies: A Special Exhibition of 21th Century Museums at the Southern Branch of the NPM
⏰開放時間:09:00 ~ 16:00 (Closed on Mondays)(週二至週日,週一休館)
No.888, Gugong Blvd., Taibao City, Chiayi County,61248, Taiwan
🚩 Phone Number:+886-5-362-0777