1. 只有黑色素瘤有BRAF突變嗎?
2. 東方人常見的肢端黑色素瘤(包括手掌腳掌及指/趾甲),最常見的突變型態是什麼?
跟一般黑色素瘤及其他的腫瘤相比,肢端黑色素瘤的突變量(tumor mutation burden)較少。15%有BRAF基因突變,15%有NRAS基因突變,15%有KIT基因突變。
3. 為什麼我要做BRAF基因突變檢查? 要怎麼做?
tumor burden 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 大菜絲洗淨剪碎,用水浸軟備用。
2. 將水煮滾,加入朝米水粉拌勻,加蓋焗20分鐘,隔走米渣後再加入大菜絲以文火煮至溶化。
3. 待米水大菜水稍微放涼後倒入容器中,放入雪櫃冷藏至凝固即成。
Manage your emotions when faced with malignant tumor
When you are diagnosed with cancer or malignant tumors, you must first try to stay calm, don't be afraid, or you may worsen your illness if you are upset or in a mess. The first thing to do after a diagnosis is to analyze the current situation with your family doctor or doctor in charge, and then find out next steps. Medical development is advanced, and treatment options are available. The best cooperation for patients is to have an open mind and a positive attitude. Don't be stubborn and listen to the opinions of doctors. When you have doubts, see more doctors to collect second opinions, write down some paths and methods, and then discuss with your family or doctor about a treatment plan that suits your needs.
Emotions can have a large intangible effect on the body. It is not recommended to face the problem alone. You have to share the burden with those around you. At this time, it is even more necessary to adjust life and dietary habits, have a cup of rice water daily to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and prepare a healthy body to face the challenge. Do not worry about things that have not happened yet, such as after-treatment side effects or discomfort after radiation therapy or chemotherapy, such as mouth ulcers and sore throats after radiation therapy. From Chinese medicine perspective, you can clear heat and nourish yin. Drink dendrobium powder water that can clear heat and nourish yin, promote fluid production and nourish the stomach to relieve throat discomfort. It can also be made from rice water powder and added into agar to make jelly, which has nutrition and is filling without enhancing throat discomfort. Another example is the paralysis of hands and feet that occurs in some patients after receiving chemotherapy. You can try massage and acupuncture, and external washing with herbs to sooths muscles and relieve symptoms. If you are receiving Chinese Medicine treatment at the same time, it is recommended to inform Western medicine doctor, because both sides can understand the symptoms and medication situation, avoid worsening the illness, and can cooperate to achieve maximum benefit.
Rice water agar jelly
Effects: strengthens the spleen and stomach, helps the body absorb nutrients. Jelly is easy for people with sore throat or throat discomfort to eat.
Ingredients: 1 pack rice water powder, 10g of shredded agar, 1000ml water
1. Rinse agar and cut into pieces. Soak shredded agar until soft.
2. Boil water on high heat until boiling, add the rice water powder and mix well, cover and simmer for 20 minutes, remove the rice solid contents, and then add the shredded agar and cook on low heat until it melts.
3. Let the rice and agar water cool slightly, then pour it into a container, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate until it solidifies.
Note: You can add the appropriate amount of rock sugar to cook until they melt for seasoning.
#男 #女 #我疲憊 #陰虛 #喉嚨痛
tumor burden 在 皮膚外科 王研人醫師 Facebook 的最佳解答
黑色素瘤這幾年有許多新的突破,大方向上認為黑色素瘤應視為全身性疾病 (systemic disease),而不是影像(如電腦斷層或正子攝影)上看到轉移才算全身性疾病(就算是正子攝影,腫瘤也要累積到至少0.6公分才看得到)。但是tumor burden(腫瘤細胞量)對預後很有關,所以手術仍佔重要腳色。(之後會再討論)
黑色素瘤是個差異性相當大的疾病,西方人最常見的是光日照部位的黑色素瘤(superficial spreading melanoma,佔63%),而東方人常見的肢端黑色素瘤(acral melanoma),在西方人僅佔1%。
東方人最常見的是肢端黑色素瘤,佔了47%,其中包括10%的指甲黑色素瘤(subungual melanoma)。而有的日本研究發現黏膜的黑色素瘤(mucosal melanoma,如唇,鼻腔,陰道)佔了近三成。
由西方人制定的治療準則(NCCN guideline),適用在東方人嗎? 日本的Nakamura教授提出了質疑。
1. 手術的切除範圍。肢端的黑色素瘤常有臨床甚至皮鏡都看不出來的腫瘤侵犯(subclinical spreading) 因此用NCCN治療準則的切除範圍(1cm, 2cm) 常不夠。
2. 肢端的黑色素瘤,用現在最紅的免疫治療,anti-PD-1 immunotherapy 如nivolumab保疾伏或pembrolizumab(keytruda®吉舒達),效果好嗎?
目前FDA核可免疫治療用於第四期,用於第三期有淋巴轉移病人的輔助治療(adjuvant therapy)初步結果已經快出來了,之後會討論。
合併nivolumab及ipilimumab用於晚期黑色素瘤(avanced melanoma),雖然副作用率高,但四年的整體存活率高達53%,單用nivolumab也有46%,堪稱黑色素治療的新氣象
(Phase 3 CheckMate -067 clinical trial, 目前追蹤時間最久的)
但在Nakamura教授研究的193位亞洲肢端晚期黑色素瘤指病人中,指甲黑色素瘤病人反應率(overall response)僅有8.6%,手腳掌21.1%,整體而言肢端黑色素瘤的反應率只有16.6%,令人失望。這跟肢端黑色素瘤的突變特性有關,之後也會討論。所以用在美國副總卡特的奇蹟,不一定會在東方人發生。