To all the Front Liners that are defending Malaysia from the COVID-19:
I was told that some of you are nearing your break down point under the tremendous stress at this juncture of time. I just wanted to write this letter to express my utmost gratitude and concerns to all of you.
How are you, our dearest and respected Front Liners? Do you eat well? Do you sleep well? I do hope that while you are giving all out to care for the patients, do not forget to take care of your own well being too.
You might have all sorts of worries at this point of time. The risk of being infected, the increasing concern on the insufficiency of our country’s medical workforce and equipment, the anxiety (or, desolation) as shown on your family member’s faces, the unreasonable scolding you got from the patients’ family outside of the hospital, the deprivation of rest and sleep....
The stress is simply too much to mention.
Who can deal with such stress? I can even imagine how quickly your fears in reaching the boiling point when you try to think about the possibility of something scarier and harder to control is coming soon.
I am sorry that I can’t be there as your companion at the front line. But, as a Medical Social Worker that had been working in the medical organisation for 8 years, I have some words for you:
1. Please allow yourself to be sad and to cry. Let your tears manifest your inner grief. Feeling grieved do not mean we are weak or defeated, it simply means our hearts are tender enough to feel. Very often, in the face of an extreme challenge what we need is not being strong, but being resilient.
A windstorm can easily uproot the strongest tree, but it could never break a resilient grass. In the time of danger, please pray for our hearts to remain supple and resilient, instead of asking ourselves to be tough and strong.
2. Please give yourself enough stability to live life as ‘normal’ as possible. Regardless how busy you are with your duty in the hospital, allocate a time slot to do something that you like to stabilise and settle down your emotion, even if it is only for 15 minutes. You may choose to watch a drama series, browse through Facebook, play video game etc.
Do not lose grip of your normal routines. The best way to keep our emotions stable and grounded is by maintaining and hold on to at least a small part of our normal life.
3. Stay connected to your energy source. For example, keep a family photo in your pocket, replay the encouraging voice message sent by your beloved family members, motivate each other in your university friends' chat group, perform your daily religious rituals, look out to the sun or sky from the window etc.
While your work duty requires you to contribute your energy continuously, you need to create more channels that replenish the positive energy for yourself.
4. Stay alone. Please allow yourself, as well as your workmates, some time and space to be alone, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. Time to be alone is especially important in hard time like this. Only when you are alone, those anxieties that are associated to and magnified by the crowds can be diluted, or eliminated from your mind.
When you are alone, practise deep breathing. No matter where you are, remember you should always take deep breaths. You can pray to your God, or put your hands on the chest to express how grateful you are for the fact that you have not given up on yourself and the country that you call it home, Malaysia. You had fought hard to carry on and provide the best of yourself to everyone in the country.
5. Please accept the truth that we are limited, helpless and powerless. Honestly speaking, this is the hardest hurdle to overcome. From my past experience working with doctors and nurses, I realised the most difficult part is for them to get over the guilts, self-blame, regrets and anger that come along with a patient’s pass on.
I do not know what should I say or do to stop you from the guilts and remorse. To a big extent that reflects how much you care about your patients, your profession and each and every life. I can see your dedication and efforts. I am thankful for your compassion in every patient you cared of. Nevertheless, I still hope that you can try to acknowledge the part of fact that you are limited, helpless and powerless. Only if you could acknowledge it, you can walk over it and make the subsequent steps in your journey.
6. Please ask for help proactively. When you feel that you’re reaching your stress threshold and can’t take it any more, do ask help from other people. Keep 3 important contact numbers readily in hand that you can call anytime and anywhere, to speak out, to cry out, to vent out, and to give you instant boost of energy in order not to giving up.
Last but not least, I really want to say:
To all our beloved front liners, when you are seeing your patients falling critically ill or passing on one after another, please do not be despaired or losing faith. Though you can’t see us, but I hope these words will make you feel us, who are always standing by you, anytime, anywhere.
We wish to give you a pat on your shoulders, and tell you, mate, THANK YOU. Sincerely from all of us, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Even with the slightest streak of hope, our pain will be made less painful.
"THANK YOU. You stay work for us, we stay home for you."
Yee Leong
A helper whom provides hospice care and funeral care
24/03/2020 (5p.m.)
Malay Version:
Mandarin version:
Mandarin Post: Fong Yee Leong
English Translator: Kaichyne Woon
Malay Translators: PT Tan & SJ Yee
Illustrator: Rongo Wong
「to whom it may concern letter」的推薦目錄:
to whom it may concern letter 在 全職獵人FullTime Headhunter Facebook 的精選貼文
《Reference Letter》
「唔好講笑啦,Sally姐,妳嘅下屬Josephine已經篤妳灰啦。佢話妳係黃絲,前排特登請假去遊行、三罷。講真,我本身諗住好來好去,既然妳問到,我都唔怕照直講,你咁黃我咁藍,我哋點L樣夾?就算我同你勉強夾到又點?你都知我哋大老闆佢係深藍,你唔L好搞到我。你自動辭職,自己寫一份Reference Letter,我會幫妳簽個名,大家好來好去。總好過妳俾人炒。妳四點前覆返我。」
佢搵我幫手,我幫佢免費寫一封Reference Letter:
Dear Whom It May Concern,
This letter is to confirm that Ms. Xxx served as Xxx Manager at Xxx Co., Ltd. Ms Xxx was under employment with the company from June, 20xx (Need actual date) to 18 Xxx, 2020 and resigned on her own accord, wishing to pursue other future opportunities.
Xxx possess excellent multi-tasking skills which allow her to juggle multiple tasks perfectly. This skill coupled with her meticulous nature, were instrumental in repeated success in ensuring the highly efficient and smooth operation of her department. One thing that particularly impressed me during Xxx’s time here was her strong sense of responsibility. Xxx often went the extra mile to overdeliver and meet very tight deadlines. Her endearing yet firm personality also played an important role in her successful collaboration with colleagues from other departments and her great capability in leading her team to achieve numerous goals.
I have no doubt that Xxx will be a valuable asset to any organization given her strong sense of responsibility, attention to detail and good leadership skills. She has the skills and ability to excel in multiple roles and I can confidently recommend her for any position and undertaking that she chooses to pursue in the future.
Please feel free to contact me should you wish to discuss this further.
(Name and Title of person writing the letter)
最近聽到好多求職者都要踏上自己新嘅旅程,好驚訝地,根據非正式統計,原來香港60%嘅公司嘅HR都唔會提供Reference Letter,以上係一個比較Generic的Sample,俾各位讀者去參考/用。與此同時,我亦詢問過其中一位HR的意見,究竟以上傳聞係咪真嘅呢?
遞上辭職信後,你是否鬆了一口氣?你是否很興奮?你是否很期待last day的來臨?。全部答「是」的話,請你興奮過後,冷靜地處理一件事—「申請在職證明」。
坊間說的Reference Letter(或稱為推薦信),但正確解說是「在職證明」,讓新僱主知道你真的曾經在舊公司工作,所以HR常常向面試者拿取「在職證明」。若在面試當天,面試者無法提供「在職證明」,也不用太擔心。反而,當刻最重要是你的面試表現,工作證明卻是參考文件。當你成功被取錄後,HR為了核對你的資歷和工作經驗,他們會再次向你索取「在職證明」,亦會進行reference check 。因此面試者最好準備工作證明,以備不時之需。
「在職證明」最基本的內容,是包括受僱 公司資料、你任職時期、職位和職責。若你與前僱主關係良好,可建議他因應你的工作表現而寫下評價,但不是必須的。可是,若你與前僱主不歡而散,他連基本的「在職證明」也不願意給予你,那麼你只能提供糧單,以作證明。
下次跟前僱主say goodbye前,請他提供一份「在職證明」信件。若彼此關係很好,不妨請前僱寫封「推薦信」,列出你的優點或在職期間的成就。不過,那些文件只是身外物,最重要是你有實力,成功在面試中突圍而出。
to whom it may concern letter 在 全職獵人FullTime Headhunter Facebook 的最佳貼文
《Reference Letter》
「唔好講笑啦,Sally姐,妳嘅下屬Josephine已經篤妳灰啦。佢話妳係黃絲,前排特登請假去遊行、三罷。講真,我本身諗住好來好去,既然妳問到,我都唔怕照直講,你咁黃我咁藍,我哋點L樣夾?就算我同你勉強夾到又點?你都知我哋大老闆佢係深藍,你唔L好搞到我。你自動辭職,自己寫一份Reference Letter,我會幫妳簽個名,大家好來好去。總好過妳俾人炒。妳四點前覆返我。」
佢搵我幫手,我幫佢免費寫一封Reference Letter:
Dear Whom It May Concern,
This letter is to confirm that Ms. Xxx served as Xxx Manager at Xxx Co., Ltd. Ms Xxx was under employment with the company from June, 20xx (Need actual date) to 18 Xxx, 2020 and resigned on her own accord, wishing to pursue other future opportunities.
Xxx possess excellent multi-tasking skills which allow her to juggle multiple tasks perfectly. This skill coupled with her meticulous nature, were instrumental in repeated success in ensuring the highly efficient and smooth operation of her department. One thing that particularly impressed me during Xxx’s time here was her strong sense of responsibility. Xxx often went the extra mile to overdeliver and meet very tight deadlines. Her endearing yet firm personality also played an important role in her successful collaboration with colleagues from other departments and her great capability in leading her team to achieve numerous goals.
I have no doubt that Xxx will be a valuable asset to any organization given her strong sense of responsibility, attention to detail and good leadership skills. She has the skills and ability to excel in multiple roles and I can confidently recommend her for any position and undertaking that she chooses to pursue in the future.
Please feel free to contact me should you wish to discuss this further.
(Name and Title of person writing the letter)
最近聽到好多求職者都要踏上自己新嘅旅程,好驚訝地,根據非正式統計,原來香港60%嘅公司嘅HR都唔會提供Reference Letter,以上係一個比較Generic的Sample,俾各位讀者去參考/用。與此同時,我亦詢問過其中一位HR的意見,究竟以上傳聞係咪真嘅呢?
遞上辭職信後,你是否鬆了一口氣?你是否很興奮?你是否很期待last day的來臨?。全部答「是」的話,請你興奮過後,冷靜地處理一件事—「申請在職證明」。
坊間說的Reference Letter(或稱為推薦信),但正確解說是「在職證明」,讓新僱主知道你真的曾經在舊公司工作,所以HR常常向面試者拿取「在職證明」。若在面試當天,面試者無法提供「在職證明」,也不用太擔心。反而,當刻最重要是你的面試表現,工作證明卻是參考文件。當你成功被取錄後,HR為了核對你的資歷和工作經驗,他們會再次向你索取「在職證明」,亦會進行reference check 。因此面試者最好準備工作證明,以備不時之需。
「在職證明」最基本的內容,是包括受僱 公司資料、你任職時期、職位和職責。若你與前僱主關係良好,可建議他因應你的工作表現而寫下評價,但不是必須的。可是,若你與前僱主不歡而散,他連基本的「在職證明」也不願意給予你,那麼你只能提供糧單,以作證明。
下次跟前僱主say goodbye前,請他提供一份「在職證明」信件。若彼此關係很好,不妨請前僱寫封「推薦信」,列出你的優點或在職期間的成就。不過,那些文件只是身外物,最重要是你有實力,成功在面試中突圍而出。
to whom it may concern letter 在 A Letter format to whomsoever It May Concern Copy Business ... 的美食出口停車場
Jul 10, 2018 - A Letter Format To Whomsoever It May Concern Copy Business Letter To Whom It May Concern New Sample Letter To Whom It May Concern. ... <看更多>