Cần Làm Gì Để Chuẩn Bị Sẵn Sàng Cho Các Cơ Hội Giao Lưu Quốc Tế
Bài viết này dành cho các bạn sinh viên, những bạn chuẩn bị tham gia các chương trình thực tập, trao đổi sinh viên hoặc những bạn mong muốn tham gia các chương trình ngắn hạn, dài hạn tại nước ngoài. Sau đây là một số kinh nghiệm cá nhân một số thức bạn cần chuẩn bị, cả về những vật dụng cơ bản và cả tinh thần bước ra thế giới nữa nhé.
1. Thứ đầu tiên bạn cần là: Passport
Hộ chiếu là thứ luôn phải chuẩn bị từ rất sớm, kể cả khi bạn chưa được nhận tham dự một chương trình nào, bạn cũng cần sẵn sàng hộ chiếu trong nhà nhé. Hộ chiếu như một tấm chứng minh thư lưu hành quốc tế cho bạn thôi. Rất nhiều bạn của mình khi cơ hội đến nhanh quá mà lại không có hộ chiếu để nộp nên cũng bị vụt mất cơ hội apply.
Làm hộ chiếu đơn giản lắm, các bạn google tìm hiểu kĩ về cách làm để tránh mất thời gian nha. Bạn nào chưa có hộ chiếu thì cũng có kế hoạch làm ngay và luôn nhé. Làm xong thì nhớ cất giữ cẩn thận vì mất hộ chiếu thì rắc rối vô cùng.
2. Thẻ ngân hàng visa
Cái này thì là tùy chọn nha, với mình thì ngay cả khi mình chưa đi đâu xa xôi mình cũng có thẻ visa thanh toán quốc tế rồi. Thẻ này bạn có thể rút tiền ở nhiều nơi khác nhau, thanh toán vé máy bay ở các hãng nước ngoài, mua đồ online, bla bla. Vì sao mình lại nói thẻ này là tùy chọn, vì nếu bạn không hay dùng thì bạn phải mất một khoản chi phí cho nó để duy trì hàng năm, không nhiều lắm, nhưng bạn có thể cân nhắc nhé. Nếu đến lúc bạn cần đặt vé máy bay hay chi trả các khoản tiền mà bạn không có thẻ visa thì có thể mượn của bạn bè cũng được. Anway, it’s your choice nhé.
Có những chương trình fully funded hầu như bạn không phải chi trả gì, nhưng có những chương trình partly funded chỉ hỗ trợ 1 phần, nên bạn phải đọc kĩ các chương trình mình tham gia để chuẩn bị về tài chính nếu cần thiết nhé.
Thẻ ngân hàng visa này khác với visa mà các bạn phải xin tại các đại sứ quán để được phép sang nước họ nha. Thẻ ngân hàng bạn có thể mở ở bất cứ ngân hàng nào có dịch vụ, còn xin visa thường thì phải liên hệ đại sứ quán của nước đó tại Việt Nam. Một số nước gần gần khu vực Đông Nam Á thì bạn không nhất thiết phải có visa, một số nước khác thì bạn phải phỏng vấn cẩn thận hoặc có lí do chính đáng mới được cấp visa. Anw, tùy nước bạn đến mà bạn tìm hiểu thủ tục của họ rồi áp dụng cho đúng nha.
3. Chứng chỉ tiếng anh
Thông thường bất cứ chương trình thực tập ngắn hạn, dài hạn, chương trình giao lưu trao đổi sinh viên đều cần bạn chứng minh khả năng tiếng anh thông qua các chứng chỉ tiếng anh. Bạn nên có kế hoạch dài hạn để thi các chứng chỉ này để giảm chi phí học thi tại các trung tâm mà bạn lại có nhiều kiến thức.
Bạn có thể thi IELTS hoặc TOEIC, TOEFL. Mình thấy thông dụng nhất là thi IELTS, TOEIC thì các bạn ở Việt Nam thi cũng nhiều nhưng theo mình thì IELTS và TOEFL sẽ được ưu chuộng hơn. Lập một kế hoạch ôn thi dài hạn để có một chứng chỉ quốc tế sẽ giúp bạn có nhiều cơ hội apply học bổng hơn đó. Thông thường thì IELTS 7.0 trở lên hoặc sinh viên thì mình nghĩ 6.0 trở lên là giỏi rồi ạ.
Và vì lệ phí thi đắt đỏ nên các bạn hãy lập kế hoạch để ôn thi và chọn đúng nơi để học, tránh lãng phí mà lại học trong hoang mang nha.
Nhiều chương trình không yêu cầu chứng chỉ nhưng thường sẽ yêu cầu thêm phỏng vấn hoặc viết luận. :) Awy, có chứng chỉ tiếng anh bạn sẽ có cơ hội cao hơn.
4. CV, Letter of Recomendation, Letter of Purpose, Bảng điểm script.
+ Thông thường các chương trình sẽ yêu cầu bạn nộp CV đầu tiên. Với CV thì chú trọng nội dung của CV, tất nhiên hình thức cũng phải chú ý, làm cho nó đơn giản, rõ ràng.
Viết CV thì không có công thức chung cho tất cả mọi người, quan trọng là bạn thể hiện mình như thế nào, à bạn có gì để thể hiện trong CV. Cái này do quá trình rèn luyện của mỗi người mà có những thành tích khác nhau, bạn cũng chẳng thể bịa được những thứ mà bạn không có. Nhưng có một điều là, ngay từ những năm đầu đại học, bạn nên học cách viết CV rồi dần dần năm này qua năm khác bạn bổ sung thêm thành tích và dần dần hoàn thiện CV.
Đối với các chương trình thuộc academic như các chương trình do các khoa thuộc các trường đại học tuyển chọn thì CV nên được viết theo hướng academic, các thành tích nên nhấn mạnh vào kết quả học tập trong trường. Ví dụ như: Bạn có GPA cao (top... trường, lớp), bạn có các bài báo khoa học, có tham gia công trình nghiên cứu hay chỉ đơn giản là assistant cho thầy cô giáo làm một nghiên cứu nhỏ, hay chỉ đơn giản bạn là trưởng nhóm nghiên cứu khoa học ở lớp chẳng hạn. Nhấn mạnh vào các kinh nghiệm và thành tích trong học tập và nghiên cứu. Còn đối với các chương trình hoạt động ngoại khóa, giao lưu văn hóa thì nên viết kĩ hơn về các thành tích hoạt động phong trào, volunteers, project. Các hoạt động thì nên đo đếm được hay có ước lượng gì đó để người đọc hình dung rõ hơn. Ví dụ, GPA 7.0 không cao nhưng lại là top 5 của lớp, hay bạn là founder của một club có 100 thành viên, sự kiện có 500 người tham gia, fundraise được 2000$, etc. Có con số hay hình ảnh (đính kèm thêm thì sẽ thuyết phục hơn).
+ Letter of Recomendation, thường là thư giới thiệu của một người nào đó hiểu rõ bạn, đó có thể là thầy giáo, boss, một người đồng nghiệp, (không nên là người nhà), tóm lại là những người mà làm việc với bạn lâu lâu và rất mong muốn giúp đỡ bạn. LOR đôi khi bạn có thể tự viết hoặc thầy cô viết hộ. Thường là các câu chuyện rất personal nhưng thể hiện rõ tính cách và con người bạn rất rõ ràng, không khen chung chung mà có câu chuyện cụ thể.
+ Letter of Motivation/ purpose do bạn viết là trả lời câu hỏi vì sao bạn phù hợp với chương trình đó, nó cho thấy mức độ quyết tâm của bạn như thế nào. Cái này do cách kể chuyện và câu chuyện của từng người. Nhưng một letter of motivation thành công là sau khi đọc xong người đọc bị thuyết phục và nhớ bạn ngay.
+ Bảng điểm/giấy chứng nhận của trường cũng là một thứ cần thiết. Một số trường không có giấy chứng nhận hay bảng điểm bằng tiếng anh nên bạn cần dịch thuật công chứng sang tiến anh. Một số trường không chấp nhận kí hay đóng dấu theo mẫu tiếng anh, nên còn phụ thuộc vào mức độ khéo léo của các bạn điều chỉnh như thế nào đó cho phù hợp với cả yêu cầu của 2 bên trường. Bảng điểm cao thì tốt mà không cao thì cũng không sao nạ. Thường GPA > 7.0 hoặc >3.0 là ổn nè.
Mỗi chương trình có những yêu cầu riêng, không phải chương trình nào cũng yêu cầu tất cả thứ trên nên nếu có thể bạn hãy tìm những người đã apply thành công các chương trình mà bạn muốn rồi để hỏi kinh nghiệm nhé.
5. Sức khỏe
Rèn luyện sức khỏe từ khi bạn còn ở Việt Nam rất quan trọng, nó quyết định đến chất lượng của những hoạt động, sinh hoạt khi các bạn sang đất nước khác. Nếu bạn không khỏe thì thì sẽ không thể chịu được tần suất di chuyển, học tập, sinh hoạt cao hơn so với khi bạn ở Việt Nam, mà bạn không khỏe thì bạn sẽ không còn vui để enjoy những hoạt động khác nữa.
Vậy nên từ khi ở Việt Nam thì các bạn nên tập luyện để thích nghi nhanh nhất với bên kia, vì thời gian bạn có ở nước ngoài thường không nhiều nên hãy cố gắng tận dụng để trải nghiệm tốt nhất.
Cái này nghe thì có vẻ đơn giản nhưng không đơn giản nha, sức khỏe thật tốt thì mới tích cực được.
6. Ăn uống
Không thể phủ nhận là bạn sẽ bị đảo lộn sinh hoạt và ăn uống khi bạn không còn ở Việt Nam, một vài món ăn bạn không thể ăn ổn hay không quen với thức ăn bên đó. Thì cũng đành chịu thôi, cơ thể hay dạ dày của bạn đã quen với đồ ăn ở Việt Nam. Vậy nên bạn cũng cân nhắc chuẩn bị thêm một ít bánh quy, mì gói mang sang đủ để bạn sống sót những ngày đầu thôi, các ngày sau bạn quen hơn thì bạn sẽ tìm được đường đến siêu thị và mua đồ ăn hợp hơn với bạn rồi.
7. Thuốc men.
Tùy thuộc mỗi bạn hay mắc bệnh gì mà mang theo một ít thuốc mem đi dự phòng. Berberin, thuốc chống dị ứng, ho, sốt,... Cứ cho hết vào hành lí kí gửi.
8. Tinh thần
Cái này quan trọng nhất nha. Vì bạn đại diện cho đất nước của bạn nên hình ảnh cá nhân cũng vô cùng quan trọng.
Tinh thần thì thứ nhất là open-minded, cởi mở trước những cái mới, không phán xét. Như kiểu trong đoàn hoặc trong lớp của bạn sẽ có người theo đạo nào đạo kia, có đạo thì không ăn món này không ăn món kia hay có những quy tắc nhất định, nếu bạn cởi mở thì sẽ học được rất nhiều điều hay ho đó. Và tôn trọng mọi sự khác biệt nha.
Thứ 2 là luôn chủ động. Nếu như lớp học có tổ chức trò chơi hay thảo luận gì thì hãy luôn chủ động, đừng để họ phải mời đến lần thứ hai mới tham gia, be active vào, chơi hết, chia sẻ hết, đừng ngại, trải nghiệm mà. Cũng đừng ngại hỏi. Bạn có câu hỏi gì tò mò muốn tìm hiểu thì cứ chủ động hỏi nha. Ngày nào bạn cũng tò mò cũng hỏi thì bạn sẽ có nhiều kiến thức mới lắm đó.
Tiếp đó là chủ động giao lưu, nếu trong đoàn của bạn có nhiều người Việt, hãy chủ động tách đoàn và tiếp xúc với bạn bè các nước nhiều hơn từ lúc đi ăn, lấy thức ăn xong bạn hãy ngồi cùng bàn với bạn bè các nước khác nữa, sẽ có nhiều chuyện hay ho hơn đó, lúc học cũng vậy.
Thứ 3 là thân thiện. Bạn thân thiện dễ gần với mọi người thì mn cũng vậy. Theo mình thì những người tham gia và được lựa chọn vào các chương trình thực tập, trao đổi thì bản thân họ cũng đã là một outstanding ở trường học của họ rồi, nên mỗi người sẽ có một điểm thú vị và có những câu chuyện hay ho đằng sau đó. Nên là bạn sẽ nói chuyện với nhiều người thú vị lắm khi bạn cũng thân thiện nha.
Cuối cùng hãy tìm hiểu thật kĩ chương trình mà bạn sẽ tham dự, timeline chương trình, để chuẩn bị kiến thức thật tốt nha.
9. Chủ động chia sẻ để được chia sẻ
Vì mỗi người mỗi đất nước sẽ có một nét văn hóa riêng, nên nếu bạn chủ động chia sẻ văn hóa của đất nước bạn thì bạn cũng sẽ nhận được nhiều điều thú vị từ các bạn khác. Bạn có thể chia sẻ về lớp học, trường học, dự án, công trình nghiên cứu bạn đang làm, hay những thứ hay ho mà ở Việt Nam có những nơi khác không có. Khi bạn phát hiện ra một điều gì đó khác biệt, bạn có thể chia sẻ thêm, ở VN thì ntn nhưng không đánh giá là chúng tôi kém hơn hay các bạn tốt hơn gì nha. Mỗi nơi có một điều hay nên mình cứ open thôi.
10. Quà tặng từ Việt Nam
Sẽ rất chu đáo nếu bạn chuẩn bị một món quà tặng nho nhỏ nào đó mang từ Việt Nam
Bạn sẽ rất vui khi nhận được một món quà nào đó từ bạn bè ở nước khác phải không. Một món đồ lưu niệm, một món bánh kẹo, hay đồ lưu niệm đặc biệt gì đó. Phòng mình đã rất vui khi nhận được kẹo, bánh từ một anh Mexico cho, hay các bạn Thái cũng rất vui khi nhận được bánh đậu xanh, hay con chuồn chuồn gỗ từ Việt Nam. Nếu bạn đi theo đoàn, cả đoàn có thể mua một đồ gì đó lưu niệm tượng trưng cho Việt Nam để tặng nơi mà bạn đến, có thể là bất cứ thứ gì bạn thấy thú vị.
Bên cạnh các món quà vật chất thì đó có thể là các món quà về tinh thần. Một bài hát, một điệu nhảy, một vỡ kịch đều sẽ là một nét đẹp mà các bạn bè quốc tế nhớ về bạn đó.
Vậy đã là 10 điều mình recommend cho mọi người rồi. Bất cứ ai cũng đều có cơ hội để tham gia trải nghiệm học tập ở một nơi mới, điều quan trọng là bạn có sẵn sàng và tìm được những cơ hội phù hợp với bản thân mình không thôi. Nếu bạn chưa có cơ hội để tham gia các chương trình to to, hãy bắt đầu với những chương trình nhỏ.
Một số gợi ý cho bạn: Host những chương trình ngay tại trường học, hay thành phố của bạn, volunteer cũng được để bạn quen dần với các chương trình, tham gia thêm các hoạt động ngoại khóa. Bắt đầu với những nhiệm vụ nhỏ, dần dần là nhiệm vụ to to, trong nước trước, rồi đến nước ngoài. Các bạn cứ tích cực, pay it forward thì sẽ có ngày đến lượt các bạn thôi. Cố lên.
Source: Go Global Class
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"橫尾先生你傾向於在你的遊戲中有個悲傷的結局(除了《尼爾 自動人形》),這是為什麼呢?
橫尾:我想啊,玩家在遊戲中的旅程中殺了那麼多的敵人,但自己卻迎來了一個Happy Ending,這很奇怪,所以我之前遊戲的主角都有著不幸的結局,我覺得對他們來說有個Happy Ending是不對的。
不過對《尼爾 自動人形》來說,對2B和9S來說,從被給予生命,他們殺了很多人,但也被自己殺了很多,很多次,有著無數次的輪迴。我認為這已經把他們殺死敵人的罪給贖了,幸福結局對他們兩個來說更合適一些。"
Talking To Yoko Taro, PlatinumGames' Takahisa Taura, And Composer Keiichi Okabe About Life, Death, And Opportunity
This interview with《Nier: Automata》director Yoko Taro and PlatinumGames' designer Takahisa Taura was first conducted in March of this year. Square Enix then offered gameinformer another chance to talk with Taro again, this time with Keiichi Okabe to speak more about the game's creation, music, and design philosophies and we are taking this opportunity to combine both until-now unpublished interviews together.
At the start of the first interview, Taro Yoko, whose pen name is appropriately Yoko Taro, was surprisingly quiet. He took a gulp from a bottle of Diet Pepsi and looked me straight in the eye to say something. I myself looked to the translator, who laughed at whatever Yoko said. She began "Yoko-san wants you to write about how expensive the food and drinks are here, if you can. He says it's way too much."
[The following interview contains some spoilers for Nier: Automata, including the game's final ending.]
With Nier: Automata, you guys won a Game Developer Conference award. How do you feel about that?
Yoko: We heard it was a user's choice award where the players themselves select the winners, so I'm just really happy that the players have selected our game for winning the award.
How did PlatinumGames and Yoko-san first meet on Nier? Why did you decide on that project versus something like another Drakengard or a new IP as a whole?
Taura: I loved the previous Nier title, I was actually went to Square Enix saying "Please let us create a Nier sequel, because you haven't done anything with it for a long time." At the same time, there was coincidentally Saito-san, the producer for Nier: Automata, talking with Yoko-san that they wanted to do something together. It just so happened that it was the right time, right place and we met for the first time when we started this project.
When you started working on the Automata, did you know what it was going to be? Did you have an idea in your head of what a Nier sequel would look like after the first game?
Yoko: Not at all, I had no ideas for a sequel in mind. When I first heard that we might do a collaboration with PlatinumGames, the image I had of them is that they only create Sci-Fi action games. When I thought of that, I thought of what part of the Nier storyline might fit in with that Sci-Fi action gaming sequence, I selected the themes for Automata because I felt it just fits in with the PlatinumGames style.
PlatinumGames has a reputation for fast, often-challenging action games, but Nier: Automata is a lot easier. Was that intentional to keep it closer to the first Nier or perhaps a consequence of trying to make PlatinumGames action more mainstream?
Taura: That's actually exactly the reason why. Saito-san from Square Enix told us when the project started that, since the original Nier has a lot of female fans and a lot of non-action gamer fans, to make the game as fun and accessible as possible to people who aren't accustomed to playing difficult action games. We always thought of making the game into something that's fun to play for newcomers to the action game field, but also to the more experienced players as well.
One of the usual tropes of PlatinumGames is that, as the game goes on, it tends to escalate more and more to an explosive finale. Nier: Automata kind of messes with that formula a little bit by Ending A being a little bit more subdued and low-key and then goes up again and again until it finishes with endings D and E. Is that something you had to work with Yoko-san about, where the escalation and pacing would best fit the gameplay?
Taura: In terms of like a climax or increasing the difficulty level toward the end, it's not that different from our other titles, or at least we didn't feel like it was that different. The one major difference was that this was the first game that I've at least worked that had the leveling up element in it. So as long as you level up your character, the boss would be easier to defeat, but if you don't, then some of the enemies toward the end of the game would be very difficult. For me, the balancing between the difficulty level of stages and bosses versus the levels the player might be was the difficult part in creating this game.
One thing that we really had it easy with in this game is that Yoko-san's scenario and Okabe-san's music, once it's mixed into the battle, makes a really menial and indifferent battle sequence suddenly becomes this dramatic and grandiose battle with everything at stake, so I felt like that really helped elevate our battle sequences as well. We did have an easy time thanks to that!
With Automata, you started appearing at press conferences and as part of the marketing of the game, whereas previously you never did that. When you appear in public, you have been wearing a mask of Emil from the first Nier title. Why Emil specifically?
Yoko: Hmm. One of the answers I can give is that, and I do have a little more that I want to elaborate on, is that for one Emil in the previous title is just a strong character on its own, so it's more like an iconic image or character for Nier as a series. Another part of the answer is that Emil actually holds a great secret of the part of the Nier world and it's not all revealed with the games I've created so far. I'm not sure if I'll have an opportunity to disclose that secret, but if I do, I might one day create a game that delves more into why it's Emil and why I continue to wear Emil's mask.
I don't know if either of you can speak to this, but the trailers for Nier: Automata were a little misleading. They showed A2, who you play as late in the game, but with short hair, so she looked like 2B. Was that something you decided, to show those scenes but not make it clear who it was?
Yoko: There were trailers like that?
There was one specifically showing A2 fighting Hegel like that.
Yoko: Ahh, yeah. There's no reason! We weren't trying to hide A2 or mislead anyone, it just happened to work out that way.
Taura: We made so many trailers at some point we kind of didn't care what we showed.
Oh, wow, that's going to shock a lot of fans in the Nier community. People really believed in the theory that you were hiding A2 in plain sight the marketing.
Yoko: Haha, but it might not be the correct answer. Like Taura-san said, we made so many trailers that we can't remember them all, so I'm definitely happy to take the credit without remembering why.
Taura: Yeah, let's say we intentionally did that. For the fans. It might be true.
Yoko: But I can say, in one of the trailers is A2 fighting one of the Engels, one of the big robots. She actually has long hair in the trailer, but in the actual game, it's after she cut her, so she would have had shorter hair. That one was actually intentional, because we did not reveal before the game that A2 would cut her hair, so we actually made a scene specifically with long-haired A2 to take that trailer. So that's that shot was kind of a lie.
In the Automata DLC, the CEO of Square Enix Yosuke Matsuda, as well as PlatinumGames boss Kenichi Sato, are boss fights. Where did that idea come from and how did you get them to approve it? How did they react when you asked them?
Yoko: Haha, oh yeah.
Taura: The development team went to Square Enix and said "Please let us use him in our game!" Their reaction was initially saying "Uhm, are you sure you want to?"
We were thinking for a while of what we could do with the DLC, because we didn't have a lot of time to develop it, so we wanted to do something fun with it. When we were thinking about it, we saw that Final Fantasy XV used a character model of president Matsuda in one of their marketing assets. When Yoko-san saw that, he reached out and asked if maybe we could use that in the game at Platinum. We said that, if we get the character models, we could definitely use them for something in the game. We reached out to Square Enix and they gave us the model and we were able to use that character model for a boss fight.
If it was just that you were able to fight the CEO of Square Enix, then it would have just been the same as what Final Fantasy XV did, so we had to think of ways to spice that up even more. So we had PlatinumGames' CEO Sato-san appear in the fight as well. We also included background music that arranged their voices, we included their voices in the music, just to add a little bit more and beat out Final Fantasy XV. That BGM track is Matsuda-san and Sato-san's debut single. We didn't even get permission from them, so it's an unofficial debut single, and those are much rarer.
Speaking of crossovers, did you know that Nier fans have been trying get Katsuhiro Harada of Bandai Namco to put 2B in Tekken? Is that something you guys would want to do? [Note: This interview was conducted before 2B was announced as a Soulcalibur guest character.]
Yoko: For us, if we were asked, we would gladly say yes to anything for money. We're open to any kind of opportunities for anything, ever. Even if it's Candy Crush, if they want to use 2B, we will say yes, please go ahead and use her.
Actually, speaking of doing anything for money, you've never created a direct story sequel before, they've all been loosely tied together and many years apart. Saito-san has already said there will be another Nier game, if the characters are popular enough, would you create a direct sequel to Automata or would you change the characters and location again?
Yoko: I haven't thought about it once! Taura-san, where would you want to create a new game?
Taura: Actually, when I brought my concept document to Square Enix about a Nier sequel, I wanted to write a story about that prologue portion in the first Nier game. You know the beginning of the game, where you're kind of in Tokyo, in an area that's more modern? I kind of want to delve into that storyline a little bit more. So if I'm allowed to create a new Nier title, that's what I want to create. But that's just me speaking as a fan of the series, so I don't think that will actually happen officially.
Yoko: When I actually heard about that idea from Taura-san when we first started this project, I felt that it would be very difficult to make a modern recreation of Tokyo because it's the city that we constantly see every day. You just notice differences in the lies that we put in there, so I felt it would be very difficult to do to recreate a city that we know and see so much. But now that I know that PlatinumGames is such a good studio that they most likely will have that power and talent to be able to create that kind of video game world, I think that might be an option. Whether or not we'll do that is a different question, but it is a viable option.
One of the things you said before the release of Drakengard 3 was that you wanted to call it Drakengard 4 and just let people figure out what the theoretical Drakengard 3 was supposed to be. That's similar to what you did with Automata where the game takes place 10,000 years after Nier and people who played the first game were more confused than new players. Was that an intentional idea or something you've wanted to do for a while?
Yoko: It's not that I brought over that idea to Nier: Automata, the greatest reasoning why I did this is because I wanted players who haven't played the original title to enjoy Nier: Automata so you can enjoy the game without knowing anything about the previous game. That's the biggest reason why we took a storyline that's so far in the future that it really didn't have anything to do with the previous title.
A common through-line for Yoko-san's games is flowers: the lunar tear in the Nier series, the flower in Zero's eye in Drakengard 3, is that symbolizing anything in your games or is it just visual imagery you like?
Yoko: Well, I do like flowers in general, but yes, there is a greater meaning to it that I have with these flowers. It's the same as Emil like I talked about earlier, I just haven't revealed it anywhere. There is a meaning, which is why they keep on coming back in my games, but I haven't revealed it anywhere yet.
With the last Nier game, you had said that you built the game on the concept of people being okay with murdering people who are different. With Nier: Automata, the games actually became more fun to play and control and touch, do you think there's a danger in giving people that sense of ease in killing enemies in the narrative?
Yoko: In the previous title, I actually feel like I overdid that a bit. I did want to portray that enemies have a reason to live and a reason to fight on their own as well, but I feel like I forced that idea that I had in my mind a little bit too much on the players. So for Nier: Automata, I did not want to focus on it, I didn't want to impose my feelings and thoughts. I actually feel that it's fine if some people feel it's fun to kill in our games. If that's all that they feel from the game, then it's fine, because its their freedom to feel what they want from the game. To answer your question, I think that it's fine to have that happen.
Taura: I actually have the same answer, too. I feel like if it's fun to fight, that's great as a game designer. But if you feel bad to kill these cute little robots, that's fine with me as well. I feel like different people will have different reactions to the game and they will feel differently when they play the game, so I'm actually happy to create a game that creates those kind of differences within the players as well.
Yoko: That's a really good question for us, because if players felt that it was way too fun to kill these enemies that it started making them feel guilty, that's something we didn't really aim to do. Just as we mentioned earlier, I'm really happy that players were able to take it on their own and experience it on their own, then we didn't just provide something for people to take it as-is on face value. I feel like it's great that the players are now taking the game and experiencing it on their own and trying to figure things out on their own.
There was a time after 2B was revealed that people were asking you about her design on Twitter and you answered that you just like sexy ladies. That quote has become pretty famous and attached to you and a lot of people are reading into it. Is that a thing you still believe, would you ever take the quote back, or would you have ever changed 2B's design?
Yoko: [laughs] Don't straight men like cute girls? Isn't that common knowledge? I didn't realize that was a quote.
A lot of people use you as an example as a developer that just says what is on their mind.
Yoko: Before we released the game, on Twitter, because so many people were sending me 2B fan art, I said that "Send me a zip file of all your erotic fan art!" When I tweeted that out, my number of Twitter followers jump from 20,000 to 60,000 just with that one Tweet. I actually think it's because I did something that's more of a taboo in the western world where I talked about sexuality or gender that openly on Twitter, but that's actually...so, I do know that what I said did not just creative positive buzz and there's some negative buzz around it as well, but I feel like it kind of has to do with the Japanese culture where we're not too strict about gender and sexuality and being more open about talking about those things.
I think it's the same thing as reading manga as an adult, it's a little bit different when you think about it because in Japan that's more common, it's not considered something weird or something outlandish. With that kind of feedback that I get from fans, I just feel like it's the difference in culture between Japan and the rest of the world.
That is something you tend to tackle fairly often. Drakengard 3 was partly about sex and sexuality treated casually within the game's universe, is that something you feel doesn't translate across all regions?
Yoko: I actually don't think [translating across regions] has a lot to do with sexuality. I don't think it would have sold more copies of Drakengard 3 if I took away aspects of sexuality or added more in there. I feel that Nier: Automata sold well because we worked with PlatinumGames, so I don't think that has anything to do with a sexual nature.
For the original Nier, there was a lot of information on the periphery of the game like books with background information and short stories that answer questions raised in the game. Automata even had a stage play predating the game. Do you think it's harder for western fans to grasp the whole stories of these games when there's Japanese-exclusive media about it expanding the lore?
Yoko: Of course we can't localize everything because we have limitations in budget, so it's really difficult to do all of that, but I actually think there really isn't a need to know everything, either. The meaning I have behind Emil's mask or the flowers you asked about, like I said it's not revealed in the game at all or anywhere else yet, but no one really needs to know that to enjoy the game or enjoy the world or enjoy the game. More than gaining knowledge, I want players to cherish the experience they have when playing the game. It's more about that instead of the knowledge they could have for every question. Of course the theatrical stage play was more of like a YoRHa spinoff, but you don't need to know that to enjoy the game. Every piece, like the books and the stage play, is made in a way so that you can enjoy it by yourself, so you don't need that extra knowledge to enjoy it.
It may add a little bit depth to the knowledge that you have, but you don't necessarily need to have it. I do understand the otaku mentality that you want to know everything, you want to have everything answered, you want to collect everything, but I don't see the value in knowing everything. For example, just in real life, you might not know everything about the politics that surrounds the world or even in your own country, and there's really no point in knowing everything that happens in the world. Maybe a lot things, but not everything, right? What's more important is how you interact with people around you, immediately around you, and I think that's the same with video games. You don't really need to know everything that happens in the world to enjoy it.
Of course I do respect the freedom that the players feel as well, so if you do get mad that we can't localize everything in America, or America never gets everything, that's also something to be respected and I do understand the frustrations surrounding that as well.
When Nier: Automata released, it did so in a three-month timeframe that several other big Japanese games came out in the U.S., like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Yakuza 0. A lot of people started heralding those games as a return of Japanese development in the west. What do you think about going from fairly niche games to what some people consider the tip of the spear of modern Japanese development?
Yoko: First and foremost, just to speak about having so many good titles in that timeframe, my thought was "Are you people trying to kill me with this?!" In Japan, Horizon came out first, then it was Nier, then Zelda, and I think in the west, it was Horizon, Zelda, then Nier in North America. So we're literally sandwiched between those two with a two-week window in between each and they were all very similar to us in the futuristic setting. Especially for Zelda, it was one of the titles we copied in the first place, so I really felt like they were trying to kill us at the time.
Personally, not even thinking about Nier: Automata during that time frame, I was running around excited about all the fun-looking games coming as a gamer myself.
Hideki Kamiya [PlatinumGames] has once said that Nier: Automata saved Platinum. Is that something you agree with and how has the relationship been between PlatinumGames and Square Enix?
Yoko: Speaking from my perspective, of course Taura-san will likely know more about it internally at PlatinumGames...Kamiya-san, he's very laid back on Twitter, but when you actually really talk to him, he's a very serious person and very sincere. I guess Nier: Automata did generate sales for them, because I received a direct letter of gratitude from him saying "Thank you very much for creating a great game." I don't even know if we saved them or not in that sense, but just receiving that kind of message from was just very heartwarming and I was just really happy that I was able to provide such a game for them.
Taura: You could make the headline of your article "Yoko Taro Saved PlatinumGames" and that's definitely true.
Yoko: It's a very true headline.
Why do both of you think that Nier: Automata was more successful than Yoko-san's previous games or most other PlatinumGames titles?
Taura: Mainly because PlatinumGames' sensibilities were much better than Yoko Taro's.
Yoko: I actually think it's the Square Enix brand, the name Square Enix gives a more reliable feeling to an otaku type of title. PlatinumGames' strong name being known for making really good action games and I think the combination of the two really helped. This time with Nier: Automata, we sold about 2.5 million copies and the previous title we sold around 500,000. For the last game, we weren't really in the red, but it wasn't exactly a success either. We have these passionate fans that really supported the time from announcement and the series as a whole. Of course for Automata, too, we had a very passionate fan base including the media and including yourself that gave impressions and articles that helped make the game into a success, so I'm just really grateful for the fans and media alike that really supported the title and were passionate about it.
[The remainder of this interview took place a few weeks later with Taro Yoko and Nier: Automata composer Keiichi Okabe. Okabe is also known for his work on both Nier titles, Drakengard 3, Tekken, and contributing some tracks to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Before we started recording, Yoko said it will be okay if I asked Okabe most of the questions and I remarked that I wouldn’t want to make him jealous. He paused for a moment and then said it doesn’t matter because he would get paid either way.]
You two have been working together for a long time, I was curious how much the music composition is tied in with the writing. One of the city themes in Nier: Automata uses similar composition to a track in Nier. Does that come from the writing or the musical identity of the series?
Okabe: Since Yoko-san is I feel the type of person that doesn't want to do the same thing over and over again, even if he did receive praise for what he did previously, I kept that in mind while I was composing music for Nier: Automata. I also wanted to have some kind of connection that you would feel as a player between the previous title and this one, so I used similar tones from previous titles or from the previous game. It might not be exactly the same, but I used some similar types of music lines from the previous title so that you might feel that kind of connection.
But we do have tracks that are arrangements of previous tracks from older titles, but that was mostly for fan service.
I kind of wanted to drill down a little bit this time and get to the core of your philosophy of why and how you make games. If you had to pick a reason to hold up and say "This is why I make video games," what would that be?
Yoko: I feel that video games, amongst all the different entertainment mediums, have the most freedom in what you can do as a creator. For example, in a film, if you are able to control movement, then that's no longer a film in my eyes. In video games, you could have film-like cutscenes and videos, you could have them going on forever as much as you would like as a creator. That kind of freedom to do that is what I really wanted to do and I feel like video games are what provide me that option, even if I never do it.
Is there any kind of message you use games for that you want to convey to your audience or anything you want them to hear from you? Or do you prefer to let them take whatever interpretation they get from your games?
Yoko: It's the latter. I would want our players to freely interpret what I've created just on their own, to grasp something for their own. I feel that's one of the interesting aspects of video games is that you are able to freely interpret what's being shown to you. I also feel like the players make the game whole by playing it. The action of playing the game I feel has meaning in itself and because of that I want the players to find something from the game, feel something from the game, for themselves.
Nier: Automata won a number of awards, Okabe-san you won best music at The Game Awards, Automata won the audience award at GDC. Is there any pressure to appeal a more mainstream audience with your next game?
Okabe: For a popular title that will be played by many, it doesn't really matter what kind of genre you put out musically. I will still be interested to compose music for those if possible. I would have to take a different approaches to those kind of mainline titles, whereas for Nier, I felt that the music can be more geared toward a core audience where only those who would understand the music would play it. But at the same time, once you understand, I want you to be deeply affected by it. That's what I aim for with Nier. If I am to work on a way more mainstream title next time, I will have to change that mindset I have as a composer, but that would be something I'd like to challenge myself more. To answer your question, yes, I'd like to try that, but I'd also do whatever kind of jobs I'm assigned to.
Yoko: For me, my games I actually think are really niche. How Nier: Automata was so successful was actually just a coincidence. To make a successful game is something that I can't really aim to do, so I think that I'll probably return to my small and dark corner, my niche corner, with my successive titles.
Who would you both consider your inspirations for writing and composing?
Okabe: For me, it's obviously more of a composer than a writer, but I don't really focus on one person. I tend to just try to get music here and there and have a wide net. I am greatly affected by people who I've listened to in my youth, like Japanese composer Ryuchi Sakamoto, Ennio Morricone who creates film music, and also pop music like Michael Jackson and Madonna. I am affected by those as well.
Yoko: I have received inspiration from a lot of things, but I think personally expressions in film or any like visual production is something I'm deeply affected by. For example, Neon Genesis Evangelion by Hideaki Anno, that was really a strong influence on me. Also, the drama series 24, the way that they incorporate speedy and complicated constructions of storylines was something that was very new at the time. Just throughout the timeline of visual production, I think there's a sudden burst of evolution, and I think that "that" moment in a title that does that just greatly affects me and becomes an inspiration for me. But I feel that can be said for the rest of the world.
Lately, anything that Christopher Nolan creates I think is very intriguing where he tries to include deep knowledge and thoughtfulness into what he creates. I'm very interested in this new wave of evolution.
Last year, with the release of Animal Crossing on mobile, you talked on social media about how it was your favorite game of the year because you created a narrative where the characters were all unwillingly imprisoned in the camp. Do you often create your own narratives for games?
Yoko: I do that for some games and I don't for others. Off and on, I guess. It's a lot easier to create my own storyline per se for a more primitive game. For example, in Zelda: Wind Waker, you start off with a grandma and your sister living on an island and it's really happy and joyful and there's really no reason for Link to get out of there and fight Ganondorf because you're already living happily. You don't need to get out of that happiness. As a gamer, I felt the kind of sadness to have to leave that happy island life.
In Dragon Quest [V], you have to choose who you want to wed, and I felt that I couldn't really get into liking either of the characters. I also couldn't find the point of having to decide who I want to marry, so I just at that instant I turned off the game and said "My journey ends here!" My mind narrated "The three of them went on the journey and lived happily ever after, the end." That was my ending for Dragon Quest V.
Around the release of Drakengard 3, you spoke about how it's not possible in this industry to make a six-minute game and sell it for $60, no matter how good those six minutes are. Is this something you still think?
Yoko: That analogy was given to explain that, no matter how much you try to make a game really good, there's a limit to what you can do. If you are to create a six-minute game, because you can't go through a lot of different stages, you would have to create one stage. Which means that you could really refine the quality of that one stage without having to put in a lot of money into it and a lot of manpower into it. Also, because it's only six minutes, you can't really have too many characters in it, so you could focus on one or two characters at max. By doing that, you could refine the quality of those two characters. But because you're time-limited, no matter how much you refine the quality of the world around you or the characters, if you're limited to six minutes there's just so much you could do that the game won't become good at all. That was an example for me to say that there's a limit to what you can do in video games.
Okabe-san, in the music for a lot of Yoko-san's game, you use constructed or uncommon languages, is there a specific reason for that?
Okabe: [laughs] Yeah, for one, because it is Nier: Automata, Replicant, and Gestalt, they all take place in a unique world, even though they're in the timeline of our current world, it's so much in the future that it should feel kind of foreign. That's one of the reasons why I went for language we can't understand, but another is that, in games in the past, game directors actually got mad at many occasions for including vocals into the soundtrack. They were saying that it would become too distracting from the gameplay and would distract the player. It was considered more of a taboo, so for Nier, I included vocals in there without a language you could understand more for the sound that you get from the words. It wasn't to convey any meaning of what was being said, but more for a sound impact.
Yoko-san, you tend to have very sad endings in your games, with the exception of Nier: Automata which is as happy an ending as you can get with most characters dying. Why do you tend to write toward more sad endings and do you feel like Automata's happy ending fit the game better?
Yoko: The reason why I created endings that end on a death is because, until now I was creating games where you would kill a lot of enemies, but I've always felt that it doesn't feel right when the protagonist has a happy after they've killed so many enemies during the course of their journey. That's why in Replicant and Gestalt, or my previous titles, the protagonist pretty much ended up dying because I didn't feel like it was right for them to have a happy ending. But for Nier: Automata, 2B and 9S, from the time that they were given life, they've been killing a lot of enemies, but they've also been killed by them many, many times, and regenerated many times. They've actually been killing each other, which you find out at the very end, many, many times as well. So I felt that kind of cleansed them of their sins for killing so many enemies, which made me feel that a happy ending was more fitting for those two.
Do you feel like that cycle of violence and death and the consequences of that are human nature?
Yoko: I think the reasons why we kill in video games do kind of shine light on what's kind of broken within humanity or humans in general. We want peace in the world, but we also enjoy killing others in video games, like shooting guns in video games. I think that's karma in a sense for humans, the way that video games grasp the true essence of humanity, whether or not that's what they were aiming to do.
Is there a series that you know, like Persona or Yakuza or anything like that, that either of you would want to work on?
Yoko: A series or anything?
It can be anything.
Yoko: Personally, it's not a Japanese title. I'd actually love to see how western titles are developed, because I have no insight into how they're made. There was a moment in time where I felt that it might be fun join a western development to see how things run. Of course there's the language barrier that would make it difficult for me to do that, but generally speaking I feel that western storytelling follows kind of a similar route for all the stories that western mediums create. I would feel it fascinating to find out why western games use certain flows and storyline arcs.
Okabe: I'm kind of a fanboy myself, so there is a part of me that wants to work on major titles like Dragon Quest. I feel that if I do work on those titles, the pressure of working such a known title would be just too big and because there is a part of me that really loves that series, I feel like I would try to skew my music in a way that would fit into that series instead of trying to create music that I think is good. I don't feel like I would be able to bring out the best quality in my music if I worked on those big titles, because of that pressure and because of the image I have of those titles in my mind. Currently, my want to work on those major titles and the part of me that's telling me I shouldn't do it are about equal.
Were either of you surprised by Nier: Automata's success?
Yoko: [in English] Oh yes.
Okabe: For me, I live in Tokyo and developer PlatinumGames live in Osaka, so we did have quite a distance in-between, like literal physical distance between us. From the moment that I created the music to when I was able to see it next, there was a big gap in time, so when I was able to my music in the game for the first time, the game was pretty close to finished, they were almost done with development. At that moment, I thought "Maybe this one might sell?" But at the same time, I didn't think it would become this big of a success, I always thought it might do better than the previous titles, but it was like a hunch that I didn't feel until this time in Yoko-san's titles. I did have some kind of a gut feeling that it might do well.
The last song of Automata, Weight of the World, had a chorus with the entire game's development staff at PlatinumGames and Square Enix singing along to encourage the player. Why did you decide on that for the final song of the game?
Okabe: I didn't remember this, I actually forgot about it for a while, but Yoko-san actually came to me telling me that he wanted a chorus at the end of the game pretty early on in the development process. I apparently made disgruntled face at him and did not remember why I even made that face or even that I made that face. After a while, I actually remember why I had such a reaction with the disgruntled face, because there's a couple of different types of choirs, but Yoko-san likes the more classical choir, so when he requested that he wanted a choir, I thought he wanted that classical type of choir at the last part of the game. At that moment, I thought "Well, that doesn't really fit in with the game plan, I don't really want to do that," which is why I had that expression on my face. After we talked about it, Yoko-san mentioned that wasn't really what he was going for, he said that because that last scene is all about all these different people helping you, he wanted everyone to sing, he wanted it to feel like everyone is singing there with you as you play.
When I thought about doing that, and I actually agreed that might be a good idea, because in Nier: Automata all the choir vocals that you hear in the game, it's actually recorded by a small group of singers, I just overlapped their voice so it sounds like a big choir. Because that last part of the game is more about you playing amongst a lot of people, I felt that taking that approach again of overlapping voices again would not really work. So I reached out to the dev teams because they were working on that part and I thought it would be a good idea to have them put themselves in the game as well. I also thought that they don't need to have a good voice, it's just to give that feeling that you're playing with all these developers.
Development teams from Square Enix, PlatinumGames, and also some composers from my company who didn't work on Nier: Automata are singing in it as well. There's also children of PlatinumGames developers and their family actually singing in it as well. That was the reasoning behind why we decided to do that at the end.
Has there ever been, in all your games you've made, an idea you had that you had to be talked out of?
Yoko: For the first Drakengard, I had an idea of [Japanese pop-star] Ayumi Hamasaki, like her character model, wearing all-silver spandex, like a giant version of her descending from the sky and you would fight against her by music. Everyone else on the staff shut it down. It does still leave that kind of music game essence kind of in there, but the part Ayumi Hamasaki comes out in silver spandex has been taken out.
Isn't that kind of similar to Drakengard 3's actual ending?
Yoko: Similar, but I actually wanted to go for something funny, or shockingly stupid. But no one would let me.
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- Bateman, C. (2014, August 12). Meet Bertie the Brain, the world’s first arcade game, built in Toronto. Spacing Toronto. http://spacing.ca/toronto/2014/08/13/meet-bertie-brain-worlds-first-arcade-game-built-toronto/
- Byrd, M. (2019a, May 31). 25 PC Games That Changed History. Den of Geek. https://www.denofgeek.com/games/important-pc-games/
- Byrd, M. (2019b, June 21). PC Gaming Innovations That Changed the Way We Play. Den of Geek. https://www.denofgeek.com/games/pc-gaming-innovations/
- Complex. (2018, October 31). The 100 Best Video Games and PC Games From the 2000s. https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/the-best-video-games-of-the-2000s/
- Dexter, A. (2020, September 17). Can it run Crysis Remastered? Devs say “there is no card out there” that can hit 30fps at peak 4K. Pcgamer. https://www.pcgamer.com/crysis-remastered-can-it-run-crysis/
- Edge Staff. (2015, February 23). The 50 best games of the ’80s. Gamesradar. https://www.gamesradar.com/best-retro-games/
- Goyal, M. (2016, July 31). 15 games that changed gaming forever. The Economic Times. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech-life/15-games-that-changed-gaming-forever/slideshow/53475512.cms
- Graetz, J. M. (1981, August). The Origin of Spacewar. Creative Computing. https://www.wheels.org/spacewar/creative/SpacewarOrigin.html
- Greg Salazar. (2016, June 2). A History of PC Gaming, Part 1 (1950–1980) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Coc9JWD1Bs&ab_channel=GregSalazar
- Kohler, C. (2009, December 24). The 15 Most Influential Games of the Decade. Wired. https://www.wired.com/2009/12/the-15-most-influential-games-of-the-decade/
- Lambert, B. (2008, November 6). First Video Game Honored at Brookhaven Lab Birthplace. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/nyregion/long-island/09videoli.html?_r=2
- McIntosh, J. (2018, July 20). A brief history of text-based games and open source. Opensource. https://opensource.com/article/18/7/interactive-fiction-tools
- PC Gamer. (2016, January 18). The 50 most important PC games of all time. Pcgamer. https://www.pcgamer.com/most-important-pc-games/
- PC Gamer. (2019, December 23). The most important PC games of the decade. Pcgamer. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-pc-games-of-the-decade/
- pyrosardine. (n.d.). PC Games Timeline. Timetoast Timelines. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/pc-games
- Reseigh-Lincoln, D. (2019, October 6). The most important PC games of all time. TechRadar. https://www.techradar.com/news/the-most-important-pc-games-of-all-time
- Timeline of Computer History: Graphics & Games. (n.d.). Computer History Magazine. https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/graphics-games/
- Townsend, K. (2020, November 23). 36 Classic PC Games From The ’90s That Still Hold Up. Ranker. https://www.ranker.com/list/best-old-school-computer-games/kyle-townsend
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Bioshock Infinite ไทย
เราบุกเข้าไปจัดการ Comstock ได้สำเร็จ แต่ทำลายเครื่อง Siphon ที่เป็นตัวลดพลังของ Elizabeth ทำให้เราทราบเรื่องราวที่แท้จริงทั้งหมด ทั้งเรื่องนิ้วก้อยของ Elizabeth ทั้งเรื่องเบื้องหลังของ Comstock และพระเอก
Back in his timeline, Booker rescues Elizabeth, and the pair pursue Comstock to his airship. Comstock demands that Booker explain Elizabeth's past to her and the two begin to argue; an enraged Booker smashes the back of Comstock's skull in on a baptismal font before drowning him. Booker denies knowledge about Elizabeth's missing little finger, but she asserts that he has simply forgotten. Controlling Songbird, the pair fend off a Vox Populi attack, before ordering Songbird to destroy the Siphon. As Songbird turns on Booker again, Elizabeth's powers fully awaken, allowing her to open a Tear and transport them to the underwater city of Rapture.[b] Booker and Elizabeth materialize inside the city, from where they see Songbird crushed outside by the water pressure.[36]
Elizabeth takes Booker to the surface lighthouse, explaining there are countless alternate lighthouses and versions of Booker and Elizabeth; they are within one of infinite possible realities dependent on their choices.[37] She shows that on October 8, 1893, Robert Lutece approached Booker on behalf of Comstock, requesting that he "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt," referring to Booker's infant daughter, Anna DeWitt – Booker's "AD" branding. Booker reluctantly agreed, but, having changed his mind, soon gives chase; Comstock barely escaped through a Tear, and its closing severed Anna's finger. Comstock then raised Anna as his own daughter, Elizabeth; her severed finger, which caused her to exist in two realities simultaneously, is the source of her ability to create Tears.[38] Robert Lutece, angry at Comstock's actions, convinced Rosalind to help him bring Booker to the reality where Columbia exists to rescue Elizabeth.[31][38] It is also revealed that Booker in fact willingly agreed to come to Columbia to save his daughter, but the mental strain of crossing dimensions caused him to rewrite his own memories such that he combined giving Anna away with his attempt to secure Elizabeth.
Elizabeth explains that Comstock will always remain alive in alternate universes, as the Luteces have enlisted the Bookers of numerous different universes to try to end the cycle.[35] As stopping Comstock requires intervening in his birth, Elizabeth takes Booker back in time to a baptism he attended, in the hope of atoning for the sins he committed at Wounded Knee; she explains that, while Booker changed his mind, some Bookers in alternate universes accepted the baptism and were reborn as "Zachary Comstock."[35] Comstock, later aware of his connection to Booker and sterility from overusing the Lutece Tear machine, abducted Anna to provide a biological heir for Columbia. Booker, by now joined by other universe Elizabeths at the baptism, allows them to drown him at the moment of his baptismal choice, thus preventing Comstock's existence. One by one, the Elizabeths begin to disappear, the screen cutting to black on the last.[38]
In a post-credits scene, a Booker[c] awakens in his apartment on October 8, 1893. He calls out for Anna and opens the door to her room before the screen cuts to black.

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The Division takes place in mid-crisis Manhattan, an open world with destructive environments that are free for players to explore. The player's mission is to restore order by investigating the source of a virus. The gameplay is similar to other third-person-shooters, in which player character can carry three weapons, and explosives like sticky bombs and smart mines to fight against enemies. Players may take cover behind objects during firefights to avoid taking damage from enemies, and to give them a tactical advantage when attacking. As the game is set in a third-person perspective, the character model is visible. As players progress, they earn experience points and currency. They can use these points to customize their character's appearance, upgrade weapons and gear, and learn new talents and skills. Players have to complete missions to learn active talents such as the ability to throw healing grenades, deploy automated gun turret or use radar pulse, which can tag enemies. The game features a dynamic, time based weather system which may bring benefits or disadvantages to players. For instance, storms can hinder player's visibility and make aiming difficult. The game also features a day-night cycle which will change the behaviors of enemies in the game.