在疫情中我們特別掛念一些生活發生困難的同學。這些同學因為家境的緣故,原本就需要在校內外打工維持生活,疫情使得打工的機會都沒有了,生活怎麼辦?學校在去年疫情開始的時候,曾經推動專案「COVID-19 中的愛」,募集一筆捐款,幫助受到疫情打擊的同學。如果你知道有這樣的同學,請轉告他把困難告訴我們,生輔組一定會幫助同學們度過難關。
校長 賀陳弘 2021.5.19
A letter from President Hocheng
Greetings to my dear colleagues and students,
The pandemic situation is gradually spreading, and the government has just announced that the entire country will be entering into Level 3 epidemic alert. I am sure you are all worried about this situation. Currently, in my office in the Macronix Building, I am facing perhaps the most difficult moment in my thirty years of service at National Tsinghua University. Although these circumstances are unprecedented, I have complete confidence that our Tsinghua community will be able to pull together and get through this difficult time.
Our university has implemented complete remote learning and temporarily suspended in-person examinations for two weeks beginning May 17th. In addition, oral defenses by graduate students will be conducted online. Effective yesterday (May 18th), all non-NTHU personnel are strictly prohibited from entering campus without an official reason. Starting today, all staff members will be divided into separate work-groups, and we will vigorously maintain a safe campus with enhanced disinfection measures.
If students have to conduct research for their theses, please strictly abide by the rule that indoor spaces cannot exceed 5 people. At the same time, please adhere to real-name registration, wear a facial mask at all times, and wash your hands frequently.
Regardless of whether you are on campus or at home, please pay attention to your health more than usual. Take care of your relatives and decrease the risk of community infection by reminding each other to refrain from going out unless absolutely necessary.
During this pandemic, we are particularly concerned about students experiencing financial difficulties. Due to their family circumstances, these students originally needed to work on or off campus to support themselves. Now that their work opportunities have been suspended, I dare not imagine how harshly the pandemic is affecting their livelihoods. When the epidemic began last year, our university initiated the project "Love in COVID-19" to raise funds to help these students in need. If you happen to know such classmates, please ask them to contact our Student Assistance Division, and we will do our best to support them and help them get through this difficult period.
Even though we have faced numerous inconveniences and experienced many worries during the pandemic, I strongly believe that we are always capable of helping out those around us who are in greater need.
Although the streets of Hsinchu City and the NTHU campus seem empty and barren this summer, I want to assure you that we will face this difficult time together. As long as you and I take good care of ourselves, are willing to extend a helping hand, remind each other about safety, adhere to the regulations, and, most importantly, have never-ending love in our hearts, we will prevail against the epidemic. I look forward to seeing you again soon, when the phoenix flowers bloom in our Tsinghua Garden.
Wishing you all health and safety,
Hong Hocheng, May 19th, 2021
National Tsing Hua University
time home 新竹 在 Life of PI - 吃喝玩樂旅遊生活分享 Facebook 的精選貼文
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. 未來市 The Gala Asia 北市中正區八德路一段1號(華山中二館)
. Japjapbikini CAFE BAR 台北市中正區忠孝西路一段72號之26
. 聯經書房.上海書店 台北市大安區新生南路3段94號1樓
. 老同安小酒館 台北市中正區同安街24號1樓
. 家途中啤酒屋 Way Home Beer House 台北市松山區八德路三段155巷10號
. BarSip 餐酒 台北市南京東路三段303巷14弄6-1號
. 玉米蛋蛋製作所 台北市萬華區貴陽街二段97號
. 渣男 Taiwan Bistro 《中山五渣》-台北市承德路二段14號
. 東風饌麻辣燙專賣 - 大直-台北市樂群二路146號
. Homies SOFT BAR-台北市松山區南京東路五段五段250巷2弄13號
. 多崎作 The Ferrymen-新北市淡水區公明街56巷10號
. 逸茶酒室 Golden bar -新北市瑞芳區基山街190號
. 潛啤人Championdivingbeer-新北市三重區雙園街30號
. 時光暫停Time Holder 新北市板橋區南雅南路一段五巷17號
. Deer Nana Cafe-新竹縣新豐鄉瑞興村崁頭5鄰81-6號
. 璞樹文旅TREEART HOTEL.旅宿的呼吸樹 台中市西屯區黎明路三段235號
. 老裁縫 Coffee & Bar 台中市西區臺灣大道二段333號
. 渣女渣男•深夜和牛燥飯-台中市台中市北區育德路209號
. Prozac.cafe&Bar-台中市北區英才路136號
. 啤酒超市 -台南市中西區公園路131號1樓
. 肆意咖啡酒館 -高雄市三民區博愛一路142號
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