tidalqobuz 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

KKBOX # TIDAL # QOBUZ #音樂串流#高解析音樂#數位串流#串流音樂台灣的音響迷們,你們還在考慮要不要申請KKBOX Hi-Fi無損串流服務嗎? ... <看更多>
以Vilde Frang 的Nielsen Violin Concerto Op.33, FS61為例,TIDAL與QOBUZ都只有16bit/44.1KHz。裝置:QOBUZ : NB ( Driver : Accuphase ASIO ) ... ... <看更多>
#1. [知識] 無損音質串流平台怎麼選?高音質廝殺大比拚!|TIDAL
以古典及爵士音樂為主,新歌幾乎與TIDAL同步,歌曲數約為7000萬首。 音樂格式及規格. Qobuz使用FLAC格式串流,最高可至192kHz/24-bit的規格,是CD資料量的六 ...
#2. 不負責測試:KKBOX vs. TIDAL vs. Qobuz,你要選哪一道?(從 ...
KKBOX推出Hi-Fi無損音質串流服務也有一小段時間了,直到最近我們才想要作KKBOX跟TIDAL還有Qobuz的比較。 KKBOX剛推出Hi-Fi服務的時候, ...
#3. 發燒樂迷最想入手的高音質無損音質串流服務Tidal、Qobuz…
其中Qobuz直接以FLAC格式串流,最高可至192kHz/24-bit的規格,這是CD資料量的六倍之多。而Tidal也用FLAC串流,但使用了MQA編碼技術,因此只需要CD的資料量,但在正確的MQA ...
#4. KKBOX vs. TIDAL vs. Qobuz,你要選哪一道?從數據圖表看與 ...
KKBOX # TIDAL # QOBUZ #音樂串流#高解析音樂#數位串流#串流音樂台灣的音響迷們,你們還在考慮要不要申請KKBOX Hi-Fi無損串流服務嗎?
#5. QOBUZ串流使用一天的心得(第2頁) - Mobile01
以Vilde Frang 的Nielsen Violin Concerto Op.33, FS61為例,TIDAL與QOBUZ都只有16bit/44.1KHz。裝置:QOBUZ : NB ( Driver : Accuphase ASIO ) ...
#6. 台灣Hi Fi 高音質串流交流社團| Tidal / Qobuz / roon / Spotify ...
從roon 外傳至手機網路品質跟音質會好嗎?若有tidal, qobuz. 在外直接用手機app 附加個外接dac 才是完美使用吧?
#7. Qobuz vs Tidal: Which is Better in 2023? - Blog - FreeYourMusic
In the end, the choice between Qobuz and Tidal's audio quality ultimately comes down to your sound system, personal preference and the ...
#8. 將TIDAL播放列表,專輯和歌手移至Qobuz! - Tune My Music
#9. TIDAL vs Qobuz:音質大比拚 - 思覺失調君的喃喃自語
TIDAL 的MQA跟一般檔案,聲音到底有沒有明顯差異; 另外,如果加上Qobuz的HiRes與CD規格進來做綜合評比,又是如何?
#10. #Qobuz - 優惠推薦- 2023年7月| 蝦皮購物台灣
買#Qobuz立即上蝦皮台灣商品專區享超低折扣優惠與運費補助,搭配賣家評價安心網購超簡單! ... Deezer/Tidal HiFi/Qobuz/Roon 串流音樂帳號高清無損訂閱. $80 - $360.
#11. Qobuz的價格推薦- 2023年7月| 比價比個夠BigGo
iFi ZEN Stream 串流播放器|劈飛好物|spotify tidal qobuz 台灣公司貨一年保固. $11,800 ... 代購服務LUMIN U1 HiFi 數播數位轉盤音樂串流ROON Tidal MQA Qobuz.
#12. TIDAL Qobuz Deez ROON 無損音樂登陸使用會員服務
TIDAL ❤ Qobuz ❤ Deez ❤ ROON 無損音樂登陸使用會員服務. ⛔一.商品說明⛔. 1.按照商品數量說明下標(舉例:80元商品=10X8=80) 2.續費會員者需給:會員資料 3 ...
#13. TIDAL to Qobuz - Transfer playlists and favorites with Soundiiz
How to transfer your favorite tracks from TIDAL to Qobuz? · Open Soundiiz and select the transfer tool · Connect your TIDAL and Qobuz accounts · Select all the ...
#14. qobuz - 樂器、樂譜(音樂電影) - 人氣推薦- 2023年6月| 露天市集
qobuz 網路推薦好評商品就在露天,超多商品可享折扣優惠和運費補助。 ... Zorloo ZuperDAC Max USB-DAC 3.5mm 4.4mm 解碼耳擴TIDAL MQA Qobuz. 3,180~3,600. 免運 P幣.
#15. Qobuz vs. Tidal: Which Is Better? - Headphonesty
Qobuz and Tidal each offer more than 100 million tracks. These range from popular releases to indie tunes, with classical music and ambient ...
#16. Qobuz vs Tidal: What's the Better Option in 2023?
Qobuz has over 100 million audio tracks, with more than 424,000 Hi-Res files, whereas Tidal has 90 million tracks and only 25,000 Hi-Res audio ...
#17. qobuz - 比價撿便宜- 優惠與推薦- 2023年7月
iFi ZEN Stream 串流播放器|劈飛好物|spotify tidal qobuz 台灣公司貨一年保固臺中市. 11,800. 歷史價格. 蝦皮商城Icon. - Pifferia Goods|劈飛好物商城(794).
#18. Mora Qobuz Tidal音樂代購 - 淘寶
歡迎來到淘寶Taobao音樂雜貨鋪,選購Mora Qobuz Tidal音樂代購,淘寶數億熱銷好貨,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外幣支付等多種付款方式、平臺客服24小時線上、由 ...
#19. Qobuz的價格推薦- 飛比有更多隨身聽/播放器商品| 2023年07月 ...
Qobuz 價格推薦共63筆。另有qobuz教學、tidal帳號、dvd播放機。飛比為你即時比價,全台電商網購價格輕鬆找,一秒為你找便宜,快速比對商品價格,讓你花最少,省最多!
#20. Tidal vs Spotify vs Roon vs Qobuz - 兩聲道音響討論區
其實佢好多file 音質相當好(Hi Fi Plan), CD量又多, 請問Spotify, Qobuz及Roon音質比起Tidal 如何? 仲有邊個網站能提供高質素的串流音樂?
#21. My Tidal vs Qobuz experience. : r/TIdaL - Reddit
And while as with Apple Music, I hear differences between the two of them, I started to feel like Qobuz was just a step above Tidal in audio ...
#22. Hi-res music streaming services compared: which should you ...
Tidal, Qobuz, Amazon Music and Apple Music all offer hi-res streaming tiers, but which deserves your monthly fee? Comments (10).
#23. EP41 音樂串流大戰Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify 以及Apple Music
EP41 音樂串流大戰Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify 以及Apple Music,你選哪一家? feat. 長耳音樂團團長P大.
#24. TIDAL、Qobuz、HIRESAUDIO播起來!Zidoo NEO ... - HD Club
本文最後由daniel0810 於2023-5-17 10:44 AM 編輯. TIDAL、Qobuz、HIRESAUDIO播起來!Zidoo NEO S/NEO Alpha/NEO X 重大更新v6.7.66!
#25. Qobuz or Tidal? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
Tidal mobile/desktop app 10x better than Qobuz. Tidal is infected with MQA, which is evil, but sounds ok. Setting hifi quality filters out a lot ...
#26. Qobuz Vs Tidal Review: Who's Better In 2022
Qobuz vs Tidal: Audio Quality ... Both streaming apps have 3 audio quality options that users can use. For Qobuz, they have MP3 at 320 kbps, CD ...
STRAY KIDS 5 STAR ON TIDAL & DEEZER. Picture. Stray Kids Artist Profile on Qobuz ... As of March 2021, Billboard includes Qobuz US streaming data into their ...
Qobuz, HQplayer and Tidal all support. Seamless playback. As a most important feature in HIFI field, seamless playback in same frequency is equipped with ...
#29. TIDAL, Qobuz and Highresaudio.com Integration
This space provides all the information regarding the Native Integration features of Qobuz, Highresaudio & TIDAL, in addition to TIDAL Connect feat...
#30. Tidal vs Qobuz Opinions? - The Bluesound Support Crew
Hi there, Been doing side-to-side comparisons of Tidal and Qobuz (us Canadians just got the latter recently), and to my ears, on my...
#31. CD vs Tidal vs Qobuz - battle of the 16 bit 44.1kHz audio files.
Been testing CD vs Tidal vs Qobuz. Both Tidal and Qobuz are their Hi-Fi packages meaning 16 bit 44.1kHz audio streaming (and downloading for offline co.
#32. [心得] Tidal MQA 和Qobuz - 看板Headphone - 批踢踢實業坊
最近有位Youtuber (GoldenSound) 在ASR上寫了一篇MQA分析文搞得滿城風雨影片連結如下,有興趣的人可以看一下影片: https://youtu.be/pRjsu9-Vznc ASR ...
#33. Qobuz Better Than Tidal Now (for me) - Roon Labs Community
When I initially signed up for Roon I was a subscriber to both Tidal and Qobuz, hi-rez versions. At the time I had a poor Internet ...
#34. Tidal V Qobuz - the Ear.net
If you want to stream music through a decent system there isn't a huge choice of providers and top of the heap you have Tidal and Qobuz.
#35. mora qualitas 1個月日本Tidal Qobuz, 其他, 其他- Carousell
喺Hong Kong,Hong Kong買mora qualitas 1個月日本Tidal Qobuz. mora-qualitas Accepting payments: FPS, AlipayHK, Oepay 無損音樂無損歌曲無損播放器下載HiFi MQA ...
#36. nathom/streamrip: A scriptable music downloader for ... - GitHub
For Tidal and Qobuz, you NEED a premium subscription. Download an album from Qobuz. rip url https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/album/rumours-fleetwood-mac/ ...
#37. Latest TIDAL / QOBUZ / SPOTIFY topics - HiFi ROSE
Topic Replies Views Activity About the TIDAL / QOBUZ / SPOTIFY category 1 293 April 27, 2023 Spotify app can't find HiFi Rose RS520 4 70 July 14, 2023 Playlist Issues 2 50 July 5, 2023
#38. Qobuz vs Tidal 2023: Deeper Comparison - DRmare
Tidal vs Qobuz, which one to choose? Now, read this post to learn more detail about Tidal and Qobuz, like music library, sound quality, ...
#39. Qobuz vs Tidal - PS Audio forum
My 1 year Qobuz subscription is coming to an end… I have tried both Tidal and Qobuz. Can't decide which is better… but tidal is sure ...
#40. Streaming Tidal/Qobuz to Volumio2 - Vox Populi - Volumio
mpd is now version 0.21 which has the tidal and qobuz plugin. eallaud November 13, 2018, 10:07pm #122. Where is there a howto on setting the Qobuz plugin?
#41. 如何訪問我的TIDAL / Qobuz / WiMP 流媒體帳戶?
如何訪問我的TIDAL / Qobuz / WiMP 流媒體帳戶? Permanently deleted user. 7 年前 更新於. 追蹤 尚無任何人追蹤. 這篇文章是否有幫助?
#42. 音樂串流新手必看/ 認識Spotify,Tidal,Qobuz高音質音樂串流 ...
Aug 9, 2021 12:41. 音樂串流新手必看/ 認識Spotify,Tidal,Qobuz高音質音樂串流平台(ROON 的用途是什麼?) 130. 請往下繼續閱讀. 創作者介紹.
#43. The Glitterhouse Streaming On Tidal, Qobuz
When I began working on a series of reviews about mobile streaming with Tidal and Qobuz I was surprised to find The Glitterhouse album up on ...
#44. Bluesound NODE 2021 第四代Hi-Fi 無線串流播放機開箱|Tidal
2021 年起除了慢吞吞的Spotify 只放出個預告蹲下憋氣之外,先行者Tidal、Qobuz 以及後來居上的Apple Music、KKBOX、Amazon Music HD 都已經登上Hi-Fi ...
#45. Qobuz vs Tidal: Battle of Hi-Res Music in 2023 - AudFree
Which is better, Tidal or Qobuz? This detailed Tidal vs Qobuz comparison article will compare them in different aspects.
#46. 门耳朵聊家庭影音篇四:Roon 搜索Tidal,Qobuz曲目技巧
#47. Chord Electronics Poly 2 Firmware - Tidal, Qobuz, and Roon
'Poly 2' brings Tidal and Qobuz integration, Roon Ready certification plus wide-ranging performance benefits. 8th April 2019, Kent: Chord Electronics has ...
#48. Qobuz vs Tidal MQA - Streaming Old Versions - Audirvana
I have been using Qobuz for a while. A few days ago I decided to try the Tidal service. I tried listening to some of Pat Metheny's albums.
#49. Global feedback: Apple Music, Tidal or Qobuz? - Darko.Audio
Global feedback: Apple Music, Tidal or Qobuz? by John February 9, 2023, 10:50.
#50. Qobuz Hi-Res o Tidal Hi Fi, quale streaming musicale suona ...
Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music e Amazon HD, Deezer, YouTube Music, Tidal e Qobuz sono attualmente quelli più gettonati, ...
#51. Qobuz sounds better than Tidal Hifi on my set up
I was curious to find out for myself which streaming service sounded better and so I got a Qobuz subscription a week before the Tidal ...
#52. Review: Qobuz - is this music streaming service better than ...
Qobuz boasts a larger selection of hi-res audio tracks, but Tidal has some exclusive content from certain artists. Both services have a similar ...
#53. Mconnect使用攻略_ep.02|方格子vocus
如上圖所示,有串流音樂服務spotify、tidal、qobuz、idagio、apple music。另外也有硬體app、播放軟體roon、mconnect。 APP首頁 ...
#54. How to Find New Music on TIDAL, Qobuz, Roon or the Internet
If you're using Roon to manage/curate either your TIDAL or Qobuz streaming music libraries (or both) then your home page looks similar to the ...
#55. Qobuz、Radio Paradise音乐时,如何设置串流播放的质量?
Matrix Audio Community › Quastions and Answers(常见问题) › Q&A(中文) › 软件问题 › 在MA Remote中登录播放TIDAL、Qobuz、Radio Paradise音乐时,如何设置串流 ...
#56. Tidal vs Qobuz yet again - Naim Audio - Community
Naim does not support MQA. You will only experience CD quality with Tidal and Naim. Qobuz provides HiRes streaming. I started streaming with ...
#57. Roon 搜索Tidal Qobuz曲目以及使用技巧 - EpochAudio
和HiFi在线流媒体Tidal,Qobuz的结合,才可以充分发会ROON的优势. Qobuz Tidal. ROON会把整个音乐世界的信息串联起,善用ROON经常会有各种惊喜:
#58. Sound quality between Amazon Music HD / Qobuz / Tidal
I am auditioning Amazon Music HD against Tidal I am pretty sure AM-HD has more hi res content than Tidal. For example it has some albums at ...
#59. Roon, Tidal, Qobuz 討論交流區- 第2頁
Roon https://roonlabs.com/ Tidal http://tidal.com/ Qobuz ... Tidal台灣沒營運,我也懶得用VPN,畢竟聽音樂時有時我還要做別的事
#60. Tidal or Qobuz? - Music - dCS Community
I have had two trials of Tidal but I have yet to find an MQA encoded album that sounds better than the version in full resolution on Qobuz. Most sound the same, ...
#61. Tidal V Qobuz - The Computer & Technology Network
Price comparison between Tidal & Qobuz. Tidal offers two price plans consisting of either HiFi or HiFi Plus. HiFi plan provides music streaming ...
#62. Tidal MQA vs Qobuz - SOS Forum
In your case, I'd avoid the Tidal MQA files. You'll gain no benefit. As I understand it, Qobuz uses standard 24 bit FLAC files at standard, ...
#63. TIDAL QOBUZ 家庭號免費徵人中- 音樂板 - Dcard
註冊了TIDAL還有QOBUZ家庭試用版,只有自己一人不用白不用,想要體驗的,自己發EMAIL信箱,我就傳邀請信,註1:免費提供,資源有限,請不要一人佔多個 ...
#64. Qobuz進軍亞洲市場?近日買下了日本高解析音樂下載商店e ...
台灣音響迷對串流音樂平台的關注應該都是鎖定在Tidal、Apple Music和KKBOX身上,但近日歐洲的高解析串流音樂霸主Qobuz出手了,據外媒報導,它買下了 ...
#65. Tidal vs Qobuz vs Spotify vs Master files vs Vinyl vs Cassette
Is er verschil hoorbaar tussen streamingdiensten? En wat zijn deze verschillen? We vergelijken Tidal met Qobuz, Spotify, ...
#66. How to use Tidal/Qobuz account?
1. Enable streaming from Tidal/Qobuz:Open EC PLAY APP/Web interface and click Settings -> Preferences -> Select Stream from...
#67. Qobuz - Amazon.co.uk
Cambridge Audio EVO All-in-One 150W Amplifier and Network Player - Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, Chromecast Built-in, Internet Radio - Spotify Connect, Tidal, MQA, ...
#68. 什麼是無損串流?新手體驗Hi-Res無損音質指南 - 沐爾音響
3.2 Tidal HiFi – 高質量、高均衡的綜合最佳選擇. 3.3 Apple Music – 蘋果迷專屬. 3.4 Qobuz. 3.5 如何選擇串流音樂平台. 4 無損和CD質量有什麼區別?
#69. Tidal competitor Qobuz is coming to the US with audiophile ...
Qobuz hasn't revealed how many subscribers it already has, nor the number of songs available. Tidal's high price and limited music selection ...
#70. 海贝r3pro 使用tidal,Qobuz,索尼精选使用说明 - Bilibili
【陳寗】4 大無損串流音樂,音質比較結果:最差竟是Apple Music? · 海贝r3pro hibylink 功能演示 · LMS罗技音乐服务器播放在线流媒体 Tidal , Qobuz 演示——低 ...
#71. 開通Qobuz - HiCore (聲酷) 音樂媒體串流服務- 1shop 一頁購物
與Spotify 或Apple Music 相比,Qobuz 是一個巨大的進步。您將能夠聽到藝術家想要的歌曲,並享受CD 和黑膠唱片的細膩深度。 Qobuz 開通 ...
#72. Best Music Streaming Service of 2023 - CNET
Top services compared. Amazon Music Unlimited, Apple Music, Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube Music. Monthly fee, Prime ...
#73. 使用比较几个美国音乐流媒体:Spotify, Amazon music, Apple ...
Qobuz 和Tidal音质和曲目属于最高档次的,加上Roon可以听HiFi的。Qobuz是法国的,音质最好,曲目非常丰富广泛。Tidal是挪威公司,曲目的更新和音质比Qobuz ...
#74. 这就是被鼓吹的TIDAL,QOBUZ? - 耳机大家坛
Tidal 跟Qobuz 一直都是古典跟西洋的音樂庫⋯⋯ ... 华语资源不理想的,音质也不怎么样的,qobuz有高清母带转录pcm下载,24bit的。
#75. Is Qobuz Worth It? Here's How the Hi-Fi Music ... - Rolling Stone
Although Qobuz's audio quality is undeniably impressive, it's still in competition with the Hi-Res audio offered by Tidal, Amazon Music HD and ...
#76. Tidal VS Qobuz: Battle of the Hi-Res Streaming Services!
Like Tidal, Qobuz offers multiple ways to access music. Both allow you to stream music or download a modest selection of songs to listen offline ...
#77. Qobuz vs Tidal - Battle of Hi-res Music
Qobuz vs Tidal, which one is the best high-quality streaming service for audiophiles? Check the Tidal vs Qobuz comparison out.
#78. We compared Spotify, Tidal, and Qobuz, a streaming service ...
We tested the sound quality of music streaming service Qobuz against Spotify and Tidal, and we're not sure Qobuz is worth the extra cost.
#79. 关于Tidal、Qobuz的音质比较,看到个说法儿- 第2页
问下Lz,欧区的qobuz账号就古典音乐的资源来说真的比美区账号多吗?半年贵了一百块另外,江苏电信qobuz完全不卡,反而tidal卡成狗,我用的是audirvana ...
#80. TIDAL Connect
Stream innovative audio formats through TIDAL HiFi Plus, including Master Quality Authenticated (MQA) & Dolby Atmos. Smooth Connectivity. Switch seamlessly ...
#81. Qobuz music streaming Review - Trusted Reviews
Qobuz is an excellent music streaming service for audiophiles and music lovers who ... Compared to Tidal, Qobuz is around half the price.
#82. Qobuz vs Tidal: Which is Better? [Latest Comparison] - AudKit
Tidal, when it comes to pros, has a better sound quality than Qobuz; it has a more simple and intuitive interface. But the downsides are that it does not have ...
#83. Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music... quel est le meilleur service de ...
Vous hésitez entre Spotify ou Deezer ? Vous vous demandez quels sont les intérêts d'Apple Music, Qobuz, YouTube Music ou Tidal ? On vous aide à choisir le ...
#84. Hi-Rez Streaming: Tidal vs. Qobuz - SoundStage! Simplifi
Tidal uses MQA for its high-resolution Masters tier; Qobuz uses the nonproprietary FLAC format. Playing the same recordings, does one of these ...
#85. [心得] Tidal MQA 和Qobuz- 看板Headphone - Mo PTT 鄉公所
[心得] Tidal MQA 和Qobuz. 作者: AncientLich(原文連結). 2年. 最近有位Youtuber (GoldenSound) 在ASR上寫了一篇MQA分析文搞得滿城風雨影片連結如下,有興趣的人可以 ...
#86. Qobuz, análisis: review con características, precio y ... - Xataka
Spotify, Tidal y los demás servicios de música tienen un competidor preparado para el streaming Hi-Res: probamos a fondo Qobuz.
#87. Volumio's AI-powered discovery tool helps users find new music
... local music files and stream from their favourite music services such as TIDAL, Qobuz, Spotify and more, via one unified interface. .
#88. ROON Trial code
Roon also supports TIDAL and Qobuz. DirectTV Stream offers four. Sign up for Roon If your Naim product came with a code in the box, you can redeem it here.
#89. 아포방포 | BTS Swiss Army Base ⁷ - Twitter
Tidal • Summer Mix: https://tidal.com/track/304825467 • Band Ver. ... Qobuz • Summer Mix: https://open.qobuz.com/track/219268147 • Band Ver: ...
#90. Aus LowBeats-Sicht ist Qobuz ist beste Streaming-Plattform
Der französische Anbieter gehört seit 2008 gemeinsam mit Tidal zu denjenigen Anbietern, die Musik mindestens in CD-Qualität bieten, also 16 Bit ...
#91. Miten Spotify-soittolistat siirretään toiseen palveluun? - Iltalehti
Spotifyn vaihtoehdot. Valinnanvaraa on paljon. Tärkeimpiä kilpailijoita ovat Deezer, Tidal, Qobuz, Amazon Music, Apple Music ja YouTube Music. Useimmissa on ...
#92. LUMIN - The Audiophile Network Music Player Family
No problem – LUMIN comes with native support for TIDAL, Qobuz, Spotify and is AirPlay-compatible, giving you access to tens of millions of songs.
#93. 時尚家居 House Style 109期 - 第 29 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 輕鬆管理家中的播放系統;此外更支援多家音樂串流服務如 Spotify Connect 、 Tidal 、 Qobuz ,這些功能都可透過 Naim 專屬的 app ,透過手機控制,且最多可同時控制 8 ...
#94. The Perfect Sound: A Memoir in Stereo - 第 4 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The device has access to a half a universe's worth of files stored in the cloud somewhere by Apple , Tidal , Qobuz , or Spot - the - Fly .
#95. Crushed: Big Tech's War on Free Speech with a Foreword by ...
Spotify, of course, is the market leader, while Tidal, Qobuz, Pandora, SiriusXM, and the all- classical Idagio also offer millions of songs for a monthly ...
#96. Overview - WiiM Pro
Qobuz. TuneIn. Pandora. Deezer. vTuner. Amazon Music. SoundCloud. TIDAL. iHeartRadio. Radio Paradise. Amazon Alexa. Calm Radio. Napster. SoundMachine. Roon.
tidalqobuz 在 [心得] Tidal MQA 和Qobuz - 看板Headphone - 批踢踢實業坊 的美食出口停車場
最近有位Youtuber (GoldenSound) 在ASR上寫了一篇MQA分析文搞得滿城風雨
影片: https://youtu.be/pRjsu9-Vznc
Meridian手上。而且保持得非常神秘,發明人Bob Stuart被問到細節時常常
顧左右而言他,又因為編碼不公開,所以像是filter, impulse ringing特性都
1. 雖然官方文件上寫說是(聽覺)無損。但MQA不管有沒有解碼都 "不是" lossless
MQA SPEC文件寫得很....dodgy
2. MQA格式如果不解碼的話會有很糟糕的impulse rining, 然後高頻會有大量雜訊
官方文件上是說不解碼也可以完整還原CD redbook訊號。但事實不是如此
3. MQA 認證 (MQA Authentication) 是個MQA內建的解碼流程,認證成功可以點燈
4. 而經過MQA full decode的訊號 (作者是用iFi iDSD Diablo做full decode)
作者說的確部分的高頻訊息是可以被MQA unfold重新產生的。
5. 如果你想乾脆就不要聽MQA就好了,在Tidal上改聽FLAC總沒問題了吧?
其實就是MQA無解碼的版本 (也就是說Tidal上聽FLAC是最慘的情況,無解碼
6. 大部分的MQA都是從44.1khz upsampling上去的,而不是錄製時就是hi-res。
好險最近澳洲Qobuz開了,準備跳槽中 XDDD
比較豐富。哀 跳平台好多音樂要整理好累~~~
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (澳大利亞)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Headphone/M.1619412644.A.647.html
※ 編輯: AncientLich ( 澳大利亞), 04/26/2021 12:56:39
而且選擇也好少 (嘆
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