It’s always baffled me that we think it’s appropriate to remark about changes in someone’s weight when we see them... this video has been a long time coming.
Do we think they have no mirrors in their house and they haven’t noticed?
I’ve used a few examples here that are closest to my personal experiences, but it’s an issue that affects people young and old, skinny, fat and everything in between.
Everyone seems incapable of putting themselves in the other person’s shoes.
It’s really fucking simple. Just shut the fuck up and keep your observations the fuck to yourself.
Maybe it’s a dear friend and you’re concerned about what the changes in their physique indicate about their lifestyle and their happiness... well then find a way to ask them about that! There are plenty of ways to ask someone how they’re doing and if they’re taking care of themselves without highlighting how it shows to everyone who looks at them.
I live behind the scenes these days, working with people who struggle with their physiques and as a confident for friends. I know how sensitive a subject it is, even if they don’t show it and nervously laugh off comments.
I grew up thinking it was an Asian thing, but then I realised that in Asia people (particularly older relatives) are particularly blunt about it with “Wah, so fat now ah?” whereas in the West people like to make it a joke with a “Ooh heck, you’ve let yourself go a bit eh mate!”.
Both parties can go fuck themselves, and I’d love it if as many of you as possible who ever get made even slightly self-conscious about such remarks would take it upon yourselves to tell them so 🖕🏽
Spread the word. Maybe, if it happens enough, we can sway the culture.
the old ways 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Keep on Reinventing Yourself With New Knowledge, the new normal will not work with old ways ;)
It's a sea now and ni longer just a river
Hence Let go all previous success n ego and head down to recreate & relearn !
Sentiasa Memperbaharui sendiri
Dengan ilmu yg Baru
Sekarang bahkan laut Dan bukan lagi hanya sungai,
Lepaskan semua kegemilangan yg silam,
Lalu bermula Semula Dari bawah utk
Mencipta diri yg Baru !
the old ways 在 在地人的小兒科醫師_王崑伊 Facebook 的精選貼文
在診所候診區常常會看到形形色色的親子互動,有的爸媽雙眼沒有離開過小孩,陪好奇的孩子探索討論診所各式各樣的恐龍,念繪本給小孩聽。 也有些爸媽,眼睛沒有離開過手機,對於小孩的問題只有哼哼哈哈的帶過,只要不跌倒不出事就好。 今天跟大家分享一些觀念及一段影片,希望每個家長都能在孩子需要你的黃金年紀,放下你的手機,停下眼前追的劇,離開聲光效果迷人的遊戲,陪孩子玩,互動跟探索。
孩子剛出生時,大腦裡約有兩千億個腦神經元,但神經元之間的連結尚未建立。 神經元連結的豐富程度,是由大人們給孩子的刺激而異,好的刺激越多,孩子的大腦發展得越好。 六歲左右,孩子的大腦建構與發展大致完成,所以孩子的幼兒時期是大腦發育的黃金期。
也因為孩子在 6 歲左右大腦發展就已經底定了大約八成,若是孩子在幼兒時期未能把握大腦發育的黃金時期與他互動,在進入學齡後,開始就會有專注度、學習能力、人際關係等種種問題,這時才來關心孩子,就只能收拾後果了。
越來越多的家長知道,陪伴孩子閱讀跟玩耍,可以提供孩子成長所需的刺激。但要做親子共讀並不容易,不是每個家長都有時間、有能力能夠陪伴孩子共讀。 陪孩子一起玩遊戲,比起親子共讀容易得多了,每個家長都應該掌握各種遊戲的大方向,利用生活周遭的物件來陪孩子玩耍。
遊戲方式約略分成幾個類型: 依據孩子年紀大小不同,可以做不同的選擇
1. 身體動作遊戲:例如到公園或遊戲區玩耍
2. 感官功能遊戲:例如玩沙,泡浴缸時玩水
3. 建構遊戲:例如拼圖,堆積木
4. 社會戲劇遊戲:例如扮家家酒
5. 規則遊戲:例如撲克牌、大富翁
每一種類的遊戲都有它對孩子的幫助,有興趣的家長可以上網搜尋親子天下網站閱讀周育如老師的文章 :
" 幼兒大腦發展:如何掌握學習關鍵期 "
另外附上一段可愛的小女生在 TED 演講有關她觀察到小寶寶跟爸爸玩遊戲互動的過程,對於家裡還有0-6歲孩子的家長,真的可以有點省思,千萬不要錯過這段大腦發展的黃金時期。
PS. 記得可以開啟中文字幕喔 !
the old ways 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的精選貼文
I tried the nostalgic taste of miso ramen, which I used to eat, for the first time in a while! I visited "Ezogiku Totsuka store’’ in Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. This is a miso ramen shop in the student district where many vocational schools and schools, including Waseda University, are located. It seems that Mako used to visit this area once in a while. Speaking of miso ramen, there are famous stores all over the country, including the most famous Hokkaido, and there are various ways to make it. The rich miso flavor goes well with toppings such as butter and corn that children will love, so it can be said to be a ramen that is loved by a wider range of people. The nostalgic taste I ate after a long time, please watch the video immediately!
* We take thorough measures against infection.
* When shooting, we give due consideration to the shop and customers around us.
いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )
#ラーメン #味噌ラーメン #高田馬場 #ロイドごはん #大食い
『えぞ菊 戸塚店』
—————《ロイドごはんオススメ動画! ROIDGOHANs’ Recommended video》———————————
78才おじいちゃん屋台ラーメンの朝『幸っちゃん』夜明けの銀座【飯テロ】Old Style Ramen Stall Yatai Japanese Street Food
神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen
★フラメンコロイド 《フラメンコロイドの神話と伝説》
the old ways 在 主頻道【谷阿莫】 Youtube 的最佳解答
第1377部《古祭 / 驱魔古法 / The Old Ways》我是#谷阿莫 的主頻道,影片主要會在這邊更新,若是主頻道出問題,可以去其他頻道觀看。
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我是谷阿莫,very good的阿莫,科科,來這邊只是聽我說一個我喜歡的故事,我不評論原始故事背後的含意或導演拍攝的用意,因為那些東西每個人都有不同的看法,有空還是要自己去看原創故事喔,謝謝。
the old ways 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的精選貼文
1.豚の肩やもものブロック肉 500gに塩胡椒とすりおろしたニンニクをすり込む。
2.鍋に玉ねぎのスライス125g、にんじん 1/2本(50〜75g)を入れ、水 300mlを入れる。
7.残った野菜とスープを使って、ソースを作ります。細かく砕き、ケチャップ 35g、ソース 35g、醤油 5gを入れ中火で13分ほど煮詰める。
(6)の肉 100gに(7)のソース75gを絡めてつかう。粉チーズや黒胡椒をかけてもおいしい。必要なら 追いソースをする。
#プルドポーク #プルドアレンジ #プルドでごちそう
Pulled Pork in Various Arrangements. Easy with a pressure cooker. When block meat is cheap, this is the way to go!
I stewed a block of pork with vegetables to make pulled pork that can be broken up into small pieces. You can use it in a variety of ways, such as on bread, over rice, or with pasta.
This time, I will introduce avocado hamburger, which is a typical American dish, and Japanese egg on rice.
My pressure cooker is getting old, so I didn't want to show you as much as possible, so it's hard to see the pot in the editing.
*Recipe* (from 500g of meat you can make 300g of pulled pork)
1.Rub 500g of pork shoulder or thigh block with salt, pepper and grated garlic.
2.Put 125g of sliced onion, 1/2 carrot (50-75 g) and 300 ml of water in a pot.
3.Add the meat from (1).
4.Cover with a lid and heat. When pressure builds up, reduce heat to low and cook for 50 minutes.
5.After heating, turn off the heat and let the pressure drop naturally.
6.Take out the meat and chop it into small pieces.
7.Make the sauce with the remaining vegetables and broth. Break into small pieces, add 35g of ketchup, 35g of sauce, and 5g of soy sauce, and simmer over medium heat for 13 minutes.
8.Done. Use 100g of meat from (6) and 75g of sauce from (7). It's also delicious with grated cheese and black pepper. If necessary, add additional sauce.
#pulledpork #recipe #arrangements