這篇來自【The News Lens關鍵評論】上的文章,導讀了了知名科幻/奇幻文學家娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩《轉機:勒瑰恩15篇跨次元旅行記》。這除了讓我們更深入了解生長在人類學者家庭的娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩是如何看待這個世界,也讓我們看到這位大師無邊界的精彩心靈!
如果你是「地海系列」(Earthsea)的讀者,你期待的應該是一段以舒緩如詩的語言所訴說的,發生在遙遠地方卻又如在眼前的神話故事;如果你是她的科幻小說讀者,那你期待的大概會是像《黑暗的左手》(The Left Hand of Darkness, 1969)或是《一無所有》(The Dispossessed, 1974)那樣帶著批判眼光的關於異世界的書寫。無論如何,你都很清楚,她獨特的文風與風格化的展開故事的方式,總是可以輕易的用故事捎上你到某個與現實並不那麼相同的世界中,沈浸在不同角色的命運裡。
只是,這本《轉機》(Changing Planes)好像不太一樣。故事開篇,敘事者告訴我們,相較於飛機起飛帶給我們對於即將抵達的地點的期待感,「機場」本身則是無趣而沈悶,「是你什麼地方都去不了的地方,是時間不會流動、任何存在都不可能有意義的地方」。而在這種被無趣與加倍的無趣夾殺間的地方,有人發明了時空轉換法,藉由這套方法,每個人都可以在機場
the dispossessed 在 Kiri T Facebook 的精選貼文
This is what the HK government is doing to our youth:
#happeningnow The Chinese University of HK is under siege by the HK Police Force.
This is #tiananmensquaremassacre in 2019.
#hkpoliceterrorists Shooting, firing Tear gas and other projectiles into the campus.
Not only students were hit, but reporters and first aiders were being attacked and terrorised.
@thechineseuniversityofhongkong is not the only university that’s under threat.
The government has no plan to settle the fundamental societal problems with the people, they’re just pitting the #HKPF against the people, pushing them out to kill and silent civilians.
Condemn violence from both camps all you want but know that the ones without a police badge are always bearing the consequences of getting arrested and abused while the Police camp has 0 accountability. LOOK AT THE POWER IMBALANCE.
I’m a peace lover too but for dispossessed people, physical retaliation for self defence is sometimes the only solution.
And maybe instead of condemning the youth, try and understand why they’re outraged, and try look at how many crimes against humanity have #chinazi committed.
The HK police force should be charged with war crimes.
#standwithhongkong #tiananmensquare #tiananmensquare2019 #cuhk #cuhkmassacre #fivedemandsnotoneless #hongkongpolicebrutality @ Hong Kong
the dispossessed 在 Kiri T Facebook 的最佳貼文
Do you have family?
Take a second to imagine how you’d feel, if your brother played “Glory to HK” in his car and was pulled out and arrested by the Police;
Imagine if a Pro-CCP taxi driver ran over your sister, resulting in the lost of two limbs, she will never walk again, and the Police didn’t hold the monster who ran her over accountable;
Imagine if it was your dad’s ear that was bitten off by a pro-Beijing mobster;
Imagine if it was your girlfriend who was raped by the police in the San Uk Ling detention centre;
Imagine you just passed by a shopping district during halloween, asked the police a question gently and they sprayed pepper right into your eyes;
Imagine you lot were heading to a rally to exercise your right to assemble, got ambushed by the police, now they are shooting Teargas grenade at you, Execution-style. Nazi style.
Imagine the outrage you’d have, the commitment you’d have, to assist in the apprehension of the monsters who could inflict such irreversible harm on you and your family members.
Stop saying TearGas grenade is not lethal. Don’t waste my time.
Do you know, being hit by tear gas cartridges could cause bone fracture, severe bruising and blindness, and those riot police aim them right at the citizens’ heads and hearts, important organs. A police Baton could be lethal when aimed at the head.
Don’t give me that speech about how protestors are violent too and it was “necessary force” on the Police’s side. Don’t waste my time.
Thousands of protestors have been arrested and many have been charged, anything they do they are bearing the ramifications.
The police on the other hand, aren’t held accountable at all, but they are the ones with the privileges, weapons, and status. They bend the law to their favour.
Don’t tell me to calm down, stop wasting my time.
Would you give somebody your left cheek if they slapped you on the right? If yes, you’re an idiot, you’re a push over, don’t force other people to be a push over with you.
Every time I thought it couldn’t get any worse it just escalates.
Stop telling me Police brutality in the States is worse so HKers should just suck it up.
Police Brutality in the States is irrelevant to us.
It’s not about what other countries are like it’s about standing by what’s right.
How bad is your inferiority complex to think we don’t deserve anything the west doesn’t have?
Those murderous Police are out there walking around with a badge and a gun.
This is supremely fucked up.
And this is from Rahila Gupta:
"Pacifism is an ideal to which one should aspire but as a strategy it is mostly inadequate in dismantling structural violence in archaic systems in our society today.
We live in a world where there is a growing threat from fascist and ultra-nationalist movements. A blanket rejection of the use of violence for legitimate self-defence risks turning pacifism into passive-ism. Self-defence is a widely accepted principle in international law. For dispossessed people, armed struggle is sometimes the only solution.
Whatever has been achieved by ‘peaceful’ non-co-operation movements owes its success partly to the ‘violence’ on the fringes or the threat of violence contained within an angry mass of people."
Couldn't agree more.