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- 「規定初中中國歷史獨立成科」動議發言稿。
鄭松泰︰主席, 這個動議肯定會成為一眾同僚,爭相借題發揮,表達對政權忠誠的場所。
青年新政兩位議員在誓詞的「支那」論,激起抗日戰爭的華人家國情懷,不期然想起近年備受好評之抗戰英文史書《被遺忘的盟友》,作者是牛津大學教授,他認為抗日戰爭是塑造現代中國民族主義的重要元素[註一]。著作引述了當時一位親共愛國記者杜重遠,抗戰早期在太原目擊一樁遊街示眾批鬥漢奸事件,其細節與後來文化大革命並無二致。作者判定抗戰引發的國族情緒,為後來中共建政後連串的政治運動打下群眾基礎[註二] 。
當下這場民族主義之爭,看似大中國的一方佔盡上風。不過,同情北美殖民爭取獨立的英裔思想家湯瑪斯‧潘恩(Thomas Paine),在一七七六年冬美國獨立戰爭的低潮期,寫了一篇名叫《美國危機》(The American Crisis)的政論小冊子,當中說:
「這是考驗人們靈魂的時刻,那些歲寒不經霜的士兵(summer soldier)和只能見陽光不能見陰霾的愛國者們(sunshine patriot),在這個危機中將會動搖退縮而不敢再為國效勞了,但是那些堅持下來的人們,現在理應得到人們的愛戴和感激。暴政就像地獄一樣不易被戰勝,然而我們慰藉自己:鬥爭愈是艱難,勝利就愈加榮光;獲得愈廉價的東西,我們也就愈輕視…… [註三]」
Summer soldier及sunshine patriot就是香港人平日所指的「勝利球迷」了!建制派對梁、游二人窮追不捨,有風駛盡艃,但假設將來戰爭爆發,中共發行戰爭債券,並以人大釋法變相立法,強制具一定資產的香港永久居民購買,試問在座有多少人會欣然解囊?至梁、游二人及其支持者,遇上逆境則陣腳大亂,甚至棄甲曳兵,他們也算不上是真正的香港愛國者。大家都是「勝利球迷」而已,用網上用語來總括︰「雞,全部都係雞。」不要分得那麼細!
特區政府最近發表的《初中中國歷史修訂課程第一次諮詢稿》,內容令人驚嚇:把傳統的治亂興衰部份壓縮,多談歷朝盛世,對衰落及改朝換代的混戰,只輕輕帶過[註四] 。唐太宗李世民曾說:「以史為鏡,可知興替。」西方史學也有"Rise and Fall"的傳統敘事手法[註五],亦有鑑古知今的功用[註六] 。《香港城邦論》作者陳雲,早前在其網台節目,直斥《諮詢稿》的扭曲史觀為「反華」[註七] ,本席要加以補充,特區政府「以史為哈哈鏡」的畸形史觀,根本是反人類文明、反常識,甚至連中國大陸的初中「歷史與社會」科課程綱要也不如[註八]!
華人修抗日戰史,集中於宣揚被侵略的悲情,對日本為何走上軍國主義之路,卻甚少着墨[註九] ,對自己重蹈敵人覆轍懵然不知。日本明治維新時的《教育敕語》,是在一八九○年頒布的教育文件,內文中有「朕惟我皇祖皇宗,肇國宏遠……我臣民……億兆一心……此我國體之精華,而教育之淵源……一旦緩急,則義勇奉公,以扶翼天壤無窮之皇運……」語句[註十] ,向學童灌輸對日皇絕對效忠的思想,有極權法西斯傾向。當下的誓詞事件,中共及其同路人自詡代表「全球華人」意志的態度,也有「億兆一心」的味道!
註一: 芮納‧米德(Rana Mitter)著,林添貴譯,《被遺忘的盟友》(Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945)(台北:遠見天下文化,二○一四年六月)頁三十三、三十九及四十三。
註二: 同上書,頁一百八十七至九。事件引述杜重遠著,《還我河山:杜重遠文集》(上海:文匯出版社,一九九八年)頁二百六十。二。
註三: 翻譯節選自上海三聯出版社《美國危機》,柯嵐編譯。
原文為:These are the times that try men's souls.
The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.
Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to tax) but "to bind us in all cases whatsoever," and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.
註五:例如英國史家愛德華‧吉朋(Edward Gibbon)的《羅馬帝國衰亡史》(The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire);美國哥倫比亞廣播公司駐歐記者威廉‧夏勒(William L. Shirer)的《第三帝國興亡史》(The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)。
註六:英國廣播公司的著名歷史紀錄片Nazis: A Warning From History,其中文譯名正是《納粹警世錄》。
註七:(2:43-3:44) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdTRLbiyc5Q
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來看看2015 NYU鼓勵畢業生成為怎樣的一個社會公民!
這是一所偉大學校在畢業典禮上對他們學生的期勉。不是建立在身分地位金錢剝削冷感上的成功,而是"A noncomformist, an intellectual, a doer and natural-born activists"。身為暴民我真的在陽光普照的洋基球場哭了出來。
演講影片(82:00 ~ 97:45):
So today is a day of celebration. And yet, because you are graduates of this great institution, I know that you are aware that out there – just outside the ring of celebration, outside the cushion of today’s excitement lies a more sobering reality. And while I promise not to kill the joy of your day, I want to say a few words about the challenges out there in the world you will rejoin after today’s celebrations. I feel comfortable doing so, because by virtue of you being an NYU graduate, I know that you are someone who is concerned with the world. I know that you are creative, imaginative, bold, a nonconformist, an intellectual, a doer and natural-born activist. I know that you take your citizenshipobligations seriously. By citizenship I do not refer to your legal status. I mean your responsibility to whatever community you belong – whether it’s the American community or the human community. You take seriously your responsibility to work for peace and justice, to protect and nurture opportunity and equality.
Since last August, I have found myself repeating under my breath from the time-to-time a line from a document I read in the 10th grade in my American Literature course at Hillcrest High School in Queens. I haven’t thought much about this text since that 10th grade class in 1976, but after unrest broke out in Ferguson, Missouri last summer.... After Eric Garner was killed here in New York, after I saw the execution of Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina, and yes after I learned early one Saturday night that two police officers were killed while on duty in Brooklyn, after I watched young people in my adopted city of Baltimore unleash frustration after years of neglect and dislocation – I found myself whispering the opening lines written by Thomas Paine in his pamphlet of the American Revolution: “these are the times that try men’s souls.” Yes, these are the times that try men’s... and women’s souls.
The past nine months have been trying indeed. They have challenged the very soul of our nation such that we cannot pretend even as are here filled with the excitement of this day that there are not deep challenges awaiting us. We cannot pretend that all is right in our land. And we should not. We can suspend reality for a few hours, maybe a few days, but then we must return to it.
The challenges we face are both personal and national. Some of you are excited today, but have no idea how you will manage the debt that you have accumulated to receive this wonderful education. Most of you have enjoyed the privilege of attending this great university and living in New York City. But for most of you, if you lived “on campus” at NYU, this will be the last time that you will be able to afford to live in Manhattan. Still others of you wonder about whether you will be able to find a job in your chosen field, one that provides maternity and paternity leave, and that will not discriminate against you for being gay or lesbian or transgender. Some of you despite this terrific education and having found a good job will find the veneer of success stripped away, as you are stopped on the street or in your car, even though you haven’t broken any laws and you are wearing a suit because, you are told, you “look like” a suspect in a robbery. Still others of you are struggling even now to take care of elderly parents who have little or no savings, or you cannot imagine how you will save enough to send your now infant son or daughter to NYU.
Many of you are doing just fine. But you recognize and accept willingly your obligation to concern yourself with the state of our democracy. You cannot ignore that there are an increasing number of states where there are hundreds of thousands of voters do not have the newly required identification demanded by ever-increasingly stringent voter id laws. You have never been to prison, nor has anyone you know. But you know that the prison population of our country has reached unsustainable and shameful proportions. You know that incarcerating 2 million people is a sign of American failure, not American success. You know that violent crimes levels are today as low as they were in the 1960s, and yet our prison population is 8 times the size it was in the 1960s.
You are living in a nation of staggering income inequality and of revived and entrenched racial segregation.
You saw the video of Eric Garner ‘s death or you saw Walter Scott running for his life and being shot like prey in North Charleston, South Carolina and you feel deeply, you know without question that our democracy faces challenges that demand your engagement, your response.
You have seen all of these things, worried over these things. You have felt the crisis that is enveloping us, the crisis of confidence in the rule of law, in our justice system, and you are wondering what your role must be. And you are right to do so. It is our citizenship obligation to engage the issues of our day. To work for peace. To demand justice but also to fight for beauty, civility, privacy, and dignity for everyone.
And so on the beautiful day of celebration, I will not relieve you of the obligations of citizenship. In fact, to the contrary, I encourage you to nurture that niggling worry, that sense of dissatisfaction, that inability to settle and to be content with the deep imperfections of our democracy. I encourage your discomfort, your sense that you must do something, you must contribute, that you must make your voice heard. That is the essence of citizenship -- that bone deep sense of obligation to improve our democracy – to improve it especially for those who are most marginalized and most in need.
And you, my beloved NYU graduates, you willfind your own way to make your contribution. You will teach young people. You will participate in government. You will make meaningful art and help those without access to see it, hear it, dance it, and sing it. You will fight for the right of children to have a childhood free from violence. You will commit yourself to finding the cure to a terrible disease, or to making treatment accessible to those who lack it. You will create opportunities for good jobs, you will treat your own employees humanely. You will fight passionately to protect our precious natural environment. You will stand against religious intolerance. You will do the hard work of communicating with those who disagree with you – of reviving the lost art of civil discourse in which you respect the humanity of the person with whom you are in conflict.
-- Sherrilyn Ifill, LDF President and Director-Counsel, 2015 NYU Commencement.
the crisis thomas paine 在 王丹网站 Wang Dan's Page Facebook 的最佳解答
1776年耶誕節午後,揭竿而起反抗英國母國的軍官們,將北美殖民地軍隊排列成小組,向他們宣讀托馬斯.潘恩(Thomas Paine)寫成的〈北美的危機〉(The American Crisis)。在戰鬥前夕,這篇著名的公開宣言在那些準備為獨立而戰的人聽起來有一種激動人內心的神聖感。「這是考驗人民靈魂的時刻,」潘恩寫道,「在當前的危機中,精壯的戰士和樂天的愛國者會在為國家服務的責任面前畏縮不前,但是今天能堅持戰鬥的人應當得到全體男女的愛戴和感激。專制制度就像地獄一樣,是不容易被打破的,但是我們可以堪慰的是:鬥爭愈是艱鉅,勝利就愈光榮。」12月26日,北美殖民地軍隊橫渡特拉華河取得了特倫頓一戰的大捷。從此大英帝國對北美殖民地的統治被撼動了,一個新的國家,一個未來世界的強權大國的誕生,迎來了曙光。
1949年以後,國民黨敗退台灣,當時以殷海光,雷震,毛子水等為代表的一批知識分子認為國民黨在大陸的失敗,主要是由於官員貪腐無能,以及一黨專政的獨裁統治。 這與蔣介石和國民黨的反省截然不同,也是雙方的分歧所在。在蔣介石看來,失敗的主要原因,是沒有管好黨,除了很多的內奸,沒有純潔隊伍,革命意識渙散。所以主要是要整黨,要改組。因此,蔣介石處心積慮要把「五四」運動以後逐漸形成的民主與科學思想從人民記憶中抹去,因此厲行思想管制。在那樣壓抑黑暗的年代,民主憲政的理想之所以還能維持於不墜,實與殷海光這一批人在《自由中國》發表的言論,具有密切的關係。