The mighty Chinese juggernaut has been humbled this week, apparently by a species-hopping bat virus. While Chinese authorities struggle to control the epidemic and restart their economy, a world that has grown accustomed to contemplating China’s inexorable rise was reminded that nothing, not even Beijing’s power, can be taken for granted.
We do not know how dangerous the new coronavirus will be. There are signs that Chinese authorities are still trying to conceal the true scale of the problem, but at this point the virus appears to be more contagious but considerably less deadly than the pathogens behind diseases such as Ebola or SARS—though some experts say SARS and coronavirus are about equally contagious.
China’s initial response to the crisis was less than impressive. The Wuhan government was secretive and self-serving; national authorities responded vigorously but, it currently appears, ineffectively. China’s cities and factories are shutting down; the virus continues to spread. We can hope that authorities succeed in containing the epidemic and treating its victims, but the performance to date has shaken confidence in the Chinese Communist Party at home and abroad. Complaints in Beijing about the U.S. refusing entry to noncitizens who recently spent time in China cannot hide the reality that the decisions that allowed the epidemic to spread as far and as fast as it did were all made in Wuhan and Beijing.
The likeliest economic consequence of the coronavirus epidemic, forecasters expect, will be a short and sharp fall in Chinese economic growth rates during the first quarter, recovering as the disease fades. The most important longer-term outcome would appear to be a strengthening of a trend for global companies to “de-Sinicize” their supply chains. Add the continuing public health worries to the threat of new trade wars, and supply-chain diversification begins to look prudent.
Events like the coronavirus epidemic, and its predecessors—such as SARS, Ebola and MERS—test our systems and force us to think about the unthinkable. If there were a disease as deadly as Ebola and as fast-spreading as coronavirus, how should the U.S. respond? What national and international systems need to be in place to minimize the chance of catastrophe on this scale?
Epidemics also lead us to think about geopolitical and economic hypotheticals. We have seen financial markets shudder and commodity prices fall in the face of what hopefully will be a short-lived disturbance in China’s economic growth. What would happen if—perhaps in response to an epidemic, but more likely following a massive financial collapse—China’s economy were to suffer a long period of even slower growth? What would be the impact of such developments on China’s political stability, on its attitude toward the rest of the world, and to the global balance of power?
China’s financial markets are probably more dangerous in the long run than China’s wildlife markets. Given the accumulated costs of decades of state-driven lending, massive malfeasance by local officials in cahoots with local banks, a towering property bubble, and vast industrial overcapacity, China is as ripe as a country can be for a massive economic correction. Even a small initial shock could lead to a massive bonfire of the vanities as all the false values, inflated expectations and misallocated assets implode. If that comes, it is far from clear that China’s regulators and decision makers have the technical skills or the political authority to minimize the damage—especially since that would involve enormous losses to the wealth of the politically connected.
We cannot know when or even if a catastrophe of this scale will take place, but students of geopolitics and international affairs—not to mention business leaders and investors—need to bear in mind that China’s power, impressive as it is, remains brittle. A deadlier virus or a financial-market contagion could transform China’s economic and political outlook at any time.
Many now fear the coronavirus will become a global pandemic. The consequences of a Chinese economic meltdown would travel with the same sweeping inexorability. Commodity prices around the world would slump, supply chains would break down, and few financial institutions anywhere could escape the knock-on consequences. Recovery in China and elsewhere could be slow, and the social and political effects could be dramatic.
If Beijing’s geopolitical footprint shrank as a result, the global consequences might also be surprising. Some would expect a return of unipolarity if the only possible great-power rival to the U.S. were to withdraw from the game. Yet in the world of American politics, isolation rather than engagement might surge to the fore. If the China challenge fades, many Americans are likely to assume that the U.S. can safely reduce its global commitments.
So far, the 21st century has been an age of black swans. From 9/11 to President Trump’s election and Brexit, low-probability, high-impact events have reshaped the world order. That age isn’t over, and of the black swans still to arrive, the coronavirus epidemic is unlikely to be the last to materialize in China.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅OmegaGamesWiki™,也在其Youtube影片中提到,アサシンクリード エツィオ コレクション・アサシンクリード2(Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection)のプレイ動画です、Part 17。 PS3の普通版ではシークエンス12と13は含まれていない、有料でコンテンツをダウンロードすることによりプレイ可能になりますが、エツィオ...
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湯姆.漢克斯(Tom Hanks)的御用化妝師丹尼爾.斯瑞派克(Daniel C. Striepeke)辭世,享壽89歲。他曾以《阿甘正傳》(Forrest Gump ,1994)和《搶救雷恩大兵》(Saving Private Ryan ,1998)提名奧斯卡獎。其他作品還包括《浩劫重生》(Cast Away ,2000)和《神鬼交鋒》(Catch Me If You Can ,2002)等。
在他於2006年退休之後,湯姆.漢克斯在《紐約時報》(The New York Times)上刊文表彰了他的好友丹尼爾.斯瑞派克。他寫道:「大多數不以電影為業的人,都認為電影化妝師只需要處理怪物的外貌。化妝師其實是真正的藝術家,但卻往往不為人所知,他們懂得細膩地以化妝筆刷妝點電影,以辛勤的工作來成就電影。」
丹尼爾.斯瑞派克於1930年出生於加州索諾馬縣,他在聖羅莎長大,19歲那年來到洛杉磯,在起步的KTTV電視台工作,隨後加入空軍服役四年。退伍後,他開始學習電影化妝工作,在1956年,他一連有《環遊世界八十天》(Around the World in 80 Days ) 、《巨人》(Giant)和《十誡》(The Ten Commandments)三部參與作品問世。
但真正讓他名留演職員表的作品是《豪勇七蛟龍》(The Magnificent Seven ,1960)。斯瑞派克在60年代已經站穩腳步,接下多部好萊塢大製作包括《旱地英雄》(Taras Bulba ,1962)、《浩劫餘生》(Planet of the Apes ,1968)、《虎豹小霸王》(Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ,1969)、《我愛紅娘》(Hello, Dolly! ,1969)、《外科醫生》(MASH ,1970)、《巴頓將軍》(Patton ,1970)等片。
之後斯瑞派克不再參與電影製作,回歸本行接下了《火爆浪子》(Grease ,1978)、《越戰獵鹿人》(The Deer Hunter ,1978)、《美國舞男》(American Gigolo ,1980)、《安妮》(Annie ,1982)、《我的繼母是外星人》(My Stepmother Is an Alien ,1988)等片。
自《地獄來的芳鄰》(The 'Burbs ,1989)開始,丹尼爾.斯瑞派克與湯姆.漢克斯成了生命共同體。緊接著合作了《走夜路的男人》(The Bonfire of the Vanities ,1990)、《阿甘正傳》、《阿波羅13號》(Apollo 13 ,1995)、《搶救雷恩大兵》、與《綠色奇蹟》(The Green Mile ,1999)等片。其中《阿甘正傳》與《搶救雷恩大兵》都為他分別獲得了奧斯卡最佳化妝與髮型設計獎提名。
兩人合作的《浩劫重生》與《非法正義》(Road to Perdition ,2002)也讓他入圍了好萊塢化妝與髮型設計公會獎,並以前者獲獎。2004年,他獲頒公會的終身成就獎。
2006年,年近八旬的斯瑞派克以《達文西密碼》(The Da Vinci Code ,2006)劃下職涯句點,這是兩人的第16次合作。
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美國演員唐納德.莫夫艾特(Donald Moffat)辭世,享壽87歲。他的電影代表作包括《突變第三型》(The Thing ,1982)、《太空先鋒》(The Right Stuff ,1983)和《迫切的危機》(Clear and Present Danger ,1994)。
經過幾年沈浮,他在1967年以《野鴨》(The Wild Duck)和《Pirandello's Right You Are If You Think You Are》獲得東尼獎提名,總算站穩腳步。莫夫艾特並非高身價的演員,卻能自在地悠遊在莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)、易卜生(Henrik Ibsen)和品特(Harold Pinter)的劇作之中,其穩健的表演向來獲得了評論家的尊重。他一生共出演了80齣以上的舞台劇。
莫夫艾特雖然在50年代就開始參與影視作品,但他真正獲得角色,也是等到他入圍東尼獎之後。保羅.紐曼(Paul Newman)執導的《巧婦怨》(Rachel, Rachel ,1968)是他正式演出的首部電影。70年代,他還參演了賣座災難片《大地震》(Earthquake ,1974)。80年代初,他也參演了另一部災難片──口碑與票房的雙重災難──由勞勃.阿特曼(Robert Altman)執導的《大力水手》(Popeye ,1980)。
然而,80年代也是莫夫艾特在電影圈穩固地位的時期,他接連參演了約翰.卡本特(John Carpenter)的經典恐怖片《突變第三型》和《太空先鋒》,形象深植人心。他在後者飾演美國前總統林登.詹森(Lyndon Johnson),無獨有偶,後來莫夫艾特也在自己的另一部代表作《迫切的危機》中飾演美國總統。恰好莫法艾特所飾演的美國總統都是狡詐的陰謀家,可說令觀眾印象相當深刻。此外,他也在晚年的舞台劇中飾演過美國前總統格蘭特(Ulysses S. Grant)。
在80年代末至90年代末,他接連演出了《父女情》(Music Box ,1989)、《走夜路的男人》(The Bonfire of the Vanities ,1990)、《意外的人生》(Regarding Henry ,1991)、《一屋半妻》(HouseSitter ,1992)、《迫切的危機》、《親密關係1997》(The Evening Star ,1996)以及帶給他第一個電影演員獎提名的加拿大驚悚片《The Sleeping Room》(1998)。
再度與阿特曼合作的《藏錯屍體殺錯人》(Cookie's Fortune ,1999)問世之後,莫夫艾特不再參演電影,但依然頻繁出現在電視劇集之中,終在2005年息影。
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アサシンクリード エツィオ コレクション・アサシンクリード2(Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection)のプレイ動画です、Part 17。
PS3の普通版ではシークエンス12と13は含まれていない、有料でコンテンツをダウンロードすることによりプレイ可能になりますが、エツィオ コレクションでは最初から入っています。
Part 17:
・Sequence 13 虚栄のかがり火/Bonfire of the Vanities
・Memory 1~12
・100% Sync
・No Damage
動画でクリアしたメモリー/Completed memories in this video:
1) フィレンツェ・フィアスコ/Florentine Fiasco 0:00
2) 狂気を描く/Still Life 5:59
3) 滅亡の日/Doomsday 8:08
4) 橋のたもとで/Arch Nemesis 10:32
5) 港湾封鎖/Port Authority 13:08
6) わら山を確保せよ/Hitting the Hay 15:42
7) 虚栄の災い/Upward Mobility 18:09
8) 終末を語る/Last Rites 19:40
9) 待ち伏せ/Climbing the Ranks 22:19
10) 診療拒否/Surgical Strike 25:12
11) 大いなる力/Power to the People 27:20
12) せめて安らかに/Mob Justice 29:01
Assassin's Creed 2 Ezio Collection 100% Sync プレイ動画プレイリスト:
- ゲームタイトル: アサシンクリード エツィオ コレクション/アサシンクリード2(Assassin's Creed 2/Ezio Collection)(PS4版)
- 発売日: 2017年2月3日 (日本)
- 価格: PS4パッケージ版:5800円(税別)
- ジャンル : Action
- ESRB : Cero Z
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