巴黎著名人權和宗教自由律師、學者帕特里夏·杜瓦爾觀察到,當她第一次得知太極門案時,對台灣政府忽視國際批評風險感到驚訝。另一方面,她在法國的經歷告訴她,有時宗教和精神少數派的反對者並沒有考慮到這些風險。杜瓦爾指出,台灣於 2009 年批准並將《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》(ICCPR)和《經濟、社會和文化權利國際公約》(ICESCR)納入其國家法律。這些,正如歐洲人權法院和其他國際司法管轄區所解釋的那樣,包括在稅收和宗教自由決定中,
Patricia Duval, a well-known Paris human rights and religious liberty attorney and scholar, observed that when she first learned of the Tai Ji Men case, she was surprised that the Taiwan government was ignoring the risk of being criticized internationally. On the other hand, her experience in France told her that sometimes opponents of religious and spiritual minorities do not take these risks into account. Duval noted that Taiwan in 2009 ratified and included in its national law the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). These, as they have been interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights and other international jurisdictions, including in tax and religious liberty decisions, should have been applied to the Tai Ji Men case and led to its solution, but they didn’t.
“人權無國界”的聯合創始人兼董事威利·福特(Willy Fautré)表示,台灣是一個民主國家,但沒有一個民主國家是完美的。太極門案讓台灣有機會像照鏡子一樣看到其民主制度的不完善之處。Fautré 說,現在應該立即解決這個問題。
Willy Fautré, co-founder and director of Human Rights Without Frontiers, stated that Taiwan is a democracy, but no democracy is perfect. The Tai Ji Men case offers to Taiwan an opportunity to see, as if in a mirror, what is imperfect in its democratic system. It should now be solved, Fautré said, without delay.
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅TechTeller,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#libratone #airplus2 #降噪耳機 【購買連結】 Libratone Air+ 2購買連結:https://bit.ly/3rUtXnF -------------------------------------------- 【前言】 Libratone這個品牌,2009年...
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🐶 看 Paw Patrol 學英文
Paw Patrol 電影在台灣上映了,你們去看了嗎?(圖片取自電影官網)
之前停課林寶在家看了兩個月的 Blaze and the Monster Machines,每天結束都會看到 Paw Patrol 的預告,後來調整了下作息時間,改看 Paw Patrol,現在是在 Netflix 上看。
不看則已,一看連二寶都愛上了!實在好奇幾隻狗狗怎麼有這麼大的魅力(媽媽覺得設定好瞎)?一些幼教專家分析了為什麼孩子喜歡看 Paw Patrol,不外乎是把自己投射在狗狗身上,小小身量,但可以拯救整個城市裡無能的大人!至於為什麼狗狗乖乖聽 Ryder 指揮呢?有人說,看在幼兒眼裡,10 歲的大哥哥大姐姐就是神 -- 看林寶跟表哥的互動,真的是這樣沒錯啊!
對於看膩了 Paw Patrol 的爸媽來說,好消息是:通常小孩到 8 歲左右就會失去興趣了哈~
又搜尋了幾篇報導,發現對 Paw Patrol 的批評也不少。Paw Patrol 其實是加拿大玩具商特意為了開發學齡前小男生的「變形機械」類型玩具市場,在世界各地徵稿,最終設定 10 歲天才男孩 Ryder 和他救援的小狗,所使用的車輛、集合基地 the Lookout,在影片裡都有超常細膩的特寫和變形動畫,其實就是在為玩具打廣告,繞過加拿大法規裡面不能在學前幼兒節目時段播放廣告的規定。說穿了,Paw Patrol 卡通其實是製作成本超高、宣傳效果超成功的廣告片!
故事中最早出現的幾隻狗狗裡面,只有 Skye 是女生,性別比例嚴重失衡,這也是最為人詬病的一點--雖說原是針對小男生設計的,但推出後喜歡看的女孩也不少。Skye 很帥的開著飛機,還很會後空翻,但從服裝、道具到飛機,全都是粉紅色的。第二季出現的 Everest 也是女生,但戲份少很多,服裝是粉紫色,跟 Skye 一樣長睫毛... 這次電影裡的新角色 Liberty 也是女孩,不知道是不是會刻意避免太過女性化的刻板印象。
還有一些好玩的資訊:幫 Ryder 配音的男孩們會遇到尷尬的變聲期,一變聲就得換人了,到現在 Ryder 的聲音演員已經換過四位--讓我聯想到維也納少年合唱團。另,玩具商老闆現在是加拿大財富榜前70幾名,都拜這幾隻狗狗所賜!
說了這麼多,小孩還是每天看啊... 不如來學學英文吧!
幾個角色都有經典台詞 catchphrases,粉絲網站上有詳細整理,把最常聽到的摘錄在底下:
* "No job is too big, no pup is too small!"
* "PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!"
* "PAW Patrol is on a roll!" -- 'on a roll' 有好運連連的意思,表示任務會成功
* "Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" -- 'yelp for help' 押韻
* "Chase is on the case!" -- 押韻
* "PAW Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir!"
* "Ready for a ruff ruff rescue!"
* "I'm fired up!"
* "Wait for me!" -- 林寶最喜歡 Marshall,因為他最搞笑,每次集合都是最後一個
* "I'm okay!"
* "Let's take to the sky!"
* "This pup's gotta fly!"
* "Green means go!"
* "Don't lose it, reuse it!" -- 押韻
* "Rubble on the double!" -- 押韻,'on the double' 主題曲裡面也出現過,快速的意思
* "Let's dig it!"
* "Let's dive in!"
* "Ready, set, get wet!" -- 押韻
* "Off the trail, Everest won't fail!" -- 押韻
* "Ice or snow, I'm ready to go!" -- 押韻
* "I'm all ears!"/"Soy Todo oídos!" -- 專注聆聽的意思
Liberty: (電影版新角色)
* "Liberty, reporting for duty!" -- 押韻,報到(有點軍人或船員用語的感覺)
另外,船長 Cap'n Turbot 講話也很有趣,常常押頭韻,愛用很多術語,狗狗常聽不懂,需要 Ryder 翻譯,下次可以注意聽看看!
take the liberty 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
「凱達格蘭論壇-2021亞太安全對話 」剛落幕,有16位政要與專家線上視訊討論 #台海局勢對印太區域的挑戰、#四方安全對話、#灰色地帶脅迫、#後疫情時代建立可信賴供應鏈 等議題。
蔡總統說,威權體制在COVID-19疫情中竄起,民主國家在後疫情時代更堅定捍衛共享價值和體制;她也強調台灣在民主、再生能源及半導體都是美日印澳的「四方安全對話」及歐盟「歐亞連結策略」 #不可或缺的夥伴。台灣願意承擔確保區域穩定的責任,我國盼與 #鄰國 在和平、穩定及互惠的原則下共存,並堅持捍衛民主和生活方式。
The Ketagalan Forum—2021 Asia-Pacific Security Dialogue drew to a successful close yesterday. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the forum was held online this year, addressing a range of topics including developments in the Taiwan Strait, how QUAD are meeting the challenges of the #IndoPacific, #GrayZoneCoercion in the East and South China Seas and the reconfiguration of global supply chains in the #PostPandemicEra.
In her pre-recorded address, President Tsai Ing-wen warned that as we emerge from the pandemic, authoritarian regimes have a new confidence in their alternative model to the liberal democratic order. Taiwan, she said, which continues to thrive, can offer a solution to many democratic countries who are struggling to get their footing back amid a series of challenges, including #ClimateChange, emerging diseases, non-proliferation, terrorism, and secure supply chains. She added that Taiwan is well-positioned to serve as an indispensable partner in sectors such as biotechnology, renewable energy, and the semiconductor industry, with the revival of the QUAD and the EU's proposed EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy.
Keynote speaker, former United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft, with her Formosan bear in tow, stressed her personal relationship with Taiwan and called out China’s government-run media outlets for trying to take advantage of the situation in Afghanistan to undermine Taiwan’s trust in the United States as a security partner. She applauded the Biden administration for its continuing demonstration of the US commitment to Taiwan and underlined the importance of Taiwan to US security at home, saying “If Taiwan is lost, we lose too.” She also pointed to what she called systemic discrimination in the UN system against Taiwan and expressed her support for Taiwan becoming a QUAD+ member.
MOFA Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang stressed Taiwan’s determination to defend herself and to be a reliable partner in the creation of regional and global supply chains, citing US Founding Father Benjamin Franklin’s famous words, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
The dialogue hosted four panels, with 16 officials or former officials and academics from countries, including the #US, #Japan, #France, #Australia, #India, #Singapore, #SouthKorea, #Vietnam and the #Philippines.
take the liberty 在 TechTeller Youtube 的精選貼文
#libratone #airplus2 #降噪耳機
Libratone Air+ 2購買連結:https://bit.ly/3rUtXnF
Libratone這個品牌,2009年成立於北歐丹麥,品牌名稱LIBRATONE的命名由來是“liberty (自由)”和“tone(聲音)”這兩個單詞的結合,品牌標誌中的小鳥是源自安徒生童話《夜鶯》,故事講述一隻不願受拘束的夜鶯通過美妙歌聲治癒國王重病的故事,從Logo和品牌名都包含「解放聲音、自由聆聽」的理念。
去年科技說有開箱過10週年紀念版TRACK Air+ SE,質感和使用體驗都很不錯,這次要為大家帶來的是Libratone Air+ 2真無線藍牙耳機的開箱評測!
00:00 前言
00:48 開箱開始
02:23 Libratone Air+ 2登場
04:21 規格功能
07:09 延遲度實測
08:04 通話降噪
09:10 室內通話實測
10:46 室內模擬戶外通話實測
12:45 音質體驗
14:00 音質實測
14:38 總結
15:57 NG大魔王
北歐精品藍牙耳機,奢華降噪體驗|Libratone Air+ 2降噪真無線藍牙耳機開箱
測試歌曲1:Take The Pain Away
音樂錄音:TASCAM DR-07X
測試歌曲2:Help You Out
音樂錄音:TASCAM DR-07X
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Product sponsored by #WitsPer智選家

take the liberty 在 TechTeller Youtube 的最佳解答
TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97:https://bit.ly/3x7acdV
EppFun Cute Meet 300:https://bit.ly/3C85y1R
EDIFIER TWS NB 2 Pro:https://bit.ly/3xbivFx
McGee Ear Play+:https://bit.ly/3g1cQw9
SoundPeats Truengine H1:https://bit.ly/2TdbB3W
Monster Inspiration 700 ANC:https://bit.ly/3gfuwDc
Anker Soundcore Liberty Air 2 Pro:https://bit.ly/3csDUCs
Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro:https://bit.ly/3it9QKQ
Libratone Air+ 2:https://bit.ly/3w1te5r
Bose QC EarBuds:https://bit.ly/3g5ehtx
00:00 前言
01:20 TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97
02:59 EppFun Cute Meet 300
04:54 EDIFIER TWS NB 2 Pro
06:50 McGee Ear Play+
08:36 SoundPeats Truengine H1
10:01 Monster Inspiration 700 ANC
11:48 Anker Soundcore Liberty Air 2 Pro
13:42 Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro
15:15 Libratone Air+ 2
17:16 Bose QC EarBuds
22:28 低頻音質實測
24:06 安靜環境通話實測
25:41 噪音環境通話實測
27:22 遊戲延遲度實測
28:36 影音延遲度實測
30:17 總結
30:38 NG大魔王
測試歌曲1:Take The Pain Away
配對裝置:iPhone X
音樂錄音:Free Space Binaural Microphone
測試歌曲2:Help You Out
配對裝置:iPhone X
音樂錄音:Free Space Binaural Microphone
16款真無線藍牙耳機推薦評測!|Bose, Sennheiser森海, B&O, Soundcore, SONY, TaoTronics
【實測對決】通話只想到AirPods Pro?6款通話型真無線藍牙耳機評測https://reurl.cc/5oamKq
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IG - https://www.instagram.com/techteller_3c/
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take the liberty 在 Mars Hartdegen Youtube 的精選貼文
A world of natural wonders in Long An, Vietnam.
Those who have a chance to take a sightseeing tour to the Mekong Delta province of Long An are advised to head for the wonders park in My Hanh Bac Ward in Duc Hoa District to admire some of the world’s renowned miniature wonders such as the Eiffel Tower in France, the Statue of Liberty of the U.S., the Opera Sydney House in Australia, the Tower Bridge in London and the Taj Mahal in India.
Nestled in the residential area Cat Tuong Phu Sinh in My Hanh Bac Ward, Duc Hoa District, the park covering an area of around one hectare attracts a huge number of local youths, photographers and especially those who have no chance to take extravagant trips to foreign countries.
Built early this year, the park characterized with breathtaking wonders in the world is overcrowded with visitors who are from not only Ho Chi Minh City but also in neighboring provinces on weekend days.
The free-entrance park is open for all visitors, tourists have a chance to witness the Statue of Liberty at the wonders park in Long An Province, Vietnam.

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