Hi semua. Mesti korang fikir Mia takde jerawat dan kesan parut jerawat sbb Miakan masih muda. Sebenarnya tak juga. Especially skrg sbb menstrual, mia selalu naik jerawat dgn mudah dan kalau tak handle betul2 ia akan tinggalkan kesan parut. Lagi teruk sbb Mia terpaksa gunakan make up dgn masa yg panjang sbb shooting kan jadi kulit muka nampak kusam walaupun Mia muda lagi. Risau juga!
Hinggalah Mia cuba Eggshell Mask from @drdouxi.official ni, ianya membantu dalam mencerahkan kulit dan membantu memudarkan bekas parut jerawat. My skin feels so smooth.
It can boost cell repair and stimulate collagen sebab eggshell membrane extracts ni banyak membantu menghilangkan kesan parut jerawat effectively dan kulit muka Mia lembut dan berseri. Mia strongly suggest ni utk korang semua cuba tau. It works for me 😍😍😍
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過117的網紅JENN LEE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🖤觀秀注意事項🖤 1. 強烈建議您配戴耳機觀賞,享受旅程 2. 若網路順暢,請將畫質調至2160p,以利最佳看秀畫質 🖤PLEASE NOTICE🖤 1. Strongly suggest! Enjoy the trip with your earphones. 2. Please watch t...
strongly suggest 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Still can’t believe I can wake up with perfect vision and never have to wake up searching for my glasses. 🙈
Remember to read till the end for my giveaway! ❤️
虽然术后视觉会有点模糊,但是比起我之前没戴眼镜时真的好很多很多!!因为度数太深没戴眼镜不用想看到时钟上的任何号码 哈哈哈
真的很开心选择了 @vista.eye , 从检查到手术的过程都很专业,手术时医生全程都会一直跟你沟通,还记得手术结束时我也吓了一跳,问医生”啊?结束了啊?”🤣
MCO 2.0 消息一出我就打电话预约检查了,因为检查前的一个星期你需要戴眼镜让眼睛休息,检查的时候会比较准确,平时都需要工作或者出门所以没机会戴眼镜,所以MCO时就想到机会来了😂 而且手术后也会有足够的时间休息毕竟长时间在家。
为什么会选择在@vista.eye 做呢?故事也太长了说不完 🤣 可以点击我的我story highlight了解更多❤️
Strongly suggest you guys to do if you really want to get rid of your heavy & thick specs like what I used to wear cause you'll have brand new eyes overnight after LASIK! Probably one of my best life investments!
Check out my ig @polypjy for the surprise vouchers giveaway!
#vistaeye #vistalasik #freedomofvision
strongly suggest 在 Rita Chong Facebook 的最讚貼文
⚠️Are you stressing out lately?
If yes, i strongly suggest you to smell Geranium essential oil, the aroma of Geranium essential oil has proven to help lessen feelings of stress and calm nerves.
最近終於比我搵到 @tulipblossombeauty 獨家代理台灣天然品牌GABI+SKIN,產品都係用左天竺葵精油同埋其他天然成份,不含酒精及化學防腐劑,肌膚自然能無障礙地吸收產品中的養分。
當中我最愛嘅係王牌產品✨一分鐘奇妙水✨ (天竺葵平衡調理液),天竺葵嘅味道真係好舒服,溫和保濕化妝水適用於各種膚質 ,尤其是敏感乾燥肌膚❤️
@TulipBlossomBeauty #TulipBlossomBeauty #TBBreview #Gabiskin #天然美容百貨
strongly suggest 在 JENN LEE Youtube 的精選貼文
1. 強烈建議您配戴耳機觀賞,享受旅程
2. 若網路順暢,請將畫質調至2160p,以利最佳看秀畫質
1. Strongly suggest! Enjoy the trip with your earphones.
2. Please watch the video with 2160p to get the best quality.
JENN LEE 22春夏- 家人
「大人不過是長大的小孩」- 華特迪士尼
再次攜手全球最大華語電影獎項─金馬獎特效得主「再現影像」挑戰觀眾的視覺感官,延續JENN LEE 21秋冬的虛擬星球,以第一人稱視角的遊戲感帶領觀眾走進異次元的繽紛叢林,一窺星球上的人們與家人間關於「愛」與「情感」的故事。3D方式呈現2D充滿兒童插畫感的自然世界,再將視覺藝術家JUN YAO ZOIE LIAO設計出的童趣服裝印花3D化,成為虛擬視界裡各種獵奇可愛的生物,鮮豔細緻的畫面營造強烈的視覺效果。
音樂方面與享譽國際獲獎無數的台灣實驗電子音樂創作者Meuko! Meuko!合作,以充滿愛與希望的輕快節奏營造童趣氛圍,特別收錄Marz23狂野嘶吼、白癡公主對女兒阿甜的告白、黃宣神秘低喃以及設計師Jenn與老公Dennis對於愛的詮釋,更能聽見寶寶純真的笑聲,宛如徜徉於恆變宇宙中的呢喃奏樂。
JENN LEE 22 SS- Families
“Adults are only kids grown up”- Walt Disney
This collection is a deeply personal one as it reflects the changes in designer Jenn’s own life as she starts her new life as a mother and what this new journey means to her. This is shown not only through her collection, but also through the bold yet childlike visual motifs through the film.
Award winning production company Renovatio Pictures has returned this season to create a vibrant world filled with color and life as it explores the different forms of love. JENN LEE invited local celebrities, friends and family to take part in this fashion film as it transports the audiences to a world of its own. The unique first person gaming perspective further draws the viewer into this immersive experience as you dive into each unique storyline.
Jenn Lee has worked with talented Taiwanese illustrator JUN YAO ZOIE LIA to create key symbols that reflect the inspiration of this collection. One of the key images that stands out throughout this is the drawing of the umbilical cord, a direct reference to Jenn Lee’s new journey as a mother and a physical representation of the connection between loved ones.These illustrations are animated in the film to help tell the story of the impact that connections and memories have on our lives.
As the global pandemic continues to shape the way we interact with people and we embark on new journeys, Jenn Lee has expressed herself through this collection and hopes to encourage others to not be afraid to express themselves and appreciate the connections we have around us.
Meuko! Meuko! provides the soundtrack to this film and is mixed with different voices from the characters in the film.
🖤JENN LEE Team 🖤
李維錚 Wei Chen Lee
劉芸庭 Yun Ting Liu
林昕穎 Xin Ying Lin
吳霈萱 Pei Xuan Wu
毛紫函 Tzu Han Mao
周采丰 Tsai Feng Chou
盧蘊睿 Yun Rui Lu
楊詠茹 Yung Ju Yang
葉重佑 Chung Yu Yeh
何絜霓 Chieh Ni Ho
葉芮妤 Rui Yu Yeh
任宸漢 Chen Han Jen
李俐穎 Li Ying Lee
Visual Effects By Renovatio Pictures
視覺特效總監 郭憲聰
Visual Effects Supervisor Tomi Kuo
特效製片 黃棨雋
VFX Producer Peter Huang
CG 數位視覺設計師 吳怡萱
CG Digital Artist Ella Wu
去背遮罩師 陳姵均
Roto Artist Hulk Chen
概念美術設計師 吳怡萱
Concept Design Ella Wu
行政企劃 呂旻穎
Administration Moira Lu
黃榮勇 Pawan
陳艾美 Amy Chen
阿夜 Marz23
阿娥姐 Monica
白癡公主 87 Princess
阿甜 A Tian
百勒絲 Fairy Pai
雷門 Raven
呀比 Yabi
張維宸 Way Mask
張䕒尹 Mini
李繼堯 Yolanda
王淑緞 Shu Duan Wang
程琪 Kare Chen
樂高 Lego
程舒唯 Edie 艾迪
費俊偉 Dennis Fei
李維錚 Wei Chen Lee
費維 Wei Baby
臭咪 Stinkymimimi
🖤Illustration Design and graphic design🖤
🖤Photographer 🖤
費俊偉 Dennis Fei
🖤Sponsors 🖤
KCC 墾青集團
🖤Music 🖤
Meuko! Meuko!
🖤Intro music🖤
庫巧兔 Cloudy Ku - Hermitage Bliss
© all rights reserved
JENN LEE Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/official.JENNLEE/
JENN LEE Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennlee_off...
JENN LEE Website:http://www.jennleestudio.com
PR Contact (Taiwan): ellenliujennlee@gmail.com
PR Contact (UK) :roxannechen@dyelog.co.uk

strongly suggest 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hi, everyone :) today we'll show you how to make a creamy, smooth and shiny peanut butter and a delicious Taiwanese style peanut butter thick toast.
It’s SO EASY To make homemade peanut butter! I suggest strongly to make your own one. You can control the amount of salt and sweetness, and you can make it more creative. Like add some other different nuts to add more flavor. All is up to you.
Peanut butter thick toast is an iconic dish served at cafe and tea shops in Taiwan. It’s serious good. You can smell full of peanutty and roasted flavor. It’s a wonderful breakfast and afternoon snap. As long as your have peanut butter and butter at home. Hope you enjoy this video. :)
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other v er that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
Taiwanese Style Creamy, Smooth Peanut Butter Thick Toast Recipe.
☞ For peanut butter
skin raw peanuts 200g
a pinch of salt (optional)
honey 20g
peanut oil or vegetable oil 30g
☞ For peanut butter thick toast
tichk toast 2 slices
peanut butter
melted unslated butter 10g
brown sugar, a little (optional)
✎ peanut butter:
1. Wash raw peanuts thoroughly in cool water and then place them on a kitchen towel or paper towel to pat them dry.
2. Place peanuts in a single layer in a pan on low heat for 15-20 minutes, stir them often to avoid getter bitter and burn.
3. Once you smell peanutty and the color turns to be golden brown. Turn off the heat and pour out the peanuts and let cool.
4. After the peanuts have cooled, gently remove the skins by fingers or by rolling the nuts between your hands. There are a number of ways you can crunch the skins off.
5. Transfer the toasting peanuts in a food processor. Pulse the processor a few times until chopped to be crumbs.
6. Run the food processor for 1 minutes and then stop and scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl. At this stage , the peanut butter will look gritty and dry like couscous.
7. Run the processor for another minute, then stop and scrape down the sides. At this stage, the texture will start clumping together.
8. Add a pinch of salt, honey, and vegetable oil. You may need to run the processor for many times depends on the power of your food processor.
9. Continue processing the butter until it becomes completely shiny, smooth.
10. Taste and add more salt or honey if needed. Transfer the peanut butter to storage container. It's down.
✎ peanut butter thick toast:
1. You can buy a sliced bread, or you only have unsliced one, then cut a 1" slice.
2. Cut the bread at each diagonal, this will make it easier to break off pieces.
3. Brush one side of bread with melt butter. Sprinkle a little brown sugar (optional).
4. Spread peanut butter on the toast.
5. Preheat the oven to 190°C, bake for 8-9 minutes until the top coating had dried and hardened somewhat. Enjoy.