9 奧斯卡
2021.4.29 三月十八 餘事勿取
今年奧斯卡金像獎終於在四月底舉行,在一整年戲院被封的情況下,頒獎典禮尚算幸免於難,儀式一切從簡。和上年 #香港電影金像獎 比較,只有主席爾冬陞導演的一人頒獎禮,奧斯卡雖然氣氛疲弱但仍不失華麗莊嚴。有總好過冇,未知將來香港電影金像獎會否還有第四十屆,反正今年沒有。另一個「今年沒有」是香港開埠以來第一年未有電視直播奧斯卡,但無損大家的雅興熱情。因為習慣早已改變,從網上觀看轉播或重播,然後熱議討論一番,直接了當。好彩在頒獎典禮之前我已經看了幾齣得獎作品, 在Facebook 和朋友們討論打牙骹,未至於一頭霧水對不上嘴。
今年兩部話題之作: 《超犀女王》#PromisingYoungWoman 和 《浪跡天地》 #Nomadland ,是最好的電影比較範例。兩部片背後想帶出的訊息清晰明確,編導演製作無論技術和藝術層面細緻入微,但都不是大眾首選,至少並非我杯茶。 《超犀女王》以最Stereotype方式寫女人然後再顛覆女性定型,高舉女權主義,MeToo終極復仇記。《浪跡天地》 細膩真誠且溫柔地補捉了人性真善美,撕破文明發展虛偽的假面具,震撼人心,叫觀眾反省作為人類應有的價值觀。諷刺的是兩部戲各走南北極端,一部編劇扭盡六壬戲劇性爆棚,拿下最佳原創劇本獎;另一部盡力將戲劇性降為零,怎看都找不到一個完整的Plot,似乎是邊拍邊寫,最佳導演和最佳電影大獲全勝。
麥曦茵導演 Heiward Mak 麥曦茵 曾經教我電影簡易分類法,四大類分為:好看/不好看、喜歡/不喜歡。好看又喜歡或者不好看不喜歡不用多說,最能分得出個人品味的通常是好看但不喜歡和不好看但喜歡的。而通常不好看而喜歡的都是非常極度超級喜歡大愛的,旁人感到百思難解,自己卻樂在其中。有人大愛B片喪屍片,有人喜歡科幻,有人鍾情文藝⋯有時候,好看與否根本不是重點,喜歡就能包容作品一切缺點,就變成愛。相反不喜歡的話,任何細節都能挑出骨頭來,犯駁位無處不在,離開戲院隨即能列舉十部八部曾經做過同樣題材而比它好上九條街的代表作。電影由一個好橋段、好點子開始經歷無數製作人員參與創作,到上映一刻導演作者已死,觀眾是老闆,老闆永遠是對的。
Taste 好個人,食淡食濃各有口味。但今年這兩部奧斯卡得獎作,我個人感覺曖昧尷尬。兩部電影都很好看,我亦算頗為喜歡,但不愛。《浪跡天地》用大影后和真實人物混雜在一起令製作感覺喚然一新,絕對是導演炫技之作。可是對我這老餅來說格式太過新鮮,若果同一命題以紀錄片形式呈現相信更能引起觀眾關注。《超犀女王》獲獎,朋友問我其實是評審們認可劇本的完整性嗎?當然。弊在我嫌它太過完整,Ending女主角未免太神通廣大、計算太精準完美。我喜歡編劇的布局、導演的處理、演員的精湛演出,最難得是關於女權主義的題材沒有令觀眾反感,但我不能接受結局。荷里活方程式計算下的戲劇未能令觀眾更多反思或者被觸動,我認為題材愈好愈不能off track令觀眾分心。
情況就如當年《斷背山》利用一個很多人關注的同志題材,然後觀眾離開戲院,都會被最後一幕出現那件染血的裇衫感動而議論紛紛。連導演李安自己都提起最初看原著小說時,看到衣櫃掛著兩件裇衫而忍不住落淚,導演和觀眾同步了。他將自己個人感受灌注到作品上,而又能夠令觀眾得到同樣的感受,是非常浪漫又難能可貴的。我認為「帶動情緒」(emotional evoke)是所有藝術創作的主要原因,作為觀眾的我,往往想被感動而更關注作者想帶出的訊息。我和師傅Harry Harry哥哥 私下會將電影分為Movie和Film 兩個字。Movie能帶給我們純粹的視聽娛樂,但只有真正的Film能令觀眾成為學生享受餘韻,為作品翻查資料持續學習。看電影既是上課,亦像到餐廳吃飯。我永遠抱著虛心受教的心情入戲院,亦不能忘記給過我After taste的好作品,更會成為好心地導演的忠實影迷。
#奧斯卡 #電影 #人之初性本善 #今年沒有
P.S. 今次遲咗Post因為第一次寫Topical嘅嘢,下個禮拜變番 #Latergram
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Al Rocco,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Connected, yet disconnected. Ego, power, money. Look at what we have done, look at how we are treating each other. There must be something bigger than...
stereotype movie 在 Joe Black 周賢忠 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#特映會 #今日joe想看 #film #movie #電影
#奧斯卡 #最佳紀錄片 #最酷的旅伴
#oscar #BestDocumentary #facesplaces
若你也是對人與人、美、生活、藝術充滿熱情,watch it!
Character introduction: French New Wave Female Director, National Treasure Film Master, and one of the Oscar winners of the Lifetime Achievement Award, Agnès Varda, aged 89. French famous visual and street artist JR.
This friendship, which has spanned 50 years, made me feel the relationship between art and life. I was touched by a little inspiration and I was touched without too much fancy.
I have recently seen the most outstanding documentary, beyond the stereotype, regardless of style, bridge, instantly capture the beauty of the lens composition, humorous dialogue.
"Art should let people amazed" is the most valuable among people.
If you are passionate about people, beauty, life, and art, watch it! @ 光點華山電影館
stereotype movie 在 Cheekiemonkies Facebook 的最讚貼文
The monkies interview the Director & Producer of Cars 3!
Even though they couldn't join me on trip to Pixar Animation Studios in San Francisco, I still got Brian Fee (Director) and Kevin Reher (Producer) to answer some of their questions... thanks to the iPad. 😀
If you thought Cars 3 is only for boys, think again as Brian & Kevin share about demolishing the gender stereotype. The monkies even asked about Easter Eggs and whether there's Uber in the movie! LOL.
P.S. Take part in the Cars 3 Giveaway if you haven't done so: http://www.cheekiemonkie.net/2017/08/pixar-animation-studios-tour-cars-3.html AND stay tuned for yet another Cars 3 Giveaway this week!
stereotype movie 在 Al Rocco Youtube 的精選貼文
Connected, yet disconnected. Ego, power, money. Look at what we have done, look at how we are treating each other. There must be something bigger than that, something bigger than us. Hope, trust, faith. I don’t know when we will get there, but I know that one day, we all will. - Al Rocco
Listen now on Spotify
► https://bitly.com/maskup-2020
Download now on iTunes
► https://bit.ly/2020-maskup
► https://music.163.com/#/song?id=1440970811
While our World fights bravely against the unknown, it’s clear to see that no matter the differences we have between our people and cultures, we are all in this together. This epidemic sees no color, respects no class or age, and recognizes only the best values of life. Victory only blesses the united, and now more so than ever, we must focus all our efforts, skills and resources to work with one another. Yet to see some parts of our world with selfish intents and bias agendas, we must #MaskUp and detach from all the bullshit. Together, we can focus on rebuilding towards a brighter united World.
当全世界正勇敢地与未知作斗争时,我们能清楚地看到,无论我们的民族和文化差异有多大,我们都是捆绑在一起的。流行病并不分肤色,不分阶级和年龄,只强调生命的价值。团结就是胜利,现在比以往任何时候都更重要!我们必须集中所有的努力、技术和资源来互相合作。然而这世上还存在着许多自私和偏见。我们必须要 #戴上口罩,远离所有那些乱七八糟的事。站在一起,我们可以致力于重建一个更加光明和团结的世界。
Shot in 16mm Film.
Music Produced by Fader One
► http://www.instagram.com/fader.one
► http://www.weibo.com/faderone
Directed by Boyang (部落文化)
► http://www.instagram.com/boyanghiphop
► http://www.weibo.com/BoyangHIPHOP
► https://weibo.com/newtribeculture
Video Producer
► http://www.instagram.com/syrinxw
DP: @samzhangfff
► http://www.instagram.com/samzhangfff
Production Designer: @ycfh
► http://www.instagram.com/ycfh
Make Up Artist: @eva.zhiyuqu_mua
► http://www.instagram.com/eva.zhiyuqu_mua
Gaffer: @bobnanlee
► http://www.instagram.com/bobnanlee
1st AC: @zac.wu
► http://www.instagram.com/zac.wu
2nd AC: @nina.fu.27
► http://www.instagram.com/nina.fu.27
Editor: @hhh_yoxi
► http://www.instagram.com/hhh_yoxi
Colorist: @kbaycolor
► http://www.instagram.com/kbaycolor
Sound Design: @life_jedy
► http://www.instagram.com/life_jedy
Title Designer: @c.l.y.c
► http://www.instagram.com/c.l.y.c
BTS: @jtsunn @rgz.yj @snowaintwhite
► http://www.instagram.com/jtsunn
► http://www.instagram.com/rgz.yj
► http://www.instagram.com/snowaintwhite
► http://www.instagram.com/red8records
► http://www.weibo.com/red8
Al Rocco
► https://www.alrocco.com
► https://www.instagram.com/alrocco
► https://www.weibo.com/alrocco