~Your wings already exist. All you have to do is FLY.~
It's the first night that the big girl has spent away from home and we won't be seeing or hearing from her till tomorrow.
I kept thinking of her last night, not so much of worrying because I know she is the tough and resilient one who will try her best to overcome any problem she faces, but more of missing her presence - funnily, even the backtalk - in the house.
You know, sometimes I do wonder if my parenting style is too much of a tough love approach, in the way I enforce rules such as helping out with chores no matter how busy you are, picking up after yourself, greeting everyone at a meal before you start eating and so on. It might come as a surprise but all of the kids have uttered the words "I don't like Mama" at one point, which initially broke my heart but then I realised they said it out of anger on the spur of the moment, without truly meaning those words at all.
As I continue to fumble and find my way through this motherhood journey, this girl has always been my beacon of light and my guiding star. She reminds me of how and why I first stepped into motherhood, how much we've gone through together and how strong I've gotten over the years. Even though I might be tough on her at times, we share this special bond that others might not see or understand, a bond that was created when we spent the first three years of her life in a home away from home as we survived the harsh winters and made it through the trials and errors. She taught me to be a better mum and up till now, I'm still learning every day too.
I cherish those years so much because they made me who I am and I love this angel of mine more than I can say. I know she feels it too and she gives the love back to me, more than I deserve at times. Can't wait to hear all about her camping adventures tomorrow and hope it brought smiles on her face when she saw the surprise love notes I hid in her bag. I love you, my darling girl. ❤ Now go spread your wings, fly up high and soar to greater heights.
#ahappymum #firstborn #mylittleangel #iloveyousomuch #youarespecialtome #imissyou #mydeardaughter #cantwaittohaveyouinmyarmsagain
spur meaning 在 Spur Steak Ranches - It's #BottomlessThursday, meaning our ... 的美食出口停車場
It's #BottomlessThursday, meaning our Ribs, Wings & Calamari won't be running out. ... <看更多>
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What is SPUR meaning ?----------Susan Miller (2021, December 23.) Spur meaning www.language.foundation© 2021 Proficiency in English Language ... ... <看更多>