Did you know that 吐司 ≠ toast?
需要中英文外來語單字列表的同學,按個讚或分享和留言「Long time no see, loanwords!」就把資訊給給你~
toast (v.1)
"to brown with heat," late 14c., from Old French toster "to toast, to grill, roast, burn" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *tostare (source of Italian tostare, Spanish tostar), frequentative of Latin torrere (past participle tostus) "to parch"
toast (n.2)
"piece of bread browned by fire or dry heat," early 15c., from toast (v.1); originally as something added to wine, ale, etc. From 17c. in the modern sense as something eaten on its own with a spread.
loanwords: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loanword
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