Happy belated birthday to one of my favourite people!
You mustering up the courage to quit your job to open a fuckin cookie shop with me, was one of the best things to happen to me.
People from two different worlds: one who has AMF (angry mexican face, not me), and one who smiles and laughs about everything. Not only have i found a trustworthy, accommodating business partner, i've also found one of the best friends in the world who'd dodge a bullet for me.
I've been meaning to get this off my chest for a while:
You quit your job to go all in for HC the beginning of last year. I got heartbroken in the springtime and told you I cant continue on doing Homie Cookies anymore.
Sorry for making you go through that. Now that i think about it... Maybe THAT'S why you pretty much ADOPTED me during that time.. For fear that i'd continue being heartbroken and you'd have quit your job for nothing 😅
You told me something along the lines of, "You are smart, you are talented.. You ARE homie cookies." So.. Like.. Thank you for being my own personal DJ Khaled.
So today, on the day after your birthday, i want you to know that YOU are smart, YOU are talented, YOU (and i together as well as the rest of our team) are homie cookies.