【賺良心錢 - 懺悔才免業來攻】
Meet 蓮花 Happy.
It was one of the rare times I engaged in a conversation with the cab driver.
As usual, I was under instruction to continue the conversation with the driver, after Shifu hopped off the cab.
I asked if he was born in XXX.
Slightly surprised, the driver asked how I knew.
I explained to him why he got into driving taxis for a living, and preferred to operate on a particular shift.
He peered at me through the rear view mirror, and exclaimed,
"You and the gentleman are Feng Shui masters?!"
"He is the Feng Shui master, I am his disciple, a Feng Shui practitioner."
I went on to mention about his affinity with dogs.
The driver paused, before saying, "You're right. I used to look after many dogs."
I was about to continue rattling, and then something struck me.
"Wait...many dogs? Do you mean you used to run a puppy mill?"
"Yes, about 3-4 years ago."
"Oh my goodness! Why did you do that? That is killing!"
"The opportunity came by at that time, and I thought, why not?"
"To have affinity with dogs is one thing. Based on your Bazi, your money isn't going to come from dogs. You got into the wrong industry. Even if your puppy mill was initially profitable, you would eventually run into a lot of problems and have difficulties operating the business. 這一點點錢賺得很辛苦。"
He nodded his head.
"Yes, the first 1-2 years were still okay. But along the way, problems and expenses just kept increasing. So I eventually closed it down."
"You shouldn't have gotten greedy in the first place. A puppy mill is inhumane. Dogs are forcefully kept captive in poor conditions to be money making machines. That is a sin in itself. Who likes to be locked up like that? When dogs or puppies die due to your negligence or put down due to illness, you are committing the sin of killing. Do you know how heavy the price to pay for killing is?"
"I have indeed caused a number of dogs to die at that time..."
"You're too naive and shortsighted. One consequence of killing is your children will either fall sick very often or be very hard to teach. No matter what you say or do, they do not listen to you."
"My children are okay, health wise. The first two are born before my puppy mill business. Only thing is my third child...he is extremely naughty and very hard to teach...We sometimes also don't know what to do with him."
Before getting off the cab, I asked for a piece of paper from him and wrote the short Mantra for Rebirth to Pureland:
If he knows the full Rebirth to Pureland Mantra 《拔一切業障根本得生淨土陀羅尼》(commonly known as 往生咒), he can also recite that everyday 7, 21, 49 or 108 times.
Imagine the people who buy cute puppies from the taxi driver...
There are many adorable puppies who turned out to be sickly dogs like Happy, either with genetic skin issues, or due to poor breeding/a sickly mother dog that has overproduced. You know, things that only the vet tells you, but not the puppy seller.
I see more pet owners being poor caretakers than responsible ones.
Sometimes they do not have the time and patience.
When the dog outgrows its cuteness and becomes more susceptible to diseases, many owners would choose to put it down.
They find taking care of a temperamental and sickly dog expensive and tiring.
That is how the negative karma of puppy mill owners snowballs, for every puppy that is mistreated due to its poor breeding. They commit the sins of killing, lying to the consumers and stealing from the consumer.
There is an affinity reason why such a dog will end up in your family, and you having to foot its increasing medical bills. 前世怨親債主,這世來你家中住,祂慢慢討,你慢慢還。
If you make the decision to terminate its life prematurely, on the pretext of ending its suffering, it is still killing.
The dog has its own karmic reasons why it is infested with diseases.
If it finishes its run this lifetime naturally, that's one karmic consequence done and dealt with. And perhaps it will enjoy a better rebirth next life.
However, when you play God and cut short its illness suffering, this unpaid karmic debt will likely be carried forward to its next rebirth. The pet may also bear hatred towards you and its continued invisible presence will affect your family.
Same goes for people who commit suicide, because they do not wish to suffer from their illness anymore.
I hate to break this to you, but there's no such thing as doggy heaven. That is merely a term of self-solace and self-deception.
Dogs belong to the animal realm in the Six Realms of Reincarnation. In some cases, people who have been disloyal or unfaithful are reborn as dogs in the Animal Realm. Once banished into the Animal Realm, it is extremely hard for them to achieve the human form again.
If you believe in Buddhism, one way you can help your dog is let it take refuge in the Three Jewels.
Happy is a blind toy poodle born with genetic disorder. Its owners had spent about $10K on its surgery and other medical bills.
(Pet insurance is always a good idea...you never know what kind of dog you are getting...)
Its owner has helped it taken refuge in my Grandmaster Living Buddha Lian Sheng, 聖尊蓮生活佛 since it was a puppy.
When the pet takes refuge in Buddhism, a seed of Dharma is planted in its consciousness, and there will be a chance for it to hear the wondrous teachings of the Dharma. As it learns the teachings of the Buddha in subsequent rebirths, it will awaken its Buddha nature and veer towards the virtuous path.
Consistent repentance and accumulating merits is still key to helping Happy break out from the Animal Realm this lifetime and resolving the karmic debt between the owner and the puppy.
If the owner is devoted and diligent, let the love for your dog extend beyond superficial belly rubs and pats. Recite more mantras and/or sutras and dedicate to its next rebirth in a better realm. Reverse its tragic destiny of being born as animal that humans make use of as a money tree.
Also, for good Feng Shui, I don't recommend keeping dogs. I have seen how a client's business got pulled down when he decided, against my word, to keep dogs as pets.
Not every Bazi is suitable to live with dogs, cats, hamsters or fishes.
A home with an altar should not keep pets either, as the filth from pets will affect the energies of the altar.
As a Buddhist, a secular responsibility like this will rob you of precious time and life that you should have spent on your spiritual cultivation.
Don't casually buy pets as gifts. A dog lover does not always equal to a responsible caretaker.
If you aren't good at taking care of them, all the more you shouldn't have them, least you contribute to its death.
But if you already do, I do not recommend putting them down or throwing them to SPCA, in the name of good Feng Shui.
Nor should you chuck the heavy burden of pet care to your parents. It is already tough to repay the debt of gratitude to our parents. This will just compound the debt of interest payable and take a toil on our parents, especially when certain breeds are more needy in nature.
Responsibility is still important, after all, to you, it is just a pet. But to the pet, you are its whole world. #護生
Resolve the debt of karma this lifetime. Don't let it escalate to another unimaginable debt of enemity next lifetime.
「seed mantras」的推薦目錄:
- 關於seed mantras 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於seed mantras 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於seed mantras 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於seed mantras 在 ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING CHANTS - YouTube 的評價
- 關於seed mantras 在 The Veda Den - Bija or seed mantras are single syllable... 的評價
- 關於seed mantras 在 Bija (Seed) Mantras - The single syllable sounds - Pinterest 的評價
seed mantras 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
《靈命的認知》(English version below)
Understanding the Spiritual Existence
During lesson, my student asked for my opinion on the humane putting down of Inuka, the polar bear in Singapore Zoo.
Before answering her, I asked my students, "Imagine if you are severely ill, would you want to be euthanized?"
Their opinions were divided. Some of them didn't want to be a burden to their families, some felt that such a death can lessen their sufferings. But many were concerned if such a death would be considered a suicide in the eyes of karma.
The Dharma teaches us to follow the course of Nature.
To cage a polar bear in a tropical country like Singapore for selfish gains is already against the Law of Nature.
1. Even though Inuka is suffering from illness, how do we know if he prefers to be put down?
Since Inuka is not able to make a choice, no one else should decide when his life should end, just like you would not want others to decide your life and death.
2. All lives are precious, and any form of killing is still killing.
When you take away the life of a living being, it will bear resentment. This toxic energy of bitterness will proliferate into the environment and affect other sentient beings as well.
In a similar vein, this is the same reason why I absolutely oppose abortion.
3. If Inuka is suffering from a contagious disease, endangering the life of others, then it might be justified to put it down in a humane way so that other lives will be saved. It is similar to cases of mad cow disease and the bird flu.
The Dharma teaches that we still must perform repentance on the animal's behalf, recite the Deliverance to Pure Land Mantra for its passage to the Pure Land, as well as to resolve its karmic grievances. These practices can transcend its soul to a higher level.
An unnatural death does not mean that all will truly end. It could be the beginning of another endless karmic entanglement, returning an eye for an eye.
You must hold the same attitude towards your own pets at home. Their karmic affinity with you in this lifetime is of no coincidence. Do your best to take good care of them and allow nature to end its course.
You can play some Dharma music to them daily, so as to plant a seed in their consciousness. This will help them greatly in their future rebirths.
My disciple said she would not choose euthanasia as the way to die if she were to be seriously ill, because she understood that the sickness suffering is due to her negative karma ripening. She would rather go through it this lifetime, than to prolong this suffering to her next life.
She felt that no matter the depth of suffering from the illness, there would be hope of salvation if she could still consciously recite the mantras and the holy names of Buddhas.
Her words highlighted an important point, which is the ability to remain conscious at your last few moments in this lifetime.
When one is about to breath his last, there will be a great force attempting to pull you down. Without a clear mind and consciousness, a tantric spiritual practitioner will not be able to visualise his Root Guru, Root Deity and Root Protector, and invoke Their Deliverance.
The Bodhisattvas fear the Cause, the sentient beings fear the Effect. Sentient beings are who they are because of their ignorance and disbelief in the Law of Cause and Effect.
I am sharing this understanding of the spiritual existence today, in hope that all sentient beings can eradicate all their sufferings from sickness and killing in due time, and most importantly, never to commit the same sins again.
We can do 7, 21, 49 or 108 recitations of the Short Mantra for Deliverance to Pureland for Inuka:
seed mantras 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
【玳瑚師父茶會課室】 2015年十月二十九日
《以茶會友- 第六場:屋子的力量》
29th October 2015 - 6th Tea Session Recap
(English version below)
玳瑚師父在開場前問了每一位出席者。 有一位首次參加者說他從臉書中知道玳瑚師父每一次都會先設定題目,但往往所說的總是更多,于是他很肯定來這次的茶會必會獲益良多。
一、 什麼樣的人就住什麼樣的屋子,福地需要福人居。
二、 不拿不屬於自己的東西,沒有錢就不要買,就是不要偷。偷拿公司的東西,偷問玳瑚師父的專業知識,暗自竊 喜,以為省了不少錢,其實是折了福,欠下了累世業緣!
三、 玳瑚師父要告訴大家如何拿回你應該拿回的東西。
四、 為何要教導往生短咒?因為你的福份差不多要用完了。師父很緊張,要趕快救你們。
五、 玳瑚師父示範种子字“嗡啊吽”的寫法,並解釋其不可思議的力量。
六、 為什麼是玳瑚師父做茶會,給妳你來參加,而不是妳你做?因為他的福份比妳你大,所以他可以布施給你。在有形的世界裡,吾的資糧比你多,在無形的世界,我的資糧更多。他如何做到的呢?
七、 要專一,不要騙。專一才能夠進入禪定。
八、 怎麽樣能做人王?
九、 從一個家,如何就能知道裡面住的人開心、快樂與否?
十、 原來大家是這樣驅走財神、喜神和福神的!
十一、 要日子不會難過,擇日結婚的重點是什麽?
十二、 花錢看醫生,病還不能好,原來問題在屋子的這裡!
十三、 男人事業要掌權,一定要這麼做!
十四、 沒有窗口的陽宅,會有怎樣的問題?
十五、 積德已經來不及了,千萬別缺德!
十六、 光線對屋子的重要在哪裡?
十七、 風水很簡單,為何學得好的人卻不多?
十八、 屋子是國人最大的投資,千萬別草率!
十九、 為何玳瑚師父不賣也不鼓勵擺設吉祥物?
二十、 怎樣的屋子會讓你敗?
三十、 人的緣份會變遷。
Why do you wish to attend today's tea session?
That was the first question posed by Master Dai Hu to all attendees. A first-time attendee spoke about his conviction of the benefits the tea session would bring him, after reading the Facebook previews and recaps. He was sharp-eyed and noted that Master Dai Hu would always speak beyond the topic preview.
Tea Session Highlights:
1. The kind of person you are will determine the kind of house you stay in. A land with good Feng Shui will only go to a person with an abundance of virtues.
2. Do not take what does not belong to you. If you have no money, just forget about buying. Do not think about stealing. You might be chuckling to yourself, after stealing from your company or stealing Master Dai Hu's professional knowledge. You think you have brilliantly saved yourself some money. Fact is, you have just accrued karmic debts for your future lives!
3. Master Dai Hu's mission is to teach everyone how to claim back what belong to you in the first place.
4. Why does Master Dai Hu relentlessly teach the short version of the Mantra for Rebirth in Pureland? The merits of many people are running dangerously low. That gets Master Dai Hu really anxious and he wishes to save them before it is too late.
5. Master Dai demonstrated how to write the Sanskrit seed syllables OM AH HUM and briefly explained the incredible power behind it.
6. Why is Master Dai Hu the one holding the Tea Session for you to participate? Why not the other way around? This is because his merits are much more than yours, therefore he is more than able to give some to you. In the physical world, he has more resources than you. In the spiritual world, his resources are much much more. How did he manage to achieve that when many people failed to?
7. Be loyal, don't be a cheater. You need to be single-minded and fully focused, to enter into a meditative state.
8. What makes a person an emperor or president in his rebirth?
9. How can you tell, by looking at the house, that the occupants are living blissfully or not?
10. So this is how you chased away the Gods of Wealth, Happiness and Fortune from your home!
11. If you wish for a marriage of happiness, here are the key points in the date selection!
12. You spent a fortune to seek medical treatment, but there is no progress. Turns out that the problem lies in this spot of your house!
13. What must a man do to gain authority in his career.
14. Problems arising from a house with no windows.
15. There is already insufficient time to accumulate merits, so let us not commit any more unwholesome deeds.
16. What is the significance of light to a house?
17. The Art of Feng Shui is simple, but why are there not many people learning it?
18. Your house is the biggest investment of many Singaporeans, so do not be reckless in making your decision.
19. Why does Master Dai Hu does not sell and discourage the use of auspicious objects in Feng Shui?
20. What kind of house will bring about your downfall?
21. What are the dire consequences of staying in an odd-shaped house?
22. Your sitting posture will form your destiny. Master Dai Hu demonstrated the various correct sitting postures, that will instill vitality and drive and bring about career success!
23. Have a child who refuses to study? These are what parents are buying wrong for the children!
24. To get the most powerful effect from the Star of Wen Chang (Scholastic Star), the best position is this!
25. Why is your husband not driven to progress in life?
26. If you want to be your own boss, have a serious think-through about how much merits and virtues you possess, and how long these can last.
27. To get your merits and virtues, this is the way to do it!
28. If you have below-average looks, this is also a sign of insufficient merits and fortune.
29. The BIG difference between sleeping in a high position and sleeping in a low position!
30. A person's affinities are often in a constant state of change.
31. One secret to a joyful family and successful career is to have your Master bedroom in this part of the house!
32. Feng Shui is capable of turning that one chance you have into bountiful opportunities for you, and let the light in sooner to drive away the darkness in your life.
33. If it is not something that you have in your destiny, no Master cannot change that. You had not planted the seed in the past to enjoy the fruits today. Therefore, please do not believe those con men who promise to make you rich for a fee of $500.
34. It is not a matter of paying for the services of a Master, but a matter of the Master's willingness to take over your negative karma and bestow fortune upon you.
As the event drew to a close, Master Dai Hu reminded everyone that the coming Saturday is the Renunciation Day of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and that everyone can recite the name or the mantra of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. He taught everyone a simple way of merits dedication. One participant took out her beautiful string of mala beads and Master Dai Hu demonstrated the correct way of using the beads and reciting the Six Syllable Mantra. Master Dai Hu patiently explained the different parts of the mala beads. With her mala beads blessed by Master Dai Hu, the lucky participant will be able to generate more merits when reciting mantras/Buddha's name with it!
As the Tea Session concluded, Master Dai Hu placed both his palms together and thanked everyone for their attendance. All participants expressed their gratitude to Master Dai Hu and went home with their new-found knowledge.
Master Dai Hu wishes everyone to become master of their own fate very soon! Amituofo!
seed mantras 在 The Veda Den - Bija or seed mantras are single syllable... 的美食出口停車場
Bija or seed mantras are single syllable mantras. When you plant a seed it has the potential to grow. Nature feeds it, gives it everything it needs to... ... <看更多>
seed mantras 在 Bija (Seed) Mantras - The single syllable sounds - Pinterest 的美食出口停車場
Nov 14, 2016 - The Vedic language is based upon an earlier more primordial language of seed (bija) mantras. These are single syllable sounds or roots like ... ... <看更多>
seed mantras 在 ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING CHANTS - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING CHANTS | Chakra Seed Mantras Meditation MusicRoot Chakra Seed Mantra - LAM Chanting MeditationSacral Chakra Seed ... ... <看更多>