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Based on the context of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empresses_in_the_Palace#Synopsis
empress (n.) 皇后
An empress is the female counterpart of an emperor. Both an empress and an emperor can be the head of an EMPIRE.
(cf. A queen. A queen is the female counterpart of an king. Both a queen and a king can be the ruler of a KINGDOM)
Subject to exceptions, an empire can have many kingdoms within it kings (or queens) rule smaller kingdoms within the empire
Note: This information is for your interest. There is no need to distinguish between the two for the purpose of taking the DSE.
concubine (n.) 妾侍
harem (n.) 後宮/閨房
consort (n.) 君主的配偶 (例如:王后、親王)
dowager (n.) 貴婦
general (n.) 將軍
nunnery (n.) 尼姑庵
palace maid (n.) 宮女
unorthodox methods (n. phr.) 旁門左道
unparalleled (adj.) 無人能左其右的/無雙的
glory and wealth (n. phr.) 榮華富貴
be rid of sth./sbd. (v. + adj. phr.) 擺脫某事/某人
miscarriage (n.) 流產
contribute to (v. phr.) 令/促使
ointment (n.) 膏/霜
ointment 比 cream (n.) 濃稠
From online research: A cream is a preparation of a medication for topical use (on the skin) that contains a water base. Essentially, it is a preparation of oil (often lanolin or petrolatum) in water. An ointment is a preparation of a medication for topical use that contains an oil base - essentially a preparation of water in oil. - https://www.walgreens.com/topic/faq/questionandanswer.jsp?questionTierId=700008&faqId=1300002
as a sister (adv. phr.) 為姊妹
be given a death sentence (v. + adj. phr.) 被賜死
grant (v.) 賜
decree (v. / n.) 詔令
imperial decree (n. phr.) 聖旨
father (v.) 為父
plot against sbd. (v. + adv. phr.) 謀害某人
enrage (v.) 激怒
ground (v.) 禁足
late (adj.) 已故的
disillusioned (adj.) 幻滅
erode (v.) 削弱
costume drama (n. phr.) 古裝劇
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