經過兩年前的大搬家,我意識到一個人可以產生多少廢物和垃圾。 我重新思考自己的生活方式產生了想要簡單又環保的生活。 一直以來我都認真資源回收,但回收其實不夠,我了解到只有停止購買塑膠製品才是關鍵。
今天的貼文我想分享浴室塑膠產品和水的浪費。 有一些減少浴室塑膠浪費的方法,擁有一個環保浴室,實際上可能會為你的荷包省一些錢。
After a big move two years ago, I realized that how many waste one person can produce. I rethink my life style and I decided to change it and helping our environment. I have been seriously recycling in the household, but recycle is not enough, stop purchasing plastic products is the key.
My post talks about bathroom product and water waste. There are some tips to reduce plastic waste in the bathroom and might actually save some money.
我曾經有很多用於臉部,頭髮和身體的浴室用品,幾乎每一瓶罐都是塑膠容器,現在我選擇環保產品來減少塑膠的使用。 我從竹牙刷和肥皂開始,無法想像出生以來我用了多少隻塑膠牙刷!😬令我驚喜的是,我發現更多環保型浴室產品,例如塊狀牙膏和竹棉花棒!
I used to have many bathroom products for face, hair, and body which involved many plastic containers. Now I am reducing the plastics by choosing eco-friendly products. I started with bamboo toothbrush and bar soaps then I am surprisedly found out there are many eco-friendly bathroom products I can replaced to such as toothpaste bits!
改變需要勇氣和動力。 當我想到或許我的一點力量就能幫助改善環境和地球時,就會激勵我採取行動,從小地方開始,一點一點地改變,今天會比昨天更好。
Change takes courage and motivation. When I think about how I can do to take care of our environment and earth even a little bit, it motivates me to take this action. Start small, change one by one, today is better than yesterday.
謝謝 Cinyee Chiu 的邀請! 讓我參與“修復地球的插畫行動指南” 提倡並分享這麼有意義的活動!
I team up with a group of illustrators, organized and invited by Cinyee Chiu who came up with this great movement #DrawingEarthAction
Each day we post one caring earth topic with illustration and tips on Instagram. If you are interested in this action, please like this post, share it on your story, leave comments and ideas.
Check out all the topic and tips from illustrators, please go to www.DrawingEarthAction.com
「reduce household waste」的推薦目錄:
reduce household waste 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的最佳解答
Last year, Singapore’s food waste amounted to more than 800,000 tonnes – a staggering amount. National Environment Agency (NEA) tells me food waste makes up half of household waste. And more than half of this wastage is avoidable – roughly equivalent to households throwing away one 2.5kg bag of rice, every week!
This is why I’m glad to see people stepping up not just to cut waste, but to make it easier for Singaporeans to take part. SG Food Rescue collects surplus vegetables from wholesalers to redistribute to those who need them. Unpackt is a packaging-free grocery store that encourages customers to bring their own containers, to avoid plastic waste.
Becoming eco-conscious can start from a simple change of habits. There’s no better time to start than now: 2018 is our Year of Climate Action. Becoming a zero-waste nation will help us become a #sustainable Singapore. Each of us must do what we can to reduce waste. – LHL