[辦公室英文] Recipient 收件者 Recipe 食譜,字很像但意思差很多
寄郵件,寄件者英文是sender很容易,但是收件者可不是直接將動詞 “收到receive” 改成名詞加er就好,receiver是聽筒、接受器啊,寫錯就直接變笑話
會寫到收件者這個字,是因為要問某個報告是否還要寄給其他人 Can you please let me know other recipients for the report?
如果角色反過來,要求加入收件者裡,我會寫 Please add me in to the mailing list. 請把我加入信件群裡。
receiver recipient 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答
<3 俐媽英文教室:誠品書店退換貨&退稅篇
policy (n.) 政策(Honesty is the best policy. 誠實乃為上策。)
damage (v.)(n.) 損壞(片: do damage to N 對...造成損壞)
item (n.) (商品)品項
exchange (v.)(n.) 交換(+ A + for + B )
require (v.) 要求(+ sb. + to V / + that + S + should + V)(衍: requirement n. 要求/ meet ... requirement 符合...要求)
invoice (n.) 發票
receipt (n.) 收據(衍: receive v. 收到/ recipient n. 受贈者(反: donor n. 捐贈者)/ receiver n. 話筒/ reception n. 接待/ receptionist n. 接待人員)(-ceiv/-cept: take)
refund (v.)(n.) 退錢
audio-visual (a.) 視聽的(audi-: listen/ vis-: look)(衍: auditory a. 聽覺的/ vision n. 視覺;視力;視野)
product (n.) 產品(衍: produce v. 生產;n. 農產品/ production n. 生產過程/ productive a. 多產的/ productivity n. 生產力)(pro-: forward/ -duct: lead)
remain (v.) 保持(衍: remaining a 剩下的/ remains n. 餘數)
pristine (a.) 原始的;原本的(pri-: first)
condition (n.) 狀況;條件(衍: unconditional a. 無條件的)
due to (ph.) 因為(= because of = owing to = on account of = as a result/consequence of)
intellectual (a.) 聰明的;智慧的(衍: intellect n. 聰明)(-lect: choose)
property (n.) 財產(intellectual property right 智慧財產權)(衍: proper a. 合適的)
accept (v.) 接受(衍: acceptable a. 可接受的/ acceptance n. 接受)(ac-: to/ -cept: take)
shrink (v.) 縮小;縮水(-shrank-shrunk);(n.) 縮小;精神科醫師(反: expand v. 膨脹;擴張)
wrap (v.) 包裹;包裝(wrapping paper 包裝紙)(shrink-wrap 用塑膠膜包裝)
exception (n.) 例外(原: except prep. 除...之外)(ex-: out/ -cept: take)(... be no exception ...也不例外)
instrument (n.) 儀器;器具;樂器(衍: instrumental a. 儀器的;樂器演奏的;有幫助的)
application (n.) 申請(application form 申請表)(衍: apply for 申請/ applicant n. 申請人)(ap-: to/ -ply: fold, weave)
notification (n.) 通知(原: notify v. 通知+ sb. + of N / that + S + V)
purchase (v.)(n.) 購買
relevant (a.) 相關的(衍: relate v. 與...有關聯/ relation n. (政治;外交)關係/ relationship n. (人際;愛情;性)關係/ relative a. 相關的;n. 親戚)
documentation n. 文件統稱(衍: document n. 文件/ documentary n. 紀錄片)
equivalent (n.)(a.) 相等的(+ to + N)(equ-: equal/ -val: strong)
include (v.) 包括(衍: inclusion n. 包含/ inclusive a. 包含的/ S + V, including A, B, C = S + V, inclusive of A, B, C)(反: exclude v. 排除/ exclusive a. 除外的;獨家的/ exclusion n. 排除)(-clus: close)
tax (n.) 稅(taxpayer 納稅人)
arrival (n.) 抵達;入境(衍: arrive v. 抵達)
departure (n.) 離開;出境(衍: depart v. 離開)
assign (v.) 指定(衍: assignment n. 指定工作;指定作業)
temporary (a.) 暫時的(反: permanent = eternal = perpetual = everlasting a. 永遠的)
permit (n.) 許可證;(v.) 允許(衍: permission n. 允許)(per-: all/ -mit: throw)
location (n.) 地點(衍: locate v. 座落/ be located + 介系詞 + 地點 ...座落於...)
furthermore (adv.) 此外(= besides = moreover = what's more = in addition = additionally)