《舊文複習》洋白銅又稱為洋銀,洋白銅的材質為銅鎳合金,銅50~70%、鎳15~35%,另外還含有少量的「鋅」及「鋁」。其材質具有優異的韌性、而且有亮麗的銀白色和穩定性,耐腐蝕性佳,適用於眼鏡框、代幣、高級材料和電氣材料。在電子行業裡洋白銅經常被拿來作為屏蔽RF(Radio Frequency、射頻、無線電波)訊號之用,一般作為「屏蔽框(shielding-frame)」及「屏蔽罩/屏蔽蓋(shielding-can)」的材料之一使用。
rf shielding 在 電子製造,工作狂人 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Recently my top manager ask to mount the shielding-can or shielding-cover directly on the board to instead of mount the shielding-clip or shielding-frame on the board first then cover the shielding-can. He said this new process is more cheap and reach good RF performance. Also most of the cell phone board apply this solution.