【 關家姐現身OSCARS/The Telegraph解開謎底!! 】
點解今屆奧斯卡會發生咁大鑊「甩碌」事件?《英國電訊報》(The Telegraph)報道(https://goo.gl/uiqCP8),原來是因為嘉賓以相反方向入台,羅兵咸永道的會計師沒有替換得獎賽果的信封,結果令華倫比堤(Warren Beatty)和菲丹娜惠(Faye Dunaway)在台上「硬食」,叫老人家出醜,認真尷尬。
頒發影后的里安納度狄卡比奧在A邊(電視熒幕由右邊出來)入台,拿走了A邊的女主角得獎信封,然而B邊那張依舊在B邊的會計師手上。隨後華倫比堤和菲丹娜惠在B入口出場,B邊會計卻誤將影后得獎名單交給兩人,兩位老人家雖然見到是「Emma Stone -《La La Land》」,便照讀「La La Land」出來,往後的事,大家都知道了,於是羅兵咸永道最後出來道歉。
//The producers decide what the order of the awards will be. We each have a full set. I have all 24 envelopes in my briefcase; Martha has all 24 in hers. We stand on opposite sides of the stage, right off-screen, for the entire evening, and we each hand the respective envelope to the presenter. It doesn’t sound very complicated, but you have to make sure you’re giving the presenter the right envelope.
There are two envelopes containing the winner's name for each category. This means that one could have got into Beatty's hands while Stone held onto hers backstage.
Neither PwC nor The Academy have commented on the gaffe yet, but eagle-eyed viewers have theorised that Beatty was indeed given the wrong envelope.//
【 其他文章 】
Emma Stone又點講?都係《EW》報道 -
「第89屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮」足本賽果 -
#oscars2017 #關家姐 宋文 Sung Man #游大東 #warrenbeatty #fayedunaway #lalaland #moonlight #thetelegraph