雞蛋 — 性平,有滋陰潤燥,養血安胎及健腦,適合體質虛弱、營養不良、氣血不足、產婦、孕婦等。蛋黃能健腦益智,增強記憶力,適合嬰兒及小兒適量食用。注意發燒及腹瀉不宜。
答:近年醫學界指從飲食中攝取的膽固醇,並不是導致人體血液膽固醇 增加 的主要因素,預防膽固醇增加應注意減少飽和脂肪和反式脂肪的攝取量。而蛋黃中含有許多營養素是蛋白沒有的,例如Omega-3、鐵、鋅、葉酸等,所以不要嫌棄蛋黃啊!
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Happy Humans’ Day on the 7th day of the Lunar New Year!
Learn more about nutrients in eggs
According to the Chinese tradition, individuals who celebrate their birthday will eat eggs that have been dyed red. In the past, people would dye the eggs with Rhodamine B, but it was not a healthy option because it is an industrial chemical. Nowadays people would dye the eggs with food coloring or just wrap it with red glass paper.
Eggs are suitable for both young and old to consume. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, it is mild in nature, can nourish the yin and moisten the body, nourish the blood, improve the wellbeing of the fetus, and strengthen the brain. How should we prepare eggs to enjoy its greatest benefits? Let us look at the Q&A below to see if they can answer your questions.
Q: Can we eat more than one egg a day?
A: Depends on your diet. If you have consumed a lot of protein-based food like fish, meat and soy products, then one egg is enough; if there is a lack of protein in your diet, you can replenish it by taking more eggs.
Q: I heard the cholesterol in the yolk is very high, should we just eat the egg white?
A: According to recent medical studies, the cholesterol we consume through food is not the main contributor of the cholesterol in our blood. In order to prevent the cholesterol levels from rising, we need to monitor the consumption of foods that contain saturated and trans fat. Egg yolk, on the other hand, contains a lot of nutrients that are not found in the egg white, for instance, Omega-3, iron, zinc, and folic acid. So do not toss the egg yolk away!
Q: What is the best way to cook eggs?
A: Fully cooked eggs are the best because the raw ones contain avidin, which is hard to digest and to absorb the protein. When the eggs are cooked, the structure of the egg white will change, making it easier for the body to absorb. Our body can absorb at least 90% of the protein if they are completely boiled, but it can only absorb 30%-50% if the eggs are still raw. Moreover, eggs might contain salmonella, so we might risk getting an infection if we eat soft-boiled eggs and poached eggs that are not fully cooked. Therefore, toddlers and elders with a weak immune system are encouraged to consume eggs that are fully cooked.
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「protein chemical structure」的推薦目錄:
protein chemical structure 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文
今年的生化秋令營,即將於11月9日至11日,於溪頭自然教育園區舉行,報名自即日起至9月30日止,誠摯的邀請老師同學們一同共襄盛舉,若有任何疑問歡迎寫信([email protected])聯繫。
這次「生化秋令營」的主題為"The Frontiers of Biochemistry in Life Science"。生命的起源就是一連串的生化反應,由細胞到個體,到生理甚至病理,都是由分子、生化、遺傳、表遺傳控制著每個環節,藉由對於生物化學的了解,可以提升生命科學的研究層次。此次秋令營的演講由 Keynote-1 郭沛恩 院士以「The Dark Matter of the Human Genome」主題揭開序幕、 Keynote-2 李奇鴻 特聘研究員分享「Antagonistic Regulation by Afferent-derived Factors to Ensure Appropriate Dendritic Field Sizes and Synaptic Partnership」、Keynote-3 邀請到 龔行健 院士講述「Targeting metabolic addition of cancer」,其他六個 scientific sessions分別為Big Data、Structural Biology、Neuroscience、Membrane Dynamic、 Chemical Biology、Metabolic Disease,一共有 12 位各研究機構的優秀學者,以各種層面一起探討 "The Frontiers of Biochemistry in Life Science" 的科學之旅。
生化秋令營除了精彩的演講外,同時也舉辦口頭論文以及壁報競賽,獲勝者可獲得獎助金,詳細比賽辦法請見下方資訊。另外,在本次的秋令營中特別增加職涯分享環節,我們邀請到中央研究院分子生物研究所的林書葦助研究員、法商賽諾菲藥廠糖連病事業處的江長軒經理與我們分享,期望可以讓會員們更了解與生物化學、分子生物學相關的職業選擇。 11 月初【11 月 9日(五)至 11 月 11 日(日)】的溪頭氣候涼爽舒適,加上環境清幽、空氣清新 的「溪頭自然教育園區」,絕對值得您來此一遊,參與這場科學的盛宴,見見老朋友,並結交新朋友,談談科學並聊聊生活,共享 "The Frontiers of Biochemistry in Life Science":2018 生化秋令營。
講員 演講題目
🔸郭沛恩 院士 The Dark Matter of the Human Genome
🔸李奇鴻 特聘研究員 Antagonistic Regulation by Afferent-derived Factors to Ensure Appropriate Dendritic Field Sizes and Synaptic Partnership
🔸龔行健 院士 Targeting metabolic addiction of cancer
🔸游佳融 教授 Integrated omics approaches in discovery and functional characterization of cancer biomarkers
🔸賴信志 教授 Multiomics, microbiota and diseases
🔸張崇毅 副研究員 Intracellular protein degradation: a pull strategy
🔸蕭育源 助理教授 Structural basis for overhang excision and terminal unwinding of DNA duplexes by TREX1
🔸蔡金吾 副教授 Investigation of cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain development and disorders
🔸黃怡萱 副研究員 Dysregulated translation and aberrant memory in CPEB-knockout mice
🔸楊維元 副研究員 Trafficking of injured plasma membrane
🔸劉雅雯 助理教授 Isoform switch of Tks5 governs invadosome formation to propel myoblast fusion
🔸王宗興 助理教授 Lessons from Host-Microbe Interactions: Development of Siderophore Conjugates for Selective Bacterial Targeting
🔸侯明宏 教授 Structure-based virtual screening and experimental validation of novel human coronavirus nucleocapsid protein inhibitors against viral diseases
🔸陳珠璜 教授 Roles of electronegative lipoproteins in aging and metabolism
🔸鄭美玲 教授 Identifying metabolic alterations in heart failure
台灣生物化學及分子生物學學會將於2018年11月9-11日假溪頭自然教育園區舉辦2018年秋令營,敬邀國內各學術、研究單位青年學子〈包括博、碩士班、大學部學生、博士後研究員及研究助理〉共同參加口頭及壁報論文競賽。舉凡生化、分生及其他生命科學相關研究領域之作品均歡迎投稿。為鼓勵學術交流,凡參加壁報論文展示者,將於報到時發予獎助金 500元,並擇優15%,各獲頒獎狀乙幀及獎金 3,000元。
口頭論文競賽參選作品請於2018生化秋令營網頁投稿時鍵入「摘要」並將 「manuscript 或相關DATA」寄至生化學會信箱 [email protected]。投稿論文經初審後,入圍決選者本會將以e-mail通知,將安排於研討會中以 英文口頭發表論文, 未入圍決選者其論文摘要自動轉為參加壁報論文競賽。 口頭論文競賽獎項及獎金如下:
(1) 第一名〈1名〉:獲頒獎狀乙幀、獎金 40,000元。
(2) 第二名〈1名〉:獲頒獎狀乙幀、獎金 20,000元。
(3) 第三名〈1名〉:獲頒獎狀乙幀及獎金 10,000元。
(4) 佳 作〈4名〉:獲頒獎狀乙幀及獎金 5,000元。