Is busy life supposed to be cereal killer?
If you are a fan of US TV series, you’ll be familiar with the morning breakfast routine: Each family member pours a mound of cereal into a bowl, adds enough milk to send it flowing over the top, before getting stuck into their sugary start to the day. 如果你是美國電視劇粉絲的話,你一定很熟悉這樣的例行早餐場景:家裡的每個 人都往碗裡倒了一堆穀物,再從上頭倒入牛奶,接下來就可以開始享用他們甜蜜蜜的 早餐,展開新的一天。
For generations, cereal has been the bedrock of the American breakfast, but it now seems to be losing some of its momentum. Sales of breakfast cereals in the US have gone stale, owing to concerns about the morning food’s lack of nutrition, as well as a rise in demand for more convenient options for those constantly in a hurry. 對於好幾個世代來說,穀物已經成為了美式早餐的基礎,然而現在似乎不再如此 了。在美國,由於人們擔心這種早餐缺乏營養,而且趕時間的人也希望能有更方便的 選擇,穀物早餐的銷量已逐漸式微。
There’s nothing new about cereal being labeled less than nutritious and too high in calories. Critics for years have been saying that some cereals—too much sugar. 穀物被貼上了「沒營養又高熱量」的標籤,這並不稀奇。批評者們經年累月地一 直指出,某些穀物含有太多的糖分。
But the consumer’s desire for a healthier way to start the day is now at its highest ever. 但消費者要求以更健康方式展開一天生活的需求已經高過以往的任何時候。
Shoppers are seeking out “high protein and fiber content and natural ingredients,” the US-based research firm Mintel Group Ltd. said in a report. “Consumers today believe cereal is overly processed and doesn’t contain enough nutrients.” 位於美國的調查公司英敏特集團有限公司在一份報告中指出,消費者們正在尋找 「高蛋白又富含纖維的自然食材。」「如今的消費者們認為,穀物被過度加工,不夠 營養。」
That means cereal is facing stiff competition from fresh fruit, yogurt, breakfast bars and drinks, and even all-day breakfast meals at McDonald’s or other fast-food chains. 這意味著穀物正面臨著來自鮮果、優格、早餐棒或早餐飲料,甚至是麥當勞或者 其他速食連鎖店販售全時段早餐套餐的激烈競爭。
“Consumers are increasingly seeking products that match their personal definition of real food, and that can mean foods that are less processed and have simple labels with recognizable ingredients,” Kendall Powell, chairman of the US-based food company General Mills, said at an investors’ conference in July. 「越來越多的消費者在尋找符合自身對於真正食物的定義的產品,這意味著食品 要減少加工,並貼上可辨認的成分標籤,」美國食品公司通用磨坊董事長 Kendall Powell 在七月的一場投資人大會上如此表示。
Another big challenge for the industry is the ever-changing pattern of breakfast eaters, with an emphasis increasingly being placed on satisfying time-squeezed lifestyles. This desire for convenience seems to be especially evident among millennials – those aged 18 to 34. When Mintel surveyed consumers last year, 39 percent of millennials said that cereal was inconvenient because it involved cleaning a dish afterwards. 該行業面臨的另一大挑戰是人們千變萬化的早餐模式,且他們越來越關注滿足緊 縮時間的生活形式。這種追求方便的渴望似乎在千禧世代(18-34 歲)中特別明顯。 英敏特去年對消費者進行調查時,39%的千禧世代表示,穀物吃起來並不方便,因為 吃完後還要洗碗。
“Millennials want something quick and simple in the morning, and they love variety,” said Craig Bahner, president of US morning foods at Kellogg Co. 「千禧世代希望早上是吃那種簡單快捷的餐點,而他們也喜歡多樣性,」美國早 餐食品公司家樂氏的董事長 Craig Bahner 認為。
Then, there’s the issue of price. Brand-name cereal prices jumped after the financial crisis in 2008, owing largely to the higher prices of grains and other ingredients. It’s only in the last two years that prices have stabilized. 然後就是價格問題。2008 年的金融海嘯之後,知名品牌穀物的價格暴漲。這很大 程度上源于穀粒和其他食材的價格上漲。而這些食品的價格近兩年來才趨於穩定。
However, manufacturers and industry analysts say that if breakfast cereal makers can keep on adapting to changing consumer needs, especially among millennials, the business can grow again. 然而,製造商和產業分析師認為,如果穀物早餐的生產商能夠適應消費者們,尤 其是千禧世代不斷變化的需求,業績依然能夠再次成長。
“While millennials may look at breakfast differently, they are still eating a lot of cereal, just not always for breakfast,” said Jim Murphy, president of General Mills’ cereal division. “According to Nielsen data, ready-to-eat cereal is in 90 percent of all households and nearly 94 percent of millennial households. For this group, cereal is more than just a breakfast item. It is also a popular snack option.” 「儘管千禧世代看待早餐的方式或許不同了,但他們仍食用不少穀物,只不過不 僅僅是作為早餐,」通用磨坊早餐穀物部的負責人 Jim Murphy 如是說。 「尼爾森公司 的資料顯示,在所有家庭中,90%購買了即食穀物,而將近 94%的千禧世代家庭中備 有穀物。對於這一群體而言,穀物不僅僅是早餐,也是個很受歡迎的零食選擇。」
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processed food definition 在 Dr. Ellie Facebook 的最讚貼文
Today, ninety-six percent of pet owners around the globe are feeding dry commercial pet foods. Of those 96%, there is a large majority that believes dried commercial pet food is really all their pet needs and would never stop to consider the benefits of adding fresh “human food”.
(“Human food” definition in this article: clean sources of meat-based proteins and some organic plant matter, not beer and nachos 😉)
There are many reasons why some of these pet parents feel this way, however the most popular reason today seems to be the 50-year-old rumor that is in existence and still spreading.
You know the one: “Giving your animal table scraps is bad!”
How or when did this terrible rumor start?
Well, if we go back in time, research shows that shortly after the invention of processed pet foods, manufacturers were having a hard time convincing pet parents to make the switch from foods in their refrigerators to their commercial pet foods.
So in 1964, the pet food industry, along with the PFI, joined together with a whole bunch of marketing dollars and launched one of the most influential campaigns the pet world had ever seen: the “Ban All Table Scraps from your Pets’ Bowls” campaign!
Through thousands of newspapers, magazines, and news stations, the public was warned about the dangers of table food scraps or “human food” and the importance of feeding “processed” commercial pet food. From there, the giant smear campaign took off!
Not only did this clever campaign work, but it was so impactful that now, 50 years later, folks are still in fear of offering anything that is not labeled pet food.
Not according to ongoing research it isn’t, especially with today’s cancer rates being 1 in 2 dogs!
In a 2005 study conducted at Purdue University on Scottish Terriers, the results showed that adding fresh vegetables to dry commercial kibble actually prevented and/or slowed down the development of transitional cell carcinoma (aka bladder cancer)!
In the study, dogs ate a diet of dry commercial pet food, while some got an assortment of vegetables added to the mix at least 3 times per week.
When the study was concluded, according to the researchers, they weren’t really shocked by the results.
Here’s what they found:
Dogs that ate any green leafy vegetables, like broccoli, had reduced the risk of developing bladder cancer by 90% and the dogs that consumed any yellow – orange vegetables like carrots reduced the risk by 70%!
Seriously! A lousy carrot helped smash the potential of cancer.
( http://ilarjournal.oxfordjournals.org/content/55/1/100.full ) (Raghavan, Knapp, Bonney, 2005)
Yes, of course cats are obligate carnivores (must have meat to survive) and our dogs are facultative carnivores (carnivores with omnivorous potential if circumstances demand) so offering clean meat-based protein sources should always be top priority and essential.
However, because today’s world is ever-so changing due to factory farmed livestock being fed genetically modified grains and our planet being contaminated with every type of pesticide, fungicide and larvicide, the importance of fresh, organic plant matter to help detox the body couldn’t be more crucial.
So if the “cancer reducing benefit” doesn’t tickle your fancy enough to convince you to add any “human fresh foods” to your pet’s bowl, then maybe think of it this way:
How bad would it suck if someone forced you to eat dry processed foods your whole life!?
Rodney Habib - Pet Nutrition Blogger
"An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"
processed food definition 在 趙強營養師這樣說- 有別於#加工食品(processed foods ) 的美食出口停車場
Ultra-processed foods were defined as industrial formulations which, besides salt, sugar, oils and fats, include substances not used in ... ... <看更多>