That day when a chicken burrito spoke to me.
It succinctly summed up my past 2.5 years of marketing on Facebook.
Always wanted to write, but my very first blog on the internet didn't take off.
Always wanted to make videos, but I ain't a fashion/beauty/lifestyle person.
I don't take avocado toasts for breakfast, and I find it a dread to makeup.
Yet now I have clients calling my Facebook a blog.
Does that make me a blogger?
I have clients who want to make videos like me, because they are in$pired by the engagement I get.
I guess I am a Youtuber since I put my FB Lives on YouTube. 😅
They ask me why I can write so well.
I got D7 for GP.
They wonder why I can present on screen so well.
I forgot my story when I was on stage for a storytelling competition in Pri school.
I also screwed up my opening speech in front of the Dean and few hundred freshmen, when I was the Chairlady for NUS Bizad Orientation Week.
In short, I don't have the perfect answer for you.
All I know is I want what I want, I figure out the most effective way to get it and I go get it, fear or hate.
I also don't think I write, present or do videos well.
Too many times I put up a post and toyed with deleting it if it doesn't perform to my expectations. That is after 500 posts.
Too often I do a Live, I wish I can take it down and redo all over again, despite having done 60 over Lives.
After 40 years of living, I realised I am more hardy than my insecurities and fears.
I honestly think we all are.
To all those clients who put their trust in me when they first stumbled on my FB, thank you.
Without your initial support, love and testimonials, I may not be here.
To those who took 2.5 years to watch me from the side, and are still deciding...#truestory
Maybe I don't look trustworthy.
Maybe you worry you have to buy a lot of my services.
Maybe you don't want to face up to your Bazi, to really know the good and bad of it, and how to mitigate through it.
Every day our destiny unfolds.
It gets harder and harder to change it as we age.
Because we tend to get more stubborn and rigid.
Also, Karma has a way of blocking us from making wise decisions when we are in a bad luck period.
I have seen too many adults living that way.
Highly educated and being wise are two different universes.
I also don't understand how living a life controlled by your fears is called "I don't want to be forced to read my Bazi."
Aren't you being forced by your fear now to make a decision that doesn't benefit you?
You know the thing about marriage?
We sort of recklessly invest our future in a total stranger, after a few years together.
We can't guarantee that person will be a responsible and caring parent till we have a child.
We don't know whether that person will be faithful until some temptation pops out, or the wife gets fat.
We don't even know if the person will be nice to our own parents when they are ill and feeble.
We have no idea if we can really love this stranger till the day we die or till the day he/she becomes unlovable.
Yet with all these uncertainty that will determine our happiness for the next 40-50 years, (too) many people will jump into a marriage quicker than getting their Bazi analysed by a tried-and-tested Feng Shui practitioner.
(Not like your spouse had been tried-and-tested...)
Fine, maybe you don't see it the way as I do.
Regardless of your choice, I wish you good luck and courage.
Just don't be the parent that discourages your grown-up child from getting his/her Bazi read, by hiding his birth certificate, because of your illogical fear.
A Bazi reading is more than a shallow personality test.
Not every Feng Shui practitioner is a fraud.
It is also a myth that we need a Bazi to direct misfortune towards a person.
I don't have the time nor interest to inflict harm on you, just because I have your Bazi. #rolleye
Everyone has fear.
Use it to jumpstart your growth, have it as your servant. Get it to work for you, and not you be a slave to it.
Of all the things you fear in life, fear most about squandering too much of your sacred limited youth in fear and getting trapped in the web lock of destiny you singlehandedly weaved.
If you can discipline yourself, you will not be overcome by challenges.
The more trials that you experience,
the more accomplishments you can achieve.
(Excerpt from Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, Sheng-yen Lu’s Book #66: Contemplation of The Ordained)