#1. Please let me know if the schedule is convenient for you
High quality example sentences with “Please let me know if the schedule is convenient for you” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic ...
#2. Please let me know when (is or would be) convenient for you.
Hello, Toycams. Welcome to the forum. Both of these are correct in American English (AE): Please let me know when it would be convenient for ...
#3. let me know if this time works for you - TextRanch
This phrase might be used when scheduling a meeting. ... Please let me know if this time suits you, or if not, when would suit you around that date.
#4. Please let me know if this schedule works for you - Jobs now
Stop Saying 'Let me know when works for you' ... “Hey, why don't you spend some time going through your schedule, pick out some times that work and email ...
#5. Please let me know your convenient time. Is this ... - HiNative
"Please let me know when you're available." is okay too, but it sounds a little strange if you don't give ...
#6. 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Learning Business English
Please pick a time that is most convenient for you. If none of these work, please let me know when you are free and I'll try to arrange something.
#7. Is this grammatically correct, “Please let me know when a ...
What time is convenient for you? Let me know a good time for you. When's a good time? Your call on the timing.
#8. Would You Please Help Me Saying The Following In A Better ...
If it's all possible, we would like to preserve the stage for October 3 Event. ... Please let me know if this time is convenient (for you).
#9. Business English: Making Appointments
Please confirm if this date and time is suitable / convenient for you. (informal) Can you let me know if this is OK for you? Writing to someone you don't ...
#10. Business English: Scheduling a Meeting
No matter what line of work you're in, there's one thing almost everyone needs to do at some point or another: schedule a meeting.
#11. 6 phrases for making appointments. - XING
Here's a bit of help if you need to do it in English. Please note that 1-4 phrases are more formal than phrases 5 & 6. Question. 1.Does next Wednesday* suit you ...
#12. Do We Really Know How to Schedule Meetings via Email?
Not a business day goes by where we don't schedule at least one ... Please let me know when would be a convenient time for you to meet.
#13. 5 Meeting Confirmation Email Templates - Join Cabinet
Per the calendar invitation, [Executive Name] will dial your number at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Please let me know if this meeting time is still convenient for your or ...
#14. grammaticality - Let me know when you are free to discuss VS ...
Could you please let me know what time is convenient this week for a discussion? Many other answers are possible.
#15. 3 Emails Recruiters Send—and the Responses They Actually ...
Please let me know if any of those times work for you, and if not, I'd be happy to find a time that is convenient for both of us. Best, [Name]. Simple, right?
#16. simple help | ESL Forum
You can also say 'Please let me know if this time is not convenient' which is more formal. But I would say 'I need to make an appointment with Billy ....'
#17. How To Schedule a Meeting by Email |
A meeting email request asks to schedule a time, date and place where you ... Please let me know when and where you would prefer to meet.
#18. Is this correct? Let me know if this time works for you of if there ...
Please let me know if this is a convenient time for you. They will reply saying either 'Yes, that's fine' or 'Sorry no; what about Wednesday ...
#19. please let me know if the time - Grammar Checker
Please let me know if this time and date is feasible to your schedule? Please let me know if this ... Please let me know if this time is convenient for you.
#20. English for emails Unit 5 Making arrangements
then if it is convenient could you please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you soon with best wishes. Nguyen Minh Chau. Head Teacher – Vietnam.
#21. please let us know when would be a convenient time. - French ...
Please note: When calling the Surrey RCMP's non-emergency number, if you experience a wait time of more than a few minutes we ask that you please be patient ...
#22. 11 Request to Reschedule Meeting Email Samples - Text Blaze
I hate to ask this at the last minute, but came up, and I just can't make it at the scheduled time. If not, let me know if it's more convenient for you to talk ...
#23. Is this sentence grammatically correct: "Let me know if this ...
Answer to: Is this sentence grammatically correct: "Let me know if this time works for you or if there is a more convenient time"? By signing up,...
#24. School Cleaning / School Cleaning Instructions - Cornerstone ...
If you would like to be added to this list, please let me know. ... responsible to make your own trade(s) if your scheduled week isn't convenient for you.
#25. Which date and time I should make an appointment for
Explanation: Please let me know a convenient date and time for us to meet. If he is setting the date and time, you are not making the ...
#26. Stop Saying 'Let me know when works for you' | Hacker News
What you actually just said: “Hey, why don't you spend some time going through your schedule, pick out some times that work and email them ...
#27. If these days are not convenient for you, please let us know.
We cannot determine yet whether this sentence was initially derived from translation or not. If these days are not convenient for you, please let us know.
#28. Please let me know when it would be convenient for you.
please let me know when it would be convenient for you.の意味や使い方 あなたにとっていつ都合が良いのかお知らせください。 - 約1225万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典 ...
#29. Asking for a rise in English - Perfectyourenglish
But before you schedule a meeting with your boss to discuss your compensation, here are a ... Please let me know when would be a convenient time for you.
#30. please let me know your convenient date and time - Laurie ...
2 2. zilmag . please let us know when would be a convenient time. know what time is most convenient for you to schedule a meeting. Clear Filter.
#31. Professional Outreach Examples - University of Nebraska ...
If possible, I would like to schedule a time to chat and ask you a few questions ... so please let me know when would be a convenient time for you and how ...
#32. Dear David I am writing to ask if we could meet with ... - GOV.UK
I look forward to hearing from you with dates that would be convenient for you in the ... Please let me know if you'd like me to help in any way. Regards,.
#33. Stop Saying 'Let Me Know When Works for You' - Business ...
What you actually just said: “Hey, why don't you spend some time going through your schedule, pick out some times that work and email them to me ...
#34. Request Someone's Time in English [How to Ask for Meetings ...
If this week is busy, I'm open to scheduling the meeting for next week. Please let me know a day and time that is convenient for you.
#35. English at Work / Help! We need somebody - BBC
When would be a convenient time to call you? Could I take a message please and I'll make sure he/she calls you back? ... Let's find out.
#36. "convenient to you" or "convenient to you"? Which is ... - italki
They're both correct. 1) Please check your schedule and let me know a date and time that is convenient to you. This is a rather formal set phrase which is used ...
#37. 150+ Useful Email Phrases That Will Make Your Life Easier
Save you time when writing business emails with the PDF you can download. ... Please let me know if this is OK with you.
#38. How to make an appointment in English | English Live Blog
Make sure you schedule the most important one first in order to leave yourself the ... If you don't know the person, you'll need to give some background ...
#39. Could you please let me know what time is convenient?
It would be great if you could kindly inform me about a place and time for our meeting as per your convenience. Looking forward to meeting you, ...
Let me know if /whether ... This is to let you know that I've had to put off/postpone . ... going to reschedule the meeting to a more convenient time.
#41. Stop Saying 'Let me know when works for you' | Vinicius Vacanti
What you actually just said: “Hey, why don't you spend some time going through your schedule, pick out some times that work and email them to me ...
#42. 10 Expressions for Business Emails - EnglishClass101
"If you could be so kind," meaning kind to me, "as to. ... expression that you like to use in your business emails, please let us know in the comments.
#43. 職場英文Email五大萬用金句 - 世界公民文化中心
Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建議我們今晚九點半電話會議,你和Ben有沒有空? I would like to call a meeting in the afternoon ...
#44. How to Schedule Meetings With Very Busy People (and a ...
When you 're starting a company (or any new project), everything feels like ... for me,” but without Chaz letting him know beforehand, Chaz may just reply, ...
#45. 6 phrases for making appointments. | teatime titbits
Please, check out the video, share, like and subscribe. ... Whether you want to arrange a more formal business appointment by phone or mail ...
#46. 邀请见面Flashcards by chu yusheng | Brainscape
What is your schedule like this afternoon?can I come see you for an hour? ... If October 7 isn't good for you ,please let me know your preferred date.
#47. 商用英語基本書信用法
例句:Please let me know if this time is convenient for you. ... refer to是動詞片語,有參考、查閱的意思,所以會加在please或是kindly後面。
#48. 常見中式英文(一二七) - 美語達人Mike劉- udn部落格
Thank you for letting me know when you are available. (請告知您何時有空,謝謝。) 改錯研析:. 1. Please let me know your availability ( ...
#49. 【商業書寫】避免使用商業術語 - Yahoo財經
Kindly advise me at your earliest convenience as to my ... Please let me know as soon as possible if I am suitable for the position in your ...
#50. Mr. Louis LaGrande | Faculty Profile | SPC - St. Petersburg ...
If these times are not convenient for you, please let me know. I will be happy to accommodate your schedule, when possible. I am providing you with these ...
#51. 【商業英語】電話約會面要點講好? - 英語相關新聞
Let me check Ms. Lee's schedule. ... P: Well, I'd like to arrange an appointment to see him, please. ... So when's convenient for you?
#52. Learn how to make an appointment in English
Wednesday suits me. Thursday would be perfect. Please confirm if this date and time is suitable/convenient for you. Can you let me know if ...
#53. let me know - Translation into French - examples English
Translations in context of "let me know" in English-French from Reverso Context: let me know if, just let me know, please let me know, let me know if you ...
#54. Business Email: Language, Structure and Style
The call should last about an hour. Would you please let me know if the timing fits in with your schedule? If the schedule is OK, which number shall I ask ...
#55. Title: Requesting a Meeting - template - National Council for ...
[If you do not have a fact sheet, then insert a couple of sentences addressing these areas. ... Please let me know if I can ever be of service to you.
#56. Please let me know if this time and date is feasible to your ...
"Please let me know a time and date that is convenient for you." is grammatically correct. When is the next schedule of MOH exam for nurses in ...
#57. please let me know if you prefer another time
Would we be able to schedule a phone interview on either Tuesday or Thursday at 4:30 p.m. instead? Let's say that you live in a busy city like ...
#58. CONVENIENT | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
More examples. It's very convenient for me to get to the station. It's not really convenient for you to come this afternoon. The house is in a convenient ...
#59. Want to Meet? Here's My Scheduling Link With No Availability
Please let me know when is most convenient for you, and I will make it work. Anna Dearmon Kornick, a time management coach and head of community ...
#60. Confirm an Appointment, Meeting, or Interview | Letter-Writing ...
Thank you for making time in your schedule to meet with me on Monday. ... Please let me know right away if you will be unable to attend. I hope to see you ...
#61. Email Examples - English - TeamDev
If you want, we can rewrite the SSO feature completely to make it work in other ... Please let me know if the Unison integration tests still fail for you.
#62. Interview availability email template - Workable Resources
Use this interview availability email template to schedule job interviews. ... If none of these time slots work for you, please let me know of your ...
#63. Translate please let me know your conven in Hindi - MyMemory
please let me know your convenient time to call you. Hindi. कृपया मुझे अपना सुविधाजनक समय बताएं. Last Update: 2021 ...
#64. Please let me know a convenient time - German missing - LEO
Thursday morning works best for me. Please let me know what time would be convenient for you. Author, Lime (446868), 07 ...
#65. Scheduling a Meeting the Right Way - Harvard Business Review
When your boss asks you to schedule an important meeting with Boeing ... that work for the team, please let us know which is best for you.
#66. 5 Tips for Scheduling Meetings Across Different Time Zones
Check when (and if) your teammates' work schedules overlap ... Compare hours and time zones to see if you can find one hour in common each week. Scheduling ...
#67. 『絶対に使える英文eメール作成術』例文150公開|角川SSC ...
convenient for you ? ... If you cannot attend, please let us know ASAP. If you are unable to ... The meeting originally scheduled for this week has been
#68. please let me know how to proceed further - Solsarin
“Please let me know a time and date that is convenient for you. ... The correct sentence would be “Please let me know if any further details ...
#69. Tag: scheduling meetings - Nonprofit AF
How to schedule a meeting without being punched in the pancreas ... Let me know what works best for you.” ... You make it convenient for them.
#70. I would like to get a demo of your time sheet management ...
Thank you for your inquiry. We can schedule a Demo session for you via WebEx at a mutually convenient time. Please let us know your availability (dates and ...
#71. Informational Interviews: Making Contact | Career Center
Please let me know some days and times when you are available so we can arrange a mutually convenient time to meet. I look forward to hearing from you.
#72. 5 Sales Email Templates for Scheduling Clients and Prospects
How do you get clients and prospects to schedule a meeting? ... If you are still interested, let me know and we can get back on track.
#73. 3 Simple Tricks to Make Scheduling Meetings Easy - Jeremy ...
So why should you bother with a system for scheduling meetings? ... Please let me know if any of the above times work for you, ...
#74. Writing
When I tell people my email address, I don't know how to say the symbols. ... If you need any more information, please feel free to contact me.
#75. You suck at asking for people's time | Mighty Introvert
At the end of your email, you write: “Let me know your availability. ... If you're interacting anymore than that, then you suck at scheduling meeting and ...
#76. 14 Follow-Up Email Template Samples & Mistakes to Avoid
Please let me know if you 're interested in hearing more. All the best,. [Your Name]. 9. The job interview follow-up. When interviewing for a job role, sending ...
#77. Sample Syllabus Statements - Student Disability Services | KSU
"If you have a specific physical, psychiatric, or learning disability and require accommodations, please let me know early in the semester so that your ...
#78. 10 sample customer service email templates - TechTarget
They can send an email when it's convenient for them. ... Please let me know if you'd like to [schedule a call, schedule a meeting, ...
#79. Earliest Convenience: Is It Awkward to Use This Phrase?
Although it isn't rude to tell Mary that it's okay for her to tend to your request when it's convenient, “at your earliest convenience” ...
#80. Schedule a Meeting Email Template -
... please let me know when it is convenient for you to come to the ... I would like to arrange an appointment with you to discuss your sons ...
#81. "Check My Calendar and let me know when would be a good ...
I wonder if anyone else finds this new age business etiquette to be an annoying, or is this just me? I have to admit that I am still preferring ...
#82. How do you ask for a convenient time to call?
Please let me know a convenient place and time to meet. It would be great if you could kindly inform me about a place and time for our meeting ...
#83. Your intent needs to be clear so your email isn't written off as ...
By using email to schedule the meeting, you have a record that not only did ... By using our website, you agree to the use of Please let me know if you are ...
#84. Manage updates in Windows - Microsoft Support
If you 're asked to restart your device while you're busy using it, you can schedule the restart for a more convenient time:.
#85. Contact Us | Duffys Massage Excellence
Please see the Therapist if you wish to upgrade your Voucher. ... Please let me know if your still interested in booking a massage. Thank you.
#86. Informational Interviews | Undergraduate Students - College of ...
If that would be possible, please let me know when that might be convenient for you. Again, my name is Lee Douglas, and I can be reached at 612-123-4567 or ...
#87. Hindi Translation of “convenient” - Collins Dictionary
A convenient time to do something is a time when you are free to do it or would like to do it. सुविधाजनक. Is this evening convenient for you?
#88. Is this correct way of replying with available dates for an ...
Please let me know if any of them works for you." ... It would be convenient for me to have the interview on 5th, 10th or 18th of August. Do please check ...
#89. A Simple Email Template for Landing Informational Interviews
Please let me know if this might be possible and what dates and times are most convenient for you. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks,. Mac Prichard
#90. Email template: Writing to suggest interview dates and times
Please let me know if you would be interested in an interview and, if so, which of the following dates and times suit you best:
#91. Interview Question: What Hours Are You Available? - The ...
What the Interviewer Wants to Know. An employer will ask this question to get a sense of whether you will work with the company's schedule. If ...
#92. E-mails phrase bank - English For Techies
Just give me a call if you have any questions. ... What time would be convenient for you? Just a quick ... Please let me know if you will be able to attend.
#93. Templates for responding to emails from recruiters - Interview ...
Here are some examples of emails you might get as you schedule your ... If you would like to be called on another number please let me know.
#94. 10 Sales Follow-Up Emails the Pros Send to Prospects [Free
Please let me know if you have any questions. ... me a quick call back to schedule at [phone number] or send me an email at [email address].
#95. Communication Skills for Managers - 第 117 頁 - Google 圖書結果
We would like to schedule your talk for Tuesday afternoon, if that time is convenient for you. ... Please let me know if you have questions.
#96. Proceedings of the Select Committe on Telephone Systems
... if convenient to you . Please let me know as soon as possible by telephone or by letter , and very much oblige . Yours very truly , ST . GEO .
#97. Thank you for your email on [date]. - Facebook
Just book time on my calendar and I can answer all your questions on the ... If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know.
#98. Hearings - 第 8 卷 - 第 335 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... and if it is at all convenient for you in connection with your other mission's toward the east , please let me know if we can make a date with you for ...
#99. Manner Monday®: How to request a Conference Call or Meeting
If not, please let me know what is convenient for you so I may plan accordingly. ... other Workshops Would you like to schedule a workshop or presentation?
please let me know if the schedule is convenient for you 在 Thank you for your email on [date]. - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Just book time on my calendar and I can answer all your questions on the ... If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know. ... <看更多>