{{ 壹. 談談木吉他伴奏 }}_12
我想解釋一下『外星人』的概念:我在20歲前後,應該是透過那些活在『煙霧裊繞』的樂器行吉他老師們(https://www.facebook.com/rayhuang.guitar/photos/a.122648215009398.1073741828.122644938343059/122647055009514/?type=3 )的介紹,看到了『Kiss』的Live錄影帶(Beta,甚至還不是VHS),當中一段吉他手Paul Stanley的個人Solo(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unerBailPS0 ),那是我第一次見識到電吉他『點弦』的技巧,然後當然就會因此而知道這個技巧被討論的當代第一人Van Helen,然後就知道Van Helen彈奏的『Spanish Fly』(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDsa4uDM3zU ),然後就覺得這真是神人的技巧啊!然後呢?結果下一秒,就出現了Yngwie Johann Malmsteen,用你根本無法想像的彈奏速度,把古典音樂的分解和弦琶音練習與和聲小音階殺進了搖滾樂(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmFzT_BtVLk );而就在你還來不及喝一口水緩和那種目瞪口呆的情緒的那個當下,一部本來應該是在講述藍調傳奇、都市傳說的電影『Crossroads』,又把Steve Vai這位火星人給降落到地球(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMAkr_Z74E8 )!
[一. 木吉他彈奏應該要知道的曲目~來看外星人篇(上)]
Michael Hedges - Aerial Boundaries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaIN13aDbCc&feature=youtu.be
1. 我在還沒有親眼看到這個演奏手法之前,我已經買了Michael Hedges的專輯卡帶、聽了不知多少次,從來也沒有辦法想像出那些複雜的和聲、節奏與旋律線究竟是怎麼辦到的!而即便只是卡帶的聆聽音質,你還是可以感覺到『Windham Hill Records』這個品牌在錄製Michael Hedges的專輯作品時,有多麼講究錄音的品質與後製的細節要求;而在這樣的一個現場演出場域所呈現的音質水平,竟然可以還原到這種程度!從製作的角度來說,我覺得整個 Windham Hill Records應該都是外星人出沒的太空船。
2. 等你真的親眼看到Michael Hedges是怎麼彈奏出來的---請回到1986年那個年代,那時候可沒有現在的網路或Youtube可以在你還懞懂未明的心智狀態下,就早有眾多資訊讓你習以為常而見怪不怪---,而你甚至還不滿20歲、不知道世界到底長成什麼樣的狀態下,他說吉他是要這樣彈的……我覺得,你可能再也找不到彈奏木吉他的其他出路了。
關於Michael Hedges其人,我試著要在網路世界找到最能忠實介紹他的文章,但除了維基百科之外(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Hedges ),我覺得寫得最中肯詳實而且專業的,竟然是一篇來自中國的銷售業配文:http://tc.wangchao.net.cn/bt/detail_81969.html ,我不得不感歎,中國在許多的文化面向上所做的研究工夫,真的是比臺灣來得更精實深刻;而這一篇業配文,可能比臺灣的很多樂評文章都更值得一讀。
這讓我回想起,我的摯友,此刻在波士頓大學任教的現代音樂作曲家張超然博士,很早之前就提出了與文章相同的觀點,認為Michael Hedges的角色,應該是要從『作曲家』的身份來認知,而木吉他,只是他『剛好選擇』的工具。這對於我而言,完全是一種從來都沒有想過的切入點;但如果換一個角度來想:我們很可能不會對一位偉大的現代鋼琴作曲家所擁有的傑出彈奏能力、技巧或風格感到太多的詫異,那麼,為何會特別對『木吉他作曲家』感知到有所不同呢?
回頭說到Steve Vai在Crossroads的那一段精彩吉他對決,我估計有許多人會因為其中所使用的致勝樂段的出處,而認識了帕格尼尼(Niccolò Paganini)這位魔鬼小提琴演奏家;但,我們很可能也會忽略,帕格尼尼的身份,也是一位作曲家,更重要的是,他也彈奏吉他(https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%BC%E5%8F%AF%E7%BD%97%C2%B7%E5%B8%95%E6%A0%BC%E5%B0%BC%E5%B0%BC )。
對於Michael Hedges的音樂,我做為一個地球人,可能沒有足夠的智商來為你做出更好、更深入的解釋;而一般來說,對於他應用的特殊調弦所帶來的豐富泛音、拍擊琴身箱體所製造的打擊樂器效應與節奏感、透過『擊、扣、勾弦』所帶來的和絃響應以及因此而可以讓右手去處裡更多旋律線條彈奏的這些『外在直觀』手法,其實是相對容易學習…或說『抄襲』的,這也是在Michael Hedges之後,大量出現了採用相近技巧的『指彈派』演奏家,但很少有人的音樂成就或說音樂深度,是足以超越或比肩Michael Hedges的深層因素,因為,技法只是一種音樂的表現方式,而音樂的內在,那是抄襲不來的。
有意思的問題是,那麼Michael Hedges的『技法』,都是他個人獨創的外星武器嗎?
其中李宗盛先生除了提到過Michael Hedges之外,另外一位他所欣賞的演奏家Preston Reed,如果你去搜尋他的資料(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preston_Reed ),一定會看到這句紀錄:『In the late 1980s, though, he began to experiment with his own highly individual and percussive style, a short time after Michael Hedges published his first records using some technically similar techniques, but Reed's approach created very distinctive and different sounding music. 』,以及下一段仔細解釋的彈奏手法;如果認真去比對這兩位音樂家的公開出版紀錄,Preston Reed的第一張錄音室專輯作品『Acoustic Guitar』(1979),還比Michael Hedges的『Breakfast in the Field』早了兩年(1981)。
這並不代表Michael Hedges『有可能』『抄襲』了Preston Reed的彈奏手法;但即便真有這種『技術交流』,也只是再次說明了『技巧』、『手法』之於音樂,不過是一種外在的『衣物』、『配飾』,最終,會感動你我的,還是在衣物表象以外的『人的靈魂』。
不過,我很可以確定的是,我真的抄襲過Michael Hedges整個彈奏技巧!而整個過程的來龍去脈,以及整件事對我的影響,更以及這個事件所處在的一個美麗的故事環節之中的種種,我就留在下一篇再來磕牙吧。
因為Michael Hedges對我太重要了,所以一些資訊出處,容我再補充一下:
當年我所看到的Michael Hedges現場演出,是來自Windham Hill Records在1986年出版的『Windham Hill In Concert』Beta Video,現在在Amazon也許還可以買得到數位化的版本~(https://www.amazon.com/Windham-Hill-Concert-Stanley-Dorfman/dp/B00005YUOM );裡面的每一組演出音樂家,都帶給我無限美好的音樂享受!(https://www.discogs.com/Various-Windham-Hill-In-Concert/release/5409742 )
percussive guitar techniques 在 董杰安 Jei-Ann Dong Facebook 的最佳解答
*NEW* Sam Birchall's 20 Modern Rhythmic Licks!
Download: https://jamtrackcentral.com/…/jamt…/20-modern-rhythmic-licks
Sam Birchall debuts at JTC with a very original, unique and fresh release that is going to blow your guitar world wide open! With varying degrees of intensity from the beautiful to the aggressive, these 20 modern rhythmic licks will show you how to incorporate and master chordal ideas in your own guitar solos!
There is a real progression in the licks starting with simpler more introductory licks which ease you into the idea of using rhythmic chordal ideas in your licks. Then as you work through these 20 ideas Sam will guide you into the more complex and advanced licks.
Sam says 'This package represents many of the ideas the I have been working on over the last few years, distilled down to 20 licks. Each lick is more of a mini solo, packed with ideas, and full of context, to give you some solid ideas and help you apply them straight away. All the licks feature interesting rhythms, and modern intervallic content, utilising a variety of techniques, but without being technique-specific. You wont need to be a killer alternate picker, or a die hard hybrid picker to get something out of them. The track really lends itself to jamming, and works equally well when treated as a simple major vamp, whilst also rewarding a more chord-by-chord soloing approach. It's also the perfect tempo to make your 16th note lines sound interesting, without having to really shred! I hope you have fun picking these licks apart and applying them in your own way.'
On the theory side on things, there is a lot going on! We've got interesting use of rhythmic ideas, syncopation, drop-chords, great use of colour notes and chord extensions and wide interval ideas. Sam's licks are the perfect example of how you can really get a lot of interesting sounds out of a mostly diatonic palette! If you can learn to do a lot with a little, then imagine what's possible when you expand your ideas further!
Some of the fantastic techniques in this pack include; hybrid picking, legato (hammer ons and pull offs), sliding, pick raking, open-strings, palm-muting, finger rolling, tapping, economy picking, percussive clicks and letting notes ring into each other to create chordal effects... plus much more!
If you can master each of these super creative licks in turn then you'll be well on your way to adding your own interesting rhythmic/chordal ideas into your own licks and solos!
As ever, we have included everything you need to practise and perfect the material in this package. There are video and audio tracks for you to watch/listen and study, accurately transcribed TAB/notation for you to analyse and master, and backing tracks for everything! We've even included some text notes to help you really get these parts down!
Download right now, or Premium Members hit the +MyTracks button and get instant streaming access!
percussive guitar techniques 在 Jacob Lin 小傑 Facebook 的最佳解答