March 07th - Boston - Middle East Restaurant and Nightclub w/Professor Caffeine & the Insecurities
March 10th - New York (Sold Out) - Mercury Loungew/Vasudeva
March 13h - SXSW - Taiwan Beats showcase at Elysium
March 14th - SXSW - Greenbelt Touring Showcase at Sholz Garten
March 15th - SXSW - The Math Rock Times Fest
March 15th - SXSW - Biker Gang Booking Showcase at Spider House Ballroom
March 16th - SXSW - Topshelf Records Party at Pearl Street Co-op
March 18th - Chicago - The Empty Bottle *FREE SHOW*
March 20th - San Diego - Soda Bar w/Positioner
March 21st - Los Angeles - El Cid on Sunset w/dtb
March 22rd - San Francisco - Slim's w/ Floral
🌏【Hong Kong】 May 17th *coming soon
4/26、27 高雄 Kaohsiung
正港小劇場 Kaohsiung Experimental Theatre
6/21、22 台北 Taipei
松山文創園區 SCCP Taipei 2F多功能展演廳
Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Multi-Showcase Exhibition Hall (2F)
專輯[水底]線上購買:White Wabbit Records 小白兔唱片、元氣唱片行、艾比路唱片行 Abbey Road
大象體操 Elephant Gym
貝斯Bass _ 張凱婷Tif Chang //鋼琴Piano、音效Sound Effect _ 張凱翔Tell Chang//
鼓Drum _ 涂嘉欽Tu Chia-Chin
錄音 邱建鈞 J-Jyun Ciou
混音 white pony music studio
導演 Director
李彥勳 PHM LEE Yen Hsun
製作 Production
切音樂電影有限公司 CHE STUDIO
演員 Actor
陳怡廷 Chen Yi-Ting
媽媽:奥原 真由子(How to count one to ten)
製片 Producer
林倖如 Sing-ru Lin
製片組 Production Assistants
古朝瀚 Harry Goo
宋彥柔 Ruby Song
攝影 Director of Photography
李彥勳 PHM LEE Yen Hsun
周奕 Joy Chou
剪輯 Film editing
湯詠茹 Deer Deer Tang
調光 Timing
萬芷瑋 Abby Wan
李大冠 Da-Guan Lee
LOTS studio
王愷云 Kai Yun Wang
嚴敏 Mia(物子巡演工作室)
布魯克林藝站 Brooklyn Artists Studio
How to count one to ten