The desk of a flutist and the desk of an oboist. Wait I know I’ve seen this somewhere...
長笛家和雙簧管演奏家的桌子長得很不一樣~ 等等這個畫面好像似曾相似?
#YorkLu #長笛 #flute #플루트 #长笛 #フルート #fløyte #fluit #flöte #fuvola #flauta #flûte #поперечнаяфлейта #flöjt #fløjte #flüt #piccolo #flutist #oboe #oboist #reed #doublereed #desk @ 台南市立文化中心 Tainan Municipal Cultural Center
oboe reed 在 呂承祐 York Lu, flutist Facebook 的精選貼文
還記得小提琴家 陳銳 Ray Chen在協奏曲演出到一半斷弦的畫面嗎?音樂家在台上難免遇到一些無法彩排的事情,以下是其中另外一例:
倫敦交響樂團的雙簧管首席Olivier Stankiewicz 在演奏獨奏段落時,因為按鍵積水,但是在快速清理時不慎弄壞了竹片。他快速拿了第二部雙簧管演奏家 Rosie Jenkins的樂器接續演奏。儘管這兩把雙簧管屬於不同的指法系統,但是他迅速地適應並且沈著地吹完了整個片段。
畫面外的故事:Rosie Jenkins 在接到這把樂器後清理了按鍵的積水,並換上新的簧片,在他們下一段一起演奏之前將Olivier Stankiewicz 的樂器遞還給他,一切好像什麼也沒有發生過一樣。
#musicianslife #orcherstra #bitingthebullets #LSO #teamwork #vivaoboesection
On Berlioz's birthday, how could we not share one of the most astonishing moments from 2017! Happy birthday Hector.
Here's the full story: Principal Oboe Olivier Stankiewicz is embarking upon the oboe solo at the end of Berlioz'sThe Damnation of Faust (performed on 17 September) when he realises he has a water bubble in his keys. Tapping to clear it, he accidentally splits his reed. In a heartbeat he leans over and grabs 2nd Oboe Rosie Jenkins' oboe and continues the solo - Rosie's oboe has a completely different fingering system to Olivier's, which does not trouble him even for a moment.
What we didn't capture on camera: Rosie cleans Olivier's instrument, fits a new reed and hands it back to him, all in time for their next entries.
And meanwhile, none of the players around them bats an eyelid, and no one in the hall is any the wiser that there has been a drama.
Watch the complete performance of The Damnation of Faust on YouTube:
oboe reed 在 呂承祐 York Lu, flutist Facebook 的精選貼文
Snoopy cleaning paper!
#YorkLu #Snoopy #cleaningpaper #oboe #flute #reed
oboe reed 在 Gouged Oboe Cane (10 pcs) in 2022 - Pinterest 的美食出口停車場
Feb 7, 2022 - Ten (10) pieces of gouged oboe cane that is rigorously ... One of the softest and least dense canes Tube diameter: 10-10.49mm: will produce reed. ... <看更多>
oboe reed 在 HB Oboe Reeds LLC - Home | Facebook 的美食出口停車場
HB Oboe Reeds has accessories, cane, music and reeds. Interested in online lessons? We do that too! Our reed making kit includes a free reed making lesson! Get ... ... <看更多>