Assalamualaikum 9bulan10hari. Mohon ibu ibu yang tengah hamil ni pertimbangkan perkara ni. Tolonglah jangan puasa kalau anda tak mampu. 3 tahun lepas, masa bulan puasa saya puasa dalam 22 hari walaupun pregnant 3 bulan. Saya jarang loya & muntah.
Doctor banyak kali bagitahu jangan puasa sebab anak sangat perlukan zat & nutrient masa 1st trimester ni. Saya teruskan puasa sebab keadaan saya taklah teruk sangat. Loya muntah pun bila terbau bawang saja. Lepas raya, masa kandungan 5 bulan doctor cakap anak saya tak mengembang & maybe berdepan komplikasi saraf tunjang.
Lagipun masa awal2 mengandung sy tak makan langsung folic asid =(
Doctor cakap... kalau saya tak berpuasa... mengikat perut untuk makan makanan berkhasiat secara sedikit tetapi kerap masa bulan Ramadan tu... kemungkinan untuk anak saya lahir sihat sangat tinggi.
Betul sis... lepas anak saya lahir dia memang kecil. 1.9kg saja dengan ada problem di tulang belakangnya (spina bifida).
Doctor cakap.. untuk anak berkembang dengan elok masa kita makan tu kena jaga betul2 & makan secukupnya. Kesian anak saya sekarang.
Nasihat saya, kalau anda mengandung & tak sihat tu tolonglah jangan puasa..makanlah makanan sihat. Jangan skip makan... Lebih baik sis ganti puasa nanti... dari terpaksa buatkan anak kita "berpuasa" seumur hidup.... =(
Actually... ramai mommy rasa bersalah kalau tak berpuasa... sedangkan dalam Islam... adalah tak wajib berpuasa bagi ibu hamil & ibu yang menyusu untuk meneruskan puasanya jika beri kesan negatif pada diri & kandungan.
(Rujuk penerangan lengkap dalam @ebook.9bulan10hari.com)
Bagi kes ni, ibu ini terlepas pandang 2 perkara :
1. Tak makan asid folik 3 bulan sebelum hamil dimana ia boleh beri kesan negatif kepada perkembangan saraf tunjang bayi. (penyakit Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus)
2. Since dah tak makan folic acid, mommy sepatutnya perlu perbanyakkan makan sayur & buah.... repair balik mana yang terkurang dulu. Maknanya jangan langsung berpuasa ketika itu, jaga pemakanan & lifestyle sebaiknya.
Perkembangan anak sangat bergantung kepada apa yang mommy makan. Tolonglah jaga pemakanan.
Macam mana nak kenalpasti keadaan mommy & bayi ok atau tak untuk berpuasa?
Ketika ini, pregnant mommy bolehlah berjumpa doctor, minta doctor buat pemeriksaan & bincang mengenai puasa ini. Minta pandangan doctor.
Apa pandangan dari sudut islam?
(Rujuk ebook.9bulan10hari.com, Ustaz Faiz - Pakar Hukum 9bulan10hari terangkan secara terperinci mengenai ini)
Mommy... tolonglah ambil tahu keadaan mommy & anak dalam kandungan.
Kalau tak sihat, tak boleh puasa... tolonglah jangan paksa diri.
Mommy perlu jumpa doctor & berbincang pasal puasa ni....
Doctor akan melihat beberapa faktor bila berbincang pasal puasa ketika hamil ni :
- Adakah mommy muntah loya teruk sehingga tak lalu makan?
- Adakah kandungan mommy dalam lingkungan 1-3 bulan?
- Berapa jam mommy berpuasa kerana ada negara yang berpuasa lebih lama berbanding negara kita 12-13 jam sehari?
- Ketika mommy nak berpuasa ni cuaca sejuk atau panas, kerana cuaca panas boleh menyebabkan mommy mudah dehydrate.
- Bagaimana kesihatan mommy sebelum hamil?
Tolong ambil berat mengenai ini ya mommy.
Like, share & tag ilmu ini agar dapat membantu ramai ibu2 hamil di luar sana.
Silakan share & elakkan budaya copy paste!!
credit picture : cryitoutmom.blogspot
Nazira Nazir,
Penulis buku & ebook.9bulan10hari.com 😊
Kpd yg nak miliki ebook.9bulan10hari.com boleh wasap admin ya : wa.me/60184048007 😊
Assalamualaikum 9 months 9 days. Asking for pregnant mothers to consider this. Please don't fasting if you can't afford it. 3 years ago, during fasting month I was fasting in 22 days even though I was pregnant for 3 I rarely feel nauseous & vomiting.
Doctor told you many times not to fasting because your child really needs substances & nutrients during the 1st trimester. I continue fasting because my condition is not too bad. Even nauseous vomiting when smelling onions. After Raya, the doctor said that my child didn't grow up after Raya, maybe it's a nerve complication.
After all, when I was pregnant I didn't eat folic acid at all =(
Doctor said... if I don't fasting... tie the stomach to eat nutritious food but often during Ramadan... the possibility of my child being born is very healthy.
Right sis... after my child was born she was small. Only 1.9 kg with problem in his spine (spina bifida).
Doctor said.. for children to grow well when we eat, we have to take care of it and eat enough. Pity my child now.
My advice, if you are pregnant & unhealthy please don't fasting.. eat healthy food. Don't skip eating... It's better for me to replace the fasting day... than having to make our children ′′ fasting ′′ for life.... =(
Actually... many mothers feel guilty if they don't fasting... while in Islam... it's not compulsory to fasting for pregnant mothers & breastfeeding mothers to continue their fasts if they give negative effects to themselves & content.
(Refer to the complete explanation in @ebook. 9 months 9 days. com)
In this case, this mother missed 2 things:
1. Didn't eat folic acid for 3 months before pregnant where it could give a negative effect to the development of the baby's nerve. (Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus disease)
2. Since I haven't eaten folic acid, mommy should have to eat vegetables and fruits more.... repairs to those who have been lacking first. It means that you don't fast at that time, take care of your diet & lifestyle.
Child development depends on what mommy eats. Please take care of your diet.
How to identify the condition of mommy & baby, is it okay or not to fasting?
At this time, pregnant mommy can see a doctor, ask the doctor to check up & discuss about this fasting. Asking for a doctor's opinion.
What is the view from the Islamic corner?
(Refer to ebook.9bulan10hari.com, Ustaz Faiz - 9-month-old law specialist in detail explaining this)
Mommy... please take care of the condition of mommy & child in the content.
If you're not healthy, you can't fasting... please don't force yourself
Mommy needs to see a doctor and talk about fasting....
Doctor will see a few factors when talking about fasting during pregnancy:
- Did mommy throw up badly until she didn't eat?
- Is mommy's content in 1-3 months?
- How many hours is mommy fasting because there is a country that fasting longer than our country 12-13 hours a day?
- When mommy wants to fasting, the weather is cold or hot, because the hot weather can cause mommy to dehydrate easily.
- How is mommy's health before pregnant?
Please care about this mommy.
Like, share & tag this knowledge so that it can help many pregnant mothers out there.
Please share & avoid copy paste culture!!
Credit picture: cryitoutmom. blogspot
Nazira Nazir,
Book writers & ebook.9bulan10hari.com 😊
To those who want to own it, please Whatsapp admin: wa.me/60184048007 😊Translated
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,090萬的網紅Chloe Ting,也在其Youtube影片中提到,How To Lose Weight | Or Gain Lean Muscles | Full day of eating | You can download the free Lifesum here to track your macros: http://bit.ly/2gParGs ...
not all fast food is unhealthy 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
1/ 酵素排毒法
2/ 斷食排毒法
3/ 炭丸排毒法
4/ 飲油排毒法
5/ 洗腸排毒法
市面上亦有不少浣腸中心進行洗腸/灌腸排毒法,主要是將與體溫相近的純淨水,灌入結腸以軟化大便再排出,藉著清洗腸道以排出積貯的食物殘渣及宿便以作排毒,達至美容及減肥之效。其實西方有長久的洗腸歷史,而中醫古藉也有提到以蜂蜜或豬膽汁灌腸通便,但在香港,中醫不會採用灌腸這種方法 。除了一般的純水灌腸外,更有較進取的咖啡灌腸,有時更會配合喝油作為一個排毒療程。洗腸在香港雖然是認可的醫學療程,主要用於有嚴重便秘問題的患者身上,但一般坊間的洗腸療程卻沒有法例規管,大家採用前還是先諮詢醫生意見更穩妥。
6/ 無花果排毒法
無花果被認為能抗氧化而且擁有能幫助消化的酶,在中醫理論中無花果則有潤腸通便之效,因此被公認為排毒功效一流的食物。方法是在午餐前吃一個新鮮無花果,晚餐前再吃兩個,也加入菜色中如沙律內或Energy bowl內。中醫主張對症下藥,無花果雖好,但也要配合體質食用,由於其功效為滋陰潤燥,適合陰虛體質人士,身體有濕人士則不宜吃過多。
All kinds of detoxification methods
When it comes to detoxification, everyone has their own methods. If you check on the web, they become even more varied- some can be odd, others claim to have scientific basis. A lot of times, people use the term detox to make weight loss simpler and more justified. Have you trird the below methods?
1/ Enzyme detoxification
Enzyme is a type of protein. The human body itself has thousands of enzymes. It also relies on enzymes to digest and decompose food consumed. Therefore, in recent years, it has been popular to consume enzymes for "detoxification", which is said to help digestion, defecation and weight loss. In fact, many related products are added with fiber and diarrhea-inducing ingredients, which will naturally increase the effect of defecation in the diet to reduce weight. But at the same time these may cause symptoms of severe diarrhea, so enzymes should not be used for weight loss without medical advice.
2/ Fasting detoxification method
This is also known as "breatharianism". It was originally a Taoist practice with the combination of Qigong and letting the body rest. Nowadays it is known as juice fasting method or the drinking water fasting method. Some people will fast for 2 days every 5 days, relying on liquid and water to maintain the body's needs to let the stomach rest and promote bowel movements. As we always say, Chinese medicine emphasizes on a balanced diet. It is better to eat less and lighter at each meal than fasting. Do not drink too much cold/raw juice to harm the spleen and stomach.
3/ Charcoal tablet detoxification
Charcoal tablets are black pills made from active charcoal and are popular in Thailand for detoxification, claiming to remove toxins from the body. In fact, charcoal pills do have a purpose in medicine. When someone is acutely poisoned, the doctor will prescribe charcoal tablets to reduce the absorption of gastrointestinal mucosa, reduce the absorption of toxins. Some take this when they have eaten something wrong to reduce the absorption of unclean food. Charcoal tablets are not for consumption after excessive eating or having heat-related food to help "detoxification." Inappropriate consumption of charcoal tablets can affect stomach function, cause stomach pain, constipation and other symptoms, and even hinder nutrient absorption.
4/ Oil detoxification method
There were some actresses who said they only drank oil for 11 days to detox, and the body was healthier than before. First of all, having only one kind of food is unhealthy, and excessive intake of oil, even natural oil, will bring a serious burden to the cardiovascular system, and there is no medical basis, so do not try this.
5/ Colon cleansing detoxification
There are also many colon cleansing centers to provide colon cleansing/enema detoxification. The main purpose is to pour pure water at body temperature into the colon to soften the stool and then discharge it. Discharging accumulated food and stools by washing the intestines is supposed to achieve effect on beauty and weight loss. In fact, western countries have a long history of colon cleansing, and traditional Chinese medicine has also mentioned the use of honey or pig bile juice to clean the bowels to relieve constipation. In Hong Kong, Chinese medicine does not use enema. In addition to the general method like pure water enema, there is a more aggressive method like coffee enema, sometimes with oil drinking as a detoxification treatment. Although the colon cleansing is an approved medical treatment in Hong Kong, they are mainly used for patients with serious constipation problems. There is no law regulation in the general colon cleansing treatment. It is more secure to consult doctors before using it.
6/ Fig detoxification
Fig is considered to be an antioxidant and has enzymes that help digestion. Chinese medicine believes figs have the effect of loosening the bowels to relieve constipation, so it is recognized as the first-class food for detoxification. The method is to eat a fresh fig before lunch, eat two more before dinner, and also add to dishes such as salad or energy bowl. Chinese medicine advocates the right medicine according the symptoms. Although fig is good, but it should be consumed based on your body condition. As its effect is nourishing yin and moistening dryness, it is suitable for people with yin deficiency, and people with dampness should not eat too much.
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not all fast food is unhealthy 在 TheChency Facebook 的最讚貼文
not all fast food is unhealthy 在 Chloe Ting Youtube 的最讚貼文
How To Lose Weight | Or Gain Lean Muscles | Full day of eating |
You can download the free Lifesum here to track your macros:
You can also get 30% off the premium version using my code chloeting.
Hey guys! So a lot of you guys have been asking me how I track macros and what I normally eat when I workout. Here's a video including both of that. I started tracking macros earlier this year and got more relaxed a few months ago. I started tracking again last month since I am trying to gain some lean muscles and I've talked about this briefly one of my previous videos. I am not super strict with my macros. I don't track little things like two strawberries, or a cup of almond milk. It is so minor that I don't get worried about it. Also there are days that I don't track fully because sometimes we slack haha. So don't freak out about not tracking 100% of the time. We eat out, we have a life. It's all about balance and what makes you happy. Again it is really fast to track especially if they are the things that you eat regularly. You can just add it to your favourites. Right now I try to eat at least around 200g carbs a day when i'm exercising and my calories intake per day is around 1800. It can be extremely challenging to keep track when I'm travelling so I bring some energy bars with me wherever I go. Just in case I can't find food!
Also I don't cook fancy meals everyday. Today is one of those days that I don't have time to prepare my meals because I have quite a bit of work to do before my Japan trip so I was mostly on my computer all day working. Sometimes I prep my meals for a few days so that it is more time efficient. One more thing! This is how I eat on that particular day. I am just giving you an idea of what I eat one that one day. You can always change it up, make it more delicious or eat out. haha. :)
Hope you enjoyed this video! Also in regards to losing weight, i've talked about being on calories deficit and tracking macros to lose weight in one of my older videos. I got a lot of comments that is unhealthy to count calories. The truth is if you are losing weight you ARE on calories deficit (whether you count your calories or track your macros or not). The reasons why some of us count calories and track macros is because we want to minimise muscle loss, especially in the fitness industry. We want to keep as much muscles as we can while cutting. Also being too low in deficit will probably cause more muscle loss than intended so keeping track of calories and macros helps with that. Hope all that makes sense. :)
As always thanks so much for watching! Appreciate the support!
The curry chicken recipe:
1 onion
2 tsp of garlic
A couple of tablespoons of Mild Curry Powder (3-5)
1kg of chicken breast
100g Coconut milk
1 can of diced tomato or 400g of tomatoes
I stir fry the onion first, add garlic, then add the mild curry spices. You can add more spices later if it's not spicy enough.
After that I add the chicken breast and cook it until it turn white. Add a can of tomatoes and let it cook for 20 minutes or so, or until the sauce thicken. Then I add 100g of coconut milk. Then let it simmer for 10 mins or so. That's it! Super simple!
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This video is sponsored by Lifesum