Digital Cover of my band Harbor Homme’s upcoming song “24/7 Mind”. Artwork by me 🎨😝. We living in this non stop world, it’s insane how much has changed in such a short time. Back then you could just let the house phone ring and pretend you wern’t home 😂. Now theres this brick thats nearly literally connected to you- keeps you wired all day, all night. Work never stops, you’re on standby, always stressed, always ready. I wonder how humans will evolve to adapt to this. And you know one day someone is gonna hack “Never gonna give you up” into your neuralink literal “headphones” and #elonmusk will be laughing his ass off. Before that happens though, you’ll have to choose to give us a listen 😂.
#music #originalmusic #albumcover #digitalcover #band #hkband #harborhomme #newmusic #mymusic #247 #247mind
[Yahoo奇摩新聞] 瑞克艾斯里重現經典「瑞克搖」 爆紅35年迷因《Never Gonna Give ...
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[MF變型男] 《Never Gonna Give You Up》時隔35年迷因神曲「瑞克搖」重製版 ...
[橙新聞] Rick Astley重唱洗腦神曲《Never Gonna Give You Up》 還原經典MV ...
[頭條日報 Headline Daily] Rickroll 2022|Rick Astley拍攝保險廣告神還原《Never Gonna Give ...
[PassionTimes 熱血時報] 《Never Gonna Give You Up》經典再現保險廣告邀Rick Astley親自 ...
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【真·HD重製版】 保險公司InsurAAAnce邀請Rick Astley做廣告,重新錄製了《 Never Gonna Give You Up 》 ... <看更多>