2017《世界核能產業現狀報告》說到,「報告已敲醒鐘,辯論已然結束。世界能源的優先選擇順序上,核電將被太陽和風力所取代。這並非夢想或推估,而已成為現實」。而根據2020《世界核能產業現狀報告》全球能源發展的整體趨勢呈現為再生能源持續有突破性發展,核電則不論在發電量增長、發電占比或是發電成本上,皆 #不敵再生能源。
✅ 均化成本:核電已比風、光貴將近4倍
根據金融諮詢和資產管理公司拉札德(Lazard)2019年的能源技術成本報告,太陽光電的均化成本(註1)從2010年每度電 0.359美元降至2019年0.041美元(USD/KWh),降幅89%;風電從每度電0.135美元降至0.04美元,降幅70%;核電成本十年來則上升了26%,從每度電0.123美元漲至0.155美元,已比風、光貴將近四倍。
✅ 投資金額:全球再生能源投資金額是核電的10倍
✅ 就業人數:未來再生能源就業人口是核電的36倍
✅ 平均建置期:核電比風跟光多花2倍時間
根據五位能源學者分析123個國家的數據後共同發表的報告《對照追求再生電力、核電國家間的減碳排放量差異》(註4),核電的平均前置期為 90 個月,風力和光電僅為 40 個月。因此在投資同樣金額之下,再生能源比易受延宕的核電更能迅速地減少碳排放。
✅ 碳排放量:核電碳排最高將達到再生能源的10至18倍
史丹福大學環境工程學系教授Mark Jacobson的研究報告指出(註5),將不同電力來源生命週期,包括採礦、燃料製造、電廠營運到後端除役與廢料處理過程之碳排都完整計入時,核電的碳排放量將高出再生能源10到18倍。另一個匯集分析了103份核電生命週期碳排的研究(註6)則指出,每度核電的平均碳排約為66克二氧化碳當量,相較之下太陽光電是32克二氧化碳當量、離岸風力則是9克二氧化碳當量。
✅ 發電佔比:再生能源占比超越核電
✅ 裝置容量年成長:風和光是核電的65倍
✅ 國際能源總署的評估:再生能源減碳貢獻遠超過核電
註1:均化成本(Levelized Cost of Energy)用來計算發電設備壽命週期內的平均發電成本,包括投資、運轉與維護、燃料及除役成本,是評估電力技術競爭力的基本指標。
註2:《2020世界核能產業現狀報告》”World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2020” https://www.worldnuclearreport.org/-World-Nuclear-Industry-Status-Report-2020-.html
註3:國際再生能源總署(IRENA)- " Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050 "
註4:《對照追求再生電力、核電國家間的減碳排放量差異》(Differences in carbon emissions reduction between countries pursuing renewable electricity versus nuclear power)https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344482658_differences_in_carbon_emissions_reduction_between_countries_pursuing_renewable_electricity_versus_nuclear_power
註5:”Evaluation of Nuclear Power as a Proposed Solution to Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Energy Security” https://web.stanford.edu/group/efmh/jacobson/Articles/I/NuclearVsWWS.pdf
註6:"Energy Balance of Nuclear Power Generation" https://www.energyagency.at/fileadmin/dam/pdf/publikationen/berichteBroschueren/Endbericht_LCA_Nuklearindustrie-engl.pdf
註7:"Net Zero by 2050 - A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector" https://iea.blob.core.windows.net/assets/beceb956-0dcf-4d73-89fe-1310e3046d68/NetZeroby2050-ARoadmapfortheGlobalEnergySector_CORR.pdf
net zero carbon emissions 在 ITRI Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is now a global goal and a formidable challenge. Dr. Alex Y.M. Peng, ITRI’s Executive Vice President, explains ITRI’s commitment to assisting Taiwan in achieving this goal from four aspects: zero-carbon power generation, low-carbon/zero-emission manufacturing, changing consumer and user behaviors, and CO2 capture and reuse. ITRI has been developing multiple low carbon technologies based on these sectors, and these innovations can fuel industries in transforming towards a net zero circular economy.
Read the full article on ITRI Today Summer Issue 2021.
✅ITRI TODAY is ITRI's quarterly English publication. Subscribe for free: www.itri.org/itritoday/subscription
net zero carbon emissions 在 ITRI Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文
#Sustainability has always been an important topic for ITRI. In March, we launched the Net Zero and Sustainability Strategy Office, aiming to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Our strategy focuses on four aspects: zero-carbon energy generation, low/zero-carbon manufacturing, end user behavior change, and CO2 capture and reuse. We will continue to reduce emissions across our operations and support Taiwan to achieve net zero.
net zero carbon emissions 在 What does net zero emissions mean? | Explainer - Climate ... 的相關結果
'Net zero emissions' refers to achieving an overall balance between greenhouse gas emissions produced and greenhouse gas emissions taken out ... ... <看更多>
net zero carbon emissions 在 What is net zero? | National Grid Group 的相關結果
Put simply, net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the ... ... <看更多>
net zero carbon emissions 在 Net Zero Coalition | United Nations 的相關結果
Put simply, net zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere, ... ... <看更多>