#1. Precipitous Prayers: Trail to National Treasure Nageiredō ...
Ascetic monks pray at the Nageiredō in Tottori Prefecture on April 18, 2017. The steep trail leading to the precariously perched hall, ...
#2. #nageiredō - अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् | Facebook
Nageire-dō. hall of Sanbutsu-ji temple in Misasa, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Nageiredō; Nageiredo; Nageire Hall. In more languages. Spanish.
#4. Japan's Most Dangerous National Treasure. Mt Mitoku and ...
... ardent worshippers, most of whom come to see that most famous of all Sanbutsu-ji's buildings, the Nageiredō Hall, a national treasure.
Sanbutsu-ji (三仏寺, Sanbutsu-ji) is a Buddhist temple in the town of Misasa, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. The Nageire Hall (投入堂, Nageire-dō) of ...
#6. Mitokusan Sanbutsuji Temple - Japan- Travel
The most extraordinary part of this temple is Nageiredō, a wooden prayer hall built into the mouth of a cave on a sheer precipice of the mountain.
#7. Nageire-dō Map - Tottori, Japan - Mapcarta
English: Nageire Hall; English: Nageiredo; English: Nageiredō; Japanese: 三仏寺奥院; Japanese: 三仏寺投入堂; Japanese: 三仏寺蔵王殿; Japanese: 投入堂 ...
#8. Mitokusan - SAN'IN -Tottori and Shimane
This mountain temple has what is most likely the most dangerous national treasure in the entire country, the Oku no in (“inner sanctuary”) of Nageiredō.
#9. Category:Nageire Hall, Sanbutsuji - Wikimedia Commons
... 鳥取県三朝町にある三徳山三仏寺の奥院; bâtiment de Misasa, Tottori, Japon; Kultstätte in Japan; Nageiredō; Nageiredo; Nageire Hall; ...
#10. Japan's Local Treasures on Twitter: "Brave a rocky and slippery ...
Brave a rocky and slippery mountain path to view the extraordinary Nageiredō, a prayer hall built into the side of Tottori's Mt. Mitoku.
The Nageiredō temple dating from the Heian period (794-1192) is classified as a Japanese national treasure. A legend tells us that a pilgrim monk with ...
#12. Report on restoration work at the Okunoin (Nageiredō ... - BCIN
Report on restoration work at the Okunoin (Nageiredō), a National Treasure designated by the Japanese Government, and 3 other buildings of the Sanbutsuji Temple ...
#13. Stamp: Mt. Mitoku Sanbutsu-ji Nageiredō (Japan 2020) - TouchStamps
Stamp:Mt. Mitoku Sanbutsu-ji Nageiredō (Japan 2020) 4th National Treasures Series (1st issue) , Topic: Architecture Buildings.
#14. Các công viên quốc gia ở Chugoku và Shikoku - iSenpai
Nageiredō tại Sanbutsuji được dựng lên vào cuối thời Heian (794-1185), nằm ở rìa của một vách đá và chỉ có thể đi lên bằng một con đường hẹp ...
#15. Top 10 Best Observatories in Kagamino, 岡山県, Japan - Last ... - Yelp
Kagamino Arts & Entertainment Observatories · All · Nageiredō yōhaijo · Yumeminato Tower · EGRET HIMEJI · 1 of 1 · Can't find the business?
#16. Nageiredo: Der schwebende Tempel - Asienspiegel
... einer 3 Tonnen schweren Glocke sowie eine zusätzliche Halle erwarten die Pilger bevor sie die perfekte Sicht auf die Nageiredō erhalten.
#17. 三徳山 三朝温泉
・Discovering Nageiredō during your pilgrimage puri es your spirit. ・昭和風情を残す町並みや登録有形文化財. ・大綱引きジンショを. 体験することで童心に帰る.
#18. Subject Heading | Research Catalog | NYPL
Kokuhō. File 85, Fugen Bosatsu. Kokuhō. File 86, Sanbutsuji, Nageiredō. Text; Tōkyō : Shōgakkan, 2018. 2018; 1 item ...
#19. 日本(鸟取县)名胜古迹一览
... 名胜天然记念物(名胜,特别名胜鸟取県)” (日语)。 文化事务局。已检索6月26日 2020. ^ 三仏寺奥院(参与堂) [Sanbutsuji Okunoin(Nageiredō)](日语)。
#20. List of Places of Scenic Beauty of Japan (Tottori) - Wikipedia-on-ipfs
Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 26 June 2020. 三仏寺奥院 (投入堂) [Sanbutsuji Okunoin (Nageiredō)] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs.
#21. The Rough Guide to Japan - Google 圖書結果
Nageiredō, nestling under an overhanging rock and balanced precariously onstilts whichgrip thecliff face below, is an incrediblefeatof engineering, ...
#22. Foguangsi on Mount Wutai: Architecture of Politics and Religion
803 The Nageiredō structure was built around the 12th century, late Heian period. Nonetheless, the tradition of.
#23. List of Historic Sites of Japan (Tottori) - Wikiwand
Site Municipality Type Ref Kajiyama Kofun; 梶山古墳; Kajiyama kofun Tottori 1 5 Mount Mitoku; 三徳山; Mitoku‑san Misasa 3 10 Sanmyōji Kofun; 三明寺古墳; Sanmyōji kofun Kurayoshi 1 11
#24. Liste over steder med naturskøn skønhed i Japan (Tottori)
三 仏 寺 奥 院 (投入 堂) [Sanbutsuji Okunoin (Nageiredō)] (på japansk). Agentur for kulturelle anliggender. Hentet 26. juni 2020.
#25. Lys van historiese plekke van Japan (Tottori) - Ensiklopedie
Werf Gemeente Tik Verw Kajiyama Kofun; 梶 山 古墳; Kajiyama kofun Tottori 1 5 Mount Mitoku; 三 徳 山; Mitoku‑san Misasa 3 10 Aoki‑werf; 青木 遺跡; Aoki iseki Yonago 1 15
#26. Tottori — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme ...
2018); Misasa – Où se trouve le mystérieux temple de falaise Mitokusan Nageiredō et une source chaude sympa. (dernière mise à jour fév.
#27. 三朝町で人気の民泊・民宿・ゲストハウス50選 | StayList - 2
家族向け/子供可. ビジネス向け/ビジネス施設. バリアフリー. 駐車場. 三徳山皆成院 投入堂に最も近い宿です。 Nageiredō Nearest inn. Airbnb. ¥7,606/ 泊. 4.33 (3).
#28. Daftar Tempat Pemandangan Indah Jepang (Tottori)
^ 三 仏 寺 奥 院 (投入 堂) [Sanbutsuji Okunoin (Nageiredō)] (dalam bahasa Jepang). Badan Urusan Kebudayaan. Diakses 26 Juni 2020.
#29. Japanese Architecture | Parisworkingforart -
Built in 1053. Ujigami Shrine, Uji, Kyoto Built in 1060. Pagoda of Ichijō-ji, Kasai, Hyōgo Built in 1171. Nageiredō of Sanbutsuji, Misasa, Tottori ...
#30. Outpost: A Journey to the Wild Ends of the Earth - Google 圖書結果
I'm told that the priests of Sanbutsu-ji proudly refer to Nageiredō as 'Japan's most dangerous National Treasure' but I think they're selling it short.
#31. Liste des sites historiques du Japon (Tottori) - Encyclopédie
三 仏 寺 奥 院 (投入 堂) [Sanbutsuji Okunoin (Nageiredō)] (en japonais). Agence des affaires culturelles. Récupéré 27 août 2012.
#32. Japonya'nın Tarihi Yerlerinin Listesi (Tottori)
Arşivlenen orijinal 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde. Alındı 27 Ağustos 2012. ^ 三 仏 寺 奥 院 (投入 堂) [Sanbutsuji Okunoin (Nageiredō)] (Japonca).
#33. 일본 사적 일람 (돗토리)
대지 지방 자치체 유형 Ref 미 토쿠 산; 三 徳 山; 미 토쿠 씨 미사 사 3 10 퓨즈 고분; 布 勢 古墳; 퓨즈 고분 돗토리 1 29 산인도; 山 陰道; 산인도 이와 미 6 33
#34. Listahan ng Mga Makasaysayang Lugar ng Japan (Tottori)
Lugar Munisipalidad Uri Ref Kajiyama Kofun; 梶 山 古墳; Kajiyama kofun Tottori 1 5 Bundok Mitoku; 三 徳 山; Mitoku‑san Misasa 3 10 Site ng Aoki; 遺跡; Aoki iseki Yonago 1 15
#35. 일본의 역사 유적 목록(돗토리) - 요다위키
三仏寺奥院 (投入堂) [Sanbutsuji Okunoin (Nageiredō)] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 27 August 2012.
#36. Tottori (prefecture) - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and ...
2018); 35.4167 133.867 4 Misasa (三 朝) – Most famous for the Mitokusan Nageiredō, an old temple built on the side of a cliff. No one knows exactly how this ...
#37. Mt. Mitoku and Mt. Daisen: Unique History and Culture ...
National treasure Nageiredo is situated on a nearly 500-meter-high cliff. The small building sticking out from its left.
#38. Nagoro, la misteriosa aldea de Japón donde los que se ... - BBC
Hace 60 años Nagoro tenía cientos de habitantes, había trabajadores, niños, vida. Pero ya queda muy poco de eso. BBC Mundo recorrió un ...
nageiredō 在 #nageiredō - अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् | Facebook 的美食出口停車場
要近距離觀賞建在懸崖峭壁上的日本國寶「投入堂」,就只有沿著陡峭的山路往上爬,有些路段或者稱不上為山路,因為崎嶇得要用雙手協助,有如攀山一樣。 ... <看更多>