【無師自通】狗狗的智商向來是大眾討論的話題之一,甚至有狗狗能像人類一樣聰明,應對身邊事物。 在巴西馬托格羅索州有一隻美國獵狐犬,更懂得按門鈴並等待家人開門。
資料與圖片來源:Mato Grosso da Zoeira@facebook
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巴西空軍「超級大嘴鳥」(A-29 Super Tucano)輕型攻擊機,在本周7日於巴西「馬托格羅索州」(Mato Grosso)邊境擊落一架企圖越境的不明飛機,巴西警方和軍隊到擊落現場發現,機上載有一批200公斤的「高純度」古柯鹼毒品,研判企圖從玻利維亞越境運毒,而駕駛員則下落不明
mato grosso 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
去年一月底在柏林的新媒體藝術節 transmediale - festival for art and digital culture berlin 做開幕演出時,每年這時節都有長達一週以上的音樂活動、新媒體裝置展覽。
這件聲音裝置作品名為《You Will Go Away One Day But I Will Not》,在柏林的植物園展出,可能是最近在家的日子變多了,與我的植物相處時間變長了,才回想起這件令人深刻的作品。
巴西藝術家Maria Thereza Alves 和音樂家Lucrecia Dalt在柏林植物園 (Botanic Garden),展示新的委託創作「你有一天會離開但我不會」。 觀眾被邀請戴著耳機穿過熱帶溫室,頭戴式追蹤器跟蹤每個人的動作與地域範圍,以產生個性化的雙聲道體驗,通過這個熱帶溫室中的沉浸式裝置,Alves 和 Dalt 試圖為森林的各種聲音—— 有機和無機、人類和非人類、虛構與真實之間,而打開一個新的對話空間,同時也訴說著它們曾被歐洲殖民者噤聲和抹滅的歷史。自 1980 年以來,藝術家Alves 一直與巴西Jaguapiru保留地的瓜拉尼人(Guarani)一起工作,並透過藝術行為來發聲。
音樂家Dalt 使用來自其眾多的聲音、有節奏的序列模式,創作了一個不斷變化的聲音作品,其靈感來自森林的動盪、不可預測的性質。 透過這些探索,瓜拉尼的人文多樣性也跟著呈現,它與其他生物及其周圍環境的關係也是如此。
With “You Will Go Away One Day But I Will Not,” Maria Thereza Alves and Lucrecia Dalt presented a new commissioned work at the Botanic Garden Berlin that considered the Western practice of using Western scientific nomenclature to name plants worldwide. The audience was invited to walk through the tropical greenhouse wearing headphones that tracked each user’s movements to generate individualised binaural sonic experiences. Through this immersive installation in the tropical greenhouse, Alves and Dalt attempted to open a space for the multifarious voices of the forest—organic and inorganic, human and non-human, speculative and lived—while also pointing to their silencing and erasure by European colonists. Having worked with the Guarani people of the Jaguapiru Reservation in Dourados in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil since 1980, Alves has been part of a conversation around practices of naming. Using rhythmically sequenced patterns from its many voices, Dalt composed a constantly-shifting sound piece inspired by the turbulent, unpredictable, multiplicitous nature of the forest. Through these explorations, the complexity of Guarani thought emerged, as does its relationality to other beings and their surroundings.
#CTMfestival 2020