Doctor pun!
Sorry, long post-pun-competition-post incoming! (tongue twister intended)
Ayyy! My pun set video is up for your perusal! Thanks to Tham Joon Hi the husband broski and my eternal support hero who took the trouble to record my skit and had to stand-up for hours for his wife's stand-up. *ba dum tss* I honestly wouldnt've made it up there on stage if it wasn't his faith in me (and my jokes). Thanks for thinking I'm funny, even when I think I'm not. Sometimes it only takes one person to believe in you and it makes all the difference in the world :)
A lot of people came up to me after the show ended, asking me if I'm really a doctor. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on whose point of view) I am. Though, I must say, I was slightly flattered with that question because it meant I totally blended in. In my experience people tend to have this certain level of reverence and reserved attitude when they find out their conversation partner are doctors/professionals and I get absolutely uncomfortable when that happens. Thats why I like being incognito so people don't have reservations when they talk to me :D Well, I guess these are the first step to bridging the gap, that not all doctors are boring people and talk about work.... Oh no, wait. I DID talk about work. If I joke about work, and life IS work, therefore by mathematical deduction does this mean my life.. is a joke? *sudden clarity* anyway
The actual reason I signed up for this is not to win but to conquer my social anxiety, which has worsened since I left home to work abroad, and has occasionally taken a toll on my daily functioning. I blame it all on the toll price hikes! *badumtsss* I used to be active in Toastmaster's and join Public Speaking but all that confidence has long since disappeared. This is my first attempt at a stand-up show since my last table-talk session aeons ago, and i suppose it turned out okay. Maybe I have a 10% discount on stage frights now. I hope I'll be able to do this again in the future :D
Just in case this video is shared around, has reached foreign shores (well, if) and you wonder why my English sounds rather staccato-like and syncopated, that's because I'm a 100% Sabahan, down to the very vestiges of my genetics. And that's just how most of us local Sabahans talk, a symbol of our identity and a talisman of honor. With this I dedicate my performance to my home and motherland, I hope with it I am able to do somehow make my fellow Sabahans proud. I wish you guys were here that night ;_;
Special thanks to fellow doctor colleagues and buddies Izza Arsyika Geowin Solomon and Nicholas Ong who braved through the crowd to see me groan about work. I hope no problems with referrals after this XD
Last but not least, to my fellow punsters who were the most supportive bunch of people in a contest ever, I hope we keep in touch and will get to meet up again one day - for less compuntetive outings XD And my greatest appreciation and thanks to Have Pun Malaysia, Crackhouse Comedy Club KL, One Mic Stand The Bee@Publika and fellow organizers for making this possible. Not only is this a successful event, but you guys have created a safe-haven for pun lovers all over Malaysia. Now we have something punny to look forward to each year :D
May the puns be with us always. We could do with a bit more laughter in this troubled times :')
P.S. I lied. I never wanted to be a surgeon. :p