#巴塞隆拿 #巴塞隆納 #Barcelona #西班牙菜 #Spanishcuisine
#spanishcuisinerecipes #海鮮燉飯Paella #巴塞隆納美食 #jamoniberico #cochinilloasado #番紅花
Hello大家好, 今日為大家介紹是西班牙菜, 這裏一餐就已經試了十多道西班牙菜式, 大家看完影片, 下次到西班牙餐廳, 就會知道如何點菜, 香港開了很多西班牙餐廳越來越多, 當中有貴價的fine dining, 但是平民價錢的西班牙餐廳亦不少, 最重要是你要對西班牙菜色有一定認識,
在你落order的時候, 就會信心十足, 下次約人去Chill, 可以去西班牙餐廳試試, 當然最chill, 是親身來到西班牙吃當地的餐廳吧, 因為一定會較便宜, 如果你暫時未能夠嚟到旅行, 這條影片就是睇咗當去咗, 眼睛去旅行,歡迎你陪我一起來到這裏, 西班牙巴塞隆拿, 一間地道親民的餐廳, Raco De La Vila, 和我一起品嚐十多道傳統地道的西班牙菜式,Are u ready?
Hello everyone. I am introducing Spanish cuisine today. We have tried more than ten Spanish dishes at a meal here. After watching this video, for your next visit to a Spanish restaurant. Sure u will know how to order. Hong Kong has opened a lot of Spanish restaurants. There are expensive fine dining, but there are many Spanish restaurants with lower price. More importantly is that you have a certain understanding of Spanish dishes.U will be more confident when u order.
Next time you go to Chill, you can try a Spanish restaurant.
Of course, the most chill thing is to come to Spain n eat in local restaurants. Because it will be cheaper. But if you are not able to travel for a while This video is to serve u for eyes travel
Welcome to join me here, Barcelona of Spain. Raco De La Vila A very authentic Spanish restaurant,Are u ready? Taste a dozen of traditional Spanish dishes with me.
First of all, Spain is located in the south of Europe, surrounded by the sea on three sides. Seafood has a wide variety of dishes and is one of the key dietary features in the Mediterranean. When you enter the restaurant, the waiter will ask you what you want to drink
It must be Sangria without hesitation, which is the famous fruit wine in Spain.U can make it easily at home. I can show u next time.
Here a big Jar is only 16 Euro. We ordered two big Jar, very delicious.Then we order Tapas. A tapa is an appetizer or snack in Spanish cuisine. Salad is a must.The salad we ordered, with tomatoes, green peppers, eggs, asparagus, lettuce, onions, salmon. For seasonings are olive oil and vinegar, very appetizing.
Olive and tomato toast on the table are free, n tomato toast is a feature of Spanish cuisine.另外一個出名的Tapas, 是西班牙烤章魚, Another famous Tapas is the Spanish grilled octopus.加尼西亞是西班牙一個海產豐富的地方, 來自加利西亞的章魚特別出名軟q中帶點彈牙感 Gallega is a sea-rich place in Spain.
Cook in just a little herbs would be very delicious. Order a bucket of mussels in Europe is the most common and worth eating.
西班牙香煎魷魚, 一定要配西班牙獨有的Aioli醬汁, Spanish fried squid must eat with the unique Aioli sauce in Spain.
Aioli是由生蒜和美乃滋、少少鹽, 調製而成 Aioli is made from garlic and mayonnaise, with little salt.This combination creates a wonderfully complex and refreshing taste......
西班牙伊比利火腿 Spanish Jamon Iberian is so rooted into Spanish culture
The first main course, of course, is the most familiar Spanish Paella.
U can actually using other ingredients than the seafood such as mushroom.這道菜的主角, 就是全球最貴的香料, 番紅花! The main ingredient for cooking Paella is actually most expensive herb in world named Saffron....
西班牙油封鴨腿, 鴨腿必須先用香料和鹽醃過入味 Spanish oil duck leg, duck leg must first be spiced and salted hgh
西班牙油封鴨腿, 鴨腿必須先用香料和鹽醃過入味 Spanish oil duck leg, duck leg must first be spiced and salted
西班牙牛扒切片後, 再以鹽調味, 灑上一塊燒熱的鐵板上 After the Spanish sirloin is sliced, season with salt and sprinkle with a hot iron plate.
任由客人將牛扒放上鐵板幾多秒, 來決定喜歡幾多成熟 Let the guests put the steak on the iron plate for a few seconds to decide how u like your beef
成晚唯一敗筆, 要數這隻烤乳豬, 我們吃慣香港的燒豬 The only failure in the night is to count this roast suckling pig. I am so used to the HK style.
Let me taste the other suckling pig in Barcelona.
烤乳豬一般用未夠兩星期大的小豬, 小豬屠宰後 Roast suckling pigs generally use piglets that are not big enough for two weeks. After slaughtering piglets

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