One of our hot topics is wrinkles during our girls' night out. I feel there is no harm in having wrinkles. A few facial lines can be endearing and add character to your face. But it’s no secret that many of us would prefer to keep them in check by preventing it.
Without medical or surgical intervention, it can be challenging to reverse the appearance of wrinkles once you have them. To date, I’m proud that I haven’t had any Botox, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t when it when I’m older, well let’s see 🧐
I want to share my eight lifestyle factors with you that have helped keep my skin looking healthy and youthful:
1. Moisturiser
A moisturiser acts like a drink of water for your face. Research shows that using a moisturiser containing peptides, hyaluronic acid, and hydrolysed collagen effectively prevents wrinkles from forming or getting deeper.
These days, I can’t live without EstherAction Fineline Cream and EstherAction PDNA Ampoule from @lalamallsg
Check out this potent medical skincare:
EstherAction Fineline Cream
🖤contains 7 peptide mixtures & Adenosine, which effectively strengthen barriers and reduce wrinkles. Peptides, are well known for their high efficacy in improving wrinkles, excellent moisturising effects, and improving & protecting damaged skin.
🖤Acetyl hexaPeptide-8, a BOTOX-like ingredient, has a wrinkle-reducing effect. Safer and easier wrinkle care than Botox injections!
🖤All-day moisturising booster with Hyaluronic Acid. Adds moisture and vitality to improve skin texture. FYI Hyaluronic Acid can contain water 300 to 1000 times its weight!
EstherAction PDNA Ampoule
🖤PDRN Ampoule is a high concentrated ampoule for anti-wrinkle and brightening effect.
🖤5,000 ppm of a high concentration French PDRN is derived from salmon's DNA, which is effectively helps to regenerate aged skin cells to youthful skin.
🖤The cell growth factor is reduced rapidly after the age of 25, the skin loses elasticity. PDRN Ampoule's Liposome Technology encloses active ingredients with a membrane, similar to intercellular lipid in the stratum corneum and effectively delivered to the skin to improve the elastic.
to be continued in my next post...
「liposome dna」的推薦目錄:
liposome dna 在 Maymeility Facebook 的最佳貼文
🎉🎉 Merry Christmas 🎉🎉呢套都係勁多人搶嫁‼️
2日見證 改善毛孔 乾燥 敏感 等等 ... 只係睇到都想帶返屋企試喇 😮😮 全系列都有EFG 生長因子 , 皺紋 凹凸洞 瑕疵 通通講Bye Bye 👋👋
Set 1 🎁
Set 2 🎁
RAWBE Vitalize Cleaning wash 140g
微份子滲透泡泡快速滲入毛孔, 溶解出污垢,去角質層, 潤而不乾, 強力補水鎖水, 敏感肌膚亦可使用!
唔洗唧好多已經捽到好多泡泡,勁舒服又乾淨,洗完又白又滑,適合中意清新感覺既朋友!含EGF 表皮生長因子,有暗瘡印、痘疤、毛孔粗大等等,都非常適合,清潔同時滋養修護!讚!
2⃣ 高效再生保濕液
RAWBE Impregnate Lotion (100ml)
滲透力強, 高效保濕, 用完之後皮膚好滑好滑!尖端技術,將化妝水成分以直徑0.1微米粒子將營養迅速滲透到皮膚底層,鎖住養分,滋潤及帶出透明感持續24小時!
潔面後,按出4﹣6滴在手心, 以指腹輕輕按摩至肌膚完全吸收,再用精華及面霜。
3. 納米透亮再生精華
RAWBE Brilliance Essence30ml
乳白色精華迅速滲透至肌膚底層, 為肌膚灌水, 帶來淨白透亮,納米技術令微份子迅速滲透, 快速成就亮麗剔透既肌膚
化妝水/爽膚水後, 把精華泵2-3次, 均勻搽於整個面部, 有細紋的地方如額頭, 頸紋的地方再重點擦, 之後輕輕按摩至吸收, 再上面霜
4. 細胞再生導入精華
RAWBE Liposome Booster Essence 30ml
清潔肌膚後,取適量的精華液(約擠壓一滴管的量)於臉、頸部,並以指腹輕輕按摩至肌膚完全吸收為止,之後依照平時保養程序上化妝水、 精華液、乳液等。
5. 極緻全效再生霜
RAWBE High Concentration Cream30g
#極級保濕抗皺緊緻提升 #美白淡斑抗氧
#收毛孔嫩滑透白 《美魔女幼滑肌之秘密》
有效形成一層保護膜,鎖住水份及營養,帶黎剔透玲瓏的BB 肌😍高濃度EGF表皮再生因子,只需一粒珍珠size 的份量已足夠,效果可拍得住頂級產品Be10‼️價錢仲平一大截😍
使用方法:潔面、爽膚、精華後,只需一粒珍珠size 的份量均勻搽於面及頸部,也適用於眼部。
🏡香港門市地址:香港尖沙咀加連威老道g squar g17b鋪(即the one 直行2個街口的商場)