【前法國藍帶總監親授 專業法式烘焙課程】
< RISE Bakers 第二期專業烘焙課程 > ——由法國藍帶廚藝學院Le Cordon Bleu前技術總監 Stephane Reinat 以小班形式進行,教授正統法式手工麵包技藝。
課程採國際級標準,全長 144 小時,旨在訓練出藍帶級的專業烘焙師,完成課堂及考試的學員將獲頒證書。
共 15 堂,1個考試,8堂自修實習
或 whatsapp 54227174
第一期學員畢業考試,請來前四季酒店糕餅主廚Gregoire Michaud,及香港烘焙協會副會長鄺振中師傅作為評審:https://www.facebook.com/RISE.Boulangerie/…/454454221594573…
【Professional Baking course by Le Cordon Bleu Technique Director!】
Stephane Reinat, the former technical director of Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Institute, IS NOW IN RISE! In charges of the RISE Bakers' Professional baking course, Stephane adopts international benchmarks and teaches authentic French baking techniques in small class training!
144 hours of professional course equip you with the skills and knowledge to become master bakers and thrive in the industry. Graduates will be awarded RISE certificates too.
Basic Course:
A total of 15 classes, 1 exam, 8 self-study practice sessions
A grand total 144 hours for the full course
Limited seats available as we do small class teaching, don't miss this opportunity!
To learn more, visit https://gotorise.com/product/professional-class/
or whatsapp 54227174
We are honoured to have the former Pastry Chef of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, Mr. Gregoire Michaud, and the Vice President of Hong Kong Bakery and Confectionery Association, Mr. Kwok Chun Chung, to be our examiners in the first Professional Baking Course examination.
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