邊忙著工作還要兼顧兩個娃,當上媽咪後常常一忙就忘了時間,一轉眼就過了一天!平日把焦點100%放在小孩的健康身上,一不小心就忘了自己也需要被照顧。最近生了二寶特別有感,真的要多關照身體的需要,忙碌工作的同時也要按時哺乳,除了三餐飲食之外,時時補充水分是非常非常重要的事!新入手的 #飛利浦超活氧調理機,最近成為我的神隊友!
在家運動可以緩解壓力和保持身心健康,結束後來杯營養滿點的蜂蜜蔬果優酪乳,奢侈的享受一下 #metime.飛利浦隨行杯可直接接上調理機快速攪打,輕鬆完成我的健身特調,陪我到運動空間,新鮮隨享有。我的最愛配方就是準備我喜歡的蔬果,搭配優酪乳和蜂蜜,立即補充營養及運動中流失的水分,大家可以試一試!
飛利浦活氧調理機HR3573立即下單,上網登錄送SNOW FACTORY 優格禮券
官網 https://lihi1.cc/5BhLF
MOMO購物 https://reurl.cc/yEpg8E
#飛利浦會員募集 #飛利浦活氧調理機 #運動成長營
By the way, Philips is now calling on all netizens to join the "Sports Growth Camp". As long as you share your home exercise tips and your beautiful photos, you will have the opportunity to win the Philips Blender! Event website: https://lihi1.cc/Gr7CQ
It's so easy to lose track of time when taking care of two kids, so when trying to make sure my kids eat healthy, I often forget about my own healthy diet and leave all the fruits and veggies to my baby Kali. Especially, as both an active mom and breastfeeding mom, keeping hydrated is a must! That's why having my Philips HR3573 Blender is a must!
Keeping up my physical and mental health always starts with exercise. When I finally get a minute to exercise and enjoy the luxury of #metime, I always prepare a nice cup of my very own Kungfu Momma’s vitality shake, a mixture of healthy fruits and veggies and a touch of honey and yogurt. The ultimate time saver is that the shake can actually be blended in the go bottle accessory that comes with the blender. It’s the best way to replenish water and nourishment after an intense workout. You can try it! The recipe is below!
This blender has a whopping 2L large-capacity glass pot, which can feed all the family members (including myself!) and no matter how fibrous the vegetables (such as carrots and celery) or how hard the ice cubes are, they can all be easily blended. It doesn't become a struggle to feed our baby girl some veggies after all!
After studying its functions carefully, the six star blades, powerful yet energy efficient motor that uses only 950 watts, and 22,000 revolutions per minute, makes whipping that drink in record time easy, while keeping the fruit and veggies nutritious. The stepless speed design of the blender and the pulse function helps make everything so easy. Even when making the shake, baby Kali knows what’s coming and sits right next to me while I prepare the drink. Eventually we all just burst into laughter, because of that contagious smile.
Here’s the Philips Blender HR3573 if you’d like to immediately place an order,
Official website https://lihi1.cc/5BhLF
MOMO shopping https://reurl.cc/yEpg8E
#PhillipsMemberRecruitment #Phillips_taiwan #SportsGrowthCamp
Here are the recipes, let me know what you think!
Kungfu Momma’s vitality drink:
Ingredients list
2 slices of watermelon, a small bowl of blueberries, half a carrot, 150ml yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, 200ml ice cubes
Super nutritious vegetable juice:
Ingredients list
2 kiwis, 2 bananas, 1 celery, half a carrot, 150ml apple juice, 200ml ice cubes
kali 官網 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的最佳貼文
居家防疫也別忘了運動🏋️♀️ 🧘♀️
While y'all are at home staying safe, don't forget to exercise! 🏋️♀️ 🧘♀️
Right after giving birth to Sasa, I got my @MOLLIFIX瑪莉菲絲 gear on and started exercising to lift my spirits up.
團購連結 Check out the gear here:https://lihi1.com/eaKQG
團購日期 Validity: 2021/6/1 - 2021/6/8
(#結帳別忘了輸入專屬折扣碼▶️▶️ SARAH150 ◀️◀️ 可以再折抵150元喔)
(#Don't forget to enter the exclusive discount code at checkout ▶️▶️ SARAH150 ◀️◀️ for a 150NT off)
㊙️The discount code can be used on the whole official website ㊙️
進入6月,莎莎出生一個半月。全家籠罩在擁有兩個寶貝女兒的喜悅,我也第一次能感受凱莉當上姊姊的模樣,全家常常一起膩在家的模樣。懷孕時期就不太離家,所以全城居家 work from home 這件事我也很快能適應,在家中還是有很多活動可以讓生活很美好。
Now that Sasa is six weeks old, we've really been able to experience the joy of have two baby girls with Kali adapting wonderfully to her older sister duties. Even though we're all stuck in the house, we don't really feel like we've had to make too many adjustments because even from our pregnancy we've been pretty much working from home. Exercising has always been a part of our daily lives, so we just picked up where we left off since being pregnant.
其中,很想念大著肚子,每天早上跟凱莉一起的運動時間,還有一回我的瑜伽老師兼好友 RayRay來頂樓幫我上孕婦瑜伽課時,凱莉穿梭我們在瑜珈墊上跟著做的模樣。我就是那時候開始認識 MOLLIFIX的,第一反應是:怎麼那麽好穿???後來有機會知道品牌理念是讓各種身型的亞洲女孩都有好看的運動服可穿,就太開心了,決定生產後選她成為我慢慢恢復運動的服裝選擇,也有機會讓支持我的粉絲們可以一起以優惠的價格,穿同款!
I do miss being pregnant, working out every morning with just Kali, working out with friends like RayRay doing preggie Yoga on the roof, and watching Kali doing downward dog with us. That was the first time I got to know the brand MOLLIFIX. My first impression was, man, this is sooo comfortable!! I love their brand philosophy - "All body types are beautiful" - and they use all Asian models, I love the inclusivity and the Asian pride in their brand. So I decided I definitely wanted to wear MOLLIFIX after birth as well. And now, I have the opportunity to share this awesome brand with all of you!
二寶媽咪的日常,哺乳內衣之外,我會穿 hold me bra 取代內衣,無鋼圈又吸濕排汗真的非常適合現在在家穿著,如果特別要進行一些伸展運動時,則會換上 sporty bra 系列,備著一件挖背雙面運動內衣,可以換心情穿!再備一件森綠色的背部交叉簍空後扣款方便運動後穿脫換洗。全身上下淡紫配套的運動服日常穿就很舒服,孩子一睡著馬上可以抓空檔動一動!綁結背心是我準備全城解禁可以外出穿的,時尚的運動感,搭配長褲要出門開會也可以,搭上短褲就推二寶到附近散步!
For the daily life of a mother of two at home, outside of nursing bras, I'm just wearing "hold me bra" instead of anything else. It's wireless, sweat absorbent, and quick-drying perfect for hanging around the house. If I wanna do more intense exercises and stretching, I'll switch over to the "sporty bra," which depending on my mode, I'll either go for a reversible racerback or a cute forest green criss-cross bra so I can switch off for laundry cycles... You know how much laundry backlog new mommas have... I'm all for looking good, exercising to feel good, especially in my matching periwinkle set, perfect for sleepwear/exercise wear. After this lockdown, I can't wait to sport these cute clothes out and about around the city.
If ya love exercising, if you just love cute sportswear, or want something to lounge around in the house... Yaass the yoga pants era!! I highly recommend it!
Oh yea! For all ya postpartum moms, I especially asked them to include this. Kungfu Momma highly recommends getting this body shaper! A nice nude color that goes with anything and helps you get back into shape. I've got y'all a 70% discount! And for all you lovely fans, there are some items with a whopping 60% discount!
Check it out here! https://lihi1.com/eaKQG
If you have any questions you can send a DM to MOLLIFIX here!
kali 官網 在 紀老師程式教學網 Facebook 的最讚貼文
10 套 Linux 作業系統的比較,以及它們的目標客戶
Linux 一直是我非常推薦給程式設計師使用的作業系統。原因包含:(1) 使用廣泛:不論將來您想走 Android 手機系統,或是嵌入式開發,都與 Linux 沾得上邊。 (2) 開發軟體豐富且免費:由於 Linux 可調整性很高,任何人都可以下載 Linux 引擎,搭配喜歡的軟體,包成類似 Ubuntu、Fedora...所謂的「流通版(Distribution)」問世,所以一直受到程式設計師的青睞。也因此留下大量免費、好用、實驗性質強的程式設計軟體。雖然它們的界面不一定親切好用,不過它們在程式設計上的威力,鐵定是任何作業系統(Windows、Mac OS)都比不上的。
正因為任何人都可以到 Linux.org 官網下載 Linux 引擎,搭配任何你喜歡的套件、桌面,包裝發行,導致 Linux 流通的作業系統族繁不及備載。這讓很多有心跨入 Linux 的人,一開始就面臨「該選哪套 Linux 作業系統才好」的問題。
這篇文章簡介了十種 Linux 流通版,以及它們適合的目標客戶。我將它們重新整理成下方清單,供大家參考:
(1) Ubuntu:簡單、易上手、很多人用。是 Linux 初學者相當推薦的一套入門 Linux 流通版。
(2) Fedora:會將最新版的軟體,在還沒穩定前就包入發行。適合喜歡嘗鮮的玩家。
(3) OpenSUSE:使用與 Red Hat Enterprise Linux、CentOS 等伺服器等級相同的核心,但卻包裝得非常簡單易用。適合喜歡穩定、不找麻煩作業系統的使用者。
(4) Arch Linux:特點是非~常小!除了必要的軟體外,不包含華而不實的任何套件。適合想把 Linux 安裝在 4GB 隨身碟上,到處執行的使用者。
(1) Debian:特點就是穩!缺點就是操作沒有其它 Linux 流通版那麼友善。適合不怕下繁複命令列指令的系統管理員,當成桌機或伺服器系統之用。
(2) Red Hat Enterprise Linux:穩定、支援叢集伺服器、雲端運算等企業用得到的特性。很適合拿來架設伺服器。不過想取得這個版本,是要收費的。
(3) CentOS:一套由 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 改造而來、但卻不用收費的 Linux 作業系統。特色也是穩到一個不行。有「萬年不掛伺服器」之美稱。適合想嘗試 Red Hat Enterprise Linux,卻無力負擔花錢購買該 Linux 的人使用。
(1) Gentoo:以支援軟體套件眾多、傲視所有 Linux 作業系統聞名。不過它很要求整套系統要提供原始碼這件事,導致安裝時,常常需要從「原始碼」編譯成「執行檔」後,才能使用。從另一面來看,這會迫使用它的人,培養出從原始碼編出執行檔的能力,也算是蠻好的教育訓練平台。因此,Gentoo 有「學其它 Linux 版本,你就是學會該版本而已。學會 Gentoo,你就學會所有的 Linux」之美稱。
(2) Damn Vulnerable Linux(DVL):從字面上翻譯,就是「他媽的超脆弱 Linux」。這個版本故意裝了老舊、破損、有臭蟲的各種軟體套件。因此你可以拿它來訓練系統管理員,將它修補到穩定為止。
(3) Kali Linux:由 Debian 改寫、前身是「Backtrack」、故意留下各種網路漏洞、讓你拿來訓練駭客「入侵技巧」之用的 Linux。它本身可以直接接受任何 Debian 的軟體,適合拿來做「入侵測試(Penetration Test)」之用。