Tips for all the runners. #2016 #4
How to design an interval workout?
Few variables need to be considered:
→ Length of the work interval
→ Intensity of the effort
→ Duration of the rest interval
→ Number of interval sets
→ The number of work repetitions.
Length of the interval refers to the distance to be covered during the work effort. (Example: >60 secs → Improve aerobic power)
Intensity of the work effort can be monitored from HR per min. It should reach about 85%↔100% of the Maximum HR during interval training.
Time between work efforts is termed the rest interval. It can be consist if light activity such as walking. It is generally expressed as a ratio of the duration of work to rest. (Example 75 sec for 400m, rest equal to 75sec as well. 1:3 or 1:2 for athletes who are not already highly trained.) HR should drop to approximately 120 beats/min near the end of the recovery interval.
A set is a specified number of work efforts performed as a unit. A set may consist of 8 x 400m run with a prescribed rest interval between each run.
A repetition is the number of work efforts within one set. (Number of repetitions and sets performed per workout depends on the purpose of the particular training session and the fitness levels of the athletes involved.
Laursen, P. B., & Jenkins, D. G. 2002. The scientific basis for high-intensity interval training optimising training programmes and maximising performance in highly trained enduranxe athletes. Sports Medicine 32: 53-73.