Note: We are not suggesting that polygamy becomes the lifestyle of every Muslim nor that polygamous relationships are beds of roses. The main purpose of this ... ... <看更多>
Note: We are not suggesting that polygamy becomes the lifestyle of every Muslim nor that polygamous relationships are beds of roses. The main purpose of this ... ... <看更多>
#1. What it's like to be in a polygamous marriage? Muslim ... - ABC
Muslim men can have up to four wives. · Most Muslim marriages are not polygamous. · But each year more than 1,000 men apply for a polygamous union ...
#2. Rethinking Polygamy: Let's Talk About the Consequences
In actual fact, polygamy is not solely practiced in Muslim communities and was a norm in several cultures predating Islam. According to the Qur' ...
#3. Different Types of Marriage in Islam
In societies that practice polygamy, the specific type is polygyny, which is having more than one wife (polyandrous unions, of having more than one husband, are ...
#4. Why does Islam allow polygamy?
The idea that Islam allows polygamy so that men could pursue lust and as an excuse to fulfill sensual desires is a far cry from what Islam actually wishes ...
Islam allows polygamy and permits men, under specific circumstances, to have at most four wives at any given time. Polygamy was customary before Islam and ...
#6. Polygamy is rare around the world | Pew Research Center
Many of the countries that permit polygamy have Muslim majorities, and the practice is rare in many of them. Fewer than 1% of Muslim men ...
#7. Islam and Polygamy: A Case Study in Malaysia - Science Direct
As such. Muslim women are at the forefront in countering Islamic political activists and their use of religion in justifying women's oppression and justifying ...
#8. Some Muslims in US Quietly Engage in Polygamy - NPR
Although polygamy is illegal in the U.S., some Muslim men in America have quietly married multiple wives. No one knows for sure how many ...
#9. LEGAL MODERNISM IN ISLAM: Polygamy and Repudiation
由 SJ Hussain 著作 · 1965 · 被引用 8 次 — In Islamic legal theory the sharia is derived from a high divine source, ... a few texts and a metaphor,20 so also the Muslim law of polygamy and.
#10. Full article: Polygyny in Islam: a call for retrospection - Taylor ...
Therefore, there is no doubt that Islamic law permits polygamy. However, it limits it to a maximum of four contemporaneous wives. A man is not ...
#11. Global Connections . How Many Wives? | PBS
Position Two: Islam allows polygyny because it can be positive. Position One: Islam restricts or forbids polygyny. The following text is from an editorial ...
#12. There are Worse Things Than Being Alone: Polygamy in Islam ...
discussing approaches to polygyny in Islamic law is important: to exemplify that different Muslims hold different belief systems but are often characterized in ...
#13. Polygamy in Islam: The women victims of multiple marriage
Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, of the Muslim Council of Britain and who is an imam, said in the Koran it stated men were allowed to take more than one ...
#14. Lessons from Islamic Polygamy - Washington & Lee University ...
Fall 9-1-2007. Lessons from Islamic Polygamy: A Case for Expanding the. American Concept of Surviving Spouse So As to Include De Facto. Polygamous Spouses.
#15. Marriage and Divorce in Islamic and Mormon Polygamy
Islam and Mormonism provided these safeguards by regulating how parties entered polygamy and by allowing women to initiate di- vorce. I. IntroductIon. In the ...
#16. 4 Women and the Question of Polygamy in Islam*
Polygamy in Islam*. INTRODUCTION. In general, Western studies on Muslim women in Muslim societies have shown a tendency to assume that non-Western cultures ...
#17. What kind of woman is willing to share her husband? - Muslim ...
In today's industrial society, it is impossible to observe the conditions laid down by the scriptures.” Polygamy, he points out, predates Islam and was ...
#18. Polygamy: As Supreme Court decides on banning it, here's
For Muslims, polygamy draws its validity from Chapter 4 of the Quran. Its verses allow men to marry “two or three or four” women, but ask them ...
#19. Section 23. Polygamy. (ISLAMIC FAMILY LAW ENACTMENT ...
Polygamy. (1) No man, during the subsistance of a marriage, shall, except with the prior permission in writing of the Syariah Judge, contract another ...
#20. Why American Muslims don't care to legalize polygamy.
Many Muslim women, of course, are frankly relieved that the law of the land forbids husbands from taking multiple wives. But Muslim religious ...
#21. A man 'cannot do that to a woman': Why polygamy in ... - CBC
The majority of Muslim jurists say a Muslim man is permitted to take up to four wives, but only if he can treat them all fairly and with justice ...
#22. Polygamy in Islam: Cultural Pressures and - ProQuest
In Pakistan, like many other Muslim countries, religion is the major support taken by men for practicing polygamy along with other cultural justifications.
#23. "Polygyny in Islam" by Rachel Jones - DigitalCommons ...
Polygyny is an institution that has been misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misused. These faults have been with both Islamic communities and with their ...
#24. polygamy - Indian Kanoon
status after marriage; (2) restrictions are placed upon the polygamy of pre-Islamic times, and a controlled polygamy under exceptional .
#25. Islam, polygamy and family planning in Nigeria - PubMed
PIP: This refutes the belief common in Nigeria that Islam enjoins its adherents to be polygamous and thereby, indirectly, to procreate many children.
#26. Why Does Islam Allow Polygamy? | The Review of Religions
Consequently, there is an increase in the number of widows and orphans. For such situations, Islam gives the provision of polygamy, so that the ...
Secara teoritis, ketentuan poligami telah diatur dalam kitab-kitab fiqh yang sejak lama telah dipedomani oleh seluruh umat Islam di dunia.
#28. Polygamy in Islam Paperback – January 1, 2006 -
Polygamy in Islam [ABU AMEENAH BILAL PHILIPS AND JAMEELA JO] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Polygamy in Islam.
#29. Quran on polygyny - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
When Islam began, unrestricted polygyny was rampant and there was no moral code to safeguard the rights of the wives. The Quran recognises that, ...
#30. "Ways of knowing" : Islamic customs of polygamy, veiling and ...
Abstract. This research was grounded in the writer's assumption that Islam—with its polygamy and veiling practice—and feminism were not compatible.
#31. Why Did Muhammad Have So Many Wives? - IslamOnline
Islam didn't invent polygamy; Islam only made polygamy more humane, instituting equal rights for all wives. And even so, Muslim women are not forced to accept ...
#32. Polygamy in Islamic Jurisprudence and the Law of Indonesia
Polygamy in Islamic Jurisprudence and the Law of Indonesia | حكم تعدد الزوجات في الفقه الإسلامي والقانون الإندونيسي.
#33. The Changing Face of Polygamy in Contemporary Malaysia
Under Malaysia's existing Islamic Family Law, Muslim men are allowed to practice polygyny – a form of polygamy (multiple marriage) in which one ...
#34. Protecting Muslim Women against Abuse of Polygamy in ... - Brill
Polygamy, Family, Muslim men, Islamic Family Law, Malaysia. Introduction. Writings and studies on polygamy1 are nothing new in the area of Islamic. Law.
#35. Polygamy is not a Muslim problem | Samia Rahman - The ...
Don't get me wrong, I am a fierce opponent of polygamy and can think of not one harmonious or happy polygamous marriage. Generally polygamous ...
#36. (PDF) Why Is Polygamy Permissible in Islam? - ResearchGate
In the end, it was deduced that polygamous marriage in Islam and even in other religions such as Judaism and Christianity is something aiming at ...
#37. Concept of Justice in Polygamy from Mohammad Quraish ...
Some researches on polygamy in Islam had been done by Islamic Scholars, either through the study of texts or field study with grounded research approach.
#38. Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia
women, some people still conduct it and believe that polygamy is sunnah (the manner or deeds of Muhammad) and part of syariah (Islamic law).
#39. Poly Frequently Asked Questions: Part 1 -
Polygamy is that hot topic that no one can get enough of, ... it is rare to hear from Muslim men and women who are actually living it in ...
#40. Punishment for Polygamy Doer in The Perspective of Islamic ...
servants doing polygamy in terms of Indonesian regulation and how the punishments given for civil servants in terms of Islamic. Marriage Law/fiqh are.
#41. Breaking the Perceptions of Islamic Monolithism - University of ...
26 An Introduction to Polygamy, supra note 19. 27 Muhammad S. al-Munajjid, Plural marriage and fair treatment of co-wives,. ISLAM QUESTION & ...
#42. Does Islam Call for Muslim Men to Oppress Women with ...
Why can Muslim men marry four wives? Does Islam call for Muslim men to oppress women with polygamy? This video explores the context, ...
#43. Survey finds 70 per cent of Malaysian Muslim women believe ...
A common complaint in the 176 polygamy-related divorce cases handled by Telenisa, the legal aid clinic run by Sisters in Islam, was that men had ...
#44. Polygamy is Not an Islamic Tradition - Wahid Foundation
As is already well known, the practice of polygamy was widely practiced before Islam. It was deemed normal for men to take as many women as a wife as he wanted, ...
#45. Polygamy in Traditional and Contemporary Islamic Law
Polygamy, one of the pillars of a patriarchal society, has always been considered a fundamental right of a Muslim husband sanctioned by the Qur'an itself.
#46. On 'Muslim Law Permits Polygamy', A High Court Ruling On ...
"The Muslim law, as forced in India, has considered polygamy as an institution to be tolerated, but not encouraged, and has not conferred upon ...
#47. An Overview of Modern Statutes on Polygamy under Muslim ...
An Overview of Modern Statutes on Polygamy under Muslim Law. Md. Khurshid Alam*. Dr Muhammad Ekramul Haque**. Islamic law allows a man to marry up to four ...
#48. INTRODUCTION - Berghahn Books
In Malaysia, the right to polygamy is based on Islam, which con- ditionally allows a man up to four wives. This right is regulated by the Islamic Family Law ...
#49. Polygamy: An Islamic Perspective
Let's now review the verse cited as evidence by those who believe that polygamy is mandatory in Islam, which is: “And if you fear that you will ...
#50. 7. The Many Wives of Ahona: Christian Polygamy in Islamic ...
7. The Many Wives of Ahona: Christian Polygamy in Islamic Society. From the book Between Christ and Caliph. Lev E. Weitz. https:// ...
#51. Myths about Islamic polygamy | Qrius
This is not so. If you dig deeper into the history of the religion you will find that polygamy is generally anathema to Islam too. Polygamy only ...
#52. Polygamy in Islam Conditions and Advantages
Islam allows polygamy on three basic conditions: (1) Preservation of the purity and cordiality of family life so that it may not become the cause of disruption ...
#53. Polygamy (Multiple wives) in Islam by Khalid Yasin - YouTube
#54. Tanzania: Zanzibar Leaders Discuss Polygamy Challenges
POLYGAMY is practiced in many communities across the globe but much more common in Muslim communities. Under Islamic marital jurisprudence, ...
#55. Women, Islam and Everyday Life: Renegotiating Polygamy in ...
This book examines Islam and women's everyday life, focusing in particular on the highly controversial issue of polygamy. It discusses the competing ...
#56. Countries Where Polygamy Is Legal 2022 - World Population ...
Country Details 2022 Population Afghanistan Polygyny legal for up to four wives 40,754,388 Angola Technically illegal, but still practiced 35,027,343 Bahrain Polygyny legal for up to four wives, but rare 1,783,983
#57. Ibn Taymiyya's Fatwas on Polygamy in Medieval Islam | Nasir
Ibn Taymiyya's Fatwas on Polygamy in Medieval Islam. Mohamad Abdun Nasir * State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Mataram, Indonesia
#58. The wisdom of polygamy legislation in Islam & - SlideShare
8. 3.1 Regarding to this Sentence, The religion of Islam did not eliminate the custom of Polygamy, but rather reformed it. The reform was as follow: ...
#59. Polygamy not a God-given right to Muslims - Malaysiakini
Ever since the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 was implemented in 1982, non-Muslim men are legally forbidden to practice polygamy ...
#60. Third ISA Forum of Sociology (July 10-14, 2016)
How Does Polygamy Challenge Islamic Feminism? ... support of patriarchal religions like Islam, with the goal of attaining gender equality.
#61. Lost Voices: Chinese Muslim Modernists and the Issue of ...
Chinese Muslims did not have a homogenous attitude towards polygamy. Though Islamic doctrine would certainly influence how Chinese Muslim ...
#62. Polygamy - UK Parliament
1.2 Polygamous marriages which take place in the UK: not legally valid ... Muslim marriages would be to prohibit informal polygamy.
#63. Women's Rights in Islam Regarding Marriage and Divorce
Muslim women--Legal status laws etc., Women's rights--Religious aspects--Islam, ... Historically, the practice of polygamy existed before Islam without ...
#64. What Is Polygamy? - Verywell Mind
Polygamy is a type of marriage that involves marrying more than one ... According to Islamic doctrine, a man is allowed to have up to four ...
#65. Pakistani Entrepreneur's App Helps Muslims Practice ...
Polygamy has always been a thorny topic, so it wasn't surprising when British Muslim entrepreneur Azad Chaiwala came under fire after his ...
#66. Russian Muslim leaders encourage polygamy 'to help women'
Polygamy is illegal in Russia but Ildar Alyautdinov, the mufti of Moscow, said that allowing the custom in Muslim regions would help to ...
Polygamy has been considered one of the pillars of patriarchal society in the Arab and Muslim world for many centuries. During the pre-Islamic era (also ...
#68. Dr. Bilal Philips, profile picture - Facebook
Note: We are not suggesting that polygamy becomes the lifestyle of every Muslim nor that polygamous relationships are beds of roses. The main purpose of this ...
#69. Polygamy, multiple relationships and welfare - Parliament of ...
As noted in the various media reports on this issue, the polygamous 'Islamic marriages' described are not legal marriages but informal ...
#70. Canada's problem with polygamy | The Economist
MENTION polygamy in Canada and what might come to mind is ... of human rights and religious freedom is shifting to Islamic immigrants.
#71. Investigation into how Muslim men can exploit UK benefits ...
It is the huge rise of bigamy (having two wives) and polygamy (more than two) in our Muslim communities. The issue was recently bravely ...
#72. Application for Marriage Requires Court Order / Permission
Polygamy. 2. Application for Underage Marriage. 3. Janda Berhias. 4. Wali Hakim/Raja. 5. Wali Enggan. According to the Islamic Family Laws enforced in all ...
#73. The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 | 6. Polygamy
Polygamy | An Ordinance to give effect to certain recommendations of the ... be registered[under the Muslim Marriages and Divorces (Registration) Act, ...
#74. The polygamy myth | The Indian Express
At the centre of the debate is the belief that Islam encourages polygamy which leads to a spurt in population growth. The reality is that ...
#75. Want 4 Wives? In Indonesia, There's an App for That - The ...
Indonesian Islamic preacher Abdullah Gymnastiar, left, walks with his first wife Ninih, ... Nowadays polygamy is practiced in 50 countries, ...
#76. The Case for Abolishing Polygamy / Polygyny Under Islamic ...
The Case for Abolishing Polygamy / Polygyny Under Islamic Jurisprudence · Al-Krenawi and Graham, “Divorce Among Muslim Arab Women in Israel” [ ...
#77. 'Islam is the pioneer of the concept of family planning … and it ...
The only study on polygamy done by government in 1975 shows that all communities in India are polyamorous and Muslims are the least polygamous.
#78. French Muslim says has mistresses, not a polygamist | Reuters
A French Muslim threatened with being stripped of his passport for practicing polygamy on Monday denied the accusation, saying he had only ...
jects of Islamic family laws – polygamy and the Talaq (unilateral divorce given by the husband) within Islam. It is argued that while the Quran and Sunna.
#80. Reframing polygamy law - The Financial Express
There are debates on whether polygamy is allowed or disallowed in Islam. But many observers are unanimous in their opinion that Islam ...
#81. This Muslim Polygamy Web Site Desires Land A Person Up ...
Helahel since belief of syrian refugees place comparison, the guy only go steady website called polygamy matchmaking. Islamic components ...
#82. Ziad Amir on “Polygamy, Pragmatism, Lust and Love” - Blogs ...
The issue of Muslim polygamy has been a consistent point of contention for critics of Islam since the earliest European polemical writings.
#83. Polygynous Muslim marriages in South Africa - SciELO SA
Islamic law allows women to include protective stipulations against polygyny in their marriage contracts which would entitle the wife to divorce her husband if ...
#84. Muslim Leaders Call for Australia to Recognize Polygamy
Some senior leaders of the Islamic community in Sydney are calling on the Australian government to recognize polygamous marriage on cultural ...
#85. "Polygamy in a Time of Pandemic: Hard Times Ahead" by ...
In Malay polygamy, co-wives often compete for resources that are worryingly ... Polygyny in Islam & Malaysian Islamic Family Law.
#86. Triple talaq hearing begins, SC says won't examine polygamy ...
Triple talaq refers to the Islamic tradition that lets men divorce women by pronouncing talaq thrice. | Latest News India.
#87. Polygamy | WISE Muslim Women
In Islam, monogamy is preferred. Polygamy is only referenced in the Qur'an is in reference to showing compassion towards orphans, not sexual gratification.
#88. Marriage - The Official Portal of the UAE Government
Marriage of non-Muslim can be conducted also. ... Islamic marriage (Sharia marriage) ... Polygamy is allowed as per the UAE's law. A Muslim ...
#89. Germany to clamp down on religious polygamy - DW
Though polygamy is already outlawed in Germany, the newspaper alleged that German authorities "often look the other way" if a Muslim migrant ...
#90. What does the Quran say regarding polygamy? | The Daily Star
While coming to this pragmatic decision the court stated that Muslim jurists and scholars are nearly unanimous on the view that it is practically impossible to ...
#91. 3L Publishes Article Examining Islamic and Mormon Polygamy
Olsen's article, “Marriage and Divorce in Islamic and Mormon Polygamy,” came out of Professor Chibli Mallat's Middle Eastern Law class.
#92. Polygamy in the Light of Maqāsid Al-Sharī'a | Al-Risalah - IIUM ...
Authors. Zonera Ghafoor; Radwan Jamal Elatrash. Keywords: Maqāsid Al-Sharī'a; Polygamy; Women's rights, Sharī'a;. Abstract. Islam provides a ...
#93. Malaysian Muslim women agree on polygamy, but only a third ...
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 — Seven in 10 Muslim women here agree that polygamy is a right accorded to Muslim men, a survey by rights group Sisters ...
#94. Is Feminist Polygamy an Oxymoron or a True Possibility - UC ...
Islamic women have diverse views regarding polygamy and seem to not all view it as detrimental. Muslim women exist who are unequivocally against polygamy, but ...
#95. Faith and polygamy: which religions permit plural marriage?
While the LDS Church has moved away from plural marriage, other faiths permit polygyny. Islam allows men to take up to four wives, ...
#96. a Methodological Review of Siti Musdah Mulia's Legal Thought
The Law of Polygamy in Islam: a Methodological Review of Siti Musdah Mulia's ... Musdah Mulia thought that concluded that polygamy law is haram lighairihi.
islamic polygamy 在 Polygamy (Multiple wives) in Islam by Khalid Yasin - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
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