//Crime is thus created and enforced by authorised agents of the powerful against the powerless in a politically organised society. As a result, the whole, arguably artificial, process of law making, law breaking and law enforcement directly reflects fundamental inter-group conflicts.//
//IThe notion of crime is concerned more with the power of certain people to criminalise the behaviour of those who challenge their interests, than with the criminal behaviour per se. As such, criminality can be regarded as a normal and natural response of groups continuously struggling to improve their standing in society, and convenient labels of crime which seek to deny such improvement are diffused from the powerful class across the different segments of society by various means of communication.//
Society is composed of competing interest groups, and these groups conflict with each other when the goals of one can only be secured by sacrificing the interests of others. In most cases, the state is inclined to define behaviour against the more powerful groups - who usually have wielded considerable political power and control over the legislature and judiciary - as criminal or deviant.
Crime is thus created and enforced by authorised agents of the powerful against the powerless in a politically organised society. As a result, the whole, arguably artificial, process of law making, law breaking and law enforcement directly reflects fundamental inter-group conflicts. In effect, patterns of criminalisation reflect the different degrees of political power wielded by different social groups. The notion of crime is concerned more with the power of certain people to criminalise the behaviour of those who challenge their interests, than with the criminal behaviour per se. As such, criminality can be regarded as a normal and natural response of groups continuously struggling to improve their standing in society, and convenient labels of crime which seek to deny such improvement are diffused from the powerful class across the different segments of society by various means of communication.
The alleged rioters in this case have been driven by political motives or, at least, conducted themselves against a wider political background. Such is the political struggle that is inevitable in and flow from class conflicts. In addition, the very fact that the event has throughout been reported, in a strikingly emotive tone (eg describing the event as a '暴動' right from the start), shows how the mass media, often deployed by the powerful class to diffuse conceptions of crime favourable to themselves, does have a role in shaping the way in which people perceive crime.